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Title: “The Legend of the Mayon”

Author: Eddie Van Olaivar

Publisher and Date of Publication: 2009

Number of Pages: 3

II: Brief Summary:

Daragang magayon once lived in Albay. She was the daughter of a

Rajah. Her name means beautiful. One of the Magayon’s suitor is

kaven from a nearby kingdom. Magayon broke Ken’s heart because

to his ill-natured character. Gat Malaya heard of Magayon’s beauty.

He went to Albay to visit the maiden. Gat Malaya found Magayen

to small river. She was picking flowers. He be friended her. Since then

the two frequently saw each other in the river. They fell in love. Gat

Malaya proposed marriage to the fair maiden. When Magayon’s

father agreed the wedding was set. Gat Malaya went back home

to fetch his parents. A rejected Kauen learned of the planned

wedding. He threatened to get in the way Kauen she would marry

him if Gat Malaya’s wedding. Magayon told Kauen she would marry

him if Gat Malaya does not return till full moon. Full moon was
coming and Gat Malaya has not returned. Magayon thought Gat

Malaya was not returning anymore so she decided to marry Kauen.

On the day of the wedding Gat Malaya came and get back the

maiden. Kauen threw a spear to Gat Malaya but Magayon shield it

with her body. Another spear to Gat Malaya but hit Magayon this

time. Gat Malaya and Magayon died almost simultaneously. Their

parents decided to burry the ill-faced lovers in one grave. They

noticed a rising hump on the site of the grave with each passing day

until it rose to become a beautiful mountain. They called it Mount

Magayon until it became Mayon after come time.

Setting: Albay


Daragang Magayon


Gat Malaya

Plot: Meeting Daragang Magayon as having majestic beauty that

can hold many suitors including Kauen. But she refuse having an

affair from all her suitors. She rather choose Gat Malaya as his lover.

The lover planned a wedding. After planning the conflict arrived.

Gat Malaya left because he was to fetch his parents. The maiden

thought Gat Malaya will not able to comeback anymore so she

decided to marry Kauen.

Got Malaya arrived exactly in their wedding. Kauen tried to kill

her by throwing him a spear, but suddenly the maiden shielded him.

A moment after, Gat Malaya was killed also. They was buried and

eventually, the grave starting to have a bump until it became a

mountain. And it was called, “Mount Magayon.”

III. Moral Lesson: Selfish persons are not incapable of loving others,

but they are not capable of loving themselves either.

IV. Comments: The story isn’t about selfishness, it is also about how

will you fight for yourself and for your love ones. And it is how will you

make a decision that can’t make you regret in the end.

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