Performance Assessment GB

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Teacher Candidate: Miss Oberholtzer Date: February 13th, 2018

Cooperating Teacher: Mr. Dietz Coop. Initials: ____________

Group Size: Varies Allotted Time: 40 Minutes Grade Level: 6th Level
Subject AND Topic: Social Studies & Great Britain Section: _________

I. Objectives and Standards:

a. Standard(s): PA Common Core/ PDE SAS:
i. 7.3.6.A: Describe the human characteristics of places and regions using
the following criteria:
1. Population
2. Culture
3. Settlement
4. Economic Activities
5. Political Activities

ii. 7.2.6.A: Describe the characteristics of places and regions

b. Performance Objectives:
i. Given a Bell Ringer, the student will be able to activate their prior
ii. Given the Word Jar Warm up, the student will be able to practice the
countries and capitals for the test at the end of the unit.
iii. Given a poster activity, the student will be able to apply the
knowledge they have learned the last past weeks.

II. Instructional Materials

a. Teacher:
i. Computer
ii. Smart Board
iii. Weebly Notes
iv. Bell Ringer
v. Word Jar Warm up
vi. Instructions for the poster activity
vii. List of the pre-made groups
b. Student:
i. Social Studies Notebook
ii. Great Britain Notes
iii. Paper
iv. Pencil
v. Ruler or Colored Pencils (if desired)
III. Subject Matter Explanation
a. Prerequisite Skills
i. The students are building their knowledge on the countries and capitals,
some students should know most, others are still struggling.
ii. The students should have plenty of knowledge on Great Britain, they have
all the notes to complete the poster project.
b. Content & Vocabulary:
i. Bell Ringer:
1. Who was King John and what did he do?
a. He was the Monarch that signed the Magna Carta in 1215.
ii. Word Jar Warm up.
1. The countries and capitals will vary from class to class.
iii. Poster Project:
1. Miss O. is going to Great Britain!
I'm planning a trip to Great Britain, BUT I don't know anything
about it! It's YOUR job to tell me everything you know about it to
prepare me for this trip. In your group, you will create a poster that
will highlight what you've learned about Great Britain.
15 facts that you've learned about Great Britain.
2-3 Pictures
Be Creative!
Everyone must contribute
IV. Implementation
a. Introduction:
i. When the students enter the room, they will complete the bell ringer that is
on the smart board in their notebooks. The Bell Ringer for today is:
1. Who was King John and what did he do?
a. He was the first monarch that signed the Magna Carta

ii. Once this is finished, have the students put away their notebooks and bring
out their white boards for the word jar warm up.

b. Development:
i. Once the bell ringer and the word jar warm up is finished, I will explain to
the students that they will be getting started on a poster project on Great
Britain. The prompt on the board will look like this:
1. Miss O. is going to Great Britain!
I'm planning a trip to Great Britain, BUT I don't know anything
about it! It's YOUR job to tell me everything you know about it to
prepare me for this trip. In your group, you will create a poster that
will highlight what you've learned about Great Britain.
15 facts that you've learned about Great Britain.
2-3 Pictures
Be Creative!
Everyone must contribute
ii. Explain to the class that you have created the groups for the poster project,
everyone must contribute. If the students need to see a picture of
something on the smart board all they must do is, ask.
1. For the first day they are sketching only, they are not touching the
poster board today. They will do that tomorrow.
2. Explain to the students that once you are finished with saying the
groups out loud, they can move into their seats quietly and get to
a. 3rd Period, groups of 3:
i. Steele, Connor, Sara O.
ii. Asia, Joshua, Emily.
iii. Sara G, Tessa, Aidan.
iv. Jasmine, Wyatt, Alyvia.
v. Logan, Talon, Lars.
vi. Quinn, Sean, Aubrie
vii. Nora, Addie.
b. 4th Period, groups of 3:
i. Xander, Rylee, Jacob.
ii. Rue, Gaven, Shelby, Cali.
iii. Logan, Abby, Travis.
iv. Shannon, Caleb, Zoie.
v. Bret, Michael, Elexis.
vi. Blake Reagan, Robert.
vii. Rain, Tristan, Savannah.
c. 5th Period, groups of 3:
i. Kathryn, Kai, Angelina.
ii. Damian, Sophianna, Nick.
iii. Brayden, Tyler, Hope.
iv. Oliva W., Zach, Samantha.
v. Connor, Emika, Olivia D.
vi. Jerrett, Abigail, Christopher.
vii. Heidi, Blayde, Emily.
d. 8 Period, groups of 3:

i. Melody, Charlee, Scooby.

ii. Katelyn, Wyatt, Hailie.
iii. Lyris, Kaden, Isabella.
iv. Calen, Jayda, Vanessa.
v. Dwayne, Andrew, Gretchen.
vi. Daeson, Calvin, Yasmeen.
vii. Danny, Xavier, Shawn.
iii. Allow the students to have the rest of the period to sketch out what
they would like their posters to look like. They will pick up where they
left off tomorrow.
c. Closure
i. There was no time for a closure activity today, I was able to walk around
and formatively assess the students by seeing the progress they've made by
the end of the period.

d. Accommodations/Differentiation Plan:
i. Period 3: JD, LH, LC, SG, QO – All have the same paraprofessional with
them to help assist throughout the period.
ii. Period 4: SP, GL, BG, LB, BM – All have the same paraprofessional with
them to help assist throughout the period.
iii. Period 5: EM, CS, AW – All have the same paraprofessional with
them to help assist throughout the period.
iv. Period 8: DR – has a paraprofessional with him throughout the
V. Assessment of Students
a. Formative:
i. The formative assessment will be the pre-test that the students are
completing in class. This will allow me to see how much the students
know before we start getting into the notes on Great Britain.
ii. The Bell Ringer will allow me to see how much information the students
obtained from the previous day.
iii. Walking around monitoring the groups, the poster progress etc.,
will allow me to see the progress and knowledge through conversation.
b. Summative:
i. A paper and Pencil Test at the end of the unit.

VI. Reflective Response:

a. Report of Students' Performance in Terms of Stated Objectives (Reflection on
students' performance written after lesson is taught, includes remediation for
students who failed to meet acceptable level of achievement.)
i. The students thoroughly enjoyed the idea of the poster projects. They
seemed to get a kick out of the idea that "Miss O didn't know anything
about Great Britain and the students have to teach her everything they
know" concept. They were able to stay focused today and all of the groups
had their 15 facts down and at least one picture that they knew they
wanted to color on the poster board.
b. Personal Reflection (Questions written before lesson is taught. Reflective answers
to questions recorded after lesson is taught.
i. How did it go with the groups you created? Did you do a good job, or did
you place the wrong students together?
1. The first three classes I did a great job pairing the students
together. I was able to place some of the striving students in groups
with the accelerated learners. The first three classes worked very
well together and stayed on task. My 8th period groups seem to be
a little on the chatty side. I might have placed some of the wrong
students together.
ii. Did the students understand the lesson today, or did they seem to struggle
with the project?
1. The students seem to understand the project today without really
any questions. Once I let the students get to work they were able to
start working and the first three classes were able to get all 15 facts
done and some of the pictures they wanted to put on the poster. I
had to explain to the 8th period class that they were behind more
than anyone. They were also too chatty to be getting any work
iii. How are the students doing with the countries and capitals?
1. A lot of the students are starting to finally understand and know the
countries and capitals for Western Europe. I explained to the
classes that we are not where I want to be yet and that they need to
remember to study for this test. It's not going to be easy for some
of them. I hope when next Tuesday comes they are more prepared
then what they are now.

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