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Teacher Candidate: Miss Oberholtzer Date: February 2nd, 2018

Cooperating Teacher: Mr. Dietz Coop. Initials: ____________

Group Size: Varies Allotted Time: 40 Minutes Grade Level: 6th Level
Subject AND Topic: Social Studies & Great Britain Section: _________
*There was a two hour delay today, the full lesson might not be completed*

I. Objectives and Standards

a. Standard(s): PA Common Core/PDE SAS
i. 7.3.6.A: Describe the human characteristics of places and regions using
the following criteria:
1. Population
2. Culture
3. Settlement
4. Economic Activities
5. Political Activities
ii. 7.2.6.A: Describe the characteristics of places and regions.

b. Performance Objectives
i. Given a bell ringer, the student will be able to activate prior knowledge
from the previous day.
ii. Given the three words from the word jar, the student will be able to think
and self-assess how well they know the countries and capitals.
iii. As a result of today's lesson, the student will be able to
comprehend the major facts about the United Kingdom.
iv. Given a compare and contrast chart, the students will be able to
compare the similarities and differences between the United Kingdom and
the United States.

II. Instructional Materials.

a. Teacher:
i. Computer
ii. Smart board
iii. Weebly notes
iv. Word Jar
v. Great Britain video
vi. Compare and contrast chart
vii. White Boards (enough for each student)
viii. Markers
b. Student
i. Computers?
ii. Compare and Contrast Charts (One for each student)
iii. Social Studies books
iv. White Board (one for each student)
v. Markers (one for each student)

III. Subject Matter and Explanation

a. Prerequisite Skills
i. Students should remember what the tower of London is from yesterday's
notes. They should have seen some of these facts that they see again about
Great Britain from the study guide.
ii. They should know the countries and the capitals that are pulled from the
word jar.
b. Content & Vocabulary
i. Bell Ringer:
1. Why do so many people like to visit the Tower of London?
a. The British Crown Jewels are kept there
b. Crowns are worn by Kings and Queens
c. Diamonds, Rubies, sapphires
d. The guards, ravens, etc.
e. Motorized Walkways.
ii. Word Jar
1. The Countries and Capitals will vary
iii. The Tower of London Raven master video
a. Go over some of the facts from the video, such as a clipped
wing, what they eat, etc.
iv. Where is it? The United Kingdom is located in Western Europe.
What is it?? An island located in the North Atlantic Ocean
Who makes up the United Kingdom?? England, Scotland, Northern
Ireland, and Wales
Population: 59 Million
Government: Constitutional Monarchy
Major Religions: Protestantism, Roman Catholicism
The United Kingdom is also known as Britain or Great Britain. WHY??
Most of the population live on the island of Great Britain.

v. Cool Facts about Great Britain

1. Every day, the British drink 165 million cups of tea, which is over
20 times more than the Americans.
2. The Queen of the UK, Elizabeth II, has visited more than 116
counties of the world, although she does not have a passport. The
reason is simple – she doesn't need to prove her identity. In fact,
she is the one who officially issues passports for British citizens.
3. In the UK, if you reach your 100th birthday, you get a personalized
card from the Queen.
4. The world’s first speeding ticket was given to Walter Arnold in
Kent, for going at 8 mph on a road with a 2 mph speed limit.
5. In the UK, all horses, ponies and donkeys must have a horse
6. U.S. eggs are illegal in Britain because they are washed. British
eggs are illegal in the U.S. because they are not.

IV. Implementation
a. Introduction
i. As the students enter the room have them answer the daily bell ringer.
Today the bell ringer today is:
1. Why do people come from all over the world to see the Tower of
a. The British Crown jewels are kept there
b. The crowns are worn by past kings and queens
c. Motorized Walkways, bulletproof cases
d. History comes alive when you're there.
e. Beefeaters, ravens, raven master.
Once the bell ringer is completed, have the students pull out their white
boards for the word jar warm up.
2. Have three to four students pick out the slips of paper and they will
tell me to either say the countries or the capitals.
a. Once I say the capital or country out loud, the student will
right down the answer and hold up the white board.
b. We will complete the process three to four times.
c. Once the warm up activity is completed, have the students
bring out their notes from yesterday.
b. Development
1. Focus the students back to yesterday's lesson about the Tower of
London, talk about the Tower of London, the purpose, what's
inside, etc.
2. Remind the students that since they had such a big interest in the
ravens at the tower that we're going to watch a video about the
ravens and the raven master. This whole process should take no
longer than ten minutes.
1. Afterwards, have a brief discussion and questions if they have any.
If not, you will move onto the United Kingdom notes for today.
2. Have the notes on the board and have the students highlight what is
in bold to remember for later.
3. Where is it? The United Kingdom is located in Western Europe.
What is it?? An island located in the North Atlantic Ocean
Who makes up the United Kingdom?? England, Scotland,
Northern Ireland, and Wales
Population: 59 Million
Government: Constitutional Monarchy
Major Religions: Protestantism, Roman Catholicism
The United Kingdom is also known as Britain or Great Britain.
Most of the population live on the island of Great Britain.
4. After this is completed if there is time talk about how in the classes
next week they will be able to take a look at some of the
similarities and differences between the U.S. And the U.K.
c. Closure
i. Have the students bring out their whiteboards again and I will say some
countries and they will write down the capitals and hold up their boards
when they are finished. Remind the students that they can use their study
tools and that they have a quiz on Tuesday.

d. Accommodations/Differentiation Plan
i. Period 3: JD, LH, LC, SG, QO – All have the same paraprofessional with
them to help assist throughout the period.
ii. Period 4: SP, GL, BG, LB, BM – All have the same paraprofessional with
them to help assist throughout the period.
iii. Period 5: EM, CS, AW – All have the same paraprofessional with
them to help assist throughout the period.
iv. Period 8: DR – has a paraprofessional with him throughout the
V. Assessment of Students
a. Formative:
i. Having the students answer the Bell Ringer will allow me to see if they are
understanding why so many people visit the Tower of London. This
question will be on the test.
ii. Having a Word Jar will allow me to see if the students are studying their
countries and capitals.
iii. Going over the capitals and countries will let me see who is
studying for the test and who is unprepared.
b. Summative:
i. There will be a paper and pencil test at the end of the Unit.

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