Picking A Cost Effective Coal Dust: 1 Control System

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Consider yst m relia ility, system
maintenance and current work force load.
8. Establish housekeeping and worker pro-
ductivity goals.
After the goals are determined, evaluate

the available dust control methods for suit-

i Picking a cost ability. In all likelihood, a combination of

two or three will be used. The three gener-
al types of dust control methods are: con-
tainment, collection, and suppression.

effective coal dust Dust containment is most commonly
practiced in fuel handling systems. In this
case, skirtboards, belt scrapers, baffles, and
conveyor hoods help to contain and limit

11 control system
airborne dust. Unfortunately, containment
alone does not provide enough airborne
dust reductions in handling systems for
many low sulfur western fuels.
Fuel switching usually calls for an upgrade of dust control in
coal handling systems. To pick the best control, review them all. Dust collection
Conventional collection systems use slight
One power plant did it negative pressures created by air move-
ment to transport airborne particles
through ducts to a central collection point.
Capture hoods are located in areas where
By Mike Schimmelpfennig, Union Electric hazards; and increased cost of insurance dust is generated and the hoods transport it
Co. and Ronald Pircon, Benetech, lnc. and medical costs. through ductwork to a central collection
To address these concerns, power plant point.
Now that the Clean Air Act Amendments’ engineers need to gather and sort informa- One type of collector combines the cap-
acid rain conformance deadlines are an tion to pick the best solutions for their ture hood and central collection point into
imminent reality, many power plants have plant sites. Next, it will help them to plot a one unit. More collection units are neces-
already tumed to fuel switching as a solu- map that will show the way to a successful sary, but there is no need for ductwork.
tion. Others are considering the switch program while keeping costs to a minimum Filters separate dust from the air at the cen-
from midwestern/eastern fuels to western (Figure 1). tral collection point and the collector then
fuels. Although a variety of factors must be discharges the clean air.
evaluated in changing fuels, elevated dust Determine dust control goals The most common dust collection sys-
concentrations in systems handling westem The first step is to develop site-specific tems use a baghouse as the central collec-
coals probably heads the list. dust control goals. To get goals estab- tion point. Compressed air, or a reverse air
Blending two or three different fuels is lished: flow through the filter fabric, cleans the fil-
often anticipated to maintain good boiler 1. Address fire and/or explosion potential. ter media. Although less common, mech-
performance, meet required stack emis- 2. Determine when and where dust control anical shakers also are used to clean filter
sions and avoid derating. Some utilities is needed (during test burns, blending, han- fabric.
also are spot-purchasing coal, which means dling, etc.).
that coal handling personnel must deal 3. Anticipate the ease of dust control sys- Control by suppression
with a multitude of variables associated tem changes. Can the present dust control Dust suppression systems use strategically
with each supplier of coal. system handle a possible conveyor modifi- located application manifolds to reduce
High levels of airborne or fugitive dust cation needed in a fuel switch or blending airborne dust levels. The most basic of
cause several problems-some direct, oth- adjustment? these systems do not use chemicals to
ers more subtle-and lost revenues can 4. Review costs for equipment and chemi- enhance control. However, even the least
occur for a number of reasons. These cals. expensive surfactant can reduce water
include fuel losses in transit, in coal han- 5. Include needs for a clean and healthy usage by 10%. Water added to fuel
dling systems and from coal piles; penal- work environment to meet OSHA work decreases the net heating value of the fuel,
ties from local, state, and federal regulato- regulations. therefore, specific chemicals mixed with
ry agencies; higher equipment maintenance 6 . Evaluate the degree of fugitive dust water will reduce any heat rate loss.
and/or replacement; fire and explosion from storage piles. Is it a problem? In addition to plain water sprays, there are
three general types of dust suppression sys-
I Table 1. Cost summary for collection and suppression systems.
Costcategory I Dust collection Dust suppression
tems. They are wet suppression, foam sup-
pression, and residual suppression.
Wet suppression consists of a water spray
in which a surfactant reduces water surface
tension. This allows dust particles to attach
to water droplets more easily. The particles
then fall to the conveyor or chute due to
the weight of the water droplet.
Foam suppression uses air, water, and a
foam surfactant to encapsulate airborne dust
particles. This system adds very little mois-
ture to the coal. Foam generating systems
greatly increase the water’s surface area and
reduce water surface tension. Tests have
proved that the higher surface area and sur-
e111 face tension reduction greatly increase the Power requirements are almost directly suppression system include automatic
1. potential for dust particle capture. proportional to air requirements. However, operation, piping specification, system
ro- Residual suppression uses binders, extra auxiliary equipment adds to power potential for future additions, overall cost
humectants, and surfactants to provide requirements, which can range from 2 hp per ton of coal treated, ease of mainte-
late long-term dust control for storage piles and to 3 hp per 1000 cfm. Air to cloth ratios nance, control interface with existing coal
uit- downstream coal handling areas. Usually, from 3: 1 to 7: 1 are common. handling equipment, and water addition to
I of the residual chemicals are mixed with Air volumes depend on the size of the coal.
ier- water and the solution is sprayed on wet. dust control area and air leakage. Normal Costs associated with the equipment and
on- design air velocities for coal dust control installation for the pump and control house
Evaluation of costs range from 400 fpm to 500 fpm for collec- building, control panels and chemical sup-
Illy An important factor in all goal-setting tion hoods and 4000 fpm for ductwork. pressant storage tank start at $60,000. For
this evaluations is costs. Equipment and instal- Under normal conditions, bag life extends each spray location, $3000 per application
and lation costs for collection range from from 18,000 to 26,000 hours of operation. point is standard for systems assuming the
mit $6000 to $9000 per 1000 cfm. These are Depending on the frequency of operation, inclusion of spray tip calibration.
lent Chemical costs vary for residual, foam
Nrne and wet surfactant types and the required
for duration of effectiveness. The following
are cost estimates for each type of chemi-
cal suppressant: residual, $0.03 to $0.10
per ton; foam, $0.01 per application point;
ight wet, $0.005 per application point.
Ive- Application costs correlate directly to the
les type of coal handled, coal flow rate, condi-
int. tion of the coal handling system, conveyor
iere speeds, and desired effectiveness.
rt it A frequent practice is to have the dust
tion suppression vendor conduct maintenance
on the system. Aside from normal wear on
:ap- equipment, monthly maintenance checks
into of spray tips, filters and pump calibration
ces- are common.
xk. Table 1 summarizes the costs to consider
:en- for collection and suppression systems.
hen Both methods of dust control have advan-
tages and disadvantages. Knowledge of
each type is essential to selection of an
- Maintenance (current workorder) effective system. The following list of
- Performance advantages and disadvantages for each
- Reliability may help.

Dust collection advantages

*Dust collection is effective in large
unconfined coal handling areas, such as in
areas for railcar coal dump hoppers, surge
ally bins, and coal bunkers.
luce Collection captures a high percentage of
c of airborne dust, and collection efficiency of
s to airborne dusts reaches nearly 100%.
east Performance monitoring 0 Coal moves rapidly through a chute and
ater - cost forces air through just as rapidly. Dust col-
fuel - Dust reduction lection overcomes this air movement and
fuel, effectively captures airbome particulates.
with In general, dust collection requires less
operating and maintenance cost, because it
Figure 1. Dust control project evaluation flow chart.
:are does not add moisture to the coal. Moisture
sys- reduces the heating value of the coal.
sup- installed costs for an average baghouse bag life can be from two to nine years. This Housekeeping costs are lower with col-
dust collection system at a transfer chute. is for 16-ounce polyester, low denier, lection because of its higher efficiency
Pray They include ductwork, collection hoods, singed finish bags. Other needed mainte- (nearly 100%).
face and compressor. Note that conveyor layout nance includes rotary airlock and cleaning
rtach can affect the collector size, coal dust system repairs. Maintenance costs depend Dust collection disadvantages
icles retum air processing systems, and the air on the application. Equipment and installation costs and
Le to requirements. power requirements usually are higher than
Items to consider when designing a dust Equipmentkhemical costs suppression.
nd a collection system include: automatic oper- Dust suppression equipment and chemical Handling and treatment of collected dust
dust ation, transfer chute design for sizing, ease costs vary depending on the dust control must be included in the design.
nois- of maintenance, control interface with requirements. Dusting severity will deter- Collection produces no carryover dust
tems existing coal handling equipment, space mine the amount of application points and control effects unless the collected dust is
1 and requirements, moisture, temperature and quantity and types of chemical suppressant treated and handled properly.
have humidity for the collection environment, required. Because collected coal dust is deposited
I sur- and explosion venting. Items to consider when designing a dust in a hopper, the chance of fire or explosion



increases. The fine particle size of collect-
ed coal dust allows it to stay airborne for
proach minimizes wasted time. If a tumkey
system is involved, require a performance
modified to meet changes in the coal han-
dling system was needed. 1
long periods and dust concentrations inside warranty based on OSHA regulations.
collectors easily reach the minimum explo- 3. If possible, test the proposed dust con- Active solutions: dust containment
sive concentration of 35 g/m3. The collec- trol system before installing it. This is not As a first step after a dust containment
tion system design must avoid potential practical with collection systems unless the approach was chosen, some system
ignition sources. system is modeled, there are field test upgrades were undertaken with new equip-
Depending on the design, dust collection installations, or complete laboratory tests ment installations. Coal reclaim system con-
can remove air from enclosed spaces. Air for suppression. With field testing and veyor capacities were increased from 500 to
infiltration and heating of makeup air may modeling, measure before and after dust 850 tph by increasing speed and changing
be necessary. levels. For laboratory suppression testing, Iroughing idlers from 35 to 45 deg.
measure foam expansion ratios. wettability Thirty new belt scrapers were installed to
Dust suppression advantages and complete drop box testing for proposed reduce carryback on the return side of con-
Equipment costs are relatively low. suppressants. ASTM D547-4 1 describes a veyors; 30 new impact cradles at conveyor
Suppression systems have dust control test to determine an index of coal dusti- loading points reduced belt flex; and 30 new
carryover effects. Solution applied at one ness. It describes a method of measuring belt seals were installed at transfer and load-
area will reduce dusting in other normally float and coarse dust produced by impact. ing points, which reduced airborne dust lev-
dusty downstream areas. 4. Monitor dust control system costs. els. Twelve new coal transfer chutes were
Residual suppression products reduce Track capital, power, maintenance and installed. This accounted for approximately
dusting on coal storage piles and prevent housekeeping costs for dust collection sys- 48% of the total cost of the containment
or reduce fugitive dusting. Tests show that tems. Track capital, power, maintenance, work. Scrapers accounted for approximately
residual effectiveness lasts for months housekeeping, water, and chemical costs 14% of the containment cost; impact cra-
depending on the suppressant quality. for suppression. dles, 17%; and belt seals, 21%.
The supplier remains interested in the A coal handling system has many individ- Dust containment reduced the escape of
performance of equipment because of the ual areas that make up the total system. some dust, but it did not meet total levels
chemical sales. There are hoppers, bins, bunkers, silos, of the goals set forth.
In general, power and maintenance costs transfer chutes, loading points, discharge
are less than for collection. points, crushers, and various conveyor con- Dust control method
Suppression systems adapt easily to fit figurations. Each of these areas has a dif- Both dust suppression and dust collection
conveyor system changes. ferent control problem. And, many systems then were evaluated. Dust suppression was
require a combination of dust suppression chosen because of the advantage of residual
Dust suppression disadvantages and dust collection. Once the best system carryover throughout the coal storage pile and
Water added to the coal reduces heating has been pinpointed, keeping i t working reclaim systems. It was the most cost effec-
value. It takes 1050 Btu of heat to evapo- efficiently will pay dividends. tive solution to the dusting problem at the
rate each pound of water added to the coal. Labadie plant. In addition, dust suppression
Suppression sprays may not be effective A fuel switch a t Union Electric Co. could be expanded easily or modified to fit
in fast-moving coal streams. The resulting A successful dust control system selection various coal handling system changes. The
rapid air movement may cause misdirec- process was accomplished at Union goals set forth were met for the coal receiving
tion of suppression sprays. Electric Co.’s Labadie plant. There are four and coal reclaim systems at Labadie.
Sprays are difficult to apply in large open 600-MW Combustion Engineering, sub- As for cost savings, housekeeping time
areas. critical, balanced draft, pulverized coal- was reduced by approximately 2500 man-
Suppression can increase wet and frozen fired units on site. hours per year after the dust suppression
coal problems if excess moisture is used. A switch from Illinois coal to Powder system went into service. Estimates saw an
Antifreeze additives in suppression chemi- River Basin (PRB) coal increased coal dust additional $2.5 million in capital expendi-
cals reduce frozen coal problems. However, levels due to the friable nature of the new tures being needed if dust collection was
not all chemicals have antifreeze additives coal. Because of the lower densities and chosen for the coal receivi’ng and coal
and the equipment needs freeze protection. Btu values of PRB coals, average conveyor reclaim systems. Another $900,000 per
Residual application requires water. Some belt speeds were increased by 43% to han- year i n O&M expenditures would have
residual suppression systems need up to dle the needed extra fuel feed. This added been required for a collection system.
three gallons of water per ton of coal. to the airborne dust level problem. Dust levels were reduced by an average of
Operating costs are higher because of the In the process of developing its goals, the 60% to 80%, depending on the coal handling
chemical cost. company considered five areas: environ- area. Respirable dust levels in coal receivin
mental, regulations, fugitive dust, cost con- were reduced from approximately 3.5 mg/m l!
Dust control system performance trol, and flexibility. to 1.7 mg/m3. The coal reclaim area showed
Performance checks on a dust control sys- The first-environmental-involved the reductions from 4.6 mg/m3 to 0.6 mg/m3.
tem ensures employee health and safety, many transfer houses and conveyor tunnels The savings achieved because Labadie met
and such checkups also aid system mainte- that became dust and dirt covered from exces- health, safety and fugitive dusting goals are
nance. Some of the following steps should sive airbome coal dust; a threat to employees. intangible. If nothing was done, these goals
be completed before installation of the dust Next, dust readings indicated that some would not be met, and it is likely significant
control system: areas did not meet the 2.0 mg/m3 OSHA costs would have been incurred. END
1. Survey the existing coal handling sys- regulation and fugitive dusting while
tem to identify problem areas. Record unloading trains and stacking out coal to AUTHORS
locations of loose seals, holes in chutes, the storage pile was excessive.
operating practices that cause dusting and Cost effectiveness is always a goal and no Mike Schimmelpfennig, P.E., is an engi-
neer with Union Electric. He holds an MS
other dust-producing problems. Interview less so in dust control. Last but not least, degree in mining engineering from the
responsible operating and maintenance flexibility was needed in this system. Ne- University of Missouri at Rolla.
parties as part of the survey. cessary changes to the coal handling system
2. Measure dust levels before and after to accommodate PRB coal were not final- Ronald Pircon, P.E., is a regional sales
every dust control improvement. Frequent ized, and PRB coal was being burned at manager for Benetch, Inc. He holds a BS
measurements help to take a careful step-by- Labadie at the time this project began. A sys- degree in engineering from the Universi-
step approach. In addition, a stepped ap- tem that could be expanded easily and/or ty of Wisconsin at Madison.


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