Recce For Spotify

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Location​: People’s Park, Grimsby DN32 0LL

Contact details​: ​01472 313131

Having access to private property allows me to film for longer period
of times.
We don't have to arrange a set time and/or use a backup
location-flexible as People’s Park is a public where everyone can go
and visit. Another good thing about it is Re-recording can also be
done if needed, so if there's bad weather on the day I shoot I can go
back another day and change the date.

Me and the actors have jobs outside of college so we may not be able
to attend on some days when the others can. Another thing is we will
not have to pay or rent somewhere to film, but because it’s outside
the weather could affect shooting days.

Proposed filming dates: the weekend

Props and costumes require: The actors must be wearing casual
clothing or relevent with each scenes they’re doing. Props are
balloons, flowers, an umbrella and food.

Backup Location: The backup location to shoot would be in Wybers


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