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Market Issues

The future trend in charcoal used domestically is difficult to forecast with precision due to
inadequate statistics especially in the Philippines and other developing countries. But the
steady growth of population and the rising price of oil and gas based energy causes the
demand for charcoal in the Philippines and other developing countries to expand
constantly. As per the statistics of Department of Energy the percentage share of household
and businesses using charcoal as fuel is 1.5%, and that is 1,560,000 of the entire population
of 104,000,000 (projected population of the Philippines as of 2017 as per National Statistics

B. Target Market

1. Area Coverage

Charcoal Lily will be located at Bulak Road, Malhacan,

Meycauayan City, Bulacan. The area is strategically located in an open

space area for the process of making the water lily dried and a structure

where the packaging of the finished products will take place and for

merely accessible to the target areas from which they will harvest the

raw materials and to the places where they will distribute the products.

2. Consumer/Customer

Charcoal Lily shall initially target Industry users of charcoal

includes restaurants and fast food stores who offer grilled products.
This group of consumers, as the survey suggests, are commonly

married and with stable monthly income to provide for their family.

They are within the socioeconomic classes of C and D with an average

annual income of P 397,000 based on the Social Weather Station’s

survey entitled “Family Income Distribution in the Philippines from

1985 to 2009”.

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