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Isabel Espinosa Trulli

˜  About: Systems of equationsà Create a real situation to
apply the concepts
˜  Bloom’s Taxonomy and 4C’s:
o  Content
o  Cognition
o  Communication
o  Culture
˜  1. Remembering
o  Definition of equation
o  Definition of systems of equations
˜  Session 1
˜  Warm up activites
˜  4C’s à Content
˜  2. Understanding
o  To understand that an equation is a straight line in the plane
o  To undersant that the intersection point of two equations is the
˜  Session 1
˜  Plot activities
˜  4C’s à Content
˜  3. Applying
˜  How to solve equations systems by using the equal VALUE METHOD
˜  Session 1
˜  Mechanical process explained on the blackboard
˜  4C’s à Content and Cognition
˜  4. Analyzing
o  Why that method of solving?
o  Reflect about the logic
˜  Session 2
˜  4C’s à Communcation
˜  5. Evaluating
o  How to apply systems of equations to real cases of physics
˜  Session 2-3
˜  To introduce the concept of liner motion equations
˜  4C’s à Content, Cognition, Culture and Communcation
˜  6. Creating
o  Final task: Laboratory practice applying the concepts of the unit to a
physics problem
˜  Session 4-5
˜  4C’s à Content, Cognition, Culture and Communcation
Bloom’s Taxonomy

Rembembering 1

Understanding 1

Applying 1

Analyzing 2

Evaluating 2-3

Creating 4-5
˜  Aim: To be able to solve systems of equations
o  Graphical method
o  Numerical method
˜  Warm up Activities
o  Definitions of concepts
˜  Main Activities
o  Starting solving by the graphical method à To plot equations
o  Explaining on the blackboard the equal value method à Solving
problems together

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