Chevron Verbal Reasoning

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Woy Have AGRA HOLA, Broad Sth fs Bogee “4.VERBAL CRITICAL RE : vical INSURLAC EC Vs te « cds fellonviel by sevens all the . Tight of the ps id tes rude appa sia fee fat Niiledisetictl fol le the pase “ABgU) 1 SAY sebibthe silly aves tiles Lymplag s¢€ gy fully blank ise YOU xvi; tg bly of at ans ies ve iow. 5 conta the pasng ove logically, Mark cirete A W the statement is patently TRUE of foflows logically, the -information or pinions contained in re passage, Mark circle 1 lah sialement ig patently UNTRUE or the opposite + fallaves lonically, yi ee information or opiate fans contained in the assage.. Mark circle C yaw CANNOT SAY er the slalement is, tue o° untrue, uF fullews: 4 , without further your itr S company ha: F campaign alu jnterprelalion are convinced will result inf DO ROT Line nays. | ne always Pl bas abe apress ouNwaral Gf uaity as technical breadth of product ne \, pee and, value (OF MONG 4 investment in’ | profits. nereasee : : it i i 1 Quality $s being defined in telms of four concepts. ; | 2 The company has previously paigkllute atiention to public, 41> relations, 5 lavestnent in public inifonslis not expected te produce a, financial retuen, 7 . we i 4° The quality slogsin is being usted as an image-buileling device. - : f ! v : : K . : IK EXINIGED Ip node 3: - i - y a Parts Ci “propel ‘by the pare’cul mater “accor “deter on th ~ auth Mark circle a, ths statenne leally, given the jnfarmation on ‘opinions contained in the passage, “Mark circle Wthe siatenient is patentty UN'ERUE or the oppasity fellows Jojically, i the inforiiation oF api fons contained Passage. Mark circle ¢ Ml you CANNOT SAY whether the statemeat is [tye oF unitue, or fatlows Logically, wi “jn the case of eme! be made avi i wn on the only be drat D ye pleted dockets, veering Deparment; ogress. any | 20 ils ares will be pil ise with the urgency 91 icl Engi mined by the che call ly 6 Enginee! rently in pr are needs i aitable without su orisation. aterials The procetine for indent ous, 1 of spares for em Pails for planted Proje nt of parts is nemrinal " cers office. Only oul where spares. diately will these h explicit... clark, « COCUIOHE CES ng the order, as nu (Gli parts has becoine more * bye Fepaits bas no priotity-ave ly subject to an assessment of ons store without the express us i ws ’ is Vraot bo Unt yea his intarl cirele A I the statement ig . patent TRUE or follows lanieally, the Information or” apinions contaivied in the passage. . * Mark etree tt the state! UNTRUE of tallows lonically, given, the infornintion ar os Jons contained in the passage, AUS patently Hf opposite Mack circle € If you CANNOT SAY whether the stat is {tae oF unteue, a follows luicaly, wi formation, ut further of bi “with increased ¢ fand keep fit e “more rat bicycies and exercise bicycles. The v4 {il the 1970's the design and manu yeles had remained virtually sta Hawever, in recent years the mr auondl from children | Hhusiasts. The treuel hag ig bicycles with multiple ge , u! \ ri increased enormously, thougls thelr ility has not iinproved.—* 1 There ha uth beer isis. ae incteast ME The denna for fotdins ba peapile axl keop fit euthuste ins e the 1970's © 1970's the range: She ame 40 Folding bicycles are areceak COSI tert ry lbusiness people . rs, folding, yrclé'comes mainly frum, el has grown been to produc \ ely of models durability and tn sles uf bicycles tu keep ft, sf6 1 bicycles produced has lacked «! as Jacked! wed tps tacked 4 a, i ! a er vs Mark circle A IC the statement is 1 LTRUE or follows to given the: infor bpinians contained hn the passage. Matk circle U Whe statement is patently UNTRUE oF the apposite Hollows logically, yiven the information oF opine ions contained in the passage. Mark circle C If you CANNOS SAY awhethur the stateme (rye oF untrue, oF fallaws, logically, without farther information. ynidulo of the 1 By ho in the avalabi stalp Fras oy ie te prosca pwer i oars’ Ml «ona 22 peak i) WCE YOO - Gon Joliligh tor QINUALE, whicl] . piendly fnkenso. js likaly 10. incro9} 5 sover Whe roxt decade, AS comet Vor A ds supply. Employees Nes Lok etasingly proactive in NETH ope eeping with,the anucipal ul e In the number of graduates siypluyneght ext year. Y | pet Diegite declining nunubers f yraduates in the next degode, supply will sll exceed fleiiand, ch by the midlte ef the ngst dead, graduates should be imyosved! prospects Of faining employment, compare curvent grachates, . 2M Cument ane tature teiifs in grauddate employment ae ct of subj pach resears GOS MGHE neta y WIN: a . OO s, airlines need! ail © A Under new rey tation et ue lisl 2080 r Sy ee avence are ese il y 1 ‘Ss 5 UN automatically unless llic ~implomesited Axiotion Authorily finds mlair iy finds therm 1 nol 3 Hal A price war will 1 {sow 10 Sha thd bheourage ent of 3 wall as & See eicariad, ac walls “Shbeuing Up in the process 0g new fare SCuIOS. - Mark cirele A E87 Alc faves are Cnet ithe statement ts Palowtly, TRUE oF follows lonteally, given the information ay Y wneasbinably high, reputations, if tan ‘ok Hanger than 11 days ta 5 oll, pote : lo ofl aninions contained in i . the passage. BQ the new Fegtlations may enable aitlines to attract new! ¢ business, . ' Mark cirdle ¥ : ' {the statement i AO Even thourh the Aviation Authorlty. Accepts a new fare 5 INTRUE oF the an altline: roast wait 10 days Yoture publis allows lupically, “a he information oF apine ans contained in the ~ assay lark circle, You CANNOT Say : so. hether the siatement is . . #6 OF unteun, OF follows . gically, without further . formati ‘ - - POSTEO fst erty ey Heit . MG Mark circle A ihe statenient is patently TRUE oF follows lo given the, infons ‘contained in Mark circle B THihe statemer UNTRUE oF the oppo follows lopically, given the information oF 8} ions cuntained tn the passage. Maik circle C IT you CANNOT SAY whether the statement is tue oF untiae, 0 follows: Togically, without furt information. cu a eB all The Lone Hlanning has always beeh tiiprecise. incre: unity | efits sil expertise in fopwatd planning has made possib! high doyree af accuracy ft Planning for enbanced gficigney bas resulted in corporal diversification y GO STR HaleC Ga Tod WSENE PAGE Mark circle a {the satement ts patently TRUE 6¢ follows logically, Biven the liformatlon or plutons coulalned in the passage, P Mark elle u We statement Is potently . UNTRUE orthe ommosiie follows logleally, given the Infurmatlon er opluions contalued In * Uhgpasrage, Mark chelec Ifyou CANO? SAY ‘weliethes the statement ls tive orunttve, of fellows logically, without further + Information, Then “A calls tor otindepen XK i ent't HS ladependents: arbitatng Wo) Je The European Cou © salesmen, > 355" The Comission 5 JG Contracts adve rocuremersteul _ draft di ch COUNTY courts; to which OUT" iby sald be able to interver . FP Ond that contac als would repiace nation 2 salesmen’s conuplaimts. ne without 5 Ss were not 2 Mark clrele A . {the statement Is patently TRUE oF follows loxlcally, dy glven the Information or opinlons contalied in the passage, 9 Mask clrcie u . Wire statements patently wv UNTIUE oF the opposiie. " loliows tosfeally, piven “he luformation ve opliions contalned jn J the passage, Mark clecle C you CANNOT SAY > Whether the statement jy {tue oF unttue, oF follows ve bowicali wlthow! further liferation, " concen of, A police working parly is~{" ing tho idee of.forinid wef ene or parallel with regionel ei tquads, which hove hilhed severed Urug investigations. Tn futuc tho cri squad} wot hondle only those cases whert o drug offence {a associate other erie, Customs oltre J continue tu inveol i “Rug sasea up to Ue poi where the droge come into the cpunlry, A tnatked Inciwase ty Ssecesl prosettlonsdor narcotics ollences car nov be expected, ! Fa . orianisaiion lo combat talficking in drugs has beer: Introduced by the police, Nor The movenent of druys out{i i nations| bod In the past nei 1 Customs piicidls nor regional dhuy squeds have handled ug olfences-dani nlted in thts country, 2 GO STRAIGHE ONTO THE Ny vremptto keop tad! o Hove! than el xethlagaimong rem > howd. lwcdor at a ‘done! level Fe ladon ogenae tomers sae . }¥ ae amotlon-lede properly oF Wponalderatlo eee ershan toy concorne the group. foous of major "sack cele 4: When Meebers' emotion BFOUp, rather than, the lea "I ne tEAM spate ' whh then, ' TRUE OF follows loggcalty, . bles the ndormation es 6 pitilons SOuftied fy “the Palsage, : Mark clrcleg ; ra abennentts ptengy OMTRUE othe enor ‘olives logically gtyen 8 ‘he Iufotuiatlon or tluions coutstaed fa ‘eparsage. ‘atk circle C- * YOU CANNOT Say ‘eter salement fy 4 8¢untue, or felon, ‘tally, wlthout Werther vrenatlan ye Ue, to da lags individuals, ing, feo Blip int nbora, and Hon Detwrsan mpmpe: etstlo al problen| OUP are offen my ct . fe "eustonalshin th path ele a «lithe statements pater + TRUE oF follows loglealy, glren the laformation or eplolons contalucd li _Aliepassage, © Mark ciréle “Mihe statements patently UNTRUE oF the opposite: =f follows logically, glven Une Inforimalton or i eplnlons coutalued In whe passage, + blak cleele C you CANNOT SAY whether the statements , lve pr untrue, of follows Togically, eithout further . liformatton, « © 10 Dactotsare likely toshe oy : ai Y "An advantage of the scheme is change drugs which did not su sxhiomie’ bucause of the ai TL The new scheme is likely,loh of medication. : The new scheine would reduce GO STRAIGHILON TO THE NL \ “ ec! (9 the ‘riple prescap nal work Involve ease the side-e ark circle A lark circle U the statement is patently "NIRUE orthe opposite Hows logically, give ¢ information oF api ns contained in the wssag ‘ ark circle © you CANNOT SAY wether the statement Is "or untrue, HF fallewes sivally, withwut farther gmmation, Although peopl adel to (helt “ in manuls avon in male i sll hh Un that orn or dextrose, AthOv 8 ance al the 8 jean to rat OCT feyelnst there is 11 coniptven ttl «ary buying, Hess su ie towls, We, perenne ee) actured (2003 1S ge rekeree wa AS |e revi and ny SaRAT a mea pes He pele? Adding sey; to the diet williavariably result in weight Mavufaéiivers label ave pofenaly sending te eonsuners The av liptivn of sugar in all Hs various naclimes result heart diseasd, 7 Andustialiss ate generally happy about the sls prof Mark clreled school leavers 1 : + Uthe statement li patently } [> - TRUE oF follows log We There’ glven the lafoematlvn ur ine ilons e¢nisined In the pasrage, 1Y Industry feels unable (o 12h “bark chete 0 appropriate coummeicial yal UF Uhe itatement Is paterny UNTRUE or the oppostie follows fogicaly, glven (he Informatlon or optnlons contalned in Ihe passage, * Mack clrcte € » Ifyou CANNOT SAY . i ‘whether the slatement Is between t Lion of education wi 20 tis probably not worth the| schools and employers. Foyle, wi Information. oy Bom oe sharply dicho oplnlons contained hy < Whether the sitementis * ve or untiye, or otiows i be Fives cannot Workers’ lives ged into work. work, Thelt muy or may HOt # continue te form Faecal lile sin their social Wie td soci Melfeconet! ‘ vateliconset phous picutions (ore ey over | H non-work uel \ rclationships Uh Way peopic see theinselss In itr work roles wl alle Une way they see themselves in gen 23. Whol Individuats want fo expeilence at work: during leisure hour Expetignces at work do not alfect behaviour outside work, 4ite 4 i The ltends a person makes at works Mark elecle A Wthe siatement TRUE oF fallow le ‘geen the hnforms eplntons coutalnes hi «he passage, blark'clecle + : “| JEthe siatenrent Is patently UNTHUE or the o:posl _folloves logically, fh * the Inforination or * oplntons cantaleed tn _ Me passage, “Mark cledte € . “Myo CANNOT SAY. 2 Whether the sistement is true er untrue, ot lol + loglealy without turther _liforruation, 3 w a EY i I Spina bila is We resull ofa vitamin deficiency." fivltaunins taken There i no evidence showing wy bengticlal feck, +N during pregnancy ean provide Most of the veseaich carried out ints t hhas centied on pregnant mnothe:s. Certalis minerals, aken dui can occurence of 1c cfu a baples, GO SIRAIGHT. ON 70 THE NEXT PAE

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