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Robert, Anne & Hollie

HOLLIE GREIG – challenging establishment paedophilia

Hollie Greig is a 30 year-old Scottish Down’s Syndrome woman who suffered abuse throughout her
childhood at the hands of her father, brother and other members of a high-level paedophile ring
operating in the Aberdeen area of Scotland. Being DS and also very bright Hollie has a clear memory
of everything that happened to her and has named 22 of her abusers to the local police. 2 doctors’
reports moreover confirm the abuse did take place. Yet Grampian Police have taken no steps to
investigate, rather they appear to be at pains to hush the matter up, along with members of the legal
and political establishment including the Lord Advocate (Attorney General), Elish Angiolini.

Hollie however has a keen sense of justice and is very strong-willed. It is now 10 years since she
first reported the abuse and nothing has been done, yet she refuses to give up. With the help of her
mother Anne Greig and their legal representative Robert Green she continues to press the authorities
to investigate her 22 named abusers of which one, Andrew Young was the headmaster of school
she attended in the 1990s, Beechwood Special School. Young remained in post up until April 2010
when he was suddenly prematurely retired. Despite evidence supplied by Hollie of the abuse she and
others suffered from Young and his paedophile friends the police have never questioned him.

Other anomalies include the failure of Grampian Police to investigate the suspicious death of Anne’s
brother Roy. Shortly after he stumbled upon Hollie’s father abusing Hollie, Roy was found dying from
multiple injuries in a burning car parked in a lay-by. Then there was the unwarranted, forcible
sectioning of Anne to a mental hospital a few days after she and Hollie first reported the paedophilia
at their local police station. Hollie was meanwhile handed back to her abuser father. Then, there is
the curious fact that £13,500 compensation has been awarded in total to Hollie by the Criminal
Injuries Compensation Authority, despite no crime ever having been recorded!

In 2010 a public campaign has formed in support of Hollie, Anne and Robert who all three now live in
England. The harassment however continues: Robert has been arrested twice this year on charges
of breaching the peace in Scotland (for being about to leaflet in central Aberdeen) and both his and
Anne and Hollie’s homes in Warrington and Shrewsbury respectively have been raided. No warrant
was obtained on either occasion and in the case of the raid on the Greig’s home, not only was
personal property removed but the home was completely trashed, as if vandals had been in there,
not members of the British police.

In standing up to the powerful paedophiles who dominate the establishment in these islands one
diminutive Scottish woman has ventured where few if any have dared to go. The question to the rest
of us is, how long can we remain silent in the face of this shameful situation where even those
responsible for upholding the law will break it in order to protect the perverts who abuse children,
never mind their status in society? Isn’t it time we said NO to this evil? It only needs enough of us to
stand up. Please join us!

Robert, Anne & Hollie

HOLLIE GREIG – challenging establishment paedophilia

Hollie Greig is a 30 year-old Scottish Down’s Syndrome woman who suffered abuse throughout her
childhood at the hands of her father, brother and other members of a high-level paedophile ring
operating in the Aberdeen area of Scotland. Being DS and also very bright Hollie has a clear memory
of everything that happened to her and has named 22 of her abusers to the local police. 2 doctors’
reports moreover confirm the abuse did take place. Yet Grampian Police have taken no steps to
investigate, rather they appear to be at pains to hush the matter up, along with members of the legal
and political establishment including the Lord Advocate (Attorney General), Elish Angiolini.

Hollie however has a keen sense of justice and is very strong-willed. It is now 10 years since she
first reported the abuse and nothing has been done, yet she refuses to give up. With the help of her
mother Anne Greig and their legal representative Robert Green she continues to press the authorities
to investigate her 22 named abusers of which one, Andrew Young was the headmaster of school
she attended in the 1990s, Beechwood Special School. Young remained in post up until April 2010
when he was suddenly prematurely retired. Despite evidence supplied by Hollie of the abuse she and
others suffered from Young and his paedophile friends the police have never questioned him.

Other anomalies include the failure of Grampian Police to investigate the suspicious death of Anne’s
brother Roy. Shortly after he stumbled upon Hollie’s father abusing Hollie, Roy was found dying from
multiple injuries in a burning car parked in a lay-by. Then there was the unwarranted, forcible
sectioning of Anne to a mental hospital a few days after she and Hollie first reported the paedophilia
at their local police station. Hollie was meanwhile handed back to her abuser father. Then, there is
the curious fact that £13,500 compensation has been awarded in total to Hollie by the Criminal
Injuries Compensation Authority, despite no crime ever having been recorded!

In 2010 a public campaign has formed in support of Hollie, Anne and Robert who all three now live in
England. The harassment however continues: Robert has been arrested twice this year on charges
of breaching the peace in Scotland (for being about to leaflet in central Aberdeen) and both his and
Anne and Hollie’s homes in Warrington and Shrewsbury respectively have been raided. No warrant
was obtained on either occasion and in the case of the raid on the Greig’s home, not only was
personal property removed but the home was completely trashed, as if vandals had been in there,
not members of the British police.

In standing up to the powerful paedophiles who dominate the establishment in these islands one
diminutive Scottish woman has ventured where few if any have dared to go. The question to the rest
of us is, how long can we remain silent in the face of this shameful situation where even those
responsible for upholding the law will break it in order to protect the perverts who abuse children,
never mind their status in society? Isn’t it time we said NO to this evil? It only needs enough of us to
stand up. Please join us!

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