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Amanda Iacono

Feb. 26, 2018

Part One
B 1. I would prefer to follow a set of: a. oral directions b. written directions
A 2. I would prefer to: a. attend a lecture given by a famous psychologist
b. read an article written by the psychologist
A 3. When I am introduced to someone, it is easier for me to remember the person’s:
a. name b. face
A 4. I find it easier to learn new information using:
a. language (words) b. images (pictures)
A 5. I prefer classes in which the instructor:
a. lectures and answers questions b. uses films and videos
A 6. To follow current events, I would prefer to:
a. listen to the news on the radio b. read the paper
A 7. To learn how to operate a fax machine, I would prefer to:
a. listen to a friend’s explanation b. watch a demonstration
Part Two
A 8. I would prefer to: a. work with facts and details b. construct theories and ideas
A a. following specific instructions b. reading, writing, analyzing
B 10. I prefer to:
a. solve math problems using a formula b. discover why the formula works
B 11. I would prefer to write a term paper explaining: a. how a process works b. a theory
B 12. I prefer tasks that require me to:
a. follow careful, detailed instructions b. use reasoning and critical analysis
B 13. For a criminal justice course, I would prefer to:
a. discover how and when a law can be used b. learn how and why it became law
A 14. To learn more about the operation of a high-speed computer printer, I would prefer:
a. work with several types of printers
b. understand the principles on which they operate
Part Three
A 15. To solve a math problem, I would prefer to: a. draw or visualize the problem b. study
a sample problem and use it as a model
B 16. To best remember something, I: a. create a mental picture b. write it down
B 17. Assembling a bicycle from a diagram would be: a. easy b. challenging
A 18. I prefer classes in which I:
a. handle equipment or work with models b. participate in a class discussion
B 19. To understand and remember how a machine works, I would:
a. draw a diagram b. write notes
B 20. I enjoy: a. drawing or working with my hands b. speaking, writing, listening
A 21. If I were trying to locate an office on an unfamiliar campus, I would prefer:
a. a map b. written directions
b. a. Including more discussion and group activities b. Allowing students to
work on their own more frequently
Part Four
A 22. For a grade in a biology lab, I would prefer to:
a. work with a partner b. work alone
A 23. When faced with a difficult personal problem, I prefer to:
a. discuss it with others b. resolve it myself
A 24. Many instructors could improve their classes by:
a. Including more discussion and group activities b. Allowing students to work on their
own more frequently
B 25. When listening to a lecturer or speaker, I respond more to the:
a. person presenting the ideas b. ideas themselves
B 26. When on a team project, I prefer to: a. work with several team members b. divide the
tasks and complete those assigned to me
B 27. I prefer to shop and do errands: a. with friends b. by myself
A 28. A job in a busy office is:
a. more appealing than working aloneb. less appealing than working alone
Part Five
A 29. To make decisions, I rely on:
a. my experiences and gut feelings b. facts and objective data
A 30. To complete a task, I:
a. can use whatever is available to get the job done
b. must have everything I need at hand
B 31. I prefer to express my ideas and feelings through:
a. music, songs, or poetry b. direct, concise language
B 32. I prefer instructors who: a. allow students to be guided by their own interests
b. make their expectations clear and explicit
B 33. I tend to:
a. challenge and question what I hear and read b. accept what I hear and read
B 34. I prefer: a. essay exams b. objective exams
B 35. In completing an assignment, I prefer to:
a. figure out my own approach b. be told exactly what to do

As a student with an auditory learning style, I realize that I am able to understand more

when it is explained to me verbally, rather than reading to learn on my own. I have a difficult

time staying focused on reading assignments and would prefer to take notes from a lecture,

rather than learning from visual models.

Students are so diverse in regard to their learning styles. Although there may be some

students with auditory learning styles in your classroom, there are likely students with visual

learning styles in the classroom, as well. It is necessary to instruct taking both learning styles

heavily into consideration, but with auditory vs visual learning styles, it is simple to instruct

both in one. Assigning reading for students to learn is a significant component of higher level

courses and common among most curriculums. This is an effective way for students with a

visual learning style to learn, though, it may be significantly ineffective for students with an

auditory style. As a teacher, discussing main points of a reading in detail and reassuring

students of concepts and important ideas can help students that are more likely to learn by

hearing than reading. Direction such as generating questions and answering them aloud

reassure students with visual learning styles of what they read, and teach students with an

auditory style when they likely did not read.


Although real-life applications are extremely helpful in understanding a concept, having

a conceptual learning style allows me to listen to ideas and concepts and comprehend them

without the additional practical situation.

Teaching students with conceptual learning styles may simply be taken as one less step

to understanding the material. Portraying language and ideas in regard to the lesson may be

efficient enough, and even more useful, than practical examples. Many students, though, have

an applied learning style, causing them to learn more effectively from real-life, practical

examples. Incorporating real-life examples for students who have an applied learning style is

likely to increase success for that specific topic, though for students with a conceptual learning

style, it is not always necessary. A more detailed explanation or more vivid ideas may be

helpful for conceptual learners. Practical, real-life examples are helpful for those who are

conceptual learners, but necessary, or ideal, for applied learners.


Having a spatial learning style allows me to learn more effectively with hands-on

activities. Although I tend to learn well from verbal instruction, I am able to visualize products

and put things together efficiently. Hands-on activities are great visuals that help me to

understand a concept by seeing it and performing it, rather than just hearing it.

Taking into consideration both a spatial and verbal learning style, coordinating the two

may be possible by teaching through language as well as providing visuals. ELL students are

likely to almost always have a more spatial learning style in a classroom with English instruction.

Providing visuals for these students such as pictures, graphs, or objects will increase the

effectiveness in their learning. Additionally, assigning hands-on activities will allow these

students to perceive a greater idea of the concepts and materials being taught.

Having a social learning style allows me to more effectively complete my assigned work

while working with others. Working independently and receiving reassurance from instructors,

or thinking collaboratively with peers significantly improves my motivation and work ethic,

along with the products of my work. Working independently allows for more procrastination

time, as I am not as self-motivated as I would like to be, and I generally just enjoy spending my

time with others.

Providing students multiple opportunities to work together and independently is

necessary for students with social and independent working styles. An ELL student with a more

social learning style would benefit drastically from working in groups, rather than struggling to

work on their own. Also taking into consideration students with a more independent learning

style, working one-on-one with students with a social learning style will allow students with an

independent learning style to complete their work effectively as well as benefit those who are

more likely to succeed while working with someone else. Giving students a choice between

working collaboratively or independently will sufficiently satisfy students with both learning



With a pragmatic learning style, I am more likely to effectively complete my work with a

set of strict guidelines and directions. Although assignments that allow creativity may be more

enjoyable and more easily graded, I do not prefer to use creativity to complete graded
assignments, rather, I would like to follow a list of rules to ensure that I am completely

everything appropriately an accurately.

Students with a pragmatic learning style prefer directions and guidelines while

completing their work, while others, with a more creative learning style, tend to work in their

own preferred ways. Allowing students leeway with their work while providing a set of basic

guidelines is likely to satisfy students with both of these learning styles. ELL students with a

pragmatic learning style may prefer more direction in their assignments. By allowing students

to understand that more detailed directions can be provided if necessary, it allows them to use

any creativity toward the assignment they may have and still follow a list of directions such as a

rubric or instruction sheet.

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