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How to Increase Your Courage & Bravery – Robert Biswas-Diener

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Robert Biswas-Diener’s book The Courage Quotient: How Science Can Make You Braver

Show Highlights
What led Robert into researching this question of courage
What are the most common ideas of what courage means?
The common misconceptions about courage
The role of fear when it comes to courage
How do different cultures view courage? How does culture determine what a courageous
act is?
Where do the values of courage and bravery come from?
Why not feeling fear at all isn’t really a courageous virtue
Can courage be learned?
What you can do to manage fear
How to handle social anxiety and shyness
Increasing your willingness to act in spite of risk and fear
Why you need to embrace “magical thinking” and lucky charms
Is courage domain-specific? Does courage is one area of life carry over into other areas?
What is self-handicapping? Why do we do it?
What we can do to overcome the bystander effect
One thing you can do today to increase your courage, and why you’re probably already
more courageous than you think

My Notes
Courage is generally masculinized and thought of as a soldier saving another
Courage is acting in a positive way while stepping through the face of fear
Courage comes from…
o the ability to manage fear
o the willingness to act despite your fear
Courage is a virtue that CAN be learned
There’s a difference between general and personal courage
o General – is anything that is recognized as being courageous in society
o Personal – is overcoming a personal feat
▪ This is where you are more likely to see an increase in abilities
Ways to increase Personal Courage
o Challenging yourself to get out of your comfort zone once a week
o Deep breathing and stretching
o Meditation
o Praying
o Removing self-centered thinking
o Removing the unknown or educating oneself
Just because the act was not “successful” doesn’t mean it wasn’t courageous
How to overcome the bystander effect
o Nominate yourself prior to events happening that you will be the person to act

Justin Matthew Brandt


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