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21 Eighth Street, SE, Washington, DC 20003 | 202-903-7286 |


Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Content Strategist (September 2016 to present)

Leads the Knowledge Management work for the bureau’s contact center, publishing authoritative
and timely content which agents can easily navigate, understand and use to answer consumer

• Chief publisher, writer and editor for the bureau's knowledge management platform
serving the bureau’s contact center; Drives digital publishing operations and content
management with a hybrid technology stack that includes Ultra Edit for HTML/XML
authoring, Sharepoint for collaboration, document management and editing the SalesForce
Customer Relationship Management System for publishing
• Develops and implements effective project plans for multiple streams of work to a
coordinated whole, for a full project lifecycle -- from managing a complex content migration
effort to conducting effective daily content management activities -- with a cross-cutting
team of contributors;
• Designs an intuitive information architecture and a logical organization for all knowledge
management content to help end users find what they are looking for and improve
customer experience using by metrics and user feedback
• As team lead for a blended content team, coordinates content requests with other teams
across the bureau to ensure published results meets both stakeholder objectives, CFPB’s
editorial standards and are written for the web
o Solicits and manages comments and feedback from subject matter experts as
content moves through the publishing pipeline
o Creates new content and updates existing content to meet high-quality editorial
standards for plain language, style and voice along with grammar and punctuation
• In collaboration with key stakeholders defines content strategy, manage risks, sets clear
goals and objectives and plans the tactical steps to achieve them
• Evaluates end products with a focus on usability, quality control and metrics to measure
• Moved adoption of standards and best practices to increase effectiveness and readability for
screen-reading; Focused on converting technical and analytical documents into clear and
user-friendly content



− Managed content team’s quality review and business improvement project to inventory
content, identify and address performance gaps and deliver new and improved content
− Retired 40 percent of job aids by eliminating redundant, old and trivial content
− Transformed a PDF heavy inventory into an HTML collection of articles
− Implemented a taxonomy and search engine optimization (SEO) plan to surface the right
content at the right time
− Analyzed content migration path, using data and metrics to prioritize workload
− Produced content guidelines and style guide for Knowledge Management to enhance system
usability and satisfaction with end users
− Led the contact center’s first content governance initiative for knowledge management;
Results included new standard operating procedures and workflow diagrams and a
chartered community of practice which meets weekly
− Delivered a key performance indicators reporting cycle for content metrics

Emerald Strategies, Inc.

Founder and President, (January 2001 to present)

Partner with public sector and large enterprise clients on large-scale web management projects,
including mass content migration, web redesign as well as customer and digital strategies to
strengthen public outreach and internal systems for web operations. Services provided:

• Benchmarking: Review content and business processes against best-in-class standards.

Involves governing processes (manage program, plan and execute initiatives, improve
services), core processes (provide valuable content, help people find information, leverage
the feedback loop) and enabling processes (care for people, IT support, infrastructure,
resource and asset management)
• Best practice audits: Measure and evaluate website and team performance with
information architecture and content audits, usability scorecards and testing, task analysis,
stakeholder and user research, analytics and documentation reviews
• Web governance: Draw the blueprint, build the foundation and manage the lifecycle with
clear roles, responsibilities, relationships, rules and review at every step
• Communications planning: Services to re-charge organization capacity; build, motivate
and coach high-performing teams toward a shared vision using project management skills,
− Strategic plans: Future state, business cases, roadmaps, operating models, governance
− Media training: Expertise in writing for the web, message development, public outreach
− Message Development: Clear communication, writing, presentation and public speaking
− Print media production: Used knowledge in visual communications to lead creative and
produce and coordinate editorial print and production process for clients including
logos, brochures and other off-line publications



(2010) Exemplary Project Award, by Pennsylvania State Library Association for Cumberland County
Library System


− Conducted first-of-its kind Web governance Audit for the and Web
sites, leading to a comprehensive report and analysis of risks and opportunities that became
a roadmap for improved web management at both organizations
− Served as the Chief Information Officer's leading user experience advocate during the
growth of the U.S. Air Force Intranet from a beta state to a full-service portal serving a
global audience of over 700,000 users
− Conducted comprehensive management review of Web operations at the U.S. House of
Representatives which resulted a strategic roadmap toward more effective Web business
practices; Website audits for members of Congress evaluated usability, Section 508
compliance and adherence USHR rules for websites
− Provided media training to various public sector organizations including the FCC, the U.S.
Army, the EPA and others on compliance with OMB Guidance on best practices, federal Web
regulations, writing for the Web, message development, graphic design principles, visual
communication and adoption of social media tools
− Expert panelist for Congressional Management Foundation’s Congress Online Project,
funded by the Pew Charitable Trusts
− Published an online newsletter to support and engage with audience

Department of Homeland Security

Director of Web Communications (June 2010 to June 2013)

Led digital strategy at Supervised staff of four to six, project team of 16

• Directed daily operations of HQ site and content strategy for agency

• Set and enforced policy compliance for over 300+ public facing websites
• Champion for usability and customer experience, leveraging heuristic best practices, Google
Analytics and satisfaction survey metrics to implement systemic improvements in the
agency website
• Led the agency-wide effort to consolidate CMS tools and migrate content to a common
platform, with a new search engine, metrics plan and updated content presentation
• Created and led DHS Web Council that closed or migrated outdated and duplicative
websites while also providing a space for sharing of best practices agency-wide.
• Co-chaired interagency Federal Web Manager Council


(2012) Tied for “Best Performing Website” among 75 studied by comScore for


(2010) Award for Excellence in Education and Outreach by Center for Environmental Innovation &
Leadership for


− Established DHS’s first formal web governance system to establish a vision and lead a
strategic communications program by building strong relationships with internal partners
− Developed agency’s first public website content strategy and implementation plan,
including enterprise Web-CMS requirements; The strategic plan was coordinated across all
operational components at the agency and approved by the web governance groups
− Led the adoption of web customer service standards and metrics, including publishing
standard web metrics practices for use across the agency, a web scorecard with key
performance indicators and procedures and policy approvals for use of Google Analytics as
the enterprise analytics tool
− Planned and executed a re-organization of staff roles and responsibilities for the web
communications division including a transformation of the staffing model for from
contractors to federal employees with a new and improved team structure saving the
agency $1.5M in contract fees; Responsible for all aspects of hiring, performance plans and
HR liaison duties
− Organized a cross-agency stakeholder team of 39 web council members and 26 executive
steering committee members, who now meet on a routine basis to guide and execute
investing our public web resources on agency priorities; Supervised a direct staff of four,
supplemented by up to three rotational details and two interns, to execute daily program
− Provided leadership to the Secretary’s efficiency review initiative for web systems
optimization, an agency-wide effort to consolidate websites, streamline content and
implement an enterprise Web-Content Management System and hosting strategy
− Developed and executed short and long-term web training programs for the agency to
enable a transformation from centralized to decentralized publishing across HQ and DHS
− Implemented a revised risk management and continuity of operations plan for
following a system outage which exposed new vulnerabilities
− Developed partnerships with U.S. Government agencies to share and disseminate content to
the public: 1) a formal arrangement with to distribute incident communications
and 2) a multi-agency website to communicate activities related to the BP Deepwater
Horizon recovery; the website was the first in the federal space to enable multi-agency
publishing, and to enable this capability 30 people from six different agencies were trained
on the system
− Managed DHS web-related implementation of the President’s Open Government initiative
including adoption and growth of social media tools and the creation of a supportive policy
− Co-wrote the DHS Customer Service Plan in response to the 2011 Executive Order 13571 on
Streamlining Service Delivery and Improving Customer Service


− Built the social networking capabilities, policies, procedures and audience/followings of
DHS social media accounts, facilitated adoption of social media and trained relevant
− Enhanced internal and external communications with a CRM database for outreach to
agency-wide web stakeholders and advanced segments for public email newsletter
− Represented the program and agency with outside organizations including the Federal Web
Manager Council, where I was elected by my peers as the co-chair for FY2011 and served as
co-chair of the governance sub-council

Department of Energy
Director of Consumer Information, (March 1999 to January 2001)

Senior Advisor to the Secretary of Energy on Consumer Affairs

• Supervised an immediate staff of seven, a management review team of 13 and an agency-

wide Web governance body
• Led an agency-wide team to overhaul and re-charge agency website launching the first
generation of to replace
• Led a first-of-its kind management review of DOE toll free phone numbers and
clearinghouses to promote better delivery of services at a reduced cost.
• Launched “one-stop shop” citizen gateway at 1-800-DIAL-DOE


(2000) Best Feds on the Web, by Government Executive Magazine for
(2000) Leadership Award, Association for Federal Resource Information Management


− Led an agency-wide team to overhaul and re-charge the U.S. Department of Energy web site
to replace with the first generation of; The new site restructured
and re-organized content to better meet the needs of end-users with topic based
information architecture and a user-friendly interface to tell the agency’s story effectively.
Re-branded the site with a marketing campaign and boosted the number of non-
government users four-fold. After launch, the site was named by Government Executive
magazine as one of “Ten Best Feds on the Web”
− Created a new governance structure to manage content and practice strategic
communications. Led the Web Council in developing strategies to upgrade the agency’s
capacity to emulate best practices on the web, being more open, efficient and responsive
− Led a first-of-its kind management review of DOE toll free phone numbers and
clearinghouses to promote better delivery of services at a reduced cost. This study
discovered over 400 toll free lines, half of which were no longer being used but still being


paid for. The review culminated in a report to the Deputy Secretary that identified
inefficiencies and crafted a coherent long-term Department strategy to provide total
solutions to customers and providing short-term relief with a gateway “One-stop Shop”
telephone system using 1-800-DIAL-DOE. The Deputy Secretary accepted the report’s
recommendation to launch 1-800-DIAL-DOE to improve service to citizens.
− Managed a national educational project to promote energy awareness, with over 4000
young people from 48 states participating in White House Millennium Council sponsored
art contest that traveled to four cities
− Oversaw production of multiple Public Service Announcements on winter/summer energy
use with call center support and the publication of the first Spanish-language translation of
government information on energy efficiency

Consumers Union, Publisher of Consumer Reports

DC Media Director, (September 1997 to February 1999)

• Spokesperson for the federal public policy agenda, developed message and positioning
• Trained CU lawyers and advocacy staff to communicate effectively with the public
• Modernized delivery platforms, with national radio news service to reach more than 240
stations, and use of user-generated video to promote storytelling in support of advocacy


− Modernized message delivery platforms, including creation of an audio news service

reaching more than 240 stations nationwide, distribution of content via new media, and use
of user-generated video to promote story-telling in support of advocacy efforts
− Initiated a series of media briefings on federal consumer agenda for consumer and business
press corps on timely and topical issues which led to increased press coverage for our
issues in the trade and mainstream media
− Adopted the user-friendly domain for advocacy arm of organization;
populated 60 percent of Web content during inaugural year
− Trained lawyers and advocacy staff on effective use of message box techniques to frame
their message for the media and coalition groups
− Planned and executed media strategy for using nonprofit grant funds in association with
coalition partners to push food safety agenda; Focus included editorial board tour, radio
tour and overseeing the design and editorial print and production process for a joint
publication distributed at major stakeholder conferences

U.S. Senator Carl Levin

Press Secretary and Chief Spokesperson, (November 1994 to September 1997)

• Responsible for public affairs activities with state and national news outlets and outside
groups working with 60-person personal and committee staff including the Governmental


Affairs Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations and the Senate Armed Services
• Led print media outreach: event management, press releases, op/ed program
• Led electronic media outreach: Launched first website; Initiated a weekly "Radio Tour" and
news service reaching over 160 stations in 11 media markets; Produced over 50 video news
releases and cable TV show
• Produced regular print newsletter for constituents, including writing, graphics and design


− Pioneered web outreach activities overseeing the build and promotion for the lawmaker’s
first Web site, which was the 16th Web site launched by a U.S. Senator
− Started a weekly "Radio Tour" and news service reaching over 160 stations in 11 media
− Produced over 50 video news releases and promoted them to local TV News operations in
five major media markets across the state of Michigan
− Produced a cable pilot program, public service announcements and multiple live interview
events for television
− Created an effective statewide outreach program with up-to-date contact lists for the eighth
largest state in the country (Michigan), national issue campaign audiences and to affinity
and trade publications for targeted outreach


BA in American Government from Georgetown University | 1985

Certified Usability Analyst, Human Factors International | 2004

Certified Help Desk Manager, STI Knowledge| 2006

Project Management Certificate, Georgetown School of Continuing Studies |2015

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