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16 Feb

1827E2 (11 days


Finding the shining silver mine [MOS]

[ mind OF SILVER ] 2018

The biological age that was ordained by the MIND of silver – that you have attained , Bhavik
BUT have you seen , felt or sensed the DEPTHS of that , yet ? – NOT a question of trick !

FIRST of all congratulations are in order and this communiqué is a party to

You ought to celebrate [if not already ]this highly significant event with fervor & perhaps a
cricket bat !

Universally it is customarily welcomed [ you should too !] the all too important the silver
refinement age
Like a millennium,centurion or an annual reveller who enjoys with a party- go ahead have a
rage !
Even the uninvited Night Lord with his slight silvery slim crescent may join you on the same

This lunar orb is a perfect symbol of silver [mind ] mine

On any bright completed moon night its excellence outshines a so-called poets’s rhyming line
In order to be a precise image reflector , a mirror’s mercurial back-end finish must be
Just so one’s mind of pure silver , in turn , does to wisdom – knowledge when taintless

The unfolding years of uncertainty bring about , believe it or not , a certain certainty
If that is seen clearly , actually and non – verbally
One is entitled to all the silver of this world & more
Paradoxically that wise one may not be too enthralled by this , he living at its very core !

The Golden Eye , the mind [silver mine] that sees true and through is your already given key
That leads to the revelation of this MOS in all of we
Metaphors aside , flowery as they are , they are mere guides to the real
This parent dutifully , engages his son of age . a heavenly brother of Neil ..

What would please you most ? Dear one , do please tell

If your surrounding kins have failed in this , let NOT yourself also short-sell
Initiatives are positively hallmarks of courage , bravery and cheer
Not necessarily confines to fairy tales or mythological lores- raise a shining glass of beer!
The recent current eclipses [ first the total lunar and the second partial solar ] are harbingers
You would do well to allow your introspective thought which lingers
Despite the erroneous ATTITUDES harboured towards these by the mordeners
Who simply are confused arrogants in their characteristic put-on manners

These events , like any other , are mere happenings

Opportunities to go beyond these manifestations abound – see ,hear or at least sense the many
When one looks , without distractions of any kind , the heart knowingly sings
Celestial conjunctions are not that mysterious if “what-is” is NOT made out into many things

May 2018 bring you good tidings and prosperity

Sweeten your tongue [ I certainly will ] with a silver-coated almond “ barfee’`
And your endeavours successfully come to pass
With living joy easily reaped on this beautiful planet earth – forget the obsession of Mars !

This special silvery 25th birthday is this life’s award

Its contribution to the alluded MOS its amazing reward !
When your heart perseveres it cannot fail to discover its resplendent Lord
Then all questions of life vanish peacefully- now is that odd?

I’m so happy and rightfully to be your pappy

Happy birthday – happy happy day , Bhaviki
Tremendously happy with love and affections and joyous glory
Even after reaching the golden age fifty
My best to you always , but more so on this silvery celebratory day especially !

a. [ a fragrance of the cosmos ]

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