Basic - SC - 12.2.2018. Relationships

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Phần I. Giới thiệu bản thân

- Name, age, job, place you live, hobby
Cách giới thiệu bản thân: Tại đây
Phần II. Nội quy lớp học
Class Rules (Nội quy lớp học)
1. Use English only (Chỉ nói tiếng Anh)

2. Practice speaking on a topic under the guidance of the teacher (Thực hành nói
theo chủ đề dưới sự hướng dẫn của giáo viên)
3. Don’t do personal things in the class (Không làm việc riêng trong lớp)
Phần III: Trả lời câu hỏi

1. Vocabulary game: Fill in the blanks to complete the words.


2. Describe the character and appearance of the person who you would like to
go on a date with.

(Miêu tả tính cách và ngoại hình của người mà bạn muốn hẹn hò)

Characteristics: confident, polite, generous, kind, helpful, love animal etc.
Appearance: handsome, pretty, attractive, tall, straight hair, blue eyes, sexy etc.

3. Discuss with your partner what you usually do with your friends.

(Bạn thường làm gì cùng với bạn bè)


● Shopping
● Chatting
● Going out for lunch/ dinner, etc.
● Attending parties
● Watching movies
● Playing football

4. Role-play
A: You’re meeting your girlfriend/ boyfriend’parents for the first time. Ask your
friend for some advice on how to impress them.
B: You are A’s friend. Give him/her some advice.
(Bạn gặp gỡ bố mẹ bạn trai/bạn gái của mình. Hỏi cách gây ấn tượng với họ)

● I’m so nervous. This weekend, I will meet my girlfriend/boyfriend’s parents for the
first time.
● I don’t know what to do.
● What gifts should you give them?
● Should I help his/her mother set the table/wash the dishes?

● Etc.
● I think you should give them a small plant/ a boutique of flowers/ homemade
cookies/ a bottle of wine….
● You should offer to help set the table or wash the dishes if you’re at their home.
Even if they refuse your help, at least you asked.
● Remember to do some research beforehand.

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