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Name of Teacher: Sarah Watson UNIT: Floor Hockey

Lesson Focus/Content:2 Date: November 17th

Dribbling, Passing, Shooting/ Vocabulary
National Standards Met: State Standards Met
Standard 1 (PE.8.MS.1.1)
Standard 2 (PE.8.MS.1.3)
Standard 4 (PE.8.MC.2.3)
Type & amount of equipment/materials needed: Information on teaching models/strategies used for this lesson:
- 6 goals
- 4 cones
- Chalk
- Vocabulary Words (index cards)
- Post-it notes
- Markers
- 50+ Hockey Sticks
- at least 25 whiffle balls (may add in yarn balls or another
type for extra)
- 6 different colored jerseys (enough for 6 students on each
- Students’ personal devices/ HUDL technique app

Student Objectives: Teacher Objectives

Psychomotor: demonstrate a combination of controlled tap- - Effectively explain and demonstrate all tasks to students prior to
dribbling, passing, and shooting to participate proficiently within passing out equipment.
their teams during “6-goal Hockey” (PE.8.MS.1.1) (PE.8.MS.1.3) - Promote safety throughout and emphasize the importance of
Cognitive: apply their understanding of the assigned terminology to safety.
create a comprehensive sentence with their group. (PE.8.MC.2.2) - Provide appropriate feedback that is specific, and congruent for
Cognitive: apply their understanding of how to successfully dribble, the students.
pass to a teammate in open space in order to successfully score the
ball. (PE.8.MC.2.3)
Affective: Exemplify proficient cooperation skills to promote team
success within small-side activities. ( PE.8.PR.4.2)
Technology Standard: Apply the use of technology through the use
of the app, HUDL technique, to share/demonstrate their
understanding proper passing techniques. (8.TT.1.3)

Instructional Plan:
Anticipated Learning Experiences/ Organizational arrangements Observation guide/Cues
Time Anticipated progression of tasks (script) Explain or Use Diagrams (What do you want to see students
Dressing out and Locker Room/Specific Instant Activity Yesterday, you all learned some 1. Students are to be seated in
or Direction from Locker room: specific shooting cues and practiced assigned spots/ along the wall
1.“Good morning everyone! I hope you all have had a your shooting skills. Can anyone waiting for further instruction.
great week, and I am sure you’re happy it is Friday! We tell me some of the cues you
are going to start out by having a brief vocabulary learned with Ms. Rogers? Nice!
1 min.
review and then get into a quick game of hockey! Prior Today, we are going to incorporate
ALL that we have learned this week
to class ending yesterday, I asked you all to go home
with a little vocabulary review and
and download the HUDL app on your devices. We will play a game called ‘6-goal hockey.’
be using that app today to demonstrate our passing skills 2. Students are to be seated in
that we are mastering! Please make sure that this app is assigned spots/ along the wall
5 min. downloaded and to only bring out your device when waiting for further instruction.
needed during the lesson! Let’s get started!”
3. Students are to be seated in
Lesson Introduction/Set Induction/Anticipatory set: assigned spots/ along the wall
2/3 “On Wednesday we played Hula Hoop Hut Hockey and waiting for further instruction.
had to complete a vocabulary window during the relay race, - 4 Corners: 1. SKILLS 2.
do you remember? Today, with those same words, you and a EQUIPMENT 3.
partner are going to be assigned a term and determine which POSITIONS 4. ACTIONS
corner it belongs in. There are four corners marked with a
cone and chalk—corner 1 is for ‘skills’, 2 is for ‘equipment’,
3 is for ‘positions’, and 4 is for ‘actions’. It is you and your
partner’s job to choose the correct corner for that vocabulary
word you have. There is a definition on the back to help you
better understand that term. When we get outside, you and
5 mins. your partner are to SKIP to the correct corner and then begin 4. Students will work
doing HIGH-KNEES until I tell you the next set of cooperatively together to
directions. This will be your instant activity for the day to get complete a comprehensive
you ready to play! Let’s head outside and skip to your correct sentence using the vocabulary.
Teacher Instructional Input and Guided Practice - SHUFFLE TO POSTER
4. “Nice job working with your partner to get to the correct
corner! Now, you and your partner must pair up with another
pair from a DIFFERENT corner. We are going to complete an
activity called “Vocab Tango”. There’s a saying that goes ‘it
takes two to tango’, so today, you and your partner will take
your vocabulary word and another pair’s vocabulary word
and make a sentence with those two words. When you and
your group have decided on a sentence that uses both words
and makes sense within a floor hockey setting, I will know
you are ready to write it down by you all completing
JUMPING JACKS. I will bring a sticky note and a marker 5. Students will work
for your groups to use. Once your sentence is written and cooperatively, within their
uses both words, I would like you and your group to teams, while practicing proper
5-7mins. SHUFFLE and place your sticky note on this poster. You ball control in order to score a
making these sentences allows me to know that you all whiffle ball into their goals.
understand these terms and how to use them properly! When - DRIBBLING: SIDE TO
I say GO, find your other group members and begin creating
SIDE on the ball, keep ball
your sentences. GO.”
5.“Everyone’s sentences look great! Let’s get started on some - PASSING: HEEL of the
hockey! You will be on the same teams that you were in on blade, SWEEP, ROLL
Wednesday. We are going to start out practicing shooting on wrists
our own goal, but with a goalie. What are some important - SHOOTING: KEEP STICK
things to remember when shooting? Nice! For this activity BELOW THE WAIST.
each team will have 3 whiffle balls to practice shooting with,
so you all need to work together and making sure everyone is
getting a chance to practice. After every whistle, a NEW
person must become goalie. When you hear your name, go to
your team’s goal and put on your jersey. DO NOT GRAB
Thank you for getting to your goals and following directions.
8 mins. Are we ready? When I say go, determine who is goalie for
this first round and everyone else begin practicing shooting
into the goal. GO!”
Blow whistle every minute to rotate goalies
6. We are going to start playing against each other while
incorporating dribbling, passing, and shooting. Each team has
their own goal. Your team will be scrimmaging/competing
against the team across from you. So, purple is against blue,
yellow against red, and so on. Each game will have their
own color specific whiffle ball, you are to ONLY GO AFTER
THAT BALL. For the first minute of play, the girls from each
team will go against each other; if there are not enough out
playing, someone on the team can become goalie to help.
After this round, a whistle will be blown and then boys from
each team will play. Remember that with DRIBBLING: 6. Students will be lined up
- SIDE TO SIDE on the ball
along the wall waiting for
- TOP hand (non-dominant hand) BOTTOM hand (dominant
hand) dismissal and reviewing
- With PASSING: sentences created at the
- HEEL of the STICK beginning of class and well as
-SWEEP things that we learned this
By the end of the class, you should all be able to properly
demonstrate and explain the proper passing technique
10 mins. through the use of the HUDL technique app on your devices!
Today, I will be pulling you out of the round if I see your
stick go higher than your knees, remember that it called
HIGHSTICKING and that is not allowed and results in a
On your mark, get set, GO”
7.“Everyone is looking great! Now, we are going to do 3-goal
hockey. There are three goals on each side of the black top:
yellow, purple, and blue on the right side, and green, red, and
black on the left side. Your team is now going to play against
2 mins. the two other teams on your side. Your team may score on the
other two goals, but not your own. There will be 3 whiffle
balls per side being played, so be on your toes and work
together to score. GO” ** WOULD NOT BE USED IF
Transition: “Great job with this game today! Now that we
have practiced our passing techniques, we are going to pull
out our devices and begin to use the HUDL app we have
8 mins. downloaded. Within your teams, please partner up and record
one another practicing proper passing techniques. After you
have been filmed, take some time to review your passing
technique and discuss with your partner what you both did
correctly as well as what you could work on. We will only be
filming for about 5 minutes, so I expect you to all stay on
task and get this done. You will need this video to complete
your reflection write-up that will be due when you come into
class Monday. Go ahead and pull out your devices to get
started. GO”
Please leave your sticks inside the goals, and your jerseys
hanging on top of the goals.
If you are the blue or yellow team, please walk the whiffle
balls back to the middle of the black top and go line up by the
door. If you are on the green or red team, you may do the
same. Black and Purple please do the same”

Closure: 6. “Thank you all for such a great week of

floor-hockey! I saw some great things this week. You all
did a great job within your teams to strategize and work
together! I also noticed some great skills developing!
Does anyone think that their groups sentence was really
good and want to share it? I noticed some great
sentences! **Read some aloud** Remember to
complete your HUDL technique app reflection. We will
begin class on Monday sharing our videos with one
another and our reflections. Each of you will you’re
your technique videos AS WELL AS your reflections on
our class Google Drive. Again great job this week and I
hope you all have a great weekend!!”
Assessments Used:
- Informal questioning throughout: “what worked for you during the game?” “were there any strategies you and your teammates used during 6-
goal hockey?”
- Literacy/Comprehension assessment: Students complete and post their sentences on the poster to demonstrate their understanding of their
- Use of HUDL technique app: Students will be responsible for filming themselves passing with proper technique and completing a reflection
using proper terminology and their video to demonstrate their understanding of proper passing.
- Mike Graham: TWITTER (@pe4everykid) 6-goal hockey activity

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