Consultancy Framework

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FIGURE A. ner anew market: + Sta from scratch see start-up) + equi an existing firm within the Gesved indy + Form ont venrefstrategicaiance ‘with another with sila interest (proceed to #5, market analysis) Increase the bottom ine: + Tocrease sales: = Treease volume. “Increase amount of sale + Increase pices. + Gutoost: Analyze products & services Benchmark cos (proceed to #5, market analysis) Backranite the question, ‘en the company's objective Ask questions to find out more about the company. "eniy and abe the ease. eo 298 ‘Analyze the overall market: + What re the trends? What athe technological changes? 6. Analye the niehe market += Who are he major payers? Who ate he dizet competitors? Whats each competitors marketshare? What are he advantages and disadvantages ofeach compesior? “Are ther any barirso entering the marke? 7. Explore the options (rainstorm without commitment): Dees the option make sense? What ar the advantages or disadvantages? 8. Identify your eustomers and analyze how you can best rei them. 9, Analyze marketing sratepes: + Whats ou competitive advantage? “How can we reach he customers? 10. Analyze distribution chanel. 1, Analyze coss—fxed and variable 12 Analyze pricing sages Cost based pricing * Pric-based costing pte ‘THE TOMENSON/COSENTINO CASE MODEL Start a new busines or product: *+ Whats the product & echnlogy? ‘Whats the compedive edge? Inthe technology propiiay? ‘Wha the management eam ike? Is there an aviary board? + How is tis projec being fed? = Whats the best allocation of funds? + What are the barr o market entry? (proceed to #5, market analysis)

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