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Project Job Ref.

Section Sheet no./rev.

Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date
A 2/26/2018


In accordance with AISC 360-10
Tedds calculation version 2.1.01

Bolt diameter - 45 mm
Bolt embedment - 750 mm

Embedment - 36 mm
3 × 17 5

HSS 323.9x9.5
1035.0 kN

377.0 kN

517.5 kN 517.5 kN
100 550 100

Plan on baseplate Elevation on baseplate

Design forces and moments

Axial force; Pu = -1035.0 kN; (Tension)
Bending moment; Mu = 0.0 kNm
Shear force; Fv = 377.0 kN
Eccentricity; e = ABS(Mu / Pu) = 0 mm
Anchor bolt to center of plate; f = 0in = 0 mm
Column details
Column section; HSS 323.9x9.5
Diameter; Do = 324 mm
Thickness; t = 9 mm
Baseplate details
Depth; N = 750 mm
Breadth; B = 750 mm
Thickness; tp = 32 mm
Design strength; Fy = 460.0 N/mm2
Foundation geometry
Member thickness; ha = 1700 mm
Dist center of baseplate to left edge foundation; xce1 = 1000 mm
Dist center of baseplate to right edge foundation; xce2 = 1000 mm
Dist center of baseplate to bot edge foundation; yce1 = 1000 mm
Dist center of baseplate to top edge foundation; yce2 = 1000 mm
Holding down bolt and anchor plate details
Total number of bolts; Nbolt = 8
Bolt diameter; do = 44.5 mm
Bolt spacing; sbolt = 175 mm
Edge distance; e1 = 100 mm
Minimum tensile strength, base plate; Fy = 460 N/mm2
Project Job Ref.

Section Sheet no./rev.

Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date
A 2/26/2018

Minimum tensile strength, column; FyCol = 345 N/mm2

Compressive strength of concrete; f’c = 40 N/mm2
Strength reduction factors
Compression; φc = 0.65
Flexure; φb = 0.90
Weld shear; φv = 0.75

Bolt tension force

Tension force in one half of bolts; Tu = ABS(Pu) / 2 = 517.5 kN
Max tension is single bolt; Trod = Tu / Nbolty = 129.4 kN
Compression force in concrete; fp,max = 0 N/mm2
Base plate yielding limit at tension interface
Distance from bolt CL to plate bending lines; x = abs((N - 0.80 × Do) / 2 - e1) = 145 mm
Plate thickness required; tp,req = 2.11 × √((Tu × x)/(B × Fy)) = 31 mm
PASS - Thickness of plate exceeds required thickness
Shear resistance in bearing
Embedment of depth; dbrg = 36 mm
Bearing area of baseplate; Abrg,bp = B × tp = 24000 mm2
Bearing resistance of baseplate; φPubrg,bp = 0.55 × f'c × Abrg,bp = 528.00 kN
Shear to be taken by the section; Vu,fl = max(Fv - φPubrg,bp, 0kips) = 0.00 kN
Required embedment of section; demb_fl,req = Vu,fl / (0.55 × f'c × Do) = 0 mm
Total minimum embedment required; tbrg,req = tp + demb_fl,req = 32 mm
PASS - Embedment exceeds required embedment to resist shear in bearing


In accordance with ACI318-14
Tedds calculation version 2.1.00

Anchor bolt geometry

Type of anchor bolt; Cast-in headed end bolt anchor
Diameter of anchor bolt; da = 45 mm
Number of bolts in x direction; Nboltx = 2
Number of bolts in y direction; Nbolty = 4
Total number of bolts; ntotal = (Nboltx × 2) + (Nbolty - 2) × 2 = 8
Total number of bolts in tension; ntens = (NboltN × 2) + (Nbolty - 2) × 2 = 8
Spacing of bolts in x direction; sboltx = 550 mm
Spacing of bolts in y direction; sbolty = 175 mm
Number of threads per inch; nt = 5
Effective cross-sectional area of anchor; Ase = π / 4 × (da - 0.9743 in / nt)2 = 1229 mm2
Embedded depth of each anchor bolt; hef = 750 mm
Material details
Minimum yield strength of steel; fya = 379.0 N/mm2
Nominal tensile strength of steel; futa = 517.0 N/mm2
Compressive strength of concrete; f’c = 40 N/mm2
Concrete modification factor; λ = 1.00
Modification factor for cast-in anchor concrete failure
Project Job Ref.

Section Sheet no./rev.

Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date
A 2/26/2018

λa = 1.0 × λ= 1.00
Strength reduction factors
Tension of steel element; φt,s = 0.75
Shear of steel element; φv,s = 0.65
Concrete tension; φt,c = 0.65
Concrete shear; φv,c = 0.70
Concrete tension for pullout; φt,cB = 0.70
Concrete shear for pryout; φv,cB = 0.70

Steel strength of anchor in tension (17.4.1)

Nominal strength of anchor in tension; Nsa = Ase × futa = 635.16 kN
Steel strength of anchor in tension; φNsa = φt,s × Nsa = 476.37 kN
PASS - Steel strength of anchor exceeds max tension in single bolt
Check concrete breakout strength of anchor bolt in tension (17.4.2)
1035.00 kN
73 7

75 0
3 × 175

1 700
7 37

725 550 725 2000

Plan on foundation Section A-A

Concrete breakout - tension

The anchors are located at less than 1.5hef from 4 edges. Therefore the effective embedded depth has to be limited to
19.36" in accordance with D.5.2.3
Limiting embedded depth; hef,lim = 492 mm
Coeff for basic breakout strength in tension; kc = 10
Breakout strength for single anchor in tension; Nb = 3.9 × λa × √(f'c × 1 N/mm2) × hef,lim5/3 × 1 mm1/3 = 755.46 kN
Projected area for groups of anchors; ANc = 4000000 mm2
Projected area of a single anchor; ANco = 9 × hef,lim2 = 2175625 mm2
Min dist center of anchor to edge of concrete; ca,min = 725 mm
Mod factor for groups loaded eccentrically; ψec,N = min(1 / (1 + ((2 × e'N) / (3 × hef,lim))), 1) = 1.000
Modification factor for edge effects; ψed,N = 0.7 + 0.3 × (ca,min / (1.5 × hef,lim)) = 0.995
Modification factor for no cracking at service loads; ψc,N = 1.000
Modification factor for cracked concrete; ψcp,N = 1.000
Nominal concrete breakout strength; Ncbg = ANc / ANco × ψed,N × ψc,N × ψcp,N × Nb = 1381.89 kN
Concrete breakout strength; φNcbg = φt,c × Ncbg = 898.23 kN
FAIL - Tension in bolts exceed breakout strength
Project Job Ref.

Section Sheet no./rev.

Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date
A 2/26/2018

Pullout strength (17.4.3)

Net bearing area of the head of anchor; Abrg = 40000 mm2
Mod factor for no cracking at service loads; ψc,P = 1.000
Pullout strength for single anchor; Np = 8 × Abrg × f'c = 12800.00 kN
Nominal pullout strength of single anchor; Npn = ψc,P × Np = 12800.00 kN
Pullout strength of single anchor; φNpn = φt,cB × Npn = 8960.00 kN
PASS - Pullout strength of single anchor exceeds maximum axial force in single bolt
Side face blowout strength (17.4.4)
As hef <= 2.5 × min(ca1, ca2) the edge distance is considered to be far from an edge and blowout strength need not be

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