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The question of the impact of the globalization is an open one, as it both have positive

and negative consequences. Globalization is an immanent element of the today’s world. In the

1980s John Naisbitt called globalization one of the megatrends of XXth century, a global trend

that is universal and permanent.

To start with, the notion of globalization shall be defined. One of the definitions states

that it is a number of phenomena that comes from not organized or defined by states forces but

have consequences that influence the states1. Other definition defines globalization as the

closer integration of economies around the world, specifically in the context of the movement

of capital, goods, services, people (labor) and knowledge (technology)2. International trade

boosts at a fast pace directly impacting national security3. However, globalization cannot be

seen as merely an economic phenomenon, as there are also environmental, cultural and

political dimensions of globalization. Furthermore, globalization can be also viewed as

cooperation among countries on non-economic issues which have cross-border consequences,

just to name a few such as immigration and legal issues4. Therefore, globalization has profound

implications on national security, which can be defined as organized forces that protect the

important interests and values of a state5.

Jonathan Kirschner noticed that globalization affects security of a state in three basic

dimensions, such as state capacity, relative power and internal conflicts6. It changes the balance

of state powers and the nature of conflicts. In particularly, due to globalization, sovereign

states’ power and influence is diminished7 by for instance globally operated decentralized

Kirshner, Jonathan. 2013. Globalization and National Security. Hoboken: Taylor and
Francis, p.1
"Issues Brief - Globalization: A Brief Overview". 2008. Imf.Org.
Kirshner, Jonathan. 2013. Globalization and National Security, p.11.
Basu, Rumki. 2012. International Politics. New Delhi: SAGE Publications, p.281
Kirshner, Jonathan. 2013. Globalization and National Security, p.2.
Kirshner, Jonathan. 2013. Globalization and National Security, p.3.
Kirshner, Jonathan. 2013. Globalization and National Security, p.6.
terrorist groups. Nevertheless, globalization has a positive side as well, which is for instance

noticeable within the European Union. Europe has been in continuous fights until the

establishment of closer economic cooperation (financial globalization) after the Second World

War that makes the probability of an outburst of another war significantly less likely. Financial

globalization is believed not to go along with warfare8.

One of the basic attributes of globalization is fostering economic exchange, in a form

of for instance international migration. Especially in Europe, in the advent of massive

immigration of refugees from Africa and Middle East and recent terrorist attacks, the question

of the link between mobility of people and terrorists’ activities is widely discussed. Moreover,

as globalization is predicted to proceed, the question of a possible future global governance

system has arisen, which should address the problem of tackling terrorists’ groups worldwide.

Furthermore, globalization fosters broader access to technology knowledge, which

might be taken as both an advantage and disadvantage. The accelerated flow of data has

decentralized the sources of information, but it also has enabled fake news and propaganda to

disseminate at a faster pace. Due to the increase of distrust towards financial institution, some

people turn to cryptocurrencies. Deploying a virtual currency used in economic transactions

on a regular basis may be a way for non-state actors to disrupt sovereignty and increase not

only their political but also economic power9. Furthermore, possible threats have been

multiplied, for instance as increasing cyberwar capacities10 in form of cyberattacks that have

to be faced not only by governments but also corporations. A real example of such situation

was Target's holiday data breach and cyberattack in 2013, when cyber criminals managed to

Kirshner, Jonathan. 2013. Globalization and National Security, p.9.
Baron, Joshua, Angela O’Mahony, David Manheim, and Cynthia Dion-Schwarz. 2015.
"National Security Implications Of Virtual Currency". Rand.Org.
231.pdf, p.2.
Kirshner, Jonathan. 2013. Globalization and National Security, p.17.
steal credit card data of Target’s customers. More worrisome was the fact that this attack was

not for almost a month11. Democratization of technology is not only an opportunity for

growth and improving our lives but also a real threat to our private information.

Moreover, the negative side of the globalization is the increase of inequality, which

poses a threat to national security in case of for instance civil unrests that might result from it.

Some scholars point out that while it is easier for highly skilled worker to find a suitable work

in a globalized world, unskilled workers do not benefit from living in a global village, facing

more difficulties than before12.

To sum up, the globalization is an unstoppable process that has a huge impact on

national security. The globalization paradigm is changing and it is not possible to forecast in

which direction it is going to shift in the upcoming future. Nevertheless, both the governments

and businesses have draft customized policies and strategies to prepare for it. However, as

Joseph Nye stated that “globalization is a mixed blessing, but like it or not, it creates new

challenges for American foreign policy”13. Such fundamental blessings are for instance faster

economic growth, poverty reduction, and more fertile soil for democracy.

"Target Corporation: Cyberattack Details, Timeline, Costs". 2015. Angel Kings.
Maskin, Eric. 2014. "Theorist Eric Maskin: Globalization Is Increasing Inequality". World
Nye, Joseph S. 2003. The Paradox Of American Power. New York: Oxford University
Press, p.85.

1. Basu, Rumki. 2012. International Politics. New Delhi: SAGE Publications.
2. Nye, Joseph S. 2003. The Paradox Of American Power. New York: Oxford University
3. Kirshner, Jonathan. 2013. Globalization And National Security. Hoboken: Taylor and

1. Baron, Joshua, Angela O’Mahony, David Manheim, and Cynthia Dion-Schwarz.
2015. "National Security Implications Of Virtual Currency". Rand.Org.
2. Maskin, Eric. 2014. "Theorist Eric Maskin: Globalization Is Increasing
Inequality". World Bank.
3. "Issues Brief - Globalization: A Brief Overview". 2008. Imf.Org.
4. Fröhlich, Stefan. 2003. "Globalization And The Future Of Transatlantic Relations".
5. "Target Corporation: Cyberattack Details, Timeline, Costs". 2015. Angel Kings.

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