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Release Notes

Version 10.61
March 2009
Corporate Office
Trimble Navigation Limited
Engineering and Construction Division
5475 Kellenburger Road
Dayton, Ohio 45424-1099
Phone: +1-937-233-8921
Toll free (in USA): +1-800-538-7800
Fax: +1-937-233-9441

Copyright and Trademarks

© 2005-2009, Trimble Navigation Limited.
All rights reserved.
The Globe & Triangle logo and Trimble are
trademarks of Trimble Navigation Limited
registered in the United States Patent and
Trademark Office and in other countries. All
other trademarks are the property of their
respective owners.

Release Notice
These are the release notes for version 10.61
of Terramodel software.

Product Information
New in Terramodel 10.61
Terramodel 10.61 includes the following new and updated features:
ƒ File import
ƒ The OpenDWG toolkit has been upgraded to the latest version to fix
several issues encountered when importing CAD files (.dxf and .dwg).
ƒ CAD files that contain blocks with names up to 255 characters in length
can now be imported.
ƒ Long alignment names in LandXML files (.xml) are now trimmed to 16
characters on import.
ƒ Trimble road files (.dc) that use B5 records in a template now import
ƒ Zero length line segments in horizontal alignments are now handled
correctly on import.
ƒ File export - Point codes in templates are now trimmed to 16 characters when
exported to Trimble road files.
ƒ Terminology
ƒ The term "background map" has been changed to "site map" in the
user interface and documentation to match SCS Data Manager and
Trimble Business Center - Heavy Construction Edition.
ƒ The term "foreground map" has been changed to "design map" in the user
interface and documentation to match SCS Data Manager and Trimble
Business Center - Heavy Construction Edition.

New in Terramodel 10.60

Terramodel 10.60 includes the following new and updated features:
ƒ Road Template Transitions Using Slope Mode - In the TEMPLATE
command, when you specify a slope transition for a template with more than
one segment, the transition is now correctly formed.
ƒ OmniStar Points - If an OmniStar control points file (.csv) is stored with
your site data, it is now ignored in order to avoid a conflict with your site's
control points file.

Terramodel® Release Notes 1

ƒ RoadDTM Command - The RoadDTM command has been significantly
revised to be more robust for complex designs. Specifically, when you create
a DTM from a road job, points are now automatically created at some critical
locations (PCs, PTs, etc.) along the alignment to better approximate the
horizontal and vertical curvature of roadway features. In addition, you can
now create objects for the DTM (points, breaklines, or daylight lines) based
not only on cross-sections computed at xlines, but also on cross-sections
computed at a specified stationing interval. By specifying a tight interval, such
as 1 foot, you can ensure that cross-sections are computed nor more than that
distance from additional critical locations. If redundant cross-sections are
computed, you can specify a tolerance within which to eliminate them. In
DTMs based on stored cross-sections with named nodes, longitudinal
breaklines are created, connecting nodes of the same names and their
interpolated points.
ƒ Alignment-based Surface Linking - When Trimble Business Center–HCE
(TBC) is used to create an SCS900 design containing a model of type road
surface, if the designated surface object has been formed as an
alignment-based surface, the resulting Terramodel project file to be employed
by SCS900 will be specially formed to reflect that fact. In that case, the
surface data (points and breaklines) will be placed in view 8 rather than in the
plan view. The coordinate system of view 8 (station and offset as opposed to
northing and easting) will cause that surface to be linked by Terramodel,
exactly as it is in TBC, thereby producing a roadway model that is represented
in SCS900 exactly as it is in TBC. If you open such a project file in
Terramodel, you will not find the expected surface data in the plan view. The
surface data that you will find in view 8 will be presented as a straight and
lengthened representation of the actual roadway surface. This is an intended
consequence of the surface property in TBC.
ƒ Work Order Stakeout Settings - Two stakeout settings (Horizontal Tolerance
and Staking Interval) have been removed from the work order settings. They are
now stored in the [Stakeout] section of the AllSites.ini file, making them site
controller-level settings as opposed to being associated with individual work
When shown in SCS900, the Staking Interval setting has been separated into
two settings: Default Line Station Interval and Default Road Station Interval. In
earlier WorkOrder.ini files, the [Stakeout] section and settings will be ignored
by SCS900.
ƒ SCS900 Designs Containing Only Roadway Alignments - You can now
create and export one or more road jobs that each contain only a horizontal
alignment or a horizontal alignment and vertical alignment to SCS900. In this
way, you can represent objects (like pipelines) which demand geometric
features that cannot be accommodated within the DXF file format, when you
export road jobs for SCS900.

Terramodel® Release Notes 2

New in Terramodel 10.52
Terramodel 10.52 includes the following new and updated features:
ƒ LandXML Alignment Data - The LandXML-1.1 schema supports an
expanded alignment definition in which horizontal alignments can be defined
by inscribing curves at specified Point of Intersection (PI) coordinates.
Terramodel v10.52 has been enhanced to support this particular aspect of the
LandXML-1.1 schema.
ƒ Improved Handling of LandXML Derived Surface Data - Terramodel's
handling of surfaces imported via LandXML has been improved to better
handle duplicate points, to more reliably maintain relevant point names, and to
provide increased reliability in retaining and reporting the intended names of
roadway cross-section nodes. For details, read on.
LandXML surface data can include both the source data (data points,
breaklines, contours, boundaries, etc.) and the resulting surface definition
(TIN nodes and faces). Many examples will include only one or the other.
When importing roadway surface data for use with SCS900, the most
important and useful portion of the LandXML file's surface data is usually the
breaklines. Those breaklines are typically named to represent the associated
roadway feature, allowing those feature names to be presented when the
model is deployed in the field with SCS900. The resulting breakline sets in the
Terramodel project file and the points making up those sets are named the
same as the source breaklines in the LandXML file. When slicing a roadway
model to present a cross-section, Terramodel and SCS900 report the point
names on either side of the breakline set segment being sliced, if they are the
same. They do this, rather than using the name of that set, for reasons
associated with maintaining optimum performance. This previously could
result in a failure to determine the name of a cross-section node within the
immediate vicinity of the common point where two or more differently named
breaklines were conjoined. In such cases, that common point can be assigned
the name of only one of those breaklines, so it will be different from the
adjacent point name within each conjoined breakline except one. With version
10.52, in those limited instances, if the adjacent point names differ,
Terramodel and SCS900 will employ the name of the breakline set being
sliced, thereby reliably reporting the name of the related node within a sliced
cross-section. By taking this approach only in those circumstances where the
cross-section node's name cannot be derived from like named points on either
side of the sliced breakline segment, reasonable performance has been

Terramodel® Release Notes 3

ƒ There are numerous circumstances in which the imported surface data can
contain replicated points, meaning multiple instances of points at the same
location within the surface. As an example, a LandXML surface's source data
may contain both breaklines and an outer surface boundary. The outer
boundary may commonly coincide with the outermost breakline, resulting in
both coincidental set objects and duplicate points. When importing the
LandXML surface's breakline data, the resulting breakline set's point names
echo the name of source breakline, as noted above. However, when importing
other source data, such as the surface boundary, the resulting boundary set's
points are not named, thereby giving favorable priority, via name, to the
points derived from breaklines. When linking the resulting surface,
Terramodel eliminates replicated points by moving all but one to layer 0. In
doing so, Terramodel now assures that the point that is retained in the surface
is named to reflect the breakline name.
ƒ If you import all of a LandXML file's surface data, including both the source
data and the surface definition, you can commonly end up with individual
surface TIN nodes being represented by multiple point objects. They might be
formed from the surface definition point, from a boundary point, a breakline
point, or even the above noted coincidental points derived from multiple
conjoined breaklines. It may not be uncommon for the resulting surface layer
to have numerous instances of five or more points with the same coordinates
after importing the LandXML file. As Terramodel links that surface, moving
the redundant points to layer 0, the resulting point object's name will now be
derived from a breakline, if a named breakline was involved. However, note
that where two or more differently named breaklines are conjoined, the
resulting single point will be named after only one of those breaklines, thereby
requiring, as noted previously, that cross-section node names be derived from
the name of the actual set being sliced in those particular instances.
ƒ As always, after performing any operation that causes Terramodel to link a
surface, you should investigate layer 0 and delete the redundant points that
may have been moved there. Instances in which LandXML data is imported
will typically result in a significant number of points being discarded in this
manner. Additionally, when importing data associated with roadway surfaces,
it is usually advisable to check the Link Settings and be sure that the Remove
link between BLs checkbox is checked. Doing so assures that neither
Terramodel, nor SCS900 report a surface node at the point at which the
diagonal link typically crosses between adjacent roadway feature breaklines,
as the surface is sliced to present a cross-section.

Terramodel® Release Notes 4

New in Terramodel 10.51
Terramodel 10.51 includes the following new and updated features:
ƒ Survey Controller File Import
ƒ The newer template definition (B5) is now supported when importing
roading data in a .dc file.
ƒ Combining spirals that include an adjacent zero length line segment are
now handled properly.
ƒ LandXML Conversion - A defect in the way that the program previously
interpreted LandXML horizontal alignment data has been fixed. Previously,
when converting LandXML alignment data into a Terramodel roadway model
for use in an SCS900 design, tangent conditions were assumed between all
adjacent alignment segments. That assumption could have resulted in
unintended alignment geometry if the source alignment data contained one or
more segments which were not actually tangent to the prior segment and
where that deviation was significant. Tangent conditions are no longer
assumed when interpreting the data. This change thereby assures that the
resulting alignment matches the geometry of the source data.
ƒ Geometry creation - A warning message now displays when geometry
created from LandXML data does not match the original data.
ƒ Road DTM (RoadDTM)
ƒ Begin and end stations are now automatically set to the limits of the road.
ƒ The correct surface in now automatically selected in the Road DTM Settings
ƒ The tie Set is now named.
ƒ Quick Surface Profile (QProfile) - The command now does not stop if one or
more of the specific surfaces cannot be linked.
ƒ Horizontal Alignment Data Entry (HALData) - You can now enter a
coordinate with a negative value in the Horizontal Alignment Data Entry dialog.
ƒ Horizontal Alignment Management (HALManager) - Up to 1500 horizontal
alignments can now be displayed in the HAL Manager dialog.
ƒ Vertical Alignment Data Entry (VALData) - You can now enter a point
with a negative station value in the Vertical Alignment Data Entry dialog.
ƒ AutoDraft in Windows Vista (AutoDraft) - Under some circumstances, the
command would crash the program. This problem has been fixed.
ƒ LandXML Export - Breakline names are now included when you export to

Terramodel® Release Notes 5

New in Terramodel 10.50
Terramodel 10.50 includes the following new and updated features:
ƒ Delete Line Segment Command (DeleteSegment) - This new command
enables you to delete a segment from a set or polyline. This command can be
found on the Edit menu.
ƒ Connect Command Enhancements (Connect) - The Connect command has
been enhanced to enable the user to optionally continue connecting multiple
ƒ Break Command Enhancements (Break) - The Break command has been
enhanced to work in a similar manner for set lines and polylines and to
optionally repeat without exiting the command.
ƒ Road Job Workflow Guide (RDGuide) - This new command serves as a
wizard to guide you through the process of creating a road job, giving you
access to HAL, VAL, cross section and other editors in a logical sequence.
This command can be found on the Roads menu
ƒ Vertical Alignment Data Entry (VALData) - This new command creates a
vertical alignment (VAL) through entry of PVI coordinates and curve data.
This command can be found on the Road\Alignments menu. This command
can also be run from the new Road Job Workflow Guide (RDGuide)
command. This command can be found on the Roads\Alignments menu or the
COGO\Streets menu.
ƒ Horizontal Alignment Data Entry (HALData) - This new command creates
a horizontal alignment (HAL) through entry of PI coordinates and curve data.
This command can also be run from the new Road Job Workflow Guide
(RDGuide) command. This command can be found on the Roads\Alignments
menu or the COGO\Streets menu.
ƒ Horizontal Alignment Editor (Line segment based) (SegEdit) - The SegEdit
command has been enhanced to allow the user to select multiple
configurations for data entry. Users that have previously found SegEdit
difficult to use will find that these new configurations make the command
simple and straight forward. Users are encouraged to read the enhanced help
information in order to take advantage of this commands power. This
command can also be run from the new Road Job Workflow Guide
(RDGuide) command. This command can be found on the Roads\Alignments
menu or the COGO\Streets menu.
ƒ New Toolbar Icons - The toolbar icons have been updated to match the icons
of other new Trimble office software.
ƒ Xsection Editor (XsectionEdt) - The slope of each segment has been added to
the display when there is sufficient room to show the values. The user can
zoom in on smaller sections to display the values not shown due to the
available space.

Terramodel® Release Notes 6

ƒ Microsoft® Windows Vista™ Support - Terramodel is compatible with
Microsoft Windows Vista (32-bit), with the following known issue:
ƒ The .hlp help files do not open. The existing help files will become
functional when Microsoft releases the supporting file WinHelp32.exe to
end users.
ƒ Raw Data Editor Report - The number of decimals shown in the scale factor
has been increased.
ƒ TDS Import - When you import raw TDS data using stakeout records, the
target height is now recognized on sideshots, and correct point descriptions
are shown in the Raw Data Editor.
ƒ GENIO Import - When a GENIO (.crd) file is imported, all point of vertical
intersection (PVI) coordinates are now created.
ƒ LandXML Import
ƒ When a LandXML file has more than one stored cross section, each
alignment is now converted into a road job, allowing each alignment to
have stored cross sections.
ƒ When a LandXML file contains an alignment with an arc-line-line
combination having very small changes in bearing, the bearing of each
line section is maintained rather than removing the small changes.
ƒ When a LandXML file has a surface < pnts > section with both ID and
name attributes, the resulting triangles can now be formed.

New in Terramodel 10.43

Terramodel 10.43 includes the following:
ƒ AutoCAD 2007 support - Terramodel can now import AutoCAD 2007 DWG
and DXF files.
Note: No new AutoCAD objects types are supported. Most proxy object types are
not imported.
ƒ LandXML enhancements - When LandXML breaklines are imported, point
names of the points defining the breaklines are named after the breaklines.
This enables the nodes of cross sections to inherit the names of the points.
The display of an erroneous error message warning of a mismatch of units
when importing and exporting LandXML files with international/US feet units
has been corrected.
When creating a vertical alignment with vertical curves, the arc length is
exported in addition to the other curve parameters.

Terramodel® Release Notes 7

New in Terramodel 10.42
Note: Terramodel 10.42 is released in conjunction with SCS900 version 2.0.
Some new features in Terramodel 10.42 might not be supported by earlier
versions of SCS900.
Terramodel 10.42 includes the following new and updated features:
ƒ Export Roads to SCS900 — The SCS900 Export Script now allows one or
more Terramodel road jobs to be exported to a .pro file as part of a design.
ƒ New and Renamed Work Order Tasks — The SCS900 Export Script
includes the following new or renamed work order tasks:
ƒ Stakeout Sideslopes
ƒ Stakeout Roadway
ƒ "Topo Site and Surface Features" renamed to "Measure Site and Surface

Reminders (from previous releases)

Elevation Calculations During DC File Import
Terramodel version 10.41 properly calculates the elevation when importing a DC
file with positions collected in an RTK survey using the VRS (RTCM) or VRS
(CMR) broadcast formats.
Prior versions of Terramodel improperly calculated the elevation when importing
a DC file using one of these formats. When prior versions of Terramodel imported
this particular type of data, the antenna height and offset were not included in the
Elevation calculation. This type of data is stored in the DC file as Latitude,
Longitude and Height.
Files collected with Vectors are calculated properly when imported into prior
versions of Terramodel. Terramodel project files created by importing positions
will within RDE show Northing, Easting, and Elevation for all points. Files
collected with vectors will show AntennaDeltaX, AntennaDeltaY, and

New Earthwork Command Replaces Volume Command

The Volume command has been renamed to Earthwork. New options have been
added to support stockpiles and depressions. The ability to select multiple
boundaries has been added. The Earthwork command is now secured to the
Field Data Module.

Terramodel® Release Notes 8

The ability to export a roadjob into a LandXML format has been added. You
will need to create a new script for this option. This enables users to transfer
HALs and VALs to other packages that support LandXML such as InRoads. The
ability to import alignment data from LandXML has been improved to better
support data from InRoads.
The ability to import and export DTM data using LandXML has been improved to
support InRoads specific optional data.

Measurement units
The MeasUnit command had been enhance to include the selection of US Feet /
International Feet as options. This setting is critical for the transfer and
translation of data. When data is imported and if the data format is specified, the
units the data will be translated as needed. When data is exported the specified
units will be used as applicable. Changing this setting does not affect existing
data. It will affect the translation to and from Meters.

Exporting data to SCS900

When exporting to SCS900, the available options for each work order task are
now enabled only for the applicable task.

Exporting DC road files

Improvements have been made to the exporting of DC files to require less editing
when used in SiteVision Office. A new option within the LinkSet command,
Remove link between BLs, reduces the number of extra template points when
exporting templates based on a DTM.

This command was added as a keyboard only command. This command
modifies the colors of 3D points based on the current contour interval and
specified number of colors.

Terramodel® Release Notes 9

New Leica import template
A new import template has been created to support additional Leica raw data
formats. Use the ImportSMgr command to create a new script to import raw
data. For the template select Leica TPS1000 series.lgr. When importing data, it
is suggested that you not enable Include computed coords, and for the Import
coordinates option, specify all coordinates. If RDE has to make an assumption
for back sight bearings, this value can normally be specified by revising the first
sideshot following the occupied point to be a refstation and adding a bearing data
tag with an azimuth equal to horizontal angle.
The data recorded in the Leica format is user definable. It is recommended that
known coordinate points are recorded and that instrument heights and target
heights are recorded for each observation.
Computed coordinates are recorded for each observation. These coordinates can
be imported by creating a script to import ASCII points and using the TPS 1000
series LGR as the template.

Importing coordinates with coordinate systems

When importing coordinates with LLH (Latitude, longitude, height) values, these
LLH coordinates are transformed and "projected" to NEE values in the
Terramodel project coordinate system. These points are flagged as originally
having LLH coordinates but the LLH values are not retained.
When importing coordinates with NEE (Northing, Easting, elevation) the northing
and easting values are converted from the imported file's coordinate system to the
Terramodel project coordinate system. The elevation value is retained and not
changed. In previous versions, Terramodel would have also translated the
elevation given sufficient coordinate system information.

The plotting to file functionality has been enhanced to enable multiple files to be
plotted that have the .plt extension. When specifying the file name to plot to,
specify the extension of .plt. Terramodel will keep that extension and append
_000 to the plot file name.

Known Defect in Geosys for Some Imported DC Files

For some imported DC files the Geosys command will display incorrect
Horizontal and Vertical Adjustment Origin North and Origin East parameters.
The display of these incorrect parameters only occurs when site setting
parameters are used in the DC file. This known defect does not affect the
computations, or coordinates, only their display in this single command. The
correct parameters are used when points are exported to a DC file.

Terramodel® Release Notes 10

Import AutoCAD 2004 Files
With the 10.4 version of Terramodel, the importing of AutoCAD 2004 files is

Support for Trimble SCS900 System

In Terramodel 10.31, you can create an SCS900 work order that sets field
settings. When you create a work order, you can select a field task (such as check
grade surface). The dialog then configures the appropriate settings for that task.
This allows for less confusion during the creation of a work order.
For example, if the Terramodel user defines the task of a work order to be Surface
Grade Check, the user will then be able to set tolerances above and below the
surface which will meet the design specifications of the task.
The SCS900 export script has also been modified to auto-detect the last-accessed
location of the Synchronization root folder. In addition, the export script creates a
site.ini file when a new site is created. And the Add Background and Add
Foreground Map dialogs make it clear that these maps must be .dxf files.

Note for ACU and TSCe Survey Controller users:

The Terramodel 10.30 CD release supports the new versions of the Survey
Controller software. To upload or download and import information to/from these
controllers, you must install the upgrade for the Trimble remote device manager
using the installation CD accompanying the device.

Enhanced pan and zoom abilities

Zoom In, Zoom Out - Rotate the mouse wheel up / down to zoom in / out. If the
keyboard focus is in a control which uses the mouse wheel (for example, in a
combo box or list box) you can still use the zoom feature by holding the [Ctrl] key
down and then using the mouse wheel.
Zoom to Rectangle - Works similar to the regular zoom command. Press and
hold the [Ctrl] key and middle mouse key (the wheel) and then drag with the
mouse to extend the zoom rectangle. When the mouse key is released the view is
Pan - Press and hold the middle mouse button and the drag with the mouse. A
"rubber line" is drawn on the view to indicate the pan extent.
Recenter - Press and hold the [Shift] key and click with the middle mouse button.
The view will be recentered to the location you click.

Terramodel® Release Notes 11

More commands are now available in the FDM module.
Numerous commands have been unsecured in order to allow all file types required
by Trimble field systems to be created, validated and supported within the basic
Field Data Module (FDM) system. The following commands are grouped into the
functions that they support and accompanied by a brief explanation.
Surface Models
ƒ QProf (Quick Profile)
ƒ Set and BL (Create Breaklines)
ƒ Setsmooth (To change the sharpness of breaklines)
ƒ DTMEdge (Create a DTM Boundary)
ƒ Linkset (Create DTM - generate quick (straight) contours)
ƒ MultilayerDTM (Form surface from multiple layers)
ƒ TVLite (3D Visualizer - Viewing and validating surfaces)
Note: This means that FDM can import 3D Face models from CAD or SCS900
and export surface models as TTM files to SCS900, Survey Controller and
SiteVision / SiteVision Office systems.

Background & Foreground Maps

ƒ Explode (To break up DXF or DWG file blocks)
ƒ Join (To connect lines that touch at end points)
ƒ Connect (To connect lines that do not touch at end points)
ƒ Break, Trim and Extend (To edit linework)
ƒ Convert (To change plines to sets, creating points at the node points for
ƒ Scale and ScaleElv (To scale imported CAD drawings e.g. from mm to m in
XY and Z)
ƒ QuickLset (Browse quickly through imported DXF file layers)
ƒ Copy, Multicopy, Mkblk (Commands to create data quickly)
Note: This means that CAD data can now be effectively imported, edited, filtered
and converted into DXF data that can be used by the Trimble SCS900, Survey
Controller, BladePro 3D or SiteVision systems as maps, linework, points and

Control and Stakeout Points

ƒ Point (To create points by manual entry)
ƒ Ptblks (To create points at point block insertion locations)
ƒ Divide (To create points at intervals along a line)
ƒ Renumber (Renumber points in a file for stakeout)
ƒ List (Generates a list of points)

Terramodel® Release Notes 12

Note: This means that point data can effectively be created and exported for use
as stakeout or control data within the Trimble SCS900 Site Controller or Survey
Controller field systems

Stakeout Lines
ƒ Offelev (Create a line at a lateral and vertical offset to a selected line)
ƒ Offset (Offset a segment or entire line by a distance)
ƒ OffsetDist (Offset a line by a specified distance)
ƒ OffsetPoint (Offset a line to a specified point)
ƒ Pline, Box (Create a polyline alignment or box)
ƒ Spline (Create a spline curve)
ƒ Pointset (Create a set through a point number series)
ƒ List (Generate an alignment analysis)
ƒ Curve, Fillet, Circle (Curve generation commands for alignments)
ƒ SCurve (Create a curve within a set line)
ƒ Clip (Cut lines to within a selected boundary)
Note: This means that line data can effectively be created, edited and managed for
use in line stakeout or as background, foreground or avoidance zone map data
within Trimble SCS900, BladePro 3D or SiteVision systems

Road Models
ƒ VNew, VClose (Allows use of Profile, section and other views)
ƒ Segedit (Creation of horizontal alignments)
ƒ HAL, VAL & Slope manager (Registration of Hz, Vt and Slope alignments)
ƒ RoadDTM (Creates a surface model output from road template model)
ƒ GeomRpts (Alignment geometry reports)
ƒ Station, IDStation (Sets and inquires alignment stationing)
ƒ Materials (Access to Road Material Manager)
ƒ RoadJob (Access to Road Job Manager)
ƒ RoadMat (Access to Road Materials Shrink & Swell)
ƒ ShapeClass, ShapeMan (Access to Road Shape manager and editor)
ƒ Tmanager (Access to Road Template manager)
ƒ Surface (Access to Road Surface manager)
Note: The basic commands required to enter a roadway definition that can be
exported to a DC file for use within SiteVision or Survey Controller are now
secured to FDM.

Terramodel® Release Notes 13

Improved Support for DC File Format
ƒ Upload of Control Points
ƒ Upload of Stakeout Points
ƒ Upload of Stakeout Lines
ƒ Upload calibration information
ƒ Improved Roads support
ƒ Control over the Job name and Survey Controller Version number
ƒ Survey Controller 10.7 import (DC and Job)
ƒ Ground vector import
ƒ Autonomous point with Lat, Long, Ht import
Also, the FDM menu (spfielddata.m) has been revised to include the commands
that are now available in FDM.
The ability to use the Terramodel Macro Language (TML) is now secured to
FDM. Note that the TML commands will function provided they do not call
secured command functions. For example, a command that calls the Volume
capability of Terramodel will not function without the Site Design module on the
hardware lock.

Latin Character Set added to tmodelf.fnt

The complete set of Latin characters was added to tmodelf.fnt in Terramodel
release 10.10. As a consequence, the superscript and subscript characters have
been removed from the tmodelf.fnt file. Users may add them into their fonts at a
desirable location as described on page 163 of the users guide or continue to use
the previous version of the tmodelf.fnt file. Other special characters above
character 127 have also been replaced. If these characters have been used with
versions of Terramodel prior to 10.10, it is recommended that the older version of
the tmodelf and tmodelp fonts files continue to be used with these project files.

Vertical Exaggeration
In the ViewSet command vertical exaggeration should not be enabled for the plan
and sheet views. In the profile view vertical exaggeration must be enabled. In
the profile view you may set the exaggeration to 1 to effectively disable
exaggeration. Selecting objects by window will not function properly if these
suggestions are not followed.

Area command
The area command will not calculate the area of a set if there are duplicate points
or if the set crosses itself. If the command is unable to calculate the area, close
examination using the GeomRpts command can be used to determine the error.

Terramodel® Release Notes 14

Refraction correction
There are two equations used for the refraction correction:
(1 - K) / 2R
Where K is typically 0.14, or
(.5 - (k / 2)) / R
Where k is typically 0.07.
Both forms yield the same results with the appropriate value for (K,k).
Confusion can be generated when the “k” is inconsistently capitalized. Users
should note that RDE uses the second form of the equation where k = 0.07, while
Trimble Geomatics Office (TGO) uses the first form of the equation where K =

Note for SiteWork Users:

For SiteWork to launch a 10.2 (or later) version of Terramodel, you must modify
the GDX.ini file found in the c:\windows (or c:\winnt) folder. The path for
Terramodel needs to be the new installation path, or SiteWork will continue to
launch the previously installed version of Terramodel.
Terramodel=C:\Program Files\Trimble\Terramodel\Terramodel.exe

Terramodel® Release Notes 15

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