Technical View

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'(No Model.

) ~
No. 257,206. Patented May 2, 1882.

1522/1922 2202".
220mm" HBZQW‘.


SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 257,206, dated May 2, 1882.
Application ?led January 14, 1882. (No model.)

To all whom it may concern: in order to permit of ready attachment or re

Be it known that I, THOMAS HENRY BLAIR, moval of said extension to or from said box A.
a citizen of the United States, residing at (Jam . The rear part of the extension 0 is provided
bridge, in the county of Middlesex and State with catches b b 11’, similar to those upon the 55
5 of Massachusetts, have invented certain new box A, such catches b b 12’ being to support a
and useful Improvements in Photographic plate-holder upon said extension.
Cameras ; and Ido hereby declare the following > It will be seen that the area a of the exten
to be a full, clear, and exact description of the sion G in rear is considerably larger than in
invention, such as will enable others skilled in front, the object of which is to permit the use, 60
10 the art to which it appertains to make and use with the camera, of a sensitized plate of a size
the same, reference being bad to the accompa larger than the ordinary opening of the came
nying drawings, and to letters or ?gures of ra will permit. Therefore by the employment
reference marked thereon, which form apart of of the extension the capacity of the camera
this speci?cation. is increased. When the extension 0 is em- 65
15 This invention consists in the employment, ployed the rays of light from the lens pass
in combination with a photographic camera, through the ordinary or primary opening I) to
of a bay or extension removable at will from the sensitized plate in said extension.
the camera-box, and having a capacity for As shown in the accompanying drawings,
containing sensitized plates oflarger or smaller the extension 0 has provision for containing 70
20 size than those which the camera proper is but one-sized plate-holder; but as said exten
adapted to receive, the rays of light from the sion is frusto-pyramidal or taperingin verti
lens passing through the permanent or nor cal cross- section grooves or slides may be
mal plate-opening of said camera on their way added to it to enable plates or plate-holders of
to the plate in the removable extension. varying sizes to be applied to it. 75
25 The drawings accompanying this speci?ca It often becomes desirable in landscape pho
tion represent, in Figure 1, an isometric ele tography to be able to take pictures of vari
vation of a camera of ordinary construction, ous sizes. Heretofore cameras have been re
and in Fig. 2 a section of a camera with my strioted to plates of one size, and to obtain
improvements added, the camera being of pictures of two or more sizes an equal num- 80
30 somewhat different construction from that her of cameras must be had. By means of
shown in Fig. 1, while Fig. 3 is an isometric my improvement the onlycxtra expenserequi
section of the extension which constitutes my site to obtain various-sized pictures is the cost
invention. ' of the extension 0 and its plate-holder, which
In said drawings, A represents the box or is tri?ing. , 85
35 body of a camera of ordinary construction, I do not con?ne myself to the catches a a a’,
and B the base or frame which supports it up as shown, as a means of con?ning the exten
on the tripod, the catches upon the rear part sion G to the body of the camera, as there are
for supporting the plate-holder beingshown at many details of construction not involving in
a, a, a’, 850., and the openingin said rear part vention. In some instances it may be practi- 90
40 for admitting the rays of light to the plate in cable and desirable to hinge the extension at
such holder being shown at b. bottom to the base or support B and retain the
In carrying out my present improvements I catch a’, or its equivalent, at top.
provide a bayor extension, 0, in the form a rect In lieu of the extension 0 being constructed
angular frame of wood or suitable material, to contain plates of a size larger than those 95
45 the front side of which,upon the outside,is of permitted by the camera proper, the taper of
a- size or area to correspond with the rear part such extension may be reversed-thatis,itmay
of the camera-box A, while the under side of be smaller in rear to contain a plate smaller
the front of‘ this extension 0 has a groove, 0, than that taken by the camera—but in prac
to engage the catches a a, before named, and tical use this will hardly be found necessary 10::
50 its upper front side a similar groove, d, to en or desirable. So,also, with regard to the form
gage the catch a’, the latter being adjustable of the extension 0, in lieu of its sides being
2 ' 257,206

rigid, as ofywood, they may be composed of I 2. In a photographic camera, the combina

bellows of cloth or other ?exible material, in tion of box or body A with the tapering ex
order to permit the extension to fold com tension O, hinged or removably attached 15
pactly up to the box of the camera. thereto, substantially as shown.
I claim— In testimony whereof I a?ix my signature
1. In combination with a photographic cam in presence of two witnesses.
era, an extension, 0, having its inner end
smaller in cross-section than the interior of THOMAS HENRY BLAIR.
the body of the camera and ?aring outwardly
IO therefrom, so that its outer end is larger in Witnesses:
cross-section than the body of the camera, H. E. LODGE,
substantially as and for thepurposes set forth. F. CURTIS.

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