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14Half-Elven Spirit Summoner

Strength 16 (+2 racial bonus, +1 @ 4th & 8th level, +2 @ 13th, 15th & 17th level)
Dexterity 14
Constitution 14
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 8
Charisma 14 (+1 @ 12th & 16th level)

Community Minded
Heirloom Weapon (Greatsword)

Feats: Spirit/Hexes:
1st Extra Evolution (Improved Initiative) Battle Spirit +1
1st Skill Focus: Survival
2nd Hex: Battle Master
3rd Weapon Focus: Greatsword (EH: Touch of Rage)
5th Extra Evolution (Weapon Focus: Greatsword)
6th Hex: Secret (Extend Spell)
7th Improved Initiative (Arcane Strike)
8th Weapon Specialization: Greatsword Hex: Tongues
Battle Spirit +2
9th EH: Touch of Rage (Lunge) Enemy’s Bane
11th Extra Evolution (Improved EH: Strength of the Beast)
13th Improved EH: SotB (EH: Fearless)
15th Extra Evolution (Power Attack)
16th Greater Weapon Focus: Greatsword Hex: Battle Ward
Battle Spirit +3
17th Greater EH: Power of Giants Paragon of Battle
19th Quicken Spell

Summoner class features lost:

2nd Bond Senses
6th Maker’s Call
8th Transposition
16th Merge Forms

1st level:
STR – 18, DEX – 14, CON – 14, INT – 12, WIS – 8, CHA – 14
HP 10 (1d8+2), AC 19, Move 30, Fortitude +2, Reflex +2, Will +1
Feats & Special Abilities: Skill Focus: Survival, Life Link, Share Spells, Battle Spirit, Spells
Attack: +4
+0 [BAB] +4 [STR]
Damage: 2d6+6
2d6 [Greatsword] +6 [STR]
Gear: Greatsword, Chain Shirt
Eidolon: (Biped)

Eidolon points:
Level Base 1/2Elf Feat Total
1st 3 +1 4
2nd 4 +1 5
3rd 5 +1 6
4 th 7 +1 +1 9
5th 8 +1 +2 11
6th 9 +1 +2 12
7th 10 +1 +2 13
8 th 11 +2 +2 15
9th 13 +2 +2 17
10th 14 +2 +2 18
11th 15 +2 +3 20
12th 16 +3 +3 22
13 th 17 +3 +3 23
14th 19 +3 +3 25
15th 20 +3 +4 27
16th 21 +4 +4 29
17 th 22 +4 +4 30
18th 23 +4 +4 31
19th 25 +4 +4 33
20th 26 +5 +4 35

Eidolon Feats:
1st Toughness
3rd Weapon Focus: Greatsword (Power Attack)
7th Power Attack (Lunge)
9 th Furious Focus (Hammer the Gap)
11th Intimidating Prowess (Bodyguard)
14th Dreadful Carnage (In Harm's Way)
17th Iron Will
19 th Improved Iron Will

1st level:
STR – 18, DEX – 12, CON – 13, INT – 11, WIS – 10, CHA – 7
HP 14 (1d10+4), AC 19, Move 30, Fortitude +3, Reflex +1, Will +2
Evolutions (4): Arms (F), Legs (F), Weapon Proficiency - replaces Claws (F), Improved Natural
Armor (1), Ability Increase – Strength (2), Magic Attacks – Weapon (1)
Feats & Special Abilities: Toughness, Darkvision, Link, Share Spells
Attack: +5
+1 [BAB] +4 [STR]
Damage: 2d6+6
2d6 [Greatsword] +6 [STR]
Gear: Greatsword

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