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Did you earthly being just come before the body of an almighty god?
Nevertheless mortal, I am Zeus. Known to be the god of thunder and lightning. A
few things I have with me are my trusty lightning bolt (show the lightning bolt)
and my handy shield Aegis, both of which I share with my loving daughter Athena.
Athena was born out of my head because I swallowed her mother Metis. This is
because it was prophesied that one of my children would overpower me.
Speaking of swallowing, my father Cronus swallowed all my siblings
because he too was prophesied to be overpowered by one of his offspring. But, my
mother tricked my father and gave a rock to devour instead of me. And when I
grew older I poisoned my father, so he would throw up all my siblings and together
we overthrew Cronus. We then became the rulers of Olympus.
I am also, very easily angered. I once was so furious that I hurled lightning
bolts on earth which caused violent storms that wreaked havoc on the land. On the
other hand, though. I am very generous, fair and I have effortlessly fallen in love
with many women. However, I would severely punish anybody who attempted to
show affection for my wife Hera.
My story has come to an end, and I hope you enjoyed it. Please do go meet
my daughter Athena, my wife Hera and my two brothers for more stories. So long,
my mortal friend.

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