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1 day prior to assessment:

Good morning Ma’am, I am Mr. Lucito C. Sumawang, I am the appointed accredited assessor for the
assessment in Shielded Metal Arc Welding NCII scheduled tomorrow. I am here to check if all the
materials, tools, equipment and facilities are ready. [ASSUME DOING THE INSPECTION]
Ma’am, I have seen that everything is ready for the assessment. I will be back tomorrow before 8am.
Thank you.

1. INTRODUCTION: Good morning candidates! Welcome to MKS assessment centre. My name is
Lucito C. Sumawang, an accredited competency assessor for Shielded Metal Arc
Welding NCII Here is my ID as a proof of my accreditation.

2. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: I would like to acknowledge the presence of Mr. Joel Salvador, our
competency assessment center manager, Ms. Miriam Santiago, our TESDA
representative from TESDA provincial office.
Good morning sir, good morning ma’am.

Candidates don’t worry about their presence. They are here to oversee the conduct of
competency assessment and to check if the conduct is in accordance with the
prescribed competency assessment methodology and procedures. They will not
assess you.

3. ATTENDANCE/ADMISSION:Before we start I would like to check your attendance. Please sign here.
As I call your name kindly submit your admission slip.

Mr. Arnold Padilla I have noticed that your picture in the admission slips and your
Application form are different. Can you give me a similar picture? Thank you.

I have here with me your accomplished application form and self-assessment guide. This is an indication
that you know and can perform all the units of competency enumerated in this

4. UNIT OF COMPETENCY: Today I am going to administer competency assessment for Shielded

Metal Arc Welding NCII which is composed of…..basic, common and core competencies.
The Core competency is:

Weld Carbon Steel Plates and Pipes Using SMAW

5. METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: to determine your knowledge and skills and attitude for this
qualification, you will be assessed thruwritten exam, demonstration and oral

6. TASKS: Shielded Metal Arc Welding NCII has full qualification.Where you are required perform the
1. Weld plates in single and multiple pass groove joints in flat, horizontal, vertical and
overhead positions
2. Weld pipe in 1G, 2G, 5G and 6G positions
7. ASS. RESULT: The result of the assessment can be either you are competent or not yet competent.
If you have doubt about the result of the assessment or you are satisfy with it, you can make
an appeal. All you have to do is write a letter indicating the name of assessor, name of
assessment center, date of assessment,nature of complain, sign it and submit to the TESDA
provincial office where the assessor and assessment center is accredited.
However rest assured that the result of your assessment shall be treated with strict
confidentiality. This is to ensure your integrity. The result will only be available for
In regards to this, I request you candidates to refrain from giving away any form of
information regarding the assessment process

8. ALLOWABLE ADJ.: If you have difficulty reading or understanding the given instructions, do not
hesitate to inform me so I can read it or translate it for you. Does anyone here who is not
feeling well? None..? For any other concerns,just let me know so we can make necessary
9. FACILITIES: Do you have any questions?
In this center we have different areas, in this room is for written exam and oral questioning,
just outside is the waiting area; at the end of the hallway is our canteen where you can take
your meals during break; next to it is our comfort room; for the demonstration, you are to
perform them in the room next to this. Everything clear?

10, DO’S AND DONTS: Once the assessment has started, please refrain from asking questions, it is no
longer allowed. Same with your cell phones you are not allowed to use it during assessment,
just kindly put it on silent mode or perhaps turn it off. Food are also not allowed here inside
the assessment area, eating here is strictly prohibited.
Please also observe safety as you perform the different task and wear appropriate PPE

Break: So any other concerns? If none...I will give you a short break, please come back after 10mins.


Candidates, pls. settle on your seats. I am going to administer the written test. Here are the
questionnaires pls. get 1 and pass. Pls. do not write anything on the questionnaires, here is
the answer sheet where you shall put your answers. Pls. read the instructions carefully.
Everything clear? You may start now.
Ok time is up!
Now I will assign your numbers, Mr. Dela Cruz you are candidate#1, Ms. Santillian, you are candidate
Here areyour specific instructions, please read them carefully.
Do you have questions? If none. Let’s proceed to the demonstration area.

1. ASSIGN STATION: Candidate #1 assume workstation1. And you Candidate #2, here at workstation2.
All the tools, materials and equipment are in your respective workstations. Please be
reminded to always observe safety when doing your tasks.
Any questions? If none, you may start now.

3. Gather evidences–(check rating sheet)

Ok all is done so we are proceed to the next level, all candidates pls. proceed to waiting
area and wait until I call you for the oral interview.Candidate#1, please remain and sit down
.I will just ask you some questions.
1. What is the problem that you are encountered while you are doing the demonstration?
OK, then how you resolved it? Ok good answer Candidate#1
Ok Candidate#1. Thank you; pls. sign this rating sheet and kindly call Candidate#2.

Ok Candidate#2 how is you? Fine, good, I will just ask you couple of questions. [ASK
Ok, that’s all for now.Please sign the rating sheet.
You may go back now at the waiting area and call Candidate#1.
5. Feedback:
Candidate #1, Mr. Dela Cruz you listen and obey instructions carefully that’s why you manage to perform
the each task within the allotted time. You were able to weld plates and pipes in single and
multiple pass groove joints in flat, horizontal and vertical positions although you seemed to
had difficulties in overhead position which I am glad that you still manage before the given
time. And I quite observed that you were nervous during the oral questioning. Nonetheless,
you have achieved the required score in your written exam because of those, you have
complied within the standard requirement of the qualification for Shielded Metal Arc Welding
NCII. Kindly sign the competency assessment result summary indicating that you have
accepted the result of this assessment. Thank you. Pls. proceed to waiting area again and
wait for CARS releasing

Candidate#2. Ms. Padilla, based on your demonstration I have seen that you really know the proper way
of welding plates in single and multiple pass groove joints in flat, horizontal and vertical
positions, and your written test is also good however, you had troubles in the welding pipe in
1G, 2G, 5G and 6G positions. Based on the results of my observation, you did not perform
the task within the standard requirement of the qualification for SMAW NCII.

But don’t worry, you can be re-assess again. Just practice more on the tasks that you need to improve
and when you’re ready, just coordinate here at the assessment center for our next schedule.
And don’t worry, you will only be reassessed on the part of the activity that you did not
complete successfully.

Kindly sign the competency assessment result summary indicating that you have accepted
the result of this assessment
Please proceed to waiting area and wait for CARS releasing

6. SIGN THE CARS/EVAL: Candidates please come in here inside. I will be distributing the evaluation
form. Kindly answers all the items to evaluate me as your assessor as basis for improving
my performance. Done now?Kindly submit forward.Thank you.

7. SUBMIT TO CAC THE DOCS: Mr CAC Manager, out of 10 candidates, 9 are competent and 1 not yet
competent; here are the documents for your filing and signature. Thank you.

8. RETURN W/ CARS(STUB) – DISTRIBUTE: Candidates I have now your CARS pls. approach me as I
call your name:
Mr. Dela Cruz, here is your CARS
Ms. Santillian, here is your CARS
For those who are competent. You may claim your National Certificate at the TESDA provincial office
after 5 working days. Bring with you your CARS, passport size picture in white background
and in collared shirt, and 50 pesos for the certification.
Thank you and have a nice day!

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