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Thursday, 26 November, 2015


Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Water Lisa Neville met yesterday with members of Community
Action for the Chalet, Alpine Shire and Tourism North East to discuss a revised plan for the Mount Buffalo Chalet.

Tenders for the proposed redevelopment works at the Chalet came in with the lowest tender more than $3
million dollars over the budget. The failed tender meant that even basic efforts to secure the site could not move
ahead. Due to exceptionally high additional costs, the Andrews Labor Government asked for further information
to ensure the best use of taxpayer’s money.

After discussions, the Government has confirmed the Chalet will be made safe and secure, with works starting
before Winter 2016. There will be no demolition as part of the works.

Importantly, a Mount Buffalo Advisory Group will be formed to discuss any future options for the Chalet including
a representative from Alpine Shire, (CAC) Community Action for the Chalet, Tourism North East, Parks Victoria,
the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) and a local industry specialist.

The revised package for the Chalet and surrounding area is $5.6 million, including $1.3 million already spent
maintaining the building.

The rest of the package includes;

Mount Buffalo Chalet – $2.8 million

· upgrades to the public approaches and garden and essential maintenance
· restumping of floor in the main section of the Chalet and support new works to the façade repairs
· replacement and painting of weatherboards, wall and window frames on the front and side facades
· resetting of loose stonework on the building base and replacing the ageing water supply line

The Gorge at Mount Buffalo day visitor area - $1.5 million

· Upgrade the main lookout and improve car/coach parking
· A facility to provide food and beverage, improve signage, park furniture and access
· Upgrade the existing toilet facility including standalone water supply and waste water treatment system

Quotes attributable to Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Water, Lisa Neville
“The previous Government did not allocate enough money to preserve the Chalet.”

“Parks Victoria will make sure Mount Buffalo Chalet is secure and has to ensure that its heritage values do not

“This package recognises the importance of multiple attractions to bring visitors to enjoy the beautiful Mount
Buffalo National Park.”

Quotes attributable to Chair Community Action for the Chalet, David Jacobson
“We are proud to say that there will be no demolition of the Chalet and this keeps open the option of future
development. The scope includes a visitor experience but not an activation of Chalet facilities. But works will
provide a platform for possible commercial activation in the future.”

Media Contact: Hayley McNaughton 0424 753 775 |

Quotes attributable to Mayor Alpine Shire, Cr Ron Janas
“We welcome the Victorian Government’s commitment to the project. This is a great outcome for our community,
for the greater region and is a very positive step forward”

Media Contact: Hayley McNaughton 0424 753 775 |

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