Before You Begin: About This Manual

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Before You Begin

Thank you for purchasing the Precor EFX546TM. Built to the exacting standards of the
health club environment, the EFX546 is intended for commercial use and can withstand
the rigors of daily club use with little maintenance.

Before using the Precor EFX546, we urge you to familiarize yourself and your staff with
the entire Owner’s Manual. Understanding this manual will help you and your customers
use the EFX54G safely and successfully.


Inside this manual, you will find instructions for installing and using the EFX546. to
maximize the use of the EFX546, please study this manual thoroughly. the manual uses
the followíng conventions for identifying special information:
“Note:” Contains additional information that applies to the preceding text. “Important:”
indicates information to which you should pay special attention. “CAUTION:” Indicates
steps or information necessary to prevent harm to yourself or damage to the equipment.
“WARNING:” Provides instructions to prevent electrical damage to the equipment and
prevent injuries to yourself.
“DANGER:” Indicates steps you must take to prevent electrical shock.


Do not attempt to service the EFX546 yourself except for the maintenance tasks
described in this manual. the EFX546 does not contain any user serviceable parts. For
information about product operation or service, contact an authorized Preacher
Commercial Products Customer Service Representative at 1-888-665-4404.
to help the customer service representative expedite your call, have your serial number
available. the serial number on the EFX546 is written on a label inside the rear cover.
You will need to bend down and took inside the rear cover with a flashlight to see the

Model number: EFX546

Unit number: ________________________________ Serial number: __________________________________________________

Unit number: ________________________________ Serial number: __________________________________________________

Unit number: ________________________________ Serial number: __________________________________________________

Unit number: ________________________________ Serial number: __________________________________________________

Unit number: ________________________________ Serial number: __________________________________________________

Unit number: ________________________________ Serial number: __________________________________________________

Unit number: ________________________________ Serial number: __________________________________________________

Unit number: ________________________________ Serial number: __________________________________________________

Unit number: ________________________________ Serial number: __________________________________________________

If you have any questions regarding the EFX546, use the model and serial numbers
whenever you call your Precor dealer or servicer.


When using an electrical appliance, basic precautions should always be followed, including the

• Read all instructions before using the EFX546. These instructions were written to ensure your safely
and to protect the unit.

• To ensure the proper use and safety of the EFX546, make sure that all users read this manual. Please
make this manual a part of your training program.

Before beginning any fitness program, you should obtain a complete physical examination by your

DANGER - To reduce the risk of electrical shock, always unplug the EFX546 from the
electrical outlet immediately after using and before cleaning.

WARNING —To reduce the risk of burns, fire, electric shock, or injury to persons, take the
following precautions:

• The EFX546 shoulid never be left unattended when plugged in. Unplug the unit from the outlet
when it is not in use, and before putting on or taking off parts.
• Do not allow children, invalids, or disabled persons, on or near the EFX without adult
• Use the EFX546 only for its intended use as described in this manual. Do not use accessory
attachments that are not recommended by the manufacturer— such attachments might cause

• Never operate the unit if it has a damaged cord or plug, if it is not working properly, if it has been
dropped or damaged, or dropped in water. Return the unit to a service center for examination and

• Keep the power cord away from heated surfaces.

• Never drop or insert any object into any opening. Keep hands away tram moving parts.

• Do not operate where aerosol (spray) products are being used or where oxygen is being

• Do not use outdoors.

• To disconnect, turn all controls to the 0FF (0) position, then remove the power plug from the

WA R N I N G— Connect the EFX546 to a properly grounded outlet only. See

Grounding lnstructions.

Grounding Instructions
the EFX546 must be grounded. if it should malfunction or break down, grounding
provides a path of least resistance for electric current which reduces the risk of electrical
shock. the EFX546 is equipped with a cord having an equipment-grounding conductor
and a grounding plug. the plug must be plugged into an appropriate outlet that is properly
installed and grounded in accordance with all local codes and ordinances.

improper connection of the equipment-grounding conductor can result in a risk of electric
shock. Check with a qualified electrician or serviceman if you are in doubt as to whether
the unit is properly grounded. Do not modify the plug provided with the EFX—if it will
not fit the outlet, have a proper outlet installed by a qualified technician.


Diagram A
Proper grounding plug and power outlet for 120 volt

the EFX546 is for use on a nominal 120-volt circuit and has a grounding plug that looks
like the plug illustrated in Diagram A. Make sure that the unit is connected to an outlet
having the same configuration as the plug. No adapter should be used with this product.


the EFX546 is for use on a circuit having a nominal rating more than 120 volts and is
factory-equipped with a specific power supply cord to permit connection to a proper
electric circuit. Make sure that the EFX546 is connected to an outlet having the same
configuration as the plug. No adapter should be used with this product. if the EFX546
must be reconnected for use on a different type of electrical circuit, the reconnection
should be made by qualified service personnel.

Information Regarding International Use

FCC Communications Commission, part 15

the EFX546 has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital
device, pursuant to part 15 of the FGO Rules. These limits are designed to provide
reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. the
EFX546 generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and
used in accordance with the owner’s manual instructions, may cause harmful interference
to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur
in a particular installation. if the EFXS46 does cause harmful interference to radio or
television reception, which can be determined by turning the EFX546 0FF and ON, you
are encouraged to try to correct the interference using one or more of the following

• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna for your IV, radio, VCR, etc.

• Increase the separation between the EFX546 and receiver (TV, radio, etc.).

• Connect the EFX546 into a different power outlet—on a circuit different from the
one used by the receiver (TV, radio, etc.).

• Consult your dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

Canadian Department ai Cammunicalians

This digital apparalus does nol exceed the Class B limits for radio noise emissions from
digilal apparatus set out in the Radio lnlerference Regulations of the Canadian
Deparlment of Cornmunications.

Le présent appareil numérique n’érnet pas de bruils radioééiectriques dêpassant les

limiles applicables aux appareils numériques de la class B prescriles dans e Rêglemenl
sur e brouillage radioélectrique édiclé par te minislére des Communications du Canada.

Eurapean Applicatians
This product conforrns to the requiremenls of the European Council Directive
89/336/EEC, Eieclromagnetic Compatibilily and has been tesled to the
foitowing standards:

EN55022, Limita & Melhods of Measuremenl of Radio lnterference, Informalion

Technotogy Equipment.

EN50082-1, Generic immunity Slandard for Residential, Comrnercial and Lighl

lnduslrial Producls.

This producl addilionally conforma to the requirements ai the European councii Direclive
13/231EE0, Tow Vollage Directive and has been tesled to the foltowing standard:

IEC 335-1, Safely of Household and similar Electrical Appliances.


Personal Safety
When using the EFX546, take the following precautions:

• Completely assemble the EFX546 before using it. Check the unit before each use. Do
not continue to operate the EFX54 when it is not working properly and return the unit
to a service center for examination and repair.

• Keep all electrical components, such as the power cable, and ON/OFF (1/0) switch,
away from water or other liquids to prevent shock. Do not set anything on the casing
or electronic console. Never place liquids on any part of the EFX546.
• Assemble and operate the EFX546 on a solid, level surface. Locate the unit a few
feel from walls or furniture.

• Wear proper exercise clothing and shoes for your workout—no loose clothing. Do
not wear shoes with heels or leather soles. Check the soles of your shoes and remove
any dirt. Tie long hair back.

• Keep all loose clothing and towels away from the EFX546. Keep hands away from
moving parts.

• Use care when getting on or all the EFX546. Use the handrails whenever possible.

• Do not use accessory attachments that are not recommended by the manufacturer—
such attachments might cause injury.

• Do not rock the unit. Do not sit or stand on the front or rear casing.

• Do not attempt to service the EFX546 yourself other than the assembly and
maintenance instructions found in this manual. See Obtaining Service in the
maintenance section of this manual.

• Do not overexert yourself or work to exhaustion.

• Stop your workout immediately if you feel any pain or abnormal symptoms, and
consult your physician.

Precor Heart Rate Options—Safety Guidelines

the Precor/POLAR Heart Bate and the Smart Touch Heart Rate options are created and
designed exclusively for Precor products. Before using these options, read and follow the
instructions found in this owners manual and the literature that accompanies your option
kit or POLAR chest strap transmitter.

the equipment is extremely sensitive—you should use the heart rate options with this in
mind and take time to read the following guidelines:

• Do not place the EFX near strong electromagnetic radiation sources. Television sets,
electric motord, radios, and high voltage power lines can interfere with the heart rate
signal that is being transmitted to the receiver and might affect the heart rate readings
that appear on the electronic console.

• to conduct the electrical impulses from your heart, the electrodes on the chest strap or
in the handrail’s metal contacts (Smart touch only) require a certain percentage of
salts and minerals perspiration that dampens them. the electrodes continue to transmit
your heart rate reading as long as they are in contact with your skin and your skin is
providing enough moisture through your perspiration to keep the electrodes wet.
However, if the concentration of salts in your perspiration is not high enough to
conduct electrical impulses and send them to the receiver, your heart rate readíng will
appear erratic or not appear at all. Some people cannot use the heart rate feature
because they do nol have the proper body chemistry.

Note: For the Precor/POLAR Heart Rate Option, use the electrolyte
spray that accompanies your option package.
• Do not use the Heart Rate Options if you are taking any medication or have a cardiac
pacemaker. inaccurate heart rate readings can occur due to medication or electrical
impulses from the cardiac pacemaker.

• Clean the chest strap or Smart touch contacts after each workout. Use a soft, clean
cloth dampened with a non-abrasive, mild degreaser or anti-bacterial cleaner.
Thoroughly dry the chest strap or handrail contacts after cleaning.

Precor exercise equipment is designed for your enjoyment. By following the above
precautions and using good common sense, you will have many safe and pleasurable
hours of healthful exercise with your Precor EFX546.


Table of Contents
Before You Begin II
About this Manual II

Obtaining Service II

Important Safely Instructions III

Grounding Instructions IV

Information Regarding International Use v

Personal Safety VI

Precor Heart Rate Options—Safely Guidelines VII

Selling Up the EFX546 1
Unpacking the EFX546 1
Installation Requirements 1
Assembly Instructions 2
Turning the EFX546 ON and 0FF 8
Using the Club Program 9
The EFX546 Display 10
Understanding the Electronic Console 10
Keypad Tips 10
Center Display: Setup Prompts and Course Profiles 11
Right Display: Workout Statistics 13
Exercising an the EFX546 14
Cooling Down After a Workout 15
Utilizing the Heart Rate Capabilities 15
Using Manual Made and the Quick Start Key 16
Maintaining the EFX546 17
Cleaning the EFXS46 17
Correcting inconsistent Heart Rate Readings 17
Servicing the EFX546 18
Power Card Maintenance 18
EFX546 Tong Term Storage 18
Special Farms 19
Workout Statistics Tog 19
Specifications Back cover

Setting Up the EFX546


Your EFX546 is carefully inspected before shipment so it should arrive in good operating
condition. Precor ships the unit in the following pieces:
O base frame assembly O accessory tray
O upper column support with display console O handrails (left and right)
O upper column support clamp (2 pieces)
O hardware kit, power cable, Owner’s Manual, and limited warranty
card (the hardware kit is shown in Diagram 1 on the next page.)

Optional equipment available through your dealer includes:

• Precor/Polar~ Heart Rate Option

• the CSAFE option (stores personal workout statistics in a computer file.
Operation requires RJ46 connection to a separate computer.)
• Precor Smart Touch Option This option requires special handrails that must be

purchased at the lime of the sale. It is not an accessory item that can be
purchased once the unit is assembled.

CAUTION: This unit weighs aver 200 pounds (90 kilograms). To avoid back strain
and ensure the safety at the unit and yourself, we suggest that you get assistance
before removing the unit from the pallet. To remove the EFX546 from the wood
pallet, be sure to ask for assistance from more than one adult.


Follow the installation requirements below when installing the EFX546. If you do not
install the EFX546 according to the following guidelines, you could void the Precor
limited warranty

O Tools required: Phillips head screwdriver and 3/32” torque wrench.

O Set up the EFX546 an a solid, flat surface. A flat surface is required for your safely
and proper use of the EFX546.

O Fill out and mail the limited warranty card. the serial number is located
On a label inside the rear cover. You will need a flashlight to see the label that is
adhered to the frame.

O Use the appropriate voltage, dedicated circuit, and grounding as specified on the
EFX546. the EFX546 is available in a 120-volt and a 240-volt model. Refer to the
identification label next to the ON/OFF (1/0) switch to determine the voltage, power
cord, and plug that your EFX546 requires. Make sure that the EFX546 is connected
to a power outlet that has the same configuration as the plug.

CAUTION: Use the appropriate power cord and plug for your unit. Do not use a non-
grounded outlet. Electrical damage can occur if the EFX546 is connected to an improper
power source.


Diagram 1 Hardware kit


Carefully unpack the parts from the shipping container. Open the hardware kit and make
sure that you have the following items:

(A) four socket bolts—upper column clamp assembly

(B) two button head socket bolts—accessory tray

(C) 1/8’ hex key—set screws on handrails

(D) 3/32” hex key—upper handrail clamp and column support clamp (Note: A torque
wrench is also required, although it isn’t supplied.)

(E) 5/16” hex key—accessory tray

(F) power cord

If any items are missing, contact your dealer. For the Precor authorized dealer or servicer
nearest you, call 1-888-665-4404.


You do not need any special knowledge or experience to set up a EFX546, however you
will need assistance and certain tools. Because of its weight and size, ask for several
assistants to help you assemble the EFX546.

Tools required: A phillips head screwdriver, a scissors or utility knife, and a 3/32”
torque wrench.

to assist you in the assembly, the items in the hardware kit, shown in Diagram 1,
correspond to a particular letter in the alphabet. these letters appear throughout the
assembly instructions. Refer to Diagram 1, while performing the following steps:

1. Unpack the EFXS46 by removing the packing materials and base contents (upper
console assembly with electronic console, hardware kit, clamps, accessory tray,
handrails, power card, and ribbon cable) from inside the cardboard pockets and from
around the base frame assembly.

2. Pull the large upright cardboard piece (with its packets) away from the base
frame assembly. Ask for assistance to move the EFX546 off the shipping pallet. You
may need to cut the tie wraps that hold the base frame and stair arms to the pallet.

3. Move the unto the location where you plan to use it. Make sure that the EFX546 is
unplugged and turned 0FF. Do not assemble the EFX546 if its plugged into a power

Important: if you do not have a smart touch unit, ignore the references to it in steps
4 through 7.

Diagram 2 Tocate cables in base


Smart touchTM cables
Ribbon cable

Base suppart

4. Feed the cables (upper electronics and Smart Touch TM) through the upper
column support. Diagram 2 and Diagram 3. Remove the tape that
secures the cables to the base support. Have an assistant hold the upper column
support upside down close to the base support opening while you feed the cables
through. See Diagram 3.

important: Keep the upper column support near the opening in the base so that the
cables are not stretched, crimped, or damaged. Stretched, crimped, or damaged
cables are not covered by the Precor limited warranty.

Diagram 3 Inserting the upper column support

Ribbon cable corrector

Display console

Upper column support

Display console

5. Once the cables are through the column support, turn the support right side up
and position it over the opening in the base. Diagram 3. Hold onto the cable(s) as
you move with your assistant to place the upper column support over the opening in
the base support.

6. Connect the cable(s) to the display console. Diagram 4. if you have two sets of
cables, perform this task or one connector at a time. Align the ribbon cable corrector
with its receptacle. A lab on the corrector helps you align it with the receptacle.
Gently, push it through the small opening in the back plate and slide it into the
receptacle. Do not force the connection. It should slide into place easily. The flanges
on the receptacle snap into place and secure the connection.

Note: On a Smart touch TM unit, the 4-pin corrector needs to be aligned with its
receptacle and securely fastened in place.

Diagram 4

7. Tower the upper column support into the base. Diagram 4. Locate the 2 clamp pieces
(inside the pockets of the cardboard shipper) and the screws (A) and washers (8)
from the hardware kit. Place the clamp around the upper and base supports. Notice
that the piece without the EFX logo has two cylindrical protrusions. these “pins”
need to be inserted into the upper support and base frame before the clamp can be
securely faslened. See inset.

CAUTION: Be sure not to crimp or pinch the ribbon cable as you place the
upper column support into position. Cables pinched or otherwise damaged by
improper installation will not be covered by the Precor limited warranty.

8. Secure the upper support clamp. While your assistant holds the upper column support
(display console should face the foot pedals), place a washer (B) onto each bolt (A)
and insert the bolts (A) through the clamp. Do not tighten until all 4 bolts are in

9. Tighten the top two bolts in the clamp first. Use the 3/16” hex key to alternately
tighten the top two clamp bolts until they feel snug. then, return to the bottom two
bolts and alternately tighten them. The clamp does not close completely. A 1/8” to
1/16” gap remains along the sides between the two pieces.

important: Once the clamp is in place, use your 3/32” torque wrench to tighten the
top two bolts to 140 inch pounds. Do the same to the bottom two bolts.

Diagram 5 Installing the handrails.

Upper handrail ciamp

Loosen bolts. Do not remove.

Ribban cable canrection

Upper column suppart

10. Loosen, but do not remove, the two bolts in the upper handrail clamp using the
hex key provided. Diagram 5.

Diagram 6 Installing the handrails.

11. Insert the handrails one at a time. Diagram 6. If your unit has Smart Touch TM,
gently pull any excess cable ad of the base handrail stub so that you can easily plug
the connector into its receptacle. See inset. Have your assístant hold the handrail
Push the excess cable into the handrails tub on the base support before attaching the
handrail Align the upper and tower portions of the handrail. Slide the handrail into
the upper clamp until the black foam grip on the handrail touches the clamp. insert
the lower end of the handrail into the base handrail stub. if necessary, loosen the four
set screws (refer to Diagram 8) on the sides of the stub. Perform the same step on the
apposite handrail.

CAUTION: if you have a Smart Touch TM unit, be sure not to Crimp or

pinch the cable as you place the handrails into position. Cables pinched or
otherwise damaged by improper installation will not be covered by the Precor limited

Diagram 7 Securing the upper handrails.

12. With both handrails in place, tighten the bolts in the upper handrail clamp using the
hex key (E) provided. Diagram 7.
Diagram 8

13. On the lower handrail stubs, locate the eight (four on each side) set screws and tighten
them using the supplied hex key (D). Diagram 8. Do not overtighten as you can
strip the threads on these small screws.

14. Return to the upper handrail clamp. Double check the clamp bolts and tighten the
them securely.

Diagram 9 Attaching the accessory tray.

15. Attach the accessory tray. Diagram 9. Locate the two button head bolts in the
hardware kit. Position the accessory tray as shown in Diagram 9. Insert the two bolts
and lighten securely with the hex key (F) provided.

CAUTION: A fully-assembled EFX546 is very heavy. to avoid possible

injury, Precor recommends that more than one person move the
EFX546 to its final location.

16. if you need to move the EFX546, ask for assistance. the EFX546 weighs aver 200
pounds (90 kilograms). A hand cart may also be useful to help move the unit.

CAUTION: Since the EFX546 has two different models (120v and 240v
units), check the label near the unit’s power outlet to determine the
voltage requirements. Use an appropriate power cord. Do not remove or
otherwise bypass the 3-prong plug with an adapter in order to use a non-
grounded Outlet. Do not plug the EFX546 into a power transformer in an
attempt to adjust the voltage requirements. Failure to follow these instructions
might damage the unit and void Precor’s limited warranty.

Diagram 10 Connecting the power cable.

17. Connect the power cable. Diagram 10. insert the power plug’s corrector into the
receptacle at the rear of the base assembly.

18. Plug the EFX546 into a grounded outlet. Be sure to use the appropriate voltage
requirements. Refer to Installation Requirements on page 1.

19. Level the unit. the unit has adjustable rear feel that can help level the unit
± 1/4”. to rotate the adjustable rear feel, have an assistant stand in front of the unit,
next the handrails, and face the rear feet. While the assistant grasps the handrails near
the handrail clamp and pulls down, the rear feel should lift off the floor which will
allow you to rotate the rubber feel in the necessary direction.

You have completed assembling the EFX546. to become familiar with using the EFX546,
please continue on to the following sections.


Use the ON/OFF (1/0) power switch to turn the unit ON and 0FF. this switch is located at
the rear of the unit, near the power cable outlet.

Use the 1/0 power switch to turn 0FF the EFX546 and unplug the unit from the outlet
when its is not in use for extended periods of time.
Using the Club Program

By pressing a specific sequence of keys, the EFX546 can be customized with the
following features:

Note: For all these features, follow the instructions on the display. Use the Ý ß keys to
change the information on the display. Press ENTER to select what is being displayed
and to continue to the next prompt.

• Maximum Workout Time—You can set a workout time limit between 10

and 240 minutes in variable increments. this limits the amount of time a user can

Note: take into account the user will get an additional 5-minute cool down period
appended to his or her workout, so adjust the maximum time limit accordingly.

• Maximum Pause Time— Limit from 1 second and 120 seconds (2 minutes) how long
a user can pause during a workout before the unit automatically resets the display and
ends the workout. A “pause” occurs when the user presses the PAUSE key or stops
pedaling. A user continues working out after a “pause” by pressing any Ý ß key or
by pedaling.

• Units of Measure—select between U.S. Standard and Metric displays.

• Odometer and Software Version—the EFX stores cumulative strides and

also provides the software version and part number. this information is valuable for
maintenance and customer service issues.


Start at the Precor banner and press the PAUSE key. then, within 1/2 second, initiate the
following key sequence. Note that each key must be pressed within 4 seconds of the other
or the Precor banner reappears and you have to begin again.

Press “Resistance ß”, ‘Resistance Ý”, “Resistance ß ”, “ENTER”, “Resistance ß ’,

“Resistance Ý ”, and “Resistance ß”


Press “Resistance ß”, “Resistance Ý”, and “QUICK SIARI.” Select “U.S. Standard” or
“Metric” using the Ý ß keys and then press ENTER.


Press “Resistance Ý” and “Resistance ß. The odometer appears. Press ENTER and the
unit’s part number appears in the two top right display windows. the final 5 numbers are
the part number. the 3 numbers after the period indicate the revision. the software version
appears in the bottom right display. Press ENTER to return to the Precor banner.
The EFX546 Display
the EFX546 is designed so users can work out with minimal instruction or training. the
directions on the console and the prompts on the display will guide a user through the
entire workout session. Before the EFX546 is used, however, we recommend that you
familiarize yourself with it so you can instruct your customers to use it safely and
effectively. this section covers the following information:

• an overview of the features provided on the display console

• an explanation about the available courses

• instructions for utilizing the heart rate options


As you exercise, the electronic console provides motivation by presenting constant

feedback about your progress. An explanation of each feature on the EFX546 console
follows Diagram 11.

Diagram 11 EFX546 Display Console

the electronic console keypad provides ENTER, CROSSRAMP, PAUSE, HOLD to

function of the EFX546.


• Accurate entries are required or features such as Smart Rate TM wilI not work
• Answer the Setup prompts by pressing the Ý or ß keys.
• Press ENTER to select the information being displayed.
• QUICK START accesses the Manual program. Default settings applied are:
150 lbs (68 kg) and 35 years of age. the Smart Rate display will not appear.

ENTER: Workout specific prompts need to be answered and “entered” into

memory. Pressing ENTER selects the information displayed and processes it.
CROSSRAMP: Decrease or increase ramp settings from 1% to 20%. Briefly
touching the Ý or ß key during a workout causes the RAMP incline to appear in the
center display. Pressing and holding either key for more than a 1/2 second causes the
ramp to move to the desired setting.

PAUSE: Allows you to lake a short break in your workout. the club car limit the pause
time from 1 second to 2 minutes. Briefly press the PAUSE key to pause your workout. if
you hold the key down for more than 2 seconds, you activate the RESEI function which
ends the workout (no cool down period).

HOLD TO RESET: Press and hold this key for 2 seconds or more. Release the key
and the center display returns to the banner. Workout statistics are erased.

RESISTANCE: Press and hold either RESISIANCE Ý ß key to change the force applied
against your stride. the center display shows the resistance setting (1 to 20). Setting #1
provides the least resistance. To find out what the setting is, briefly press a
RESISTANCE Ý ß key and the number appears in the center display.

Two different options exist to increase your level of effort:

• Decreasing the resistance and increasing the strides per minute

• Increasing the resistance and keeping the same strides per minute.

Note: Your work effort can also be affected by the RAMP CONTROL keys.

QUICK START: Lets you bypass the remaining setup prompts and access the
Manual program. the Smart Rate TM feature is deactivated anytime you press Quick
Start or before entering your AGE. A default weight of 150 lbs (68 kg) and age of 35
is used to calculate caloric burn, if the weight and/or age has not been entered.

CHANGE DISPLAV: Each time this key is pressed while working out, the indicator
lights move to the next set of features and display the workout statistics..


the center display window on the EFX546 requests information before your workout
(setup prompts) and displays the course profile during your workout session.

Setup Prompts: the prompts that appear or the display request specific information such
as, weight, workout time, course selection, and age. Small lights next to the wards
indicate the type of information that is needed. the answers that you provide help to
accurately calculate and display your workout statistics.

Press ENTER at the scrolling banner or begin pedaling and the WEIGHT prompt
appears. To answer the setup prompts, use any Ý ß key to change the display. Press
ENTER to move onto the next prompt. When the course profile appears with its blinking
segment on the far left column, you can begin your workout..
page 11

Note: Errar messages car alsa appear ir the cerler display. theae mesaages expiam
problema that may arise whiie yau are uaing the EFX546. Some problema yau car salve
while ather problema require a qualified aervice lechnician. Refer to Correcting
Inconsistent Heart Bate Beadings. If yau are unaure abaular errar message, please cali a
Precar aulhorized aervice certer.

WEIGHI: Charge the weight diaplayed by uaing any 1 ar Á key. Accepl the weight being
diaplayed by presaing ENIER.

WORKOUT TIME: Charge the lime displayed by uaing ary yar Á key. the workoul lime
can be limiled—see Using the CIub Program. if a club limit does exist, yau car charge
the warkaul lime up ta the limit allawed. Accepl the time beirg displayed by pressing

COURSE: lndicate the caurse yau want Ia use. A label ar the upper partian af the console
shawa which cauraea are available. Chooae a number aI the COURSE prampt by uaing
the VÁ keya. the caurae profile appeara ir the certer display and lIa aaaacialed number
appears ir the mid-righl display. Presa ENIER Ia aelect a caurae and begir warking aul.
the blirking aegment indicales yaur posilian ar the caurse.

AGE: Ar age prampl appeara anly if the aptioral Precor heart rate receiver ia praperly
inslalled ir the electranic console. Ary 1 ar Á key enabies yau la decrease ar increase the
numerical diaplay. Orce the carrecl number appears, presa ENIER. Make aure that yau
erler yaur correct age sirce tia used Ia delermire yaur praper Srnarl Rato target zare.

CrossRamp Display: lrdicatara lighl la shaw whích muscle graups yau’ve been targeting
during yaur workaut. AI the toweat ramp settirga, the caif muacies are beirg taned. As the
ramp increases, the muacle graups affected move up the leg to hamslrings, quada, and
finally giuleals (highest ramp aeltings).

Durirg yaur warkout, use the full range af the CroasRamp sellings la achieve averall
muscle lanirg and develapmert.

Smart Rate:TM When the Precar apliaral heart rate receiver haa beer praperly instalied and
yau wear the Precar Heart Rale Opliars chesl slrap, a blmnkirg aegment ir the bar graph
appeara aI the bailam of the diaplay. if yau have enlered yaur accurale age aI the AGE
prarnpl (campleted durirg the selup prompta), the blinking segment shawa yau the zane
that yaur heart rale is ir:
either Weight Toas ar Cardiavascular.

Note: liyou have a SmartlauchlM unI, Smart Rato appears as lang as yau keep yaur hands
ar the handrail cantada.
Weight Toss: Maintaining yaur heart rale belweer 55% and 70% of yaur maximum
aerabic heart rale, helpa burn erough calariesthal, when cantirued ar a regular baais for 30
minulea ar more, providos the grealesl fat-burning benefila.

page 12

CardioVascular: Maintaining yaurheart rato between 70% and 85% af yaur maximum
aerabic heart rato, helps you Ia imprave yaur averall cardiovaacular/ cardiareapiratory
fitness levei.


the rightdiaplaywindawa provido numeric díaplays. Yau can chaaseta highlighl a different
seI af fealurea by preasing the CHANGE DISPLAY key.

TIME: Appears ir minutes and seconds (00:00) orce yau begin warking out. After 60
minutes ir a aingle warkaul, TIME appeara ir haurs and minutes.

SEGMENI TIME: lndicates the lime remaining ir a calumn befare the ceII althe tap af the
rexl calumn begirs biinkirg. if you enlered a warkaut lime during the selup prampla, each
column corresponda tothe “warkout lime divided by 15” because the display has 15

MEIS: (Metabalic equivalent) Relates la the uaer’a energy expenditure.

STRIDES PER MINUTE: Displays the number af strides campleted ir a minute. A

stride ia ar exaggerated walking mavemerl. On the EFX, if you start ir a paaitian wilh ore
faal forward and ore foal back, a stride is campleted when yau move the rear faat ali the
way forward while the farward faat moves la the rear. Sa, twa alridea make up are fulI
revalutian af the pedala.

GATORIES: Providos the cumulativo number af catories beirg burred (sum of the
calariea por minute). If yau use QUICK SIARI the calarie caunt may be inaccurale.

CATORIES PER MINUTE: Breaks dowr the calaric burr irIa 1-minute incrementa and
displaya the rale of calaric burn.

TOTAL STRIDES: Displaya the total number af strides completed. (the aum of the
stridea por minute.)
DISTANCE: Converta total atrides irIa ar equivalert linear distance such as milea
ar kilamelers.

HEART RAlE: Yaur heart rato (alaa krawn as yaur “pulse”) appeara ar the diaplay.
Monitor your heart rale la maintain a conaiatenl warkaut. Use Smart Rato TM la help keep
yau within yaur targel zone.

Note: if yau da rol have a Smart touchTM unI (metal contacta ar the hardrails) the Precar
Heart Rale Option receiver mual be inslalled and POLAR@chest slrap warn befare yaur
heart rale ar Smart Rato can appear ar the diaplay.

pago 13

ExerCising on the EFX546

Orce the EFX546 ia set up, il ia ready to use. there arena complex instrucliona to fallaw
ar mandatory pragrammirg ateps required la aperate the EFX546. Choose eithor the
QUICK SlAflTfealure which leIs yau immediately atart the marual program, ar presa the
ENIER key which causes the display Ia prampt yau lar more apecilic intormation. the
easy-to-understand prompta leI you specify haw Iong yau wart la wark out. Selecl are of
the programa and then adapl the ramp and reaialanco la meet yaur filness goala.

the EFX546 incarporates the lalesl in cardio-fitress and club fealures. lwa options
(available trom your dea)er) can display your heart rale, another aftows yau Ia use the
clubs CSAFE equipment:

• the Precor/POLAR~ Hearl Bate Option cheat strap,

• the Smart lauchtM unI (metal contacta on the hardrails)
• the CSAFE option (atores peraanal warkoul slatiatica ir a camputer file. Operation
requirea 8J46 cornection Ia a separale compuler.)

Thoae aptiona leI yau regutate yaur heart rale and maintair yaur workaut goala. la find
aut whore you can purchaae theae aptians, caII yaur tocal Precor Commercial Products
Service Represenlalive ali -888-665-4404.
CAUTION: Before beginning any fitness program, have your physician giVe yau a
complete physical examinatian.

to exerciae ar the EFX546, take the follawirg stepa:

1. Pul on chesl strap (available through the Precor/PQLAB® Hearl Rato Oplion).

2. II noceaaary, turn the unI ON.

3. Hald anta the handrails while you step mIa the faol pedala. Movo the faat pedala,
presa QUICK SIART, ar presa ENIER la acceaa the Selup prompta.

Note: la answerthe aetup prampts, use any 1 À koy. Press ENIER Ia select the
informatíon being displayed.

lmportant: if yau chooae the QUICK SIARI feature, skip ateps 4 lhraugh 7. Using the
QUICK SIARI leature causes the catories tobo based on a 150 lbs (68 kg) peraon. the
amaunl af warkaul lime available defaulta tathe club limit.

4. Selecl WEIGHI. Enter a weight ctosesl to your own.

5. Desigrate a WORKOUT TiME. Specifies haw torg you wart Ia wark oul. Note thal a
club limil may exial.
6. Spocify a COURSE. (See course prafilea or console.)

7. Selecl AGE. (Prompt appears when optional Precar receiver is iratalled.)

8. Slart working oul. Hald anta the handrails while working oul. Uso the aplianal
HEARI BATE and Smart RatoTM diaplays to mairtair yaur larget hoart rale.

Note: On the EFX546, yau car affect the degree af muscle exerlior by preasirg the
RAMP and/ar RESISIANCE lar Á keya while yau wark aut. Doing this affecta the entire
levei aI the courae prolito.

pago 14


9. if yau wiah Ia take a shart break durirg yaur warkaut, simply stap rnaving the faat
pedala. Yau can review yaur warkaut alatiatica during the “pauao limo limit.
Continue a warkaut by re-engaging the faot pedala. End yaur warkaut wjth a caal

Note: the lenglh of lime allawed for a break (ar “pause’) car be seI by the CIub
betwoor 1 aocard and 120 aocanda (2 minutes).

10. to eraae workout statistics, preaa HOLD 10 RESEI for a few seconds. (ar, altow the
PAUSE time poriod Ia elapao.)

li. Hald orla the handraiis while you alep aff af the unI.

We recommond IhaI you koep lrack of your warkauls ao you car manilar yaur pragress
Ioward yaur fitreaa gaala and use the informalion as a reference ir plarning irtoroating
and chaltorging futuro warkaula. if yaur club daes rol havo the CSAFE oplian, aform for
recardirg workout alatiatics ia providod ar pago 19.


Caaling dawn after a warkaut helps reduce muacle sliffneaa and aareness by lransporlirg
oxceaa laclic acid aul af the warkirg muaclea. II alsa helps yaur heart rale return to Is
normal (nor-exerciaing) atale. the 5-minute caal dowr period ia automatic after every
caurae. the diaplay acralla a message when the caal dawn poriad begins.
Note: the 5-minute caal-dawn periad ar the EFX546 aclivatea autamatically wher you
reach the limo limil sol for the caurae pragram ar the maximum time limit sol by the club.

the 5-minuto caal-dawn poriad tota yau vary the ramp and resistance aeltirgs while
catorie caunt and total slrides continuo la accumulate ar yaur warkaut atatiatica. Afler the
5-minute caal dawn, the TOTAL TIME appears and the reaiatarce rolurra la zero. to doar
yaur warkaul statiatica, presa HOLD 10 RESET ar leI the PAUSE time periad elapse.


A uaer can make each pragram ar the EFX546 a hoart rato irtoractivo caurao by
manitoring and maintaining hia ar her heart rale ir the Smart Rale zone beat suited for
Ihoir spocific reoda.

lmportant: Yau car acceas the Smart Rale anly if the aplianal heart rale receiver is
installed ir yaur unitoryau havo a SmarllauchTM unI. Soe Obtaining Sen’ice ar the inside
frant caver. the Smart Rale indicator lights da rol appear whon you uso the Quick Start

pago 15

Beforo uliIizing the heart rale capabilitioa, tako time ta road the faItowirg guidolinea.

• Consull wilh your phyaician bofare engaging ir any vigorous exorcise. Da rol use Smart
Bate unIu autharized by yaur phyaician.

• SIaw dawr and stap the workaut immediately if yau exporiendo any pain ar abrormal

• Gonlly alrotch your lawer bady and back bofore and after the leal la hetp prevenI
sliffnoaa ar aaroress.

• Knaw your hearl rale (pulse) and your phyaiciar-redommendod heart rato lraining
zane. Individual hearl ratos vary according la several physiatogical fadara and may
rol carrospond diredlly wilh the tabios provided.

• You should nal uso the heart rale inleraclive capabililioa if you are Iakirg any
modicatiara that either spood up ar aiow dawn your heart rato.

• Koop ir mmd that yau aro working with vory sensitivo equipmenl and uppor body
movomenl ahauld bo kept la a mirimum.
• if yau aro uaing the POLAR® chosl alrap, stand ar the faal pedala, and face the
diaplay console for a minimum of 15 aeconda. lhia alIowa the unI Ia acknowiodge
the presonco of the tranamitter.

WhiIe the EFX546 aoftware montara yaur hoart rato (lhrough the Precor/ POLAR®
optiar ar Smart lauchlM unit), you havo the capabilily la maintair 1 withir the
cardiavaacular ar weight toas zanoa by changirg the roaiatance, the ramp incline, ar the
slride rato. lncreaaing ar docreasing the alridea por minute (apm) affotzls yaurwark offart
and hoart rale. Digilally, yaur heart rale can appoar ir the righl window diaplay. Use the
CHANGE DISPLAY koy la highlighl the HEABI RAlE irdicatar.


Manual modo lela you contrai your ramp and resiatarde leveis which affoct the offort you
put irIa your warkout. If yau charge the leveis during Manual modo, the charge appeara ir
each individual calumn af the course prafile while yau wark aut.

Yau car chooao the Manual Modo ir two difforent ways by:

• preaairg the QUICK STARI koy at the acralling PRECOR EFX546 bannor ar ary
Solup prampt.
• preaaing ENIEB atlho PRECOREFX546barner. lhis cauaeatho EFX546 to diaplay a
rumber of aetup prampls as explained ir the provioua sectior littod Understanding
11w Electronic Console.

Wher you chaoso the MANUAL pragram, the caurso profito appears ir the left diaplay
wirdow and shaws a fial, coralarl courae (a fow cella high). Use the BAMP and
RESISIANCE CONIROL vorÁ keystochangothe ramp incline and resialance (force
applied againal yaur slrido). As you procoed Ihrough your warkoul, a blinking colI
representa your poailian ar the course.

pago 16

Maintaining the EFX546

Bocauae afila advanced doaign, the EFX546 requiros little mainlerance boyand periadic
dleaning which is explaired ir this aeclian. Keop ir mmd IhaI, as awnor af lhia machine,
you aro aatoly reapanaibto for Is maintonance.

CAUIION: lurn 0FF and unplug the EFX546 from the power outlet before
perfarming any maintenance tasks, such as cleaning.


On a daily basis, uso mild aoap and wator an a damp, safl, doar cíath la doar the faot
pedala, exposod ramp raiiinga, plaatic raller wheeis, frant and roar cavors, and hardraula.
Thia removes ary dirt ar dual which mighl affect the smoalh aporalion af the EFX546.
Vacuum araund the unI every week Ia prevenI the accumuialiar af dual and dirt.
CAUTION: NeVar paur water ar spray iiquids an the display console ar any part of
the EFX546. lake special care when cleaning the console to avaid scratching lIs surface.
Altow the EFX546 to dry completely before using.

Keep the SmarttouchTM handraiia doar bywipirg the metal danladts with a aaft, ciean dalh
damperod ir mild aaap and water. the surface af the dispiay console can bo ctoaned ir the
sarne way. Dry the surfaces lharaughiy wilh a doar towel.


if yau havo purchaaod the Precar Hoart Rale Oplian ar Smarl lauchTM and the Procor
aptionai hoart rale recoivor is inslaiied ir the diaplay console, the EFX546 ahould be abto
la pick up yaur heart rale aignai. Hawever, if messages appoar ar the diaplay regarding
heart rato orrors, alap your warkaul and lake the fallawirg stopa:

lmpartant: Be suro lhal the heart rale boirg displayod carrelatoa la your “normal’ hearl
rato during exortian. Also, read the infarmalion fourd ir the fronl aedlion Pre cor Heart
Bate Option—Safety Guidelines and ir the Pre cor Heart Bate Qption Owner’s ManuaL

1. Check with the club managor la mako auro lhat the EFX546 contairs the hearl rato
receivor incide the otoctronic console display.

2. Mako auro Ihal the EFXS46 ia lurnod ON.

a. if you are uaing the P0LAR~ chest atrap, make suro lhat the etodtrades ar the
cheat strap aro maiat and placed properly against yaur akin. Chock to bo cure lhal
the alrap is camfortably tight araund yaur choat and contored ir the middto of
yaur chest. Refer talho aedtion ir yaur Precorl-leart Bate Option Owner’s
Manual IiIled, Wearing the Chest Strap Transmilter.

pago 17


b. Be curo that you are within 3 feel af the etoctranic console and facing taward 1.
Altow a fow aocarda for the receiver to display your hoarl rale
an the eleclronic consotos display.

Note: Mosl afler, when the chesl slrap fails to lranamil a heart rato signal, the cause
is incarrect placoment ar conduclian. A spray ia included wilh the Procor Heart Rato
Oplion thal, whon sprayod orto the etoclrades, can erhanco the canduclivily. Forolhor
problema, checkwilh your tocal aervicer, ho ar she ahould havo a chosl alrap/heart
rale simulator lhaI can leal yaur equipmort to mako cure lhat lis aperating properly.

3. if the unit you are using ia a Smarl touchTM unI, check lhal the contacta are doar
and your palma aro maist. Koop yaur palma cortored ar the metal handrail contacta.
Apply lighl preaaure. Avoid excessivo upper body and arm movemert.

if yau have lakon the aleps abave and dilI gol erralic roadings, you may need la roplaco
the chosl slrap ar havo the Smarl touchlM unI sorviced.


Da rol attompl to aorvico the EFX546 yauraoif excepl for the mairtonanco Iaska
doscribed ir Ihis manual. the EFXS46 does rol contam any user-sorvicoable parta ar parta
lhat roquiro lubricalian. For irfarmalion aboul praduct oporation ar aervice, carlacl ar
aulharized Procor doator ar sorvicer aI 1-888-665-4404.


Wher the EFX546 ia ir use, oraure lhal the pawor supply cord ia away from moving paris
ao thal 1 carnal be damaged. if the EFXS46 powor aupply cord ia damaged, apecial bois
are requirod la repair 1. Carlact ar aulhorizod Precor sorvicer ar dealer ali -888-665-4404
for qualitied repair asaialarce and soNido.

Boi Boschãdigung dor Arachlul3leilung diesos Gorãtoa darf dioae rur durch oiro vom
Horaleller benanrbe Roparalurwerkslatl oraetzl worden, weil
Spezialwerkzeug erfordorlich sI.


When the EFX546 ia rol ir uso, ensuro that the powor supply cord is urplugged from the
wall oultol and ia positioned solhal iIwilI rol becomo damaged ar interfere wilh athor
equipment ar people. lhoro arena apecial atorago roquiremenls forlho EFX546 olhor lhan
orisuring lhat tia kepl free from dii, maislure, and/ar damage.

ATTENTION:Haute Tension
Débranchez avanl do réparer.

page 18


SpeCial Forms

if your club does rol uso the CSAFE oplion, yau can koop lrack of yaur workouls using
the farm botow. Aftor you finish exorcisirg, record yaur workout atatiatics ahawr ar the
diaplay anta Ihia farm.
to maintain the original blank form, be sure to make a working copy.

Name __

Course~ Date -

limo latal Slrides Catories Commonta

Caurse Date

lime toIal Slridea Calariea Cammenta

_______________ _________________ ________________ _______________________ ______________________ — 1

Caurae - - Date

limo tobal Stridos Caiories

Caurse Dato

tolal Slridea Calarmos Commorls

page 19

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