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1.- TITLE : The Internet use and social networks.

2.- LEVEL: 4th Secondary.

3.-TOPIC: Internet and networks

4.- TIMING: One or two sessions of tutorial.

5.- STEPS:
The activity begins with a video to deal the cyberbulling:

1.- Childnet International - Cyber Bullying (6 m. and 30 s.).

when the video finishes, students must form groups of 3-4 people and with the teacher as
a guide they must answer these cuestions: (they have 10m)

- Who does the video talk about?

- What happens and why?

- What are the conclusions from the video?

- Do you think that the issue on the video can happen in real life?

A volunteer from each group will write the answers.

The second activity begins with a video to work the data privacy on the social networks.

2.- “Tuenti, think before ” (1 m)

when the video finishes, students must form gruops of 3-4 people and with the teacher as
a guide they must answer these cuestions: (they have 10m)

- Who does the video talk about?

- What happens and why?

- What are the conclusions from the video?

- Do you think that the issue on the video can happen in real life?

A volunteer from each group will write the answers.

- Closing Activity:

1.- Students debate to show each other the answers of the questions. (about 15 m)
2.- Teacher explains the risk of social network inapropiate use.(10 m)
3.- The teacher asks students to write an advertising poster to remain in the class the
whole year. ( about 20 m)

The aim of these activities is:

– To warn sutudents about characterisitics and risks of cyber bulling

– To make aware of how to use the web in an appropiate way and the importance of
keeping personal data safe.

– Vocabulary: Cyber Bullyng, network, loser, post, webside, happy, sad, unhappy,
abuse, anonymizer, trolling,SMS, Friending, Offender, cyberthreats, chat room,

This project gives a global idea of the problem if you do a bad use about the internet and
networks. At the end of the course the teacher will provide students a questionaire to
evaluate if the aims of this topic have been achieved.

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