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Greetings to all in the matchless name of the Lord and

savior Jesus Christ. As I was attainting the fasting prayer. The

topic of fasting prayer given like this,
“Restored hearts and Revive services”.
I thought for a while if I would have been the preacher
what I would have preached. Immediately it came in my mind.
Moses, David, Joseph, etc………..
Since this meeting is institutional heads. So I thought I will
discuss about Moses. Because Moses was a charismatic and
administrative leader. Administration and leadership though it
is closely connected, but they are different.
That’s why John Maxwell said,
“Management is the process of assuring that the
program and objective of the organization are implemented.
Leadership on the other hand has to do with casting vision and
motivating people”.
Moses life can be divided into 3.
One is first 40 years in Pharaoh’s house.
Second 40 years in wilderness.
Third 40 years leading the people to canon.
The third 40 years we could see the leadership and
administrative skill.
He was a excellent HR manager. He could select 70 people
and depute accordingly (exodus 18). He was an excellent
logistics officer. Because he could gather material from people.
And he was an excellent OPS manager who could identify
the skill of the people (exodus 31). He could provide food for
the people. He could manage the problem within (number 6
Miriam, Aaron; num-16-korah). He could confront the problem
outside and he could stand in between the gap when people
did some mistake. That is the role of the right leader.
I can keep on telling, but from where it all came? It is the
wilderness experience of Moses. Now let me come to the 1st 40
years (Act 7:23-27). So Moses knew that he was something
special. Bible says: Act 7:22
“But the man who was mistreating the other pushed
Moses aside and said “who made you ruler and judge over
And he thought his brothers will automatically accept him
alas. It was big failure. You may be educated, you may be
qualified you may be from palace. That is not going to make
you a leader. And you will be failure. And that’s why Moses has
to ran away to the wilderness.
Significant to insignificant.
Significant is,
 Moses was educated in all the wisdom of the
 He was powerful in speech and action
Insignificant is,
 Now, he chose to be mistreated along with the
people of God rather than to enjoy the pleasures of
sin for a short time.
 He regarded disgrace for the sake of Christ as of
greater value than the treasures of Egypt
In wilderness 40 years. He was lonely walking around the
wilderness with his father in law sheep’s. Moses was a broken
and lonely man.
“I will never forget going through my depression stage
where it seems that anxiety is my only friend and loneliness is
the only one I can rely on”
He must have thought why I did it. And he must have
bitter with his own people. He must have prayed 100 times to
God why is happened to me.
He must have been cried in the wilderness loudly, there
was no one for hear; softly there was no one for see him.
Only his tears were swelled by the sands of the wilderness.
He was a broken man. But he never knew that God was at work
to fulfilling his heart desire of delivering his people.
To my understanding Moses was pruned by God. When a
wine tree is grown up, it comes up with 30-40 branches and
every branch may produce fruits.
More branches more fruits but less taste and less quality
for making a wine which of equivalent to aged and finest wine.
That is why the gardener prunes the wine branches all the
branches except one or two branches which can give quality
graphs. At the end these one or two branches will produce best
graphs which will be a tasteful wine. That’s what happened in
Moses life.
God did hear Moses tears and pain. One by one he was
pruning Moses. Like undoing his education, his skill, his
knowledge and very specially pride. Moses thought that was his
Once Billigram said:
“When we come to the end of our self, we come to the
beginning of God”.
He came to his end. A broken man. God saw it. That was
the beginning of God. It was the experience of burning bush.
We need to have burning bush experience (Exodus 3). When
Moses confronted God, he was a changed man. Why did he say
to God sent some one. Because he was at his end.
Probably we may thinking at my end, I am not able to
manage, people are not obeying me, not listening me. You
need to have burning bush experience that is confronted with
Let this day be a confrontation day with God at the
burning bush, God gave his anointing, God gave him authority
and God made him undisputable leader who could fulfill his
Today this morning let us long for a burning bush
experience in our life. So that we can successful leader in your
area of work.

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