Whms Music March 2018 Newsletter

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March 2018
Important Dates
Date Time Event
Monday March 5 7:00pm BPA meeting at AVHS
Tuesday March 6 2:00pm AVHS Music Performance featuring our WHMS Sabers Concert Band
Tues 20 , Wed 21st ---------- Feeder School Tour featuring WHMS Sabers Concert and Jazz Bands
Friday April 6 ---------- *Tentative* Date for Grade 7/ 8 Band Clinic
Monday April 9 7:00pm BPA meeting at WHMS
Saturday April 14 9:00am to 12:00am Brunch With The Bands at AVHS
April 23 to May 6th -------- Annapolis Valley Music Festival
Monday May 14 7:00pm BPA meeting at AVHS
Wednesday May 23 7:00pm WHMS Spring Concert

Out With the Snow, In With the Music!

Spring has arrived early, and just in time to get prepared for a busy season of performances. Things
kick off next Tuesday when the Concert Band gets to perform with the AVHS Senior Band in the small
gym. The ball keeps rolling from there all the way through to our spring concert on May 23rd. Please
read over the items in this newsletter carefully, and don’t hesitate to get in touch should you have any

AVHS Senior Band Performance

On Tuesday March 6th our WHMS alumni are coming back for a visit and performing for us in the small
gym. Concert band members will be performing a piece with them and should come to school
prepared with their black concert band shirt. There will be a morning rehearsal as usual!

Feeder School Tour

It's been a few years since our WHMS bands have been able to make it out to our feeder schools, a
visit is long overdue! On March 20th and 21st our Concert Band and Jazz Band will be hitting the road to
play a few songs, do instrument demonstrations, and get our elementary kids involved in making a bit
of music with us. More details will be coming home soon.

Criminal Record Checks

We will soon be recruiting chaperones for our trips to music festival in April. The invaluable and exciting
festival experience relies on the availability of parents and guardians for chaperoning and supervising.
All adults volunteering with our students must have a current criminal record check registered with the
AVRSB, please check with the office to be sure your paperwork is in order. They also have a tidy package
to help new volunteers with registering.

Grades 7 and 8 students have practice tracking sheets due every cycle, and will continue using these
until the end of May. The discipline of preparation is central to being a band member, students are
expected to take ownership of their role! At this point in the year the goal is for each student to be able
to play through their entire repertoire on their own. This allows rehearsals to be dedicated to fine tuning
the band as a whole. Please encourage your kids to come in for extra help when they are running into
Don’t miss the other side! 
2018-2019 Enrollment
Before long students will be choosing their arts elective for next year. This is a big decision, particularly
for grade six students who must choose between art and music for the first time. Please take some
time to have a conversation with your child about this decision.

Why do kids get stoked about music? This is what they have to say about it.
“It’s WAY fun!” “You get to go on trips.” “I get to play music with my friends.”
“It’s a good kind of challenge.” “It’s exciting…playing music for people!”
“It make BRAIN grow!” “I like performing with band, everyone is there helping you out!”
“It’s like a big family but with friends.” “I just like playing music.”
“My music friends are THE BEST!” “I didn’t think I could do anything and now I can!”

Some of the reasons parents/guardians value having their kids in music:

*healthy social development *brain training (executive functioning, memory, and more)
*teamwork *cultural awareness and understanding
*an opportunity to study music with a highly trained and experienced music professional
*the importance of creativity…. skills for employment in the 21st century
*problem solving skills *self-expression *self-confidence *a once in a lifetime opportunity

Reasons to not-not take music

Financial: The BPA exists to provide your child with the opportunity to benefit from the music program regardless
of financial situation. Alternative payment options can be arranged with the BPA Registrar for grade 7/8 band
fees. Bursaries are available to help in situations where families may find the program fees problematic.

Time commitment: Grades 7 and 8 band take place during the school day. These bands only perform outside of
school hours three times a year at our winter concert, spring concert, and our Brunch With The Bands
fundraiser in April.

Why Music? There many resources out there to explore, try a google search and/or check these out:
 TedEd Video on modern neuroscience research: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0JKCYZ8hng
 “Spread Music Now” Facebook group
 Parents.com “6 Benefits of Music Lessons” :
 Creativity is the essential skillset for the future: https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/working-
 Music and Self Confidence: https://californiamusicstudios.com/2015/08/music-and-self-confidence/

Mr. Steve Reid

Music, Gr. 8 Art and Healthy Living
West Hants Middle School

“Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent” ~ Victor Hugo

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