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Bijal…….yes frndz dis is the name of my best pal.....

she is a friend of mine with

whom I can share all of my feelings......nd discuss each and everything......she is a
really nice and humble person....with a soft nature....nd her friendly smile makes
her the easily approachable person that she is!!!!she has got an ice-cool
temperament which really gives her an edge in tough situations......more over she is
a perfectionist...nd likes to shine in any thing that she chooses to do...she is one
person who is alwaz by ur her company u'll always be comfortable......she
has got a good taste for frndz…..n at the end of the day she is definitely the most
precious frnd/sis that one may possess......hats off to u dear.......

BIJAL!!! Even i dnt exactly knw hw i met her 1st, bt d only thing i knw s tat our bond
gt stronger by d day!!! she s a lovely person.. A person wid a v kind heart made of
gold.. Keeps her cool at all tyms.. Tats best bout her... A v v v gud frnd of mine... Its
in a short span of 2 months tat i hav started considering her 1 of my closest frnds..
Tats her charm.. A girl v v beautiful n carries herself off v v well... A v confident
person.. Bijal, god bless u wid all his choicest blessgings n b as cheerful as u r alwaz
n i want u to knw thr will b rough tyms in every1's lyf.. tk lyf as it cums coz after d
bad tym passes, thr s sumthing grt awaiting u!! God has grt plans for u coz u
deserve it... Whrever i am, dnt 4gt me... coz u wil b fondly remembered by me
4evr.. tk cr.. Loads of love n best wishes...

ok... so i promised her i'll write another one soon... n i tot i'll get away with it... but
she just made me sit and write one for her by giving me a deadline!(she'll def make
a good boss!).. cant believe am doing it!!so anyway... another year has gone and
our friendship is growing with full love for each other..:) so over the year... there has
not been much change in our lives except for the fact that she is hardly in class
during college hours..:) but we make up the time by bunking and going out every
alternate day..:D this year.. she has made me do lot of things including visting the
central jaill(just seeing)...and taking me over to the one area which i never tot i will
enter in my entire life..!its been amazing with this girl around... and i just lover truly
madly deeply!!:P:)
p.s:her mom makes really yummy food.. esp pav bhaji and COLD COFFEES!!

my sweetheart.... let me ryt a chweet testi fo my chweet junior.... Mmmm, wat to

ryt, let me think.....!!! BJ.... She looks damn cute wen she smiles....;-)
I kno her nor for long but for as long i've known her, mus tell yo..... i know her pretty
well...she s really carin en responsibility gal.... very helpful in nature!!!! one testi s
not enuf for yo to tel abt.... very luvin en understanding fren....:):):) obviously she s
gud fren of mine.... she's also pretty mirthful en has a really really adorable
she gets angry like a HELL wich no one can stop it... it jus burns!!
hey yaar if i tld anythin rong, pls dnt tk it seriously ma... am jus kiddin yo..
hmmm...i don wanna bore yo guys.... so al those pple who are fishin for a cutie pie,
dont miss dis DARLING.... Be d same always sweety... en pls start
take care, keep in yo always ("-")

One of my best buds since college. We have tolerated each other’s madness for 6
crazy years, n tht say’s a lot about our friendship. Sharon is mad, crazy, fun all
packed in one. She’s an awesome friend. Very trustworthy and very smart. She
stood second or something in her bms class. She’s a real sweet person and has an
amazing personality. She’s some one who I know I can count on anytime and pester
her with my many stupid problems.. hehe… sheru peru ur one of da best.. don’t u
ever change. : D

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