Lesson Plan 1 GB Unit

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Teacher Candidate: Miss Oberholtzer Date: January, 25 & 31 2018

Cooperating Teacher: Mr. Dietz Coop. Initials:____________

Group Size: Varies Allotted Time: 40 Minutes (Two Day Lesson) Grade Level: 6th Level
Subject AND Topic: Social Studies & Great Britain Section:_________

I. Objectives and Standards

a. Standard(s): PA Common Core/PDE SAS
i. 7.3.6.A: Describe the human characteristics of places and regions using
the following criteria:
1. Population
2. Culture
3. Settlement
4. Economic Activities
5. Political Activities
ii. 7.2.6.A: Describe the characteristics of places and regions.

b. Performance Objectives:
i. Given a KW chart, the student will be able to think about what they
already know about Great Britain and have time to think about what they
would like to learn about Great Britain.
ii. Given a study guide, the student will be able to read and understand key
terms about Great Britain before we start the notes in the upcoming days.

II. Instructional Materials

a. Teacher:
i. Blank Study Guide (84)
ii. Answer Sheet to the Study Guide
iii. Print out of the PowerPoint notes (84)
iv. Powtoon Video on Great Britain
1. https://www.powtoon.com/online-
v. Computer
vi. Smartboard
vii. World Explorer Eastern Hemisphere Social Studies Book
b. Student:
i. Blank Study Guide (One for each student)
ii. Print out of the PowerPoint notes (One for each student)
iii. Work Explorer Eastern Hemisphere Social Studies Book

III. Subject Matter Explanation

a. Prerequisite Skills
i. The students should know that Great Britain exists, and they might know
where it is located. The information they know could vary.
b. Content & Vocabulary
i. The Tower of London
1. The British Crown Jewels are kept there
2. Crowns are worn by Kings and Queens
3. Diamonds, Rubies, sapphires
ii. Beefeaters: Guards who work at The Tower of London
iii. United Kingdom
1. Population: 59 million
2. Government: Constitutional Monarchy
3. Made up of England, Norther Ireland, Wales, and Scotland
4. Economy: Agriculture: Wheat, barely, potatoes. Industries include
Steele, metals, vehicles, etc.
5. Exports: Manufactured goods, machinery, fuels, chemicals
6. Imports: Manufactured goods, semi finish goods, consumer goods.
iv. Great is still a MONARCHY headed by QUEEN ELIZABETH II. She is
SYMBOL of Britain's past.
v. Magna Carta: "Great Charter" It limits the power of the king and gave the
nobles more power.
vi. Parliament: Helped decided what kind of taxes the citizens would be
paying. It was a group of nobles? Parliament did three things:
1. Decided the kinds of taxes paid by citizens.
2. Elected Representatives
3. It was a true democracy
vii. Four Fact about Queen Elizabeth II
1. She helps unify of bring together the British people.
2. When she is in London, a royal flag is flown over the Buckingham
3. Ceremony -> Changing of the guard
4. Ceremony -> Trumpets Blare/ guardsmen march at the palace.
viii. The Southern part of Ireland became an INDEPENDENT country in the
ix. Most people call the United Kingdom Great Britain because most of the
population live on the island of Great Britain.
IV. Implementation
a. Introduction
i. I will introduce myself very briefly, talk to the students letting them know
that I will be starting the Great Britain Unit with them.
ii. They will answer the Bell Ringer that is on the Smart Board in their
notebooks. The Bell Ringer today is:
1. Which Continent is Great Britain located?
iii. Allow a few minutes to answer the Bell Ringer, we will go over it as a

b. Development
i. I will then ask two students to help me pass out pieces of blank paper to
the students
1. Period 3: 20 copies
2. Period 4: 22 copies
3. Period 5: 21 copies
4. Period 8: 21 copies
ii. I will have the students fold the paper in half to help them create a T
Chart. They will label on side with a K, the other with a W.
1. Have the students think about anything they already know about
Great Britain and then have the students think about what they
want to learn about Great Britain.
2. Allow the students 5 minutes to work on the chart.
iii. After they spend the time on the chart, go over some of the things they
either know about Great Britain or what they want to learn.
iv. Explain that we will be starting the unit on Great Britain and we are going
to watch a quick short video on some fast facts about Great Britain.
1. Before the video starts, tell the students to focus on what the facts
are in the video and this will also help the students think about
what else they would like to learn about Great Britain.
2. https://www.powtoon.com/online-
v. Once the video is over, explain how today they will be reading through
chapter 9 on page 225 and they will be filling out the study guide notes.
They will skip the first section on the countries and captials and we will
come back to them tomorrow.
vi. Pass out the study guides
a. Period 3: 20 copies
b. Period 4: 22 copies
c. Period 5: 21 copies
d. Period 8: 21 copies
2. Allow the students to work in partners for today, HOWEVER warn
the students that if they are unable to work at a quiet volume they
will be returning to their seats and working by themselves for the
remaining of the period.
3. Also remind the students if they are moving their seats that they do
not take the textbook with them.
vii. Explain to the students then when you ring the bell they will have one
minute to move to their seats and start to get to work quietly.
*Walk around and assist students, listen to conversations, the questions they are asking and
answering to themselves and partners, etc.
c. Closure
i. With 5 minutes left of class, have them pull out their KW charts that they
filled out in the beginning of class, have them flip over to the back. Have
them label the top with a "L"
1. Explain the students that you want them to write down two to three
things they learn today before they leave.
2. They MUST turn it in before they leave for the day.

d. Accommodations/Differentiation Plan
i. Period 3:
1. JD, LH, LC, SG, QO – All have the same paraprofessional with
them to help assist throughout the period.
ii. Period 4:
1. SP, GL, BG, LB, BM – All have the same paraprofessional with
them to help assist throughout the period.
iii. Period 5:
1. EM, CS, AW – All have the same paraprofessional with them to
help assist throughout the period.
iv. Period 8:
1. DR – has a paraprofessional with him throughout the period.

V. Assessment of Students
a. Formative:
i. The formative assessment for this period will be the KW chart they are
completing in the beginning of class to activate their prior knowledge.
ii. Walking around listening for questions, thoughts, answers, etc.
iii. Having the students completing the L portion of the KWL chart on the
back of the paper to hand in as an exit ticket will help me assess what they
learned today.
b. Summative:
i. There will be a pencil/paper test at the end of the unit.
VI. Reflective Response

a. Report of Students' Performance in Terms of Stated Objectives (Reflection on

students' performance written after lesson is taught, includes remediation for
students who failed to meet acceptable level of achievement.)

b. Personal Reflection (Questions written before lesson is taught. Reflective answers

to questions recorded after lesson is taught.
i. How did the introduction and the closure activity seem? What can I
improve on for the next time I teach this lesson?

ii. What was my classroom management like for these class periods? Did it
get easier for me throughout the day? Did the students show me respect in
the beginning?

VII. Resources (in APA Format)

Jacobs, H. H., Randolph, B., & Le Vasseur, M. (2003). Eastern hemisphere:
geography, history, culture, Needham, MA: Prentice Hall.
The Powtoon Video was created by myself, the facts I used from Mr. Dietz Notes.

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