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Owen, Khashayar, Khelsi, and Emily

Section 3

Solving Acceleration Word Problems

Four questions for the Readers:

Article Title: ​How Fast Can You Eat?​ By: ​David, Deyan, Sam, and Elizabeth

1. What is another term for acceleration when its negative, and provide an example of this from
the article?

Another term for negative acceleration is deceleration. An example of deceleration is when

Jimbo went from 10 hd/m to 5 hd/m.

2. Which object in the article has a greater rate of acceleration as compared to the other object?
Provide evidence to support your answer

Jimbo had the higher rate of acceleration. Jimbo- 5 hd- 0hd/ 10 m= .5 hd/m2​ ​Bob- 3
hd-0hd/10 m = .33 hd/m2​

3. What term and/or phrase does the writer use in the article to imply that the object is at rest,
as in it is not moving?

Before the judge says go, the two were at rest.

4. What two pieces does the writer include that are irrelevant, as in they do not provide
information to solve for speed or acceleration?

Two irrelevant pieces of information are that the table is piled with 5 ft. of hot dogs and
that Bob was practicing more for the competition.
Owen, Khashayar, Khelsi, and Emily

Section 3

Four questions for the Readers:

Article Title: ​Bob Dominates Friend George in a Logging Competition​ By: ​Daniel, Michael,
Sasha, and Cassandra

1. What is another term for acceleration when its negative, and provide an example of this from
the article?

Another term for negative acceleration is deceleration. An example of deceleration is when

Bob slowed down his swing because someone was behind him.

2. Which object in the article has a greater rate of acceleration as compared to the other object?
Provide evidence to support your answer.

Bob has the faster rate of acceleration 0.067 m/s- 0m/30s = 0.0022 m/s2​ ​ to George’s
0.017 m/s- 0 m/s/ 120s = 0.00014 m/s2​ ​.

3. What term and/or phrase does the writer use in the article to imply that the object is at rest,
as in it is not moving?

The two are at rest when they take their 10 minute break.

4. What two pieces does the writer include that are irrelevant, as in they do not provide
information to solve for speed or acceleration?

Two pieces of irrelevant information the number of chops it took (120) and that somebody
was passing by while Bob did his slow swing.

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