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The Colonel's Bequest Walkthrough


ACT I (7:00 - 8:00)

ACT II (8:00 - 9:00)

ACT III (9:00 - 10:00)

ACT IV (10:00 - 11:00)

ACT V (11:00 - 12:00)

ACT VI (12:00 - 1:00)

ACT VII (1:00 - 2:00)

ACT VIII (2:00 - 3:00)


When it says to talk to someone, ask about all other characters (Henri, Ethel, Lillian, Gertie,
Gloria, Rudy, Clarence, Wilbur, Jeeves, Fifi, Celie, Beauregard, Blaze, Polly). To spy on people
in rooms, push armoires upstairs and push clock and mirror downstairs to enter
passageways. Go up the stairs in passageway and move front or back and look through eye
holes of pictures to spy.

ACT I (7:00 - 8:00)

Look at picture. Look at chute, go over and open chute, close chute. Go through right door.
Talk to Ethel. Look at her hanky and drink. Go to bathroom and watch Lillian, smell air. Look
at wastebasket. Spy on Ethel and Lillian in your room, smell air. Spy on Henri and Fifi in
Henri's room. Look at the doctor's bag on his bed. Look at Henri's cigar in his room. Talk to
Gertie and Clarence in parlor. Look at the decanter. Look at Clarence's cigar. Spy on Gertie
and Clarence in the parlor. Enter billiard room and talk to Rudy and Gloria. Look at Gloria's
cigarette. Spy on Rudy and Gloria in the billiard room. Spy on doctor in the library. Enter
library. Talk to doctor. Enter study, look at weapons in cabinets and on desk. Look at dagger
in left cabinet. In carriage house, get oilcan and look in carriage. In chapel, stand near
podium and open floorboard with crowbar, look in the hole and get bible. At bottom of
stairs in the house, look at armor. Oil helmet of armor and open helmet. Look at Gertie
sleeping in her room.

ACT II(8:00 - 9:00)

Exit room and reenter. Look at window, look through window, exit room. Get hanky outside
Gertie's room. Look at her body outside the billiard room. Tell Gloria in billiard room about
Gertie. Look at feather boa. Go to kitchen. Look at the rolling pin. Show hanky to Lillian.
Open icebox. Exit through door and throw bone to dog. Search doghouse. Enter kitchen and
return necklace to Celie. Talk to Lillian. Tell Lillian about Gertie. Go outside and open cellar
door. If it's locked walk north and Jeeves should enter cellar, then go in. Look at wall. Get
crackers. Give a cracker to Polly in the parlor. Spy on Ethel and Polly in the parlor. Go outside
of the study. Follow and spy on Clarence and Wilbur in the dining room. Got to Rudy and
Clarence's room and follow Fifi to her room. Talk to Fifi. Spy on Wilbur in the library. Spy on
Gloria and Clarence in the billiard room.

ACT III(9:00 - 10:00)

Get poker from library floor. Read magazine on the table. Look at feathers. Look at Wilbur's
bed to see that bag is gone. In a secret passageway, find a cane and take it. Give cracker to
Polly. See Fifi in her room. Oil the bell in the tower. SAVE. Pull bell with cane (stand to side).
Look at bell and get crank. Find Wilbur in stable or chapel and search his body. Use monocle
to look at poker and the hanky. Go to Playhouse and see Lillian, talk to her. Go to Celie's, sit
and talk to her. Show her cane. Ask her about Sarah. Tell about Gertie and Wilbur. Ask for
carrot and take it, exit house. Go to barn, give carrot to Blaze. Pet Blaze. Open gate and take
lantern, close gate. Spy on Colonel in his room. Go to Rudy and Clarence's room. Spy on
Rudy and Clarence in their room. Enter Rudy and Clarence's room again. Spy on Gloria in the
billiard room. At 9:45 go to Colonel's room. Look in cannon on fireplace and take key. Enter
elevator (if it's not in room, exit and return until it is). Unlock elevator and push lever up to
go to attic. Read newspapers by elevator. Go south and up to trunk. Look in trunk, look at
clothes, look at boots, examine insignia with monocle. Go east, unlock door and open door.
Enter Fifi's room, look at decanter, examine it with monocle.

ACT IV(10:00 - 11:00)

In the study, see Lillian, tell her about Sarah. Find cigar butt in a secret passageway, look at it
with monocle. Use monocle on the record on the floor in the billiard room, look at feathers,
look at mud. Feed Polly a cracker, look for missing decanter. Find Gloria in the gazebo or
well. See Rudy outside. See Rudy and Clarence near the general's statue in front of the
house. See Fifi and Jeeves in dining room. See Ethel wandering outside drunk.

ACT V(11:00 - 12:00)

Get rolling pin on grounds (southwest corner). Examine rolling pin and bootprint with
monocle. Find Ethel in the rose garden or the carriage house. Visit Jeeves, look at the
flowers. Visit Fifi's, smell air. See Rudy in the dining room. Feed Polly, see Clarence. Spy on
Henri and Lillian in his room. Go to Henri's room, then spy. Exit passageway and then return.
Spy on Colonel, enter his room and look at wheelchair.

ACT VI(12:00 - 1:00)

Get bottle in trash can in bathroom, examine with monocle. Go to Fifi's room, look at
decanter with monocle. See Lillian in your bedroom. See Clarence in his room. Spy on Lillian
in her room. Use monocle on glass in parlor. Feed Polly. Look in weapon cabinet and look for
dagger in study. See Rudy outside study. Knock on Celie's door.

ACT VII(1:00 - 2:00)

Feed Polly. Go to Clarence's room, read his notebook. Look at blood. Find Clarence in
Wilbur's room or the bathroom, search body, look at dagger. Look at chute in your room,
look at chute in dining room. Find a dusty bootprint in a secret passageway, look at floor.
Get Lillian's diary from her suitcase. Read diary and look at it with monocle. In the study look
at the gun case on the desk. See Lillian in the playhouse, look at wall. Find Celie in chapel,
pray. Go to the hedge garden, search base of nymph, put handle on shaft, turn handle, push
statue. Light lantern and enter secret passageway. Go left, to corner. Look at wall, insert
crank and turn, follow second tunnel. Open the Ruby vault with crowbar, get pouch, close
vault. Unbar door and exit through door. Find Rudy in your bedroom.

ACT VIII(2:00 - 3:00)

Feed Polly. Read note on front door. See Lillian in the hedge garden. Get gun and bullet near
Lillian. Search Lillian. Look at her boots, look at the insignia with the monocle. Load gun with
bullet. Find the doctor's bag in Henri's room, examine it and look inside. Go up to the attic
via stairs, unlock door and enter. Go in and shoot Rudy.

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