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Data sheet


¸EB200 Miniport Receiver
Portable radiomonitoring from 10 kHz to 3 GHz

◆ Ergonomic design for portable use ◆ Location of emissions by means of ◆ RF spectrum DIGI-Scan option
◆ Continuous frequency range the ¸HE200 handheld directional ◆ IF panorama option
from 10 kHz to 3 GHz antenna and level sound ◆ Digital IF section with 12 bandwidths
◆ Detection of unknown signals ◆ Settable measurement time to safely (150 Hz to 150 kHz)
locate interference sources ◆ Fast, accurate level display over
◆ Scanning modes 120 dB dynamic range
– Frequency scanning ◆ Remote-control interface
– Memory scanning (LAN option or RS-232-C)
◆ Audio available via LAN
Brief description Its small dimensions and low weight ◆ Searching in the frequency range
make the ¸EB200 ideal for use in with user-selectable start and stop
The ¸EB200 miniport receiver with places which cannot be reached with frequency and step widths from 1 kHz
the ¸HE200 handheld directional a vehicle. Its low power consumption to 9.999 MHz
antenna is a portable instrument for permits battery operation of up to ­seven ◆ Location of close-range to medium-
radiomonitoring in the wide frequency hours. The battery pack can be ex- range targets with the aid of the
range from 10 kHz to 3 GHz. Whether changed very quickly. ¸HE200 handheld directional
used for monitoring emissions, detect- antenna
ing interference or locating miniature If the power supply is interrupted, all ◆ Detection of undesired emissions
transmitters, the ¸EB200 offers fea- data is stored. Operation can thus be ­including pulsed emissions
tures unrivaled in its class. The favor- resumed immediately after the battery ◆ Detection of unlicensed transmitters
ably priced and compact receiver with pack is exchanged. communicating illegally or interfering
optional LAN or RS-232-C interface may with licensed transmission
also be used in computer-based station- The ¸EB200 is suitable for the ◆ Protection against tapping by detect-
ary systems. ­following tasks: ing miniature spy transmitters (bugs)
◆ Monitoring of one's own radio
The ¸EB200 is characterized by ◆ Monitoring of specific frequencies, ­exercises in a service band
high input sensitivity and frequency set- e.g. storage of up to 1000 frequen- ◆ Monitoring of selected emissions
ting accuracy throughout the frequency cies, squelch setting, constant moni- ◆ Remote-controlled operation via the
range from 10 kHz to 3 GHz. toring of a frequency or cyclical scan- ¸RAMON, ¸ARGUS software
ning of several frequencies or user-specific

 ¸EB200 Miniport Receiver

Digital IF section

The ¸EB200 covers the wide

­frequency range from 10 kHz to 3 GHz.
Processing all signals available with
­optimum signal-to-noise ratio requires a
large number of IF bandwidths. To make
a wide variety of filters available when
space is limited, the IF section of the
¸EB200 was implemented by means
of digital signal processors (DSP). Twelve
IF bandwidths between 150 Hz and
150 kHz can thus be set. The following
digital demodulators are available: AM,
FM, LSB, USB, PULSE, I/Q and CW. With
the IF panorama option, the number of
selectable bandwidths is increased from ¸EB200 and ¸HE200: ergonomic design for on-body operation
12 to 15 up to 1 MHz. The bandwidths
beyond 150 kHz are provided for mea- ◆ Step width the contents of programmed memory
surements without demodulation. ◆ Signal threshold (dBµV) locations are automatically set on the
◆ Dwell time (s) receiver one after the other and the cor-
◆ Hold time (s) responding frequencies are scanned for
Scanning modes ◆ Signal-controlled continuation activity.
◆ Suppression (individual frequencies
Frequency scanning or scan ranges) To activate an individual memory loca-
It is possible to define a frequency range tion, the receiver is set to the param-
to which a complete data set can be al- Memory scanning eters of the corresponding memory loca-
located. In addition to receiver settings The ¸EB200 uses 1000 definable tion by pressing the RCL key.
for start/stop frequency, bandwidth and memory locations. A complete data set
demodulation, the following scan pa- such as frequency, demodulation mode,
rameters may be included in the data bandwidth, squelch level, attenuator
set: pad and antenna number can be as-
signed to each memory location. When
activating the memory scan (MSCAN),

¸EB200 Miniport Receiver 

Optimized view for every task ...

DIGI-scan: scan mode ... Overview

... listen mode ... IF panorama

... differential mode Level (zoomed)

RF spectrum DIGI-Scan are clearly discernible as peaks. If the is displayed in dBµV, also the field
Fitted with the optional RF spectrum measurement is made with the distance, strength is displayed in dBµV/m. User-
DIGI-Scan, the ¸EB200 scans the the field strength of transmitters at close defined k factor data sets can be loaded
frequency range of interest with digi- range varies to a greater extent than into the instrument via the remote-
tal control and displays the associated that of transmitters located far away. ­control interface. The k factor values for
spectrum in realtime. It provides a quick The differential display ensures fast and the ¸HE200 handheld directional
overview of the frequency spectrum reliable location of miniature transmit- antenna and for a half-wave dipole have
­occupancy. Variations in the spectrum ters even in case of spread-spectrum already been stored in the receiver.
caused by illegal radio services, inter- transmission.
ference sources, interference, tempo- Triggered measurements
rary emissions, etc, can be seen at a IF panorama When equipped with the optional
glance. Aural monitoring of the infor- The optional ¸­EB200SU IF panora- ¸EB200CM coverage measurement
mation is possible by simply pressing a ma is provided to accurately examine software, the ¸­EB200 can also be
key. The ¸EB200 then goes to the the signal environment. The current re- used for coverage measurements. Up
listen mode. The emission of interest is ceive frequency forms the center of the to 2000 triggered level ­measurements
demodulated and can be aurally moni- spectrum display. The span can be set can be performed per second on a
tored. ­between ±75 Hz and ±500 kHz and can ­frequency, or up to 200 multichannel
thus optimally be adapted to the tasks. measurements (with any number of fre-
Location of miniature transmitters at MIN HOLD and MAX HOLD representa- quency hops). The option is only avail-
close range is possible in the differential tions further expand the applications. able via the remote-control interface.
mode of the optional RF spectrum DIGI-
Scan. In this mode, the currently active Field-strength measurement software Together with the ¸ROMES
spectrum is stored as a reference. Varia- The optional ¸EB200FS field- ­coverage measurement software, the
tions in the spectrum are superimposed strength measurement software allows ¸­EB200 forms a coverage measure-
on the reference spectrum, and any new the user to perform field-strength mea- ment system with outstanding price/­
signals or variations in signal strength surements, taking into account antenna performance ratio.
factors. In addition to the level which

 ¸EB200 Miniport Receiver

State-of-the-art design bination or tracking preselection, as re- Use in computer-controlled
quired, to reduce the signal sum load. ­systems
The receiver is designed for both mobile Intermodulation suppression equals that
and stationary operation. Careful screen- of many receivers used in stationary All functions of the receiver can be
ing and filters in all the input and output ­applications. used in the remote mode via LAN with
lines ensure extremely low spurious as a powerful PC and the ¸­ARGUS
well as high immunity to interference. The low degree of oscillator reradiation spectrum monitoring software or the
is a result of large-scale filtering. An ad- ¸­RAMON coverage measurement
vanced synthesizer concept featuring software, for example.
BITE very low phase noise permits switching
times of less than 3 ms. Effective fre- ¸RAMON, which is used in the mili-
The receiver is permanently monitored quency and memory scanning is thus tary and security environment, allows
by built-in test equipment. If deviations possible. fast frequency detection and frequency
from the nominal are detected, an error transmission to support monitoring re-
message is output with a code informing ceivers (focus on interactive operation
on the type of fault. Operation and signal identification). ­¸ARGUS,
by contrast, is intended for applications
The operating concept of the concentrating on measurements, e.g. for
Serviceability ¸EB200 meets all the requirements authorities with frequency management
of an advanced radiomonitoring ­receiver, tasks such as long-term monitoring of
State-of-the-art design and the use of i.e. all the essential functions such as specific frequency ranges.
plug-in modules ensure short ­repair demodulation modes, bandwidths, etc,
times. All the modules may be ex- can directly be set via labeled keys.
changed without any recalibration or
­adjustments being required. Settings that do not have to be used
that often are available in submenus.
The ­hierarchy of menu control is imple-
Remote control mented according to priorities.

All the receiver functions can be remote-

Scan with 3D waterfall diagram
controlled via a controller. The optional
LAN interface provides a hundred times
faster speed as well as easy connec-
tion and control of multiple receivers
from a PC. It is recommended if the
receiver is equipped with the optional
¸EB200DS RF spectrum DIGI-Scan
and if it is controlled via a PC.


The ¸EB200 is a heterodyne receiver

with a third intermediate frequency of
10.7 MHz. In spite of its compact size, it
was possible to implement an advanced
receiver concept. The receiver input is
equipped with a highpass/lowpass com-

¸EB200 Miniport Receiver 


10 kHz to 20 MHz

20 MHz to 200 MHz

200 MHz to 500 MHz

0.5 GHz to 3 GHz

 ¸EB200 Miniport Receiver

Directional ­antennas ◆ Unambiguous direction finding, i.e. directional pattern with
the receive maximum pointing to the front in the frequency
range 20 MHz to 3 GHz
Use ◆ The maximum of the antenna output signal serves as a
­direction criterion (maximum direction finiding)
The handy and highly broadband ◆ Handy size despite very wide broadband characteristic
¸HE200 handheld directional anten- ◆ Weight is kept to a minimum due to the materials used and
na in conjunction with portable receivers the antenna design
(e.g. the ¸EB200) is ideal for locating ◆ Can be used for vertically and horizontally polarized signals
transmitting and interfering sources. The in the frequency range 20 MHz to 3 GHz
direction is found by pointing the an- ◆ Wide dynamic range due to switchable passive and active
tenna toward the direction of maximum mode
signal voltage. The operating frequency
range from 10 kHz to 3 GHz is covered by
four exchangeable broadband antenna
modules, each with a distinct directional
pattern. A low-noise broadband ampli-
fier may be added to increase sensitivity Description The handle consists of the following
in the active mode. The amplifier is by- modules:
passed in the passive mode and in this The ¸HE200 handheld directional
case, the antenna may also be used in antenna consists of a handle and three ◆ Antenna electronics made up of low-
the vicinity of strong transmitters. antenna modules. The antenna ­modules noise amplifier and active/passive
are connected with the handle via a switchover circuit
quick-release catch and can thus be ◆ Active/passive switchover by means
­easily exchanged. of relay
◆ Compass
A broadband cardioid directional ­pattern
is obtained in the frequency ranges The low-noise amplifier is bypassed in
20 MHz to 200 MHz and 200 MHz to passive mode and has no supply volt-
500 MHz by using a loop antenna in age. The passive mode is thus also pos-
two different sizes. A log-periodic dipole sible without batteries and external volt-
antenna with a distinct directional pat- age supply. The antenna should only be
tern covers the range 500 MHz to 3 GHz switched to active mode if there are no
with a distinct directional pattern. In ad- strong transmitters in the close vicinity
dition to these three antenna modules, and if the sensitivity of the receiving sys-
another loop antenna is available as the tem (antenna with receiver) in the pas-
¸HE200HF option for the lower fre- sive mode is not sufficient to detect the
quency range from 10 kHz to 20 MHz. signal. When the amplifier is activated, a
yellow LED on the rear of the supply and
display unit indicates whether the sup-
ply voltage of battery or external source
has fallen below the permissible range.

¸EB200 Miniport Receiver 

Specifications Signal-to-noise ratio
AM, bandwidth 6 kHz, ≥47 dB
fmod =1 kHz, m = 0.5,
Frequency range 10 kHz to 3 GHz Ui = 200 µV
Frequency setting 1 kHz, 100 Hz, 10 Hz, 1 Hz or in selectable FM, bandwidth 15 kHz, ≥50 dB
via keypad or rollkey increments up to 500 MHz fmod = 1 kHz,
Frequency drift ≤±0.5 × 10–6 (–10 °C to +55 °C) deviation = 5 kHz,
Ui = 200 µV
Aging ≤±1 × 10–6/year
Demodulation AM, FM, LSB, USB, CW, PULSE, I/Q
Synthesizer setting time ≤3 ms, typ. 1 ms
IF bandwidths 150/300/600 Hz/1.5/2.4/6/9/15/30/50/
Oscillator phase noise ≤100 dBc (1 Hz) at 10 kHz offset 120/150 kHz
Max. input level +20 dBm (nondestructive) IF bandwidths for level 15 (150 Hz to 1 MHz) only with
Antenna input N-socket, 50 W, VSWR ≤3, typ. 2.5 ­measurement ­¸EB200SU IF panorama
SMA connector for rackmounting at rear Squelch signal-controlled,
panel can be set from –30 dBµV to +110 dBµV
Oscillator reradiation at –107 dBm Gain control AGC, MGC
­antenna input
IF control 110 dB
Input attenuation, can be set manually or automatically
RF + IF control 140 dB
10 kHz to <50 kHz typ. 32 dB
Automatic frequency ­control digital retuning for signals unstable in
Input selection (AFC) ­frequency
10 kHz to 20 MHz highpass/lowpass Deviation indication graphically with tuning label/numerically,
20 MHz to 1.5 GHz tracking preselection max. ±B/2
1.5 GHz to 3 GHz highpass/lowpass Signal level indication graphically as level line or numerically,
from –30 dBµV to +110 dBµV
Immunity to interference, nonlinearities
Display errors ≤±2 dB, typ. 1.5 dB (+15 °C to +35 °C)
Image frequency rejection ≥70 dB, typ. 80 dB
TONE operating mode signal level is output acoustically by level
IF rejection ≥70 dB, typ. 80 dB
2nd order intercept point typ. 40 dBm
Measurement time settable from 0.5 ms to 900 s
3rd order intercept point typ. 2 dBm
IF panorama internal module, 2048 points FFT
Inherent spurious signals ≤–107 dBm (¸EB200SU option)
Noise figure/sensitivity Sensitivity typ. –127 dBm (0.1 µV), span 50 kHz,
AVG = 200 ms
Noise figure overall noise figure (including AF section)
REF (reference level) –20 dBµV to 120 dBµV in 10 dB steps
20 MHz to 650 MHz ≤14 dB, typ. 12 dB
RNG (range) 10 dB to 160 dB in 10 dB steps
650 MHz to 1.5 GHz ≤15.5 dB, typ. 13 dB
1.5 GHz to 2.7 GHz ≤14 dB, typ. 12 dB
2.7 GHz to 3 GHz ≤15 dB, typ. 13 dB
coupled span according to IF filter
Sensitivity measurement with phone filter
manual 0.15 kHz to 1 MHz
AM, bandwidth 9 kHz, S/N = 10 dB, fmod = 1 kHz, m = 0.5
RF spectrum ­ normal and differential mode
0.1 MHz typ. 6 µV DIGI-Scan
1 MHz typ. 4.5 µV (¸EB200DS option)
10 MHz typ. 1.3 µV REF (reference level) 0 dBµV to 110 dBµV in 10 dB steps
20 MHz to 2.7 GHz ≤1 µV, typ. 0.5 µV RNG (range) 20/40/60/80 dB
2.7 GHz to 3 GHz ≤1.3 µV, typ. 0.7 µV Scan speed up to 1.5 GHz/s at 150 kHz IF bandwidth
LOW, NORM, HIGH or measurement time/
FM, bandwidth 15 kHz, S/N = 25 dB, fmod = 1 kHz, deviation = 5 kHz
0.1 MHz typ. 6 µV
Scan characteristics
1 MHz typ. 3.5 µV
Automatic memory scan 1000 definable memory locations, a complete
10 MHz typ. 1.2 µV data set can be allocated to each of these
memory locations
20 MHz to 2.7 GHz ≤1 µV, typ. 0.5 µV
Frequency scan START/STOP/STEP definition with receiving
2.7 GHz to 3 GHz ≤1.3 µV, typ. 0.7 µV
data set
Scan speed for FSCAN and typ. 250 channels/s at 150 kHz IF bandwidth,
MSCAN dwell time 0 s

 ¸EB200 Miniport Receiver

¸HE200/¸HE200HF directional antennas
Digital IF output serial data (clock, data, frame) up to
Frequency range 10 kHz to 3 GHz
256 ksps: 2 × 16 bit
Antenna modules 20 MHz to 3 GHz, with 3 plug-in antennas
Bidirectional reference 10 MHz, BNC
­frequency connector Polarization vertical for all antenna modules, horizon-
tal polarization by turning the longitudinal
Input 0.1 V to 1 V; Ri = 500 W
­antenna axis by 90°
Output 0 dBm, Ri = 50 W
Loop antenna direction finding for horizontally polarized sig-
Digital AF output AES/EBU, in line with ANSI 4.40 10 kHz to 20 MHz nals not possible because of circular vertical
pattern of system
I/Q output (digital) AF signal, 2 × 16 bit
IF 10.7 MHz, broadband ±2.5 MHz, BNC, typ. 11 dB via RF input,
Nominal impedance 50 W
­uncontrolled VSWR typ. <2.5
AF output, balanced 600 W, 0 dBm RF connector 1 m cable with N connector
Loudspeaker output 8 W, 500 mW (internal loudspeaker without Gain
function) for typical values, see figures on page 10
Antenna factor
Headphones output via volume control
Field-strength sensitivity
Output log. signal level 0.9 V up to 4.5 V (–107 dBm to –27 dBm)
Linearity of amplifier IP3, typ. 19 dBm (battery voltage 6 V, +25 °C)
B = 20 kHz for BIF = 150 Hz to 15 kHz
B = 150 kHz for BIF >15 kHz Current drain 55 mA in active mode, 0 A in passive mode
(6 V, +25 °C)
BITE monitoring of test signals by means of loop
test Power supply in handle, 4 × 1.5 V, mignon cell R6
Data interface LAN (Ethernet 10BaseT) or Dimensions (W × H × D) 470 mm × 360 mm × 180 mm
RS-232-C (PPP or standard) (in transit case with (18.50 in × 14.17 in × 7.09 in)
General data
General data
Permissible temperature –10 °C to +55 °C
range Permissible temperature –10 °C to +60 °C
range (active/passive mode)
Operating temperature range 0 °C to +50 °C
Operating temperature range
Storage temperature range –40 °C to +70 °C
Active mode –10 °C to +50 °C
Humidity max. 95 %, cycle test 25/55 °C Passive mode –30 °C to +60 °C
Shock in line with DIN IEC 68-2-27 Storage temperature range –30 °C to +60 °C
(MIL-STD-810D, MIL-T-28800D), 40 g,
Vibration random 10 Hz to 300 Hz: 0.01 g2/Hz,
shock spectrum 45 Hz to 2 kHz
300 Hz to 500 Hz: 0.003 g2/Hz, every 30 min
Vibration (sinewave) in line with DIN IEC 68-2-6 (MIL-T-28800D), in 3 orthogonal axes; acceleration approx.
5 Hz to 55 Hz, 0.15 mm amplitude 1.9 g rms
Vibration (noise) in line with DIN IEC 68-2-36, 10 Hz to 500 Hz, Shock max. 40 g, crossover frequency 45 Hz,
1.9 g (rms) in 3 orthogonal axes
Electromagnetic compatibil- in line with EN 55011/22, MIL-STD-461, Weight (handle with compass 800 g to 1100 g (1.76 lb to 2.42 lb),
ity (EMC) CE 03; RS 03; RE 02 is not applicable during and antenna module) ­depending on connected antenna module
loading of battery
Power supply battery pack (>6 h) or 10 V to 30 V DC
(max. 35 W, with battery charging)
Dimensions (W × H × D) 210 mm × 88 mm × 270 mm
(8.27 in × 3.46 in × 10.63 in)
½ 19" × 2 height units
without battery pack 4 kg (8.82 lb)
Battery pack 1.5 kg (3.31 lb)

¸EB200 Miniport Receiver 

¸HE200: antenna patterns

Passive mode Active mode

10 20
5 Antenna module Antenna module
0.5 GHz to 3.0 GHz 15 0.5 GHz to 3.0 GHz
0 10
Gain in dB

Gain in dB
–10 5

–15 0
–20 Antenna module –5
Antenna module Antenna module
20 MHz to 200 MHz 20 MHz to 200 MHz Antenna module
–25 200 MHz to 500 MHz 200 MHz to 500 MHz
–40 –20

–45 –25
10 102 103 104 –30
10 102 103 104
Frequency in MHz Frequency in MHz

45 35

40 Antenna module 30 Antenna module

200 MHz to 500 MHz 200 MHz to 500 MHz
Antenna factor in dB/m

Antenna factor in dB/m

35 25

30 Antenna module 20
20 MHz to 200 MHz Antenna module Antenna module
0.5 GHz to 3.0 GHz 200 MHz to 500 MHz

25 15
Antenna module
20 MHz to 200 MHz
20 10

15 5
10 102 103 104 10 102 103 104
Frequency in MHz Frequency in MHz

S/N = 1, bandwidth 10 kHz, receiver noise figure 15 dB S/N = 1, bandwidth 10 kHz, receiver noise figure 15 dB
30 25

27.5 Antenna module Antenna module

200 MHz to 500 MHz 20 200 MHz to 500 MHz
Field-strength sensitivity in dB(µV/m)

Field-strength sensitivity in dB(µV/m)


17.5 Antenna module 10 Antenna module

20 MHz to 200 MHz 20 MHz to 200 MHz
15 Antenna module Antenna module
0.5 GHz to 3.0 GHz 0.5 GHz to 3.0 GHz


5 –5
10 102 103 104 10 102 103 104
Frequency in MHz Frequency in MHz

10 ¸EB200 Miniport Receiver

Ordering information

Designation Type Order number

Miniport Receiver (accessories supplied: power supply 95 V to 265 V, 50/60 Hz) ¸EB200 4052.2000.02
Battery Pack ¸EB200BP 4052.4102.02
IF Panorama ¸EB200SU 4052.3206.02
RF Spectrum DIGI-Scan ¸EB200DS 4052.9604.02
Field-Strength Measurement Software ¸EB200FS 4052.9704.02
Coverage Measurement Software ¸EB200CM 4052.9804.02
LAN Interface ¸EB200R4 4052.9156.02
Serial Interface (RS-232-C) ¸ESMBR2 4052.9056.02
Recommended extras
Transit case with accessories (telescopic antenna, headset, space for ¸EB200, battery pack and ¸EB200SC 4052.9304.02
power supply)
Carrying Bag ¸EB200CB 4052.8708.02
Car Converter ¸EB200CC 4052.6005.02
Rack Adapter ¸EB200ZZ 4052.8250.02
Power Supply (extra or as spare part) 4052.3064.02


Designation Type Order number

Handheld Directional Antenna (20 MHz to 3 GHz) (accessory supplied: transit case) ¸HE200 4050.3509.02
¸HE200 includes:
Loop antenna (20 MHz to 200 MHz) 0701.5702.00
Loop antenna (200 MHz to 500 MHz) 0701.5354.00
Log-periodic antenna (500 MHz to 3 GHz) 4050.3609.02
Loop Antenna (10 kHz to 20 MHz) ¸HE200HF 4051.4009.02
Adapter and compass fitted to handle when delivered

¸EB200 Miniport Receiver 11

Certified Quality System Certified Environmental System

¸ is a registered trademark of Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG · Trade names are trademarks of the owners · Printed in Germany (sk)
ISO 9001 ISO 14001

PD 5213.6129.32 · ¸EB200 · Version 04.00 · November 2006 · Data without tolerance limits is not binding · Subject to change

More information at
(search term: EB200)
Europe: +49 1805 12 4242,
USA and Canada: +1-888-837-8772,
Asia: +65 65 130 488,

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