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A student laboratory assistant is a professional who helps in preparing instructions and materials

used during laboratory experiments and demonstrations. Most institutions scrutinize the
qualifications and experience of student lab assistants before assigning them to a particular lab.
For example, those with a chemistry major or minor may get jobs in the chemistry lab while
those with a zoology, botany and microbiology majors typically work in the biology lab.
Assistants must complete the online lab safety training program before starting to work. They
must also adhere to the prescribed lab dress code, such as wearing a white coat and closed shoes,
while working.

Preparing for Lab Sessions

Lecturers and instructors request lab assistants to prepare the laboratory in advance before the
lesson starts. They perform this duty by reading the experimental procedure and any additional
information given by the lab manager or instructor. A student lab assistant asks for any
clarification regarding the lab procedure. This helps the assistant and lab manager anticipate
questions the students will ask during the lesson. Assistants set up any laboratory equipment
needed for the experiment, such as microscopes, test tubes and calibrated glass flasks. They also
prepare simple reagents regularly used during lab procedures and ensure the lab is stocked with
the necessary supplies. This includes monitoring all of the supplies used in the lab and restocking
them as needed.

Cleaning the Lab

Carrying out experiments in a safe environment reduces the likelihood of accidents occurring.
One of the integral duties performed by student lab assistants is securing the lab. This is done by
cleaning up any spills, washing the equipment and glassware, such as conical flasks, pipettes and
beakers used by students. Assistants also ensures that all caps and tops of reagent bottles are
firmly fastened to prevent spills or leakage. They also put back all the reagents and equipment in
the designated place after the lesson ends.

Promoting Safety

Accidents in a laboratory may lead to injuries, lost lives and property damage. A student lab
assistant ensures that students do not practice any unsafe behaviors in the lab. They lock up all
the reagents and unplug all electrical equipment to minimize the chances of accidents and fires.
Assistants show the students how to handle chemical spills, dispose of broken glassware and get
rid of non-hazardous and chemical waste safely. They also ensure that students adhere to the lab
dress code and wear protective gear, such as safety goggles, during experiments.

Assisting in Experiments
Student lab technicians work closely with students during lab lessons and guide them through
experiments. They walk around the lab and answer questions students have concerning the
process. This means assistants must read all of the guidelines provided by the lecturer or
instructor before the lesson commences.

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An NC machine is numerically controlled but has no memory storage and is run off of the "tape"
each time the machine cycles. A CNC machine has memory storage and the program can be
stored in its control.

The NC machine was the fore-runner of the modern machine tool industry but is seldom used in
todays manufacturing industry.

NC (Numerical Control) machines are autmocatically operated by commands received from their
pocessing units. NC machines were first developed after Wolrd War II and were fed their
instructions uingd punch cards.

NC machines were the precursor to today's Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machine. CNC
machines use CAD/CAM technology to prepare a blueprint or CAD file to text format (usually
ASCII)and transfers it to the machine in a number of ways (floppy, serial, network) for

What is the difference between the CNC lathe and ordinary lathe

CNC machine tools is digital control machine tool (Computernumericalcontrolmachinetools)

referred to, is provided with a program control system of automatic machine. CNC machine
tools and general machine tools, the main difference lies in:

CNC machine tools with NC system (process control system), automatic processing can be
achieved by programming. Common machine tool without this feature. CNC machining process
of parts, is in strict accordance with the procedures specified inthe processing parameters and the
action. It is a kind of high efficient automatic or semiautomatic machine, compared with the
ordinary machine tool, has the following obviouscharacteristics:

1, for in complex shaped parts of CNC machine tool can complete the ordinary machine to
complete or not processing of complex parts processing, so in the aerospace, shipbuilding and
mold making industry get widely used.

2, the processing precision is high

3, stable and reliable processing computer control, eliminate human error, parts processing consistency,
quality stable and reliable.
4, high flexible processing object changes, generally, only need to change the CNC program and reflect
the good adaptability, saves the production preparation time.Based on the CNC machine, can be formed
with higher flexibility of automated manufacturing systems -FMS

5, high productivity of CNC machine tool of high precision, high rigidity, favorable processing amount,

high productivity, generally 3-5 times of ordinary machine tool, machining of complex parts, the

efficiency can be increased by 10 times or even several times.

6, good working conditions of machine tool motorized degree high,labor intensity is greatly reduced,
the working environment is good.

7, favor the use of CNC machine tools is to to the computer control and management of production
development, in order to realize the automation of the production process to create the conditions
of modern management.

8, large investment, high operating cost

9, production preparation complex work as the whole process is controlled by program, the preparatory
work of NC machining is more complex and contains process, programming and so on.

10, the difficulty in the maintenance of CNC machine is a typical mechatronic products, high technology
content, technology of the maintenance personnel requirements is very high.

Why Capability Review?

in order to improve the capability of the Civil Service to meet today’s delivery objectives
and to be ready for the challenges of tomorrow.

The reviews of departmental capability are intended both to assess how well-equipped
departments are to meet these delivery challenges and also provide targeted support to
make any improvements required. The reviews were designed to be specifically targeted at
underlying capability issues that impact on effective delivery, such as:
• Do departments have the right strategic and leadership capabilities?
• Do they know how well they are performing, and do they have the tools to fix their
problems when they underachieve?
• Do their people have the right skills to meet both current and future challenges?
• Do they engage effectively with their key stakeholders, partners and the public?
The following terms of reference were agreed by the Sunningdale Institute evaluation team,
the Cabinet Secretary, the wider group of permanent secretaries who lead government
departments and the Capability Reviews
• Is the Capability Reviews programme stimulating and accelerating changes
in departments and if so:
Are these changes building capability (as defined in the model) in
Is the Capability Reviews programme improving the Civil Service’s ability
to tackle cross-cutting capability issues?
Are the changes in departments sustainable and self-sustaining?
Are departments proactively managing for improvement rather
than compliance?
What next steps are required to embed capability reforms and build a
culture of ongoing improvement

Defining the terms

The team’s starting point was to understand the concept of capability and how it is
employed in practice. Capability is an elusive and complicated concept. Therefore,it is
important to define terms clearly. The theoretical literature defines capabilities as ‘the
organisation’s capacity to deploy resources, usually in combination, using organisational
processes to effect a desired end’. In this context, capabilities would include leadership
expertise, strategic expertise, innovation expertise, behavioural (people management)
expertise, delivery expertise or customer service expertise

Capabilities are clusters of skills, systems, routines, etc. ‘Unlike resources, however,
capabilities are based on developing, sharing and exchanging information through the
organisation’s human capital – as information-based assets they are often called invisible
assets.’ Organisational success, whether in the public or private sector, therefore, depends
on transforming key business processes into strategic capabilities that consistently provide
superior value to the customer and are typically championed by the top management team.

In the case of Capability Reviews, certain key capabilities – grouped under the headings of
leadership, strategy and delivery – were the focus of the programme, and departments
were assessed according to how well they seemed to be exhibiting capability in these three

As a head of an engineering department. I always aware I am not only responsible for the
teaching and learning activities but From time to time…I or my representative had participated
in Management meetings and discussion and had brought to the attention of the top management
of the predicament in our department.
We have conducted several discussions..few attempts had been made to
The immediate challenge is to avoid the tail-off that is the fate of most initiatives
Our suggestions for doing this fall into two categories – follow-through on the ‘vertical’
dimension within departments and on the ‘horizontal’ dimension to build capability across the
whole Civil Service
Capability Reviews are not just an analytical exercise but are also potentially the beginning of a
broad and deep change programme. Whilst some of that change can be supported from
departments’ own resources, it is essential that there is more investment in the corporate
resources needed to build capability horizontally across the whole Civil Service

We are at the stage of initial review process on the teaching mechanism

But over time I have become less able to perform my role due to physical limitations. One
day I suffered a bad back injury while attempting to deliver a particularly bulky item. This
caused me to reassess my pace and method of working, and I have become more inclined to
voice my reservations to my line manager if a job is too arduous.

As a consequence I have regularly fallen behind on my schedule, although I catch up after

normal working hours. On one occasion, however, I fell so far behind that I drove
inconsiderately. A driver complained and an internal investigation followed. I admitted I
had probably driven inconsiderately – though not unlawfully or unsafely – and that
nothing like this isolated incident would happen again.

But I now face a capability review, the suggestion being that the incident was a
consequence of my "underperforming" in not meeting the scheduled deadlines and that I
have clearly been less happy in my work. I like the job but my initial "over performance"
is now counting against me.

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