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Unique Tooth


New Business Plan
Unique Tooth brush

Prepared for

Abdullah Al Baset
Department of Management studies
Jahangirnagar University

Prepared by

Rising Star
Department of Marketing
Jahangirnagar University

Date of Submission : - 25 April, 2012

25 April, 2012

Letter of Transmittal

Abdullaah Al Baset
Department of Marketing
Jahangirnagar University

Dear Sir

It is great pleasure for me to submit my business plan on the topic of Unique Brush
have prepared this report, as partial fulfillment of the course MKT- 303.
I have tried my level best to prepare this report to the required standard. It was
certainly a great opportunity for me to work on this paper to actualize my theoretical
knowledge in the practical arena.
I express my heart full gratitude to you to go through this report and make your valuable
comments. It would be very kind of you, if you please evaluate my performance
regarding this paper.

Sincerely Yours

Sadifa Sultan
ID# 1302
Department of Marketing
Jahangirnagar University

Table of Content
1. Title Fly 01
2. Title Page 02
3. Letter of Transmittal 03
4. Table of Contents 04
5. Owner 05
 Executive Summary 06
 Introduction 06
 Industry Description 06

 Feasibility Study 07
 Professional and Advisory Support 09

 Marketing Research 10
 Market Survey 11

 Competitive Analysis 22
 Marketing Plan 23

 Financial Plan 25
 SOWT Analysis 27

 Conclusion 30
 Recommendation 30

Business Name: Unique

Address Line 1- House 18 ,Road 4, Block B , Word 3,
Turag ,Dhaka.
Address Line 2- Factory: 32 Besic Shilpo area Tongi
City, ST   ZIP Code …1710……………….
Telephone ………XXX-XXXXXXXX
E-Mail ……………… unique
Web site:

Business Plan of Unique Tooth brush

Executive Summary
I prepared this report on the topic on creating new business. In this repot I show how to
make a new business. For starting the new business it is required to do the marketing
research and business research activities in order to maximize the profit and minimize
the risk of losses.

General Company Description

My business is to manufacture the Tooth Brush which is prepared by using new technical
machine from china. Then I will add some value and make it comfortable for the people.
I will give a competitive advantage into this brush. The core value of this product is after
giving switch pest will come automatically into the head. With my production unit
process I will do it without touching human hands .All things will be made by
mechanized way. Then I will supply our finish goods with the help of my distributors who
will use different distribute channels. I will supply as per the requirements of the

Mission Statement

Unique mission is to provide qualified & innovative product among prospective

customer through responsible application of knowledge, skills and technology and also
maintain stringently ethical standard in business operation also ensuring benefit to the
shareholders and other stakeholders. Unique is committed to the pursuit of excellence
through world class products, innovative processes and empowered employees to
provide the highest level of satisfaction to its customers.

Company Goals and Objectives:

My objective is to conduct transparent business operations within the legal & social
frame work with aims to attain the mission reflected by my vision. To identify the
customer needs and preferences. Made product according to customer demand. My
target market is Dhaka city. After covering the city than I want to forecast my product
out of the city. My main objective is to satisfy the customer and developing the market.
My target is how much product I produced it should be sale in the market with profit.

Industry description

Unique Toothbrush Co., Ltd. is a specialized toothbrush factory which will produce and
export all kinds of toothbrush. It will be Locate in the Tongi, Gazipur it will make full use
of scientific management, advanced technology, talent professionals. Its product will be
high quality, complete set, fine exterior and reasonable price, are very popular both at
home and abroad. Its feature is after giving switch pest will come automatically into the
Feasibility test

TELOS Others

Market & Real
Economical State

Legal Research

Operational Cultural


Technological Feasibility: It is technologically feasible because Sunrise tooth brush

company, China will provide all the raw materials and machinery.
Economical feasibility:

It is economically feasible because our break even point is so good.

Profit =Total revenue – (Fixed cost + Variable cost)

= 130000 – (40000+46800)

Legal feasibility: It will legally feasible because my Company will be a partnership

business. I made an agreement among partners and I will maintain all partnership law.
Another think is that the brush market is all ready existed in Bangladesh.

Operational feasibility: I have enough resource to produce at least 150 brash every day.
To do that I will use my all modern equipment and I will supervise our people effectively
and efficiently. As a innovative product in market, people will accept this product as a
convenience product.

Schedule feasibility: It is schedule feasible because my factory is nearby Dhaka and I will
provide our product timely.

Market and real state feasibility: It is market and real state feasible because customers
are wanting to that type of product which reduces the cost, attract the customer, and
totally new in market.

Resource feasibility: It has resource feasible because I have enough resource to make the

Cultural feasibility: It is culturally feasible because all type of customer is accepting this
product. Customer is using as a convenience product in their daily life.

Professional and Advisory Support:

List the following:

1 President

Product Manager Marketing Manager

Administrative Manager Finance Manager


Quality Control Sales

Operation Promotion

Purchasing Treasure

Shipping receiving Controller

Marketing Research
1. Buyer-Higher class, upper middle class, medium middle class, and middle class
are able to use this product. Any age (above 05 years) and any sex can use this
2. Supplier: China, sunrise toothbrush company are provide the raw materials
3. Competitor - so many competitors which exist in market. Like- Matador and
some brand toothbrush.
4. Market - Our target market is Dhaka. At first we capture the Dhaka city than we
spread out the Dhaka.
5. Sales forecast- It is designed to address a "focused" segment of the marketplace,
product form or cost management process and is usually employed when it isn't
appropriate to attempt an 'across the board' application of cost leadership or
differentiation. It is based on the concept of serving a particular target in such an
exceptional manner, those others cannot compete. Our marketing research we
assumed our sales position should be this type:

Jan Feb March April

Projected sales 500 600 700 800
Desired ending 100 150 100 200
Available for sale 600 750 800 1000
Beginning inventory 0 100 150 100
Total production 600 650 650 900

Market Survey

Hypothesis Development
1. HA- Minimizing corruption* will develop the business plan.
2. HA- Prevention the misuse of raw materials will develop the business plan.
3. HA- Accumulation of price* will develop the business plan.
4. HA- Minimizing the political problem will develop the business plan.
5. HA- Supporting* by other countries* will develop the business plan.
6. HA- Developing friendship* will develop the business plan.
7. HA- Increase reserve of enough products will develop the business plan.
8. HA- Minimizing the problem exists in current market will develop the business plan.
9. HA- Alternative sources of product will develop the business plan.
1. Corruption- taking money to others,
2. Price- current price of brush and tooth pest.
3. Supporting- taking raw materials to different countries.
4. Other countries- South Asian countries
5. Friendship- INDIA,


Sources and Collection of data

The data of this study has been collected through questionnaire interview. For the
Secondary sources different journals, articles, research publication, and internet, etc, has
been also reviewed.

Sample frame

The sample frame of this study has been consisted of the operating in Dhaka City. A total
of 40 surveys have been conducted. The cluster probability sampling approach has been
selected for that study. The population has been defined as students, managers and so

Analysis of data

For analysis of Road Map and Microsoft Excel have used. To entry data coding option has
been used at the initial stage. Both Parametric and non-parametric statistical tools were
used to derive a meaningful conclusion from the practical data. The measure of
dispersion, correlation co-efficient, index numbers and regression analysis were applied.
In addition, basic statistical techniques of different measures of central tendency have
been used in analyzing the data.


Table: Summary of Responses of top garments & export industry of Bangladesh in Dhaka

H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 H8 H9
Strongly Disagree 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0
Disagree 0 4 0 2 2 0 2 2 0

Neither agree or 5 5 4 11 2 5 0 8 0
Agree 12 9 14 11 24 3 20 10 15

Strongly agree 23 20 22 14 12 32 18 20 25
Total 178 161 178 153 166 187 174 168 185

Average 4.45 4.03 4.45 3.83 4.15 4.68 4.35 4.20 4.63
Standard deviation 0.71 1.23 0.68 1.13 0.74 0.69 0.74 0.94 0.49
Z- test value 17.41 7.88 18.10 7.40 13.75 19.82 15.42 11.33 27.66

1. Ho: Minimizing corruption will not develop the business plan.

HA: Minimizing corruption will develop the business plan

In other words,
H0: µ = 2.5
HA: µ > 2.5
N= 40
Here X = 4.45
σ = 0.71
Z Cal = (X - µ) / (σ / √n) = 17.41

At 5% level of significance, follows Z distribution Z0.05 = 1.645

Since Z Cal> Z tab, the null hypothesis is not accepted. So at 5% level of significance, it can
be said that minimizing corruption will develop the business plan.

Fig: 01- Respondents’ view towards minimizing corruption.

57% respondents had identified that Minimizing corruption Minimizing corruption will
develop the business plan

2. Ho: Prevention the misuse of raw materials will not develop the business plan.
HA: Prevention the misuse of raw materials will develop the business plan.

In other words,

H0: µ = 2.5
HA: µ > 2.5
N= 40
Here X = 4.03
σ = 1.23
Z Cal = (X - µ) / (σ / √n) = 7.88

At 5% level of significance, follows Z distribution Z0.05 = 1.645

Since Z Cal> Z tab, the null hypothesis is not accepted. So at 5% level of significance, it can
be said that Prevention the misuse of raw materials will develop the business plan.

Fig 02 Respondents’ view towards prevention the misuse

49% respondents had identified that Prevention the misuse of raw materials will develop
the business plan

3. Ho: Accumulation of price will not develop the business plan.

HA- Accumulation of price* will develop the business plan.

In other words,

H0: µ = 2.5
HA: µ > 2.5
N= 40
Here X = 4.45
σ = 0.68
Z Cal = (X - µ) / (σ / √n) = 18.10

At 5% level of significance, follows Z distribution Z0.05 = 1.645

Since Z Cal> Z tab, the null hypothesis is not accepted. So at 5% level of significance, it can
be said that Accumulation of price* will develop the business plan.

Fig-3 Respondents’ view towards Accumulation of price

55% respondents had identified that Accumulation of price* will develop the business

4. Ho: Minimizing the political problem will not develop the business plan
HA- Minimizing the political problem will develop the business plan

In other words,

H0: µ = 2.5
HA: µ > 2.5
N= 40
Here X = 3.83
σ = 1.13
Z Cal = (X - µ) / (σ / √n) = 7.40

At 5% level of significance, follows Z distribution Z0.05 = 1.645

Since Z Cal> Z tab, the null hypothesis is not accepted. So at 5% level of significance, it can
be said that minimizing the political problem will develop the business plan
Fig: 4- Respondents’ view towards minimizing the political problem

34% respondents had identified that Minimizing the political problem will develop the
business plan

5. Ho: Supporting by other countries will not develop the business plan.
HA- Supporting by other countries will develop the business plan

In other words,
H0: µ = 2.5
HA: µ > 2.5
N= 40
Here X = 4.15
σ = 0.74
Z Cal = (X - µ) / (σ / √n) = 13.75

At 5% level of significance, follows Z distribution Z0.05 = 1.645

Since Z Cal> Z tab, the null hypothesis is not accepted. So at 5% level of significance, it can
be said that Supporting* by other countries will develop the business plan

Fig: 5- Respondents’ view towards Supporting by other countries

30% respondents had identified Supporting by other countries will develop the business

6. Ho: Developing friendship will not develop the business plan.

HA- Developing friendship will develop the business plan

In other words,

H0: µ = 2.5
HA: µ > 2.5
N= 40
Here X = 4.86
σ = 0.69
Z Cal = (X - µ) / (σ / √n) = 19.82

At 5% level of significance, follows Z distribution Z0.05 = 1.645

Since Z Cal> Z tab, the null hypothesis is not accepted. So at 5% level of significance, it can
be said that Developing friendship* will develop the business plan
Fig: 6- Respondents’ view towards developing friendship

79% respondents had identified Developing friendship* will develop the business plan.

7. Ho: Increase reserve of enough products will not develop the business plan.
HA- Increase reserve of enough products will develop the business plan.

In other words,

H0: µ = 2.5
HA: µ > 2.5
N= 40
Here X = 4.31
σ = 0.74
Z Cal = (X - µ) / (σ / √n) = 15.42

At 5% level of significance, follows Z distribution Z0.05 = 1.645

Since Z Cal> Z tab, the null hypothesis is not accepted. So at 5% level of significance, it can
be said that Increase reserve of enough products will develop the business plan
Fig: 7- Respondents’ view towards Increase reserve of enough products

50% respondents had identified Increase reserve of enough products will develop the
business plan

8. Ho: Minimizing the problem exists in current market will develop the business plan

HA- Minimizing the problem exists in current market will develop the business plan

In other words,
H0: µ = 2.5
HA: µ > 2.5
N= 40
Here X = 4.20
σ = 0.94
Z Cal = (X - µ) / (σ / √n) = 11.33

At 5% level of significance, follows Z distribution Z0.05 = 1.645

Since Z Cal> Z tab, the null hypothesis is not accepted. So at 5% level of significance, it can
be said that minimizing the problem exists in current market will Minimizing the
problem exists in current market will develop the business plan
Fig: 8- Respondents’ view towards minimizing the problem

50% respondents had identified Minimizing the problem exists in current market will
develop the business plan

9. Ho: Alternative sources of product will not develop the business plan
HA- Alternative sources of product will develop the business plan

In other words,

H0: µ = 2.5
HA: µ > 2.5
N= 40
Here X = 4.63
σ = 0.49
Z Cal = (X - µ) / (σ / √n) = 27.66

At 5% level of significance, follows Z distribution Z0.05 = 1.645

Fig 10- Respondents’ view towards alternative sources of product.

62.50% respondents had identified Alternative sources of product will develop the
business plan.

Distribution Channels
I must select the distribution method(s) I will use to get the offering into the hands of
the customer. These include:
 On-premise Sales involves the sale of me offering using a field sales organization
that visits the prospect's facilities to make the sale.
 Direct Sales involves the sale of me offering using a direct, in-house sales
organization that does all selling through the Internet, telephone or mail order
 Wholesale Sales involves the sale of me offering using intermediaries or "middle-
men" to distribute our product or service to the retailers.
 Self-service Retail Sales involves the sale of me offering using self service retail
methods of distribution.
 Full-service Retail Sales involves the sale of me offering through a full service
retail distribution channel.




Competitive Analysis

Potential Entrants
Threats of entrants
 Capital
 Economic Scale
 Experience
 Distributor
 Differentiation
Suppliers Competitive Buyers

Bargain Analysis Bargain

Power Power


Potential Entrants: As new entrants we have enough capital, economic power,

experience, distributor and it will difference from other.
Substitute- Substitutes are available in market.
Products and Services
I will sell a unique brush in the market .I are being this product first time in Bangladesh.
The brash user will get something new from this product. The price will be reasonable
and the customer will be affordable to purchase these kinds of brash. I will get
competitive advantages because my product will ensure the quality and uniqueness.
Marketing Plan

Product: I product is unique brush but it will contain paste and brush at a time.

Pricing: Per unit price is 50BDT and that is the consumer price.

Place/Slot/Position: I will produce our product at Tongi because I will get all the
necessary equipment over there. I selected this place because it is technically feasible
and this place is perfect place for us to produce the new product because here I will get
the electric and gas as well as other equipment which is needed to starts these kinds of
business in Bangladesh.

Promotion: To sell an offering I must effectively promote it. There are two basic
promotion strategies, PUSH and PULL.
 The PUSH STRATEGY maximizes the use of all available channels of distribution to
"push" the offering into the marketplace. This usually requires generous
discounts to achieve the objective of giving the channels incentive to promote
the offering, thus minimizing your need for advertising.
 The PULL STRATEGY requires direct interface with the end user of the offering.
Use of channels of distribution is minimized during the first stages of promotion
and a major commitment to advertising is required. The objective is to "pull" the
prospects into the various channel outlets creating a demand the channels
cannot ignore.


There are many strategies for advertising an offering. Some of these include:
 Product Comparison advertising
In a market where your offering is one of several providing similar capabilities, if you’re
offering stacks up well when comparing features then a product comparison ad can be
 Product Benefits advertising
When you want to promote your offering without comparison to competitors, the
product benefits ad is the correct approach. This is especially beneficial when you have
introduced a new approach to solving a user need and comparison to the old
approaches is inappropriate.
 Product Family advertising
If your offering is part of a group or family of offerings that can be of benefit to the
customer as a set, then the product family ad can be of benefit.
 Corporate advertising
When you have a variety of offerings and your audience is fairly broad, it is often
beneficial to promote your enterprise identity rather than a specific offering.

Sources of fund: Personal fund and long term loan.

Operational plan: At first I started my business in Tongi basic area it is near by Dhaka. All
machinery and equipment are providing China Sun rise tooth Brush Company. Some raw
material Icollect from our country.

Price per unit of the product- 50 BDT

Cost of goods sold per unit of the product-25 BDT

Assets from personal fund-46,200 BDT

Loan from Bank -1,20,000

Operating expenses:

Transport –500
Salary –1000
Marketing Mix –500
Utility –1000
Storage –500
Depreciation –500

Financial Plan
The financial plan consists of a quarterly pro-forma income statement, pro-forma cash
flow statement and pro-forma balance sheet, and a break-even analysis. Together
they constitute a reasonable estimate of our company’s financial future. More
important, the process of thinking through the financial plan will improve my
insight into the inner financial workings of our company.

Pro-forma income statement:

Jan Feb Mar April

Sales 500x50 600x50 700x50 800x50
25000 30000 35000 40000
Less: cost of good sold 12500 15000 17500 20000
Gross Profit 12500 15000 17500 20000
Less: operating expenses 4000 4000 5000 4000
Earning before tax 8500 11000 12500 16000
Tax - @ 10% 850 1100 1250 1600
Net profit 7650 9900 11250 14400

Pro-forma cash flow statement:

Jan Feb Mar April

Direct sale 25000 30000 35000 40000
Account receivable (loan) 10000 10000 10000 0
Total receipts 35000 40000 45000 40000
Capital assets 2000 0 50000 0
Cost of raw material and wage 6000 4000 4000 4000
Operating expenses 4000 4000 5000 4000
Total Disbursements 12000 8000 59000 8000
Receipts- Disbursements 35000- 40000- 45000- 40000-
12000 8000 59000 8000
Beginning inventory 0 23000 55000 41000
Ending inventory 23000 55000 41000 73000
Pro-forma Balance sheet:

Assets Liabilities
Current asset:
Cash – 43200 Short term loan –30000
Inventory –73000 Long term loan –90000
Fixed Asset: Capital – 46200
Equipment - 50000

166200 166200

Break Even Analysis



43200 BDT

864 Units

Profit =Total revenue – (Fixed cost + Variable cost)

= 130000 – (40000+46800)

SWOT Analysis of Unique Toothbrush Products:

SWOT analysis-
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats analysis are strategy development
tools that match internal organizational strengths and weaknesses with external
opportunities and threats.

SWOT Analysis of Unique Toothbrush -

The internal strategies are-
 Strengths
 Weaknesses


Two factors contribute to Unique Toothbrush’s strengths:

 Ability and
 Resources available
The ability is evaluated on 3 counts:

1. Versatility: Unique Toothbrush has ability to adapt to an ever changing

2. Growth: Unique Toothbrush has ability to maintain a continuing growth.
3. Markets: Unique Toothbrush has ability to penetrate or create new markets.

The strength of resources has three dimensions:

1. Availability: Unique Toothbrush has ability to obtain the resources needed.

2. Quality: Unique Toothbrush has the quality and up-to-datedness of the resources
3. Allocation: Unique Toothbrush has ability to distribute resources both effectively
and efficiently.


Your weaknesses are determined through failures, defeats, losses and inability to
match up with the dynamic situation and rapid change. The weaknesses may be
rooted like-

 Lack of managerial skills,

 Insufficient quality,
 Technological backwardness,
 Inadequate systems or processes,
 Slow deliveries, or
 Shortage of resources,

There are three possible outcomes to the analysis of your weaknesses.

1. Correction of an identified defect.

2. Protection through cover-up and prevention strategies to reduce the exposure
of your weaknesses.
3. Aggression to divert the attention from your weaknesses.
The external strategies are-
 Opportunities
 Threats

Opportunities are abundant. You must develop a formula which will help you define
what comes within the ambit of an opportunity to focus on those areas and pursue
those opportunities where effectiveness is possible. The formula must define-

 Product/service,
 Target market,
 Capabilities required and
 Resources to be employed,
 Returns expected and
 The level of risk allowed.
 Weaknesses of your competitions

You can exploit them in two following ways:

1. Marketing warfare: attacking the weak leader's position and focusing all your
efforts at that point, or making a surprise move into an uncontested area.
2. Collaboration: you can use your complementary strengths to establish a
strategic alliance with your competitor.

External threats arise from –
 Political forces,
 Economic climate,
 Social barriers,
 Technological forces.
 Market changes,

Technological developments may make your offerings obsolete. Market changes

may result from the changes in the customer needs, competitors' moves, or
demographic shifts. The political situation determines government policy and taxation

If I come up with some new ideas then I can increase our product selling. I can modify
the Unique Toothbrush product like these ways-

 Increasing different styles of the products.

 Increasing the show rooms at different places in Bangladesh as well as in the
 Decreasing the product’s prices.
 Giving more advertisement especially in billboards.
 Having sponsors like cricket’s or football’s team.
 Putting contributions in some natural disasters affected areas like earthquakes,
cyclones, etc, to increase their values as well as these sorts of activities will
increase their advertisement.
 Arranging concerts.
 Making product’s presentation in different occasions like trade shows.


In end of report I can say that I tried our best to complete this report successfully. But it
is the job of the readers to evaluate the report. I just tried to make the report a jar of
information. I think I am success to complete this report properly. I have given all the
information from some trusted sources. And I hope the reader will be benefited by
reading this report.


Improve the technology that they are using to make their product and use in their
products, for example, tooth brush and tooth paste get together and would attract new
consumers to purchase the product under the Unique Toothbrush brand name. Using
innovation to re-invent their products, change and develop within the market to offer
something none of the competitors have. Improve the way of advertising that they can
get the minimum knowledge about the products. Also the fact that price are being
forced to fall should prove to be an opportunity for Unique Toothbrush to sell to the
people, who previously may have not purchased a product because of higher prices.

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