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Purification Of Irradiated O-18 Water

The Method was Developed by,

Kurtuluş Eryılmaz
Purification Rules

 First and most important rule;

Purification starts with irradiation.
▪ Maintenance of cyclotron parts should
be done at regular intervals.
▪ Cyclotron targets must be clean. High
quality parts and consumables must be
used in process (Target Rebuilt Kit,
Cleaning Chemicals, Havar Foils, etc.).
▪ High quality transfer lines must be used
and replaced regular intervals.
Purification Rules

 O-18 Water Recovery Bottle and Lines

These parts must be replaced regularly.

 O-18 Water Recovery Stock Bottles

Only clean borosilicate glass bottles must be used
for process

The recovered O-18 water should not be

contaminated with any other substance.
The impurities contained in the
irradiated O-18 Water

Inorganic impurities (Cations/Anions)

▪ Na, Mg, K, Al, Ca, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn,
Se, Ba, Hg, Pb, Cd, Re, Tc, Mo (Cylotron
target material and Havar Foil impurities)

▪ Br, Cl, F, NO3, SO4, PO4, CO3 (QMA

Cartridge and Polymeric transfer lines
The impurities contained in the
irradiated O-18 Water

Organic impurities (Solvents)

▪ Ethanol
▪ Acetonitrile
(Syhnthesis consumables and cassettes impurities)
▪ Other polymeric impurities
(QMA Cartridge and Polymeric Transfer Lines)
Experimental studies

 Organic impurities (Ethanol, Acetonitrile)

Before purification (Raw, irradiated O-18 Water)
Experimental studies

 After purification
Experimental studies

 Inorganic impurities
Before purification (Raw, irradiated O-18 Water)

Analysis Results (µg/L) ICP-MS

Experimental studies

 After purification
Only 1.4 ppm cationic impurities were detected in total.
✓ These impurities come from
the glass materials used
during purification.
✓ But these impurities are very
low concentration.
✓ All other impurities have
been removed.
Experimental studies

 Before purification  After purification

▪ pH ≈ 5 ▪ pH ≈ 7
▪ Conductivity ≈12-20µS/cm ▪ Conductivity ≤ 3 µS/cm
▪ O-18 Content % 95 ▪ O-18 Content % 96.9
▪ Radioactivity ≈ 10 mSv/h ▪ Not Radioactive
Advantages of The Purification

 Advantages of the purification method and differences from

other methods
▪ Organic impurities are completely eliminated.
Ozonization, ultra-sonication, UV techniques were not used.
These techniques cause secondary impurities and O-16 content
increase, percentage of O-18 decrease.
Because, these techniques decompose organic impurities to O-16
water and gas compounds.

by the purification method;

✓ Organic impurities completely eliminate
✓ Fast and safe purification
✓ Without other impurities and O-16 Water
Advantages of The Purification

 Advantages of the purification method and

differences from other methods

▪ Inorganic impurities are nearly eliminated.

▪ Minimum loss of raw O-18 water amount (%5).
▪ Minimum energy consumption.
▪ Fast, Safe and inexpensive
▪ No purification cartridge, resin and any additional
other material
Thanks a lot !!

Kurtuluş Eryılmaz

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