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Volume I No: 6 “Where every story is a positive story.” March 2018


’The inspiring first person story of a
woman driven to prove to the world
that she can’ -- Morgan Freeman
Story Page 3

Photo by Stephanie Norwood, Studio Norwood Photography

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PALMDALE BLVD Golden Years Property Tax Relief

“Where every story is a positive story.” DISTRICT PARENTS By LARRY HOBSON Publisher
661.618.3301 Contributing Writer
What, exactly, are the, “Golden Years” for seniors?
Is it all the aches and pains, or is it something that
Publisher & Editor-in-Chief We would love to have our PSD parents visit our is like gold, called money?
Larry Hobson NEW Palmdale School District’s Center for Parent When you become a senior – at least in your 70s –
661.618.3301 Partnership. a person shouldn’t have to pay property tax.
Publisher Assistant This facility is designed to help our parents with By the time a person reaches 70, I believe they
Amanda Hobson access to a computer lab, meeting spaces, child care have paid enough and it’s time for young homeown-
facility, classes in English and classes to learn many ers to pay!
Office Manager
techniques to help their students be successful in their A State law is needed eliminating property tax for
Ashleigh Hobson
educational experience. seniors living in their home for at least ten years and
Managing Editor & Copy Editor The PSD Parent Center is located at 38136 35th Street are at least 70 years old.
Thomas Fitzgerald East in Palmdale, and is open during the day and for
S t a f f Wr i t e r some classes offered in the evening.
Thomas Fitzgerald There is staff on site to help with questions and to
take your recommendations on additional programs or
classes that parents feel would help them become an
integral part of our education community.
Layout & Design There are computers available in the center for parent
Thomas Fitzgerald and family use. The computers are available for class-
Distribution Manager es to train parents and families on how to use comput-
Kelsey Hobson ers and specific software programs.
Parents can also explore programs, both computer
and other classes that their children are using during
Palmdale Blvd is a First Amendment Free Press.
the school day.
In compliance with federal Civil Rights legislation,
The Center for Parent Partnership will have its
we do not discriminate on the basis of race, creed,
color, national origin, ancestry, religion or lack of,
There will be food and music, tours of the facility and
sex, age, disability, marital status, sexual orienta-
a ribbon cutting ceremony.
tion(s) or veteran status in our employment.
Our goal is to provide a facility where our parents can
Palmdale Blvd has not investigated any service or
learn new skills, form relationships with other parents
product advertised in this newspaper and publica-
and our PSD family and feel comfortable and valued
tion of advertising does not imply endorsement of
by our school community.
any product or service by this newspaper.
Palmdale Blvd is a free newspaper published
monthly and is distributed to Palmdale residents , ‘Curiosity Kills Cats’
businesses and public school district staff.
to get hurt.”
We now know that curiosity is a sign of intelligence
I’m to photograph 75 cats who wait for homes at a pet
and leads to the world’s exploration. In the case of a
cat’s curiosity, it can lead to prolonging its life, rather
ACCEPTING NEW MEMBERS sanctuary. I feel like a ringmaster in a three-ring circus
as the cats satisfy their curiosity about the photography
than ending it.
In Curiosity Killed the Cat: Curiosity and Advertising
FOR NEW SEASON equipment that surrounds them.
“Better be careful,” I warn the felines. “Curiosity kills
by Richard F. Taflinger, Ph.D., Taflinger says, “In order
The Palmdale Fin and Feather Club’s opening day to survive, animals above the primitive level must un-
is Saturday, February 3 and we are accepting new cats.” derstand the niche in which they live. In addition, they
members. The saying, “Curiosity kills a cat,” evolved from the must discover any changes in the niche to be able to
We are stocking loads of Trout from two different original 16th century saying, “Care kills a cat.” respond to those changes.”
Trout farms this year, Mt. Lassen in Northern Califor- “Care,” meaning worry, which as long ago as the 16th The most effective way to discover changes is to go
nia and West Haven Trout Ranch in Utah. century, was known to be bad for health. looking for them. Thus, a noise in the bushes draws
The Palmdale Fin and Feather Club is a non-profit, Meanings for the saying evolved. In John Clarke’s the cat’s attention followed by a slow, stealthy stalk.
member’s only fishing and hunting club. We are locat- 1693 volume, “Paremiology” – (a collection of prov- It might be prey, it might be a predator or it might be
ed off the 14 freeway in sunny Palmdale. erbs), a proverb reads, “He that pryeth into every cloud automatic lawn sprinklers coming on.
With 48 fishing docks surrounding our lake, the Fin may be struck with a thunderbolt.” This curiosity can lead to a meal, a timely escape, or
and Feather is the perfect place to get away and relax. The Random House Dictionary of Popular Proverbs an inadvertent bath.”
The Fin and Feather Club stocks healthy Rainbow and Sayings (1996, Gregory Titelman) transcribes the Camera in hand, I’m hoping the curious cats that sur-
Trout during the colder months of our fishing season. warning, thusly: “An overly inquisitive person is likely round me will soon be satisfied and go take cat naps.
This year we are set to stock 70,000 pounds.
After the weather starts to warm, the Catfish, Bass,
Bluegill, Crappie and Perch start to bite, which ensures Palmdale Blvd Supports
productive fishing all season long.
The membership pricing for the Fin and Feather Club
is based on the city you live in. See our website for
The National Rifle Association
more details:
and the Second Amendment
MARCH 2018 3

You Got Sticks, I Got a Match; Together We Can Make Fire for 20 years and you’re the newcomer,’ kind of thing,” the wonderful things and all that. It was all about family
Meet Marie Pizano explained Pizano. “I saw all this hurt. I saw all this in- and I really got sold into Memphis. But when I got here
security. I saw all this, I’m nothing but – and if I could to stay? Wow!”
‘Driven to Prove to the World that She Can’ speak frankly – a ‘Damn Yankee.’” Separated from her family in Chicago and leaving a
– Morgan Freeman According to US Census Bureau data from 2010, Mem- good job in the financial industry working at a commod-
phis is 63 percent Black and 29 percent White. It has upon ity house, combined with culture shock caused Pizano
By THOMAS FITZGERALD it the infamous stain of being the city where American anxiety, which led to her experiencing panic attacks.
Staff Writer hero and Civil Rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. “Here I am, a Chicago girl, and I’m living in a golf
In life, if you want success you’ve got to make it happen was assassinated in 1968. Today, it is home to the Nation- course community,” said Pizano. “They’re wearing golf
because nobody is going to just give it to you - Blue- al Civil Rights Museum. clothes and I’m coming in here looking like Marisa To-
Bloods excepted.
This mindset is the fundamental thesis supporting a cul-
tural experiment as a social meritocracy we call, “Amer-
Emblematic of this ethic is Marie Pizano, a Midwest girl
gone south to strike entertainment gold down in Dixie.
Pizano is an author and Founder/CEO of Memphis,
Tennessee-based, MVP3 Entertainment Group. She is an
award-winning movie producer whose films have won
awards at the Monaco Film Festival, Bel Air Film Festi-
val and Hollywood Reel Film Fest.
In 2013, Pizano published her first book. It is a story of
perseverance written as a memoir titled, From Barefoot
to Stilettos: it’s not for sissies.
“I came into this world barefoot, and the journey I’ve
been on until now, being in the stilettos, is a metaphor for
being empowered,” said Pizano. “As I take these leaps
and hurdles in my stilettos while walking in faith, it’s not
for sissies. But I am finding my ‘yes’.”
Releasing later this year, Pizano’s sequential book, From
Barefoot to Stilettos: Finding My Yes, continues chroni- Raised in a predominantly African-American communi- mei in My Cousin Vinny.”
cling her life’s journey, picking up where the first book ty by a single mother in Chicago, Pizano said she under- Pizano said her husband encountered work-related stress
left off. stood the underlying racial tensions she witnessed after and, “brought it home” with him, transferring that stress
Pizano cites Academy Award winning actor Morgan arriving in Memphis though she found it difficult to deal upon the marriage.
Freeman – a Memphis, Tennessee native – as inspiration with considering how far contemporary culture had pro- Pizano said her life began to unravel. “I had to deal with
for her literary ventures and film making. gressed from the dark days of segregation – at least what my issues and I had to deal with a marriage to an angry
Shortly after relocating from Chicago to Memphis in she was accustomed to up North. person,” said Pizano. “He was stressed. That was his an-
1999, Pizano suffered culture shock that lead to despair ger. And from his generation – he was nine years older –
and a sense her, “whole world was crashing down.” Here I am, a Chicago girl, and in his generation the woman just sits there and shuts up. It
Pizano said she didn’t receive a traditional, warm, I’m living in a golf course com- was like I was supposed to stay home barefoot and preg-
Southern hospitality reception and instead was treated munity. They’re wearing golf nant and just look and act like all the other trophy wives.”
like an “outsider.” Memphis has a proud history of a charitable spirit and is
“No disrespect to anyone, but literally, when you take a
clothes and I’m coming in here home to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, founded
Chicago girl…and I come here to Memphis, Tennessee, looking like Marisa Tomei in in 1962 by nightclub comedian, singer, actor and produc-
it was like Kevin Bacon’s character in Footloose,” said “My Cousin Vinny.” er Danny Thomas. In 2017, Memphis earned the top rank
Pizano. “There’s nowhere to dance and it seemed like the Continued on Page 4
whole town was against me.” “Part of me is not completely understanding [racial ten-
The Northern big city dance Pizano brought to Memphis sion in Memphis] because we’re in 2018 and we should
– a Southern town located along the bank of the great be progressing,” said Pizano. “And why are we not pro-
Mississippi River (“The Big Muddy” serving as State- gressing? It’s because of fear. Fear is separating every-
line with Arkansas to the west, and only a dozen miles body.”
from “Deep South” Mississippi to the south) – was her Pizano said she appreciates Memphis being a city, “rich
desire to build an, “entertainment powerhouse” in a gen- with history and music,” but added her belief if people
teel, Southern city. come together properly in the entertainment business we
The tradition-rich but culturally conservative Southern would progress in the music and film scene much more.
town was not desirous of becoming Hollywood along the Just recently married, returning to Chicago was not an
banks of the “Mighty Mississippi.” option as relocating to Memphis was due to her husband’s
This presented a seemingly unusual paradox for Piza- job, which included a recruitment process not unlike that
no considering Memphis, Tennessee, spawned Ameri- depicted in the Blockbuster movie, The Firm, starring
can music legends Jerry Lee Lewis, Otis Redding, Elvis Tom Cruise and Gene Hackman, according to Pizano.
Presley, B.B. King and Roy Orbison, and is home to Sun The law firm in the movie The Firm was also based in
Records – the independent record label founded by Sam Memphis, Tennessee.
Phillips in 1952 and the first company to record Elvis Pizano described her then-husband’s generous job of-
Presley, Roy Orbison, Jerry Lee Lewis and Johnny Cash. fer as, “an offer you couldn’t refuse.” The recruitment
“I saw the potential here, but I got the daggers. At that process, “was like The Firm. I met with the owner. We
time, I got all this, ‘Who are you? We’ve been doing this came here, they took me to the Peabody, showed me all

‘Driven to Prove to the World that She Can’

ic attacks and anxiety were caused by her not living her tor, so it was just a music and film scene.”
Continued From Page 3
truth by playing the role of the, “executive wife” tasked Pizano’s vision was to combine the two – movie busi-
as, “most generous metropolitan area” in the US, surpass- with hosting fantastic parties at home. ness and music business – and do her part to help make
ing Salt Lake City, Utah. “I had the best of everything,” said Pizano, who was Memphis the epicenter by building that viable business
According to the Chronicle of Philanthropy, an author- living the upper class lifestyle that included travel by infrastructure through MVP3 Entertainment Group.
itative magazine covering the nonprofit industry, Mem- private jet. “I was throwing massive parties for my kids, MVP3 is designed to be an, “entertainment powerhouse
phis moved up from the second spot by donating nearly doing the whole trophy wife thing. I was Martha-freak- of film production, music publishing and talent manage-
$6 of every $100 in earned income to philanthropy. ing-Stewart. That wasn’t really me. I wasn’t doing what I ment all under one umbrella,” said Pizano.
Guided by the principle, “Instead of beat them, join was supposed to do, which is to be creative. I was bored. Her ventures resulted in one failure followed by the
them,” Pizano decided to become the, “trophy wife” with I have a purpose. Why am I a woman stuck in the South next because of a “few unethical attorneys, and financial
her forte’ being heavily involved with supporting wom- that has to just listen to what the man says or what a town people who tried to take advantage of my company and
en’s and children’s charities. thinks I should be?” contacts.”
“I figured, how am I going to learn about community Though the marriage ultimately failed in 2008, the end- But, by “a twist of fate,” through mutual friends of Mor-
unless I embrace it, and I’m either going to take the road ing of that chapter of her life presented a new beginning gan Freeman, Pizano managed to find herself playing a
of being angry and bitter that I’m here, or, let game of golf and having dinner with those
me figure out how to live here,” said Pizano, mutual friends and Freeman. The day includ-
on her decision to engage neighbors and the ed Freeman watching one of Pizano’s films.
community as a path to happiness. While golfing as a group, several in the party
Pizano parlayed the opportunity to bring began sharing with Freeman their, “war sto-
awareness and give back from each of her ries” as writers and artists trying to “make it.”
film projects to several charitable causes. Pizano said Freeman told her, “Marie, ev-
Her effort at first did not reap the fruit she erything happens for a reason,” to which she
intended as Pizano found herself constantly replied, “Morgan, what is the reason? What is
confronted by her peers inquiring about a few God thinking, or the universe? Why is all this
select aspects of her life. happening and why am I here in Memphis,
“I tried and I got a lot of, ‘What church do Tennessee?”
you go to? What does your husband do? What Pizano said she then looked down at a
high school did you go to?’ I didn’t fit in their T-shaped scar on her leg, the result of hun-
box, and it always seemed I had to ask them dreds of stitches required after a motorcycle
permission just to be me”, said Pizano. accident when she was 18 and still living in
While working with St. Jude’s fund raising Chicago, and asked Freeman if she should in-
events, Pizano focused on the entertainment terpret her scar as “T for Tennessee.”
and began establishing contacts in Nashville. Pizano said Freeman replied, “No, Marie.
This led to meeting Pam Lewis, owner of a That’s, ‘T for tough.’”
PR firm and the person who first discovered “The minute he said that – and I knew that
and then managed Garth Brooks for several already about myself, I am tough, I was
years early in his career. raised by a bad ass mother,” said Pizano.
By 2005, Pizano began managing music “All of sudden, those words though were like
acts on her own, to her husband’s dismay. a permission. It’s like Rocky Balboa beaten
“He didn’t like this,” said Pizano. “He was down. And then all of a sudden he says these
pacifying me and letting me do what I needed for Pizano who would rely on words of wisdom spoken words, ‘T for tough,’ and I was like (begins humming
to do. But he didn’t like the fact that I was managing and to her by her mother long ago, “You can take one of two iconic Rocky theme music) rising up. Inspired. Yes I am!
going to Nashville. He just really wanted me to be a stay- roads: play victim, or, do something about it.” Those words right there just changed my life.”
at-home wife. Divorced and being a single mom in the South was not The next day while driving on the highway, Pizano said
As she found happiness, contentment and self-worth easy for Pizano. She said she was, “lied about” and was she saw a billboard advertisement for Duncan Williams
through her music endeavors, Pizano realized the pan- on the receiving end of vicious rumors because many in- – a Memphis-based investment banking firm. She took
vestors she worked with in business were men. down the number and first chance she got, she called.
“In a small town if you talk to a man, what are you “I saw the name and I said, ‘The hell with it. I’m go-
doing? You’re sleeping with him,” said Pizano. “So the ing for it. There has got to be honest people here.’” said
lies started that I’m supposedly sleeping with people and Pizano, who added she didn’t just call the company for
swinging from chandeliers.” information, she managed to get the phone number for
Pizano described Nashville as a, “music business town” the company president – Duncan F. Williams – and called
and Hollywood as a, “movie business town.” According him direct.
to Pizano, “respectfully to Memphis, and in truth, Mem- Getting his voicemail, Pizano seized the day and the let
phis had not yet found a way to truly come together and it rip, leaving Duncan Williams himself a detailed mes-
build a viable business structure in the entertainment sec- sage about MVP3 Entertainment Group, her experiences
and her need for someone who understands Security and
Glenn's Lawn Care Exchange Commission (SEC), regulations.
Soon after, Pizano received a phone call from Williams
inviting her to the office to talk, with the goal being to
help her or find someone that can – the latter offer not
needed since Duncan Williams and his team were able to
help Pizano put together her business plan.
Pizano reached out next to a professional mentor, who
was recognized in Time Magazine as one of the most in-
661.992.3575 Continued on Page 7
MARCH 2018 5

‘Talented Enough to ‘Book a Leper with a Hair Lip!’ – Phyllis Diller

mom is the best PR person that has rep- before the end of the show – a wise prac- The next day, Bruce received a call from
resented me,’” said Merrin. “This is an tice frequently employed by Jon Stewart Ed McMahon expressing his interest in
Staff Writer
Oscar winning actress. Then later that day when host of The Daily Show. being represented by his speakers’ bureau
This story is being continued from the they went shopping. That was my entree.” “That was so helpful to me,” said Mer- as well.
February Palmdale Blvd. Lee’s office was part of a general service rin. “Back then there was Johnny Carson, This was followed by Freddie deCordo-
Bruce Merrin was born into the perilous studio located next door to George Burns, Merv Griffin, Mike Douglas, Phil Dona- va, Carson’s world-famous executive pro-
position where no matter his ambition, ap- the iconic 20th century comedian known hue. All those national shows, we were ducer, becoming client number four.
titude and effort, his father, Dan, and his for his black rimmed, circular framed dealing with them every month, because “In my very first week I have Johnny
mother, Lee, were parents whose resume’ glasses and never being without his trade- the biggest name Simon & Schuster au- Carson and Michael Landon and Ed Mc-
and accomplishments he’d have a tough mark, smoking cigar. thor, we were representing.” Mahon and the producer of the Tonight
time matching, never mind exceeding. Show,” said Merrin. “So that’s how I start-
So what to do? Simple. The next best ed my Celebrity Speakers Bureau.”
thing: Being the best he can be at whatev- The day Landon found out he had can-
er endeavor he pursued. cer, one of the first people he called was
It just so happened Bruce chose to fol- Bruce Merrin to ask Bruce to book him
low in his mother and father’s footsteps on the Carson show because he wanted to
by fostering a career working with celeb- tell his fans before the media got wind of
rity clients in the entertainment world by the news.
founding Bruce Merrin’s Celebrity Speak- “I went with him to the Johnny Carson
ers Bureau. show,” said Merrin. “Probably the saddest
Based in Las Vegas, Nevada, the enter- thing I’ve ever done in my life. He made
tainment capital of the world, Merrin’s the announcement and three months from
enterprise is a top ten grossing firm with the day he called me, he died.”
offices in Los Angeles, California. Bruce acknowledged there are two types
Merrin’s personal contacts are unparal- of celebrities: those who are genuinely
leled. Consider famous comedian Phyllis decent, caring, affable human beings off-
Diller’s comment: “Bruce could book a screen, behind the scene, and in life itself
leper with a hair lip!” – “the Michael Landon’s of the world,”
Bruce, his dad, Dan, and mom, Lee, met according to Merrin – and those who are
with Palmdale Blvd in Las Vegas for an phony nice when the lights and cameras
interview. This month’s story covers our are on, or when walking the red carpet be-
conversation with Bruce. Read about Dan fore throngs of adoring fans spewing forth
Merrin in the February Palmdale Blvd on- unbridled adulation, but are actually nasty,
line at: “Burns would come in all the time. vile, irascible individuals behind the scene while in their dressing room, for instance,
How did Bruce gain access and get his and who possess a false sense of superi-
professional start in the business? Pedi- ority and entitlement – lacking humanity.
gree played a role. “As you know,” began Bruce Merrin,
Considering Bruce’s extensive journal- “there are some celebrities that are very
ism background – junior high school, high stuck up and he [Landon] was not like that
school, UCLA, in Vietnam while serving at all. He was so kind and warm…he was
in the U.S. Army – his mom offered him a total blessing in life.”
a position with her public relations (PR) PUBLISHER’S NOTE: During the
firm. interview, a prominent, world renown,
Back in 1970, there were only two wom- award winning female recording artist
an-owned PR firms in Hollywood, Lee whose name is most assuredly instantly
Merrin & Associates, his mom’s, being With that scratchy voice, he’d put his Beside hard work, dedication and having a recognizable to nearly all reading this
one of them. arm around me and say, ‘Hey, kid. How great teacher, Bruce admitted he was also story was named by Bruce Merrin as fall-
But just because mom was the boss didn’t are you doing?’ recollected Merrin. the recipient of a little good luck. ing into the latter category by virtue of his
mean Bruce had it easy. He still needed to Early in Bruce’s PR apprenticeship “So all of a sudden I was showing up experiencing firsthand her snubbing high
be the best he could be. learning the ropes, Lee managed to land at the Johnny Carson Show almost every level staff of a major corporate sponsor
“Literally, for three full years, because as a client book publisher Simon & month with a different author,” said Mer- from taking more than one photograph
I didn’t know public relations at all, for Schuster. rin. “That’s how I got to be such good with her in her dressing room after a per-
three years my mom taught me the PR Since every famous author having work friends with Carson.” formance. This performance artist’s name
business,” said Bruce Merrin. published by Simon & Schuster would Opportunity knocked once again in 1973 has been omitted from Merrin’s quotes.
A UCLA film student graduate, Merrin now be represented by Lee’s PR firm, when Bruce booked on the Tonight Show “I’m not out to say negative things,” con-
knew a little something about film histo- this presented a great opportunity for his PR client, actor Michael Landon. tinued Bruce Merrin. “But [female vocal-
ry. The very first week he worked for his Bruce. Bruce credited Carson as the inspira- ist and long ago Grammy award winning
mom, Bruce walked into her office and Each month the firm worked with a dif- tion behind the idea to launch a celebrity ‘Best New Artist’] is an example. I booked
seated at his mother’s desk was Oscar ferent Simon & Schuster author and each speakers’ bureau because after the show at her a year ago. Probably one of the biggest
winner, Joan Crawford. writer’s book promotion required the cre- NBC in Burbank, Carson invited he and [expletive synonymous with female dog]
Bruce described his reaction as, “star ation of unique press releases and market- Landon to his Malibu home for dinner. I’ve ever worked with in my life. She was
struck,” adding he had no idea at the time ing campaigns. When Carson suggested he create Bruce
Continued on Page 6
Crawford was one of his mom’s clients. On many nationally broadcast, network Merrin’s Celebrity Speakers Bureau, Car-
“Joan Crawford stands up and gives me TV talk shows back then, an author would son offered to be Bruce’s first client and GLENN’S LAWN CARE
this huge hug and she says, ‘Bruce, your often be booked as a guest and appear just Landon agreed to become his second. 661.992.3575

Meet Dan Merrin Real Archaeology

Contract Archaeology
very nice, not like [female vocalist and one-time Grammy
Continued From Page 5 award winning ‘Best New Artist’],” said Merrin. “Shat-
horrendous. Let’s not do this just because it’s not nice, ner agreed to a meet-and-greet, which is really popular.
but it’s true. I booked [her] and it was a lot of money. It He posed for photos. He did autographs.”
was right here in Vegas. It was for [major financial ser- Marie Osmond is another celebrity who is a pleasure to By DR. BRUCE LOVE
vice industry company] and the contract called for, at the work with and one Merrin described as an, “angel.” Real Archaeology
end of her show, after she did her show – and she did a “Osmond is an example of a celebrity who just could not Contributing Writer
wonderful job – she was to go into her dressing room, be nicer,” said Merrin. “She goes out of her way with peo-
and several of the key [major financial service industry ple. She’s warm. She’s considerate. She’s genuine. She’s In the world of real archaeology, most practicing ar-
company] people were going to come in for a photo be- not an egomaniac.” chaeologists make their living doing contract archaeolo-
cause these people paid her a ton of money. So the show Soon after Landon’s death, Bruce found himself pre- gy, also known as cultural resource management (CRM).
is done and we go into [Grammy award winning female sented with an opportunity to land corporate powerhouse People don’t often think of archaeology as being local,
vocalist’s] dressing room – and I’m here with about five IBM as a client. right here in our own backyards, but really, that’s where
or six of the [major financial service industry company] It was by working with IBM that Bruce coined the most archaeology occurs.
people, and I say, ‘[name of the award winning female phrase, “Tired of Hearing The Sound of One Hand Clap- What is CRM? When a developer decides to put in a
vocalist], as you know, we’re going to do the photos.’ She ping.” new housing tract (or a solar farm or a golf course), ac-
looked at me with the most nasty face, she points her fin- This phrase was Bruce’s verbal response while speaking cording to laws in most jurisdictions he has to hire profes-
ger at me and she says, ‘I will do one photo, it’s going to with a meeting planner at IBM who told him that IBM sional archaeologists to check out the property for Indian
be right now and I’m outta’ here.’ And my face is getting meetings and conferences were so boring the executives artifacts or historic features.
red. These people just paid her a ton of money. So they were “falling asleep.” If you find something, does that kill the project? No,
hurriedly got into this photo and they took the photo, and The executives remark prompted Bruce to rhetorically finding “something” almost never kills a project, but
she dashed off.” inquire, “Are you tired of hearing the sound of one hand we’re getting ahead of our story.
Students getting their degrees in Anthropology or Ar-
chaeology have a very tough time finding a teaching po-
sition in a college or university, so many graduates find
employment in CRM.
In my own case, I was a graduate student at UCLA fo-
cusing on Mesoamerican studies, studying the Maya cul-
ture of the Yucatan Peninsula, when I first started to work
part time for CRM companies here in the Antelope Val-
ley. This was back in 1985.
In Tehachapi, a developer was trying to get a permit
from Kern County to subdivide land known today as Stal-
lion Springs and Horsethief Flat, and they hired a CRM
company out of Bakersfield, which in turn hired me and
two others to do the survey, what’s known as a Phase I
archaeological survey.
A Phase I survey is a walk-over. Ninety percent of CRM
archaeological studies are done without digging of any
Merrin continued, “So that’s why the Michael Landon’s clapping at your sales meetings, management meetings, kind, which seems counter intuitive since the heart and
of the world I so appreciate, because there are those on conferences and corporate parties?” soul of archaeology is excavation, right?
the other side.” The IBM meeting planner replied in one word: “Yes!” Not really. In CRM the walk-over survey comes first
Another celebrity Merrin placed in the Landon category – and that’s how Merrin began booking speakers and en- and often is the only archaeology that gets done on a par-
is William Shatner, a person whom Merrin said he was tertainers for IBM 34 years ago. ticular property.
able to contact and work with without going through the As part of his celebrity speakers’ bureau, Bruce Merrin’s Our job in Tehachapi was to cover the property in a sys-
actor’s agent. credits include booking the now late-President Gerald tematic walking grid pattern looking for any evidence of
“I called one of my friends who had Shatner’s phone Ford and every president since up to and including Bush Native American or early pioneer activities.
number,” explained Merrin. “But if I have to work with the younger – Carter, Reagan, Bush 41 and Clinton. You walk back and forth from one side of the property
an agent, for example, with Mariah Carey I had to go to “It’s a wonderful experience to be able to work with to the other, spaced about 20 feet apart, walking parallel
the agency that she works with, but if I’m able to work dignitaries. President Ford was a class act,” said Merrin. lines, performing a basic search pattern, eyes scanning
with them directly…then I don’t have to split the com- “Whether it’s sports stars like Michael Jordan or John- the ground surface from side to side as you walk.
mission.” ny Unitas, and of course Jackie Robinson and Muham- This is where training and on-the-job experience be-
Merrin said Shatner required he net $100,000 to speak mad Ali, they were the first two sports people that I ever come essential. Like a good CSI technician working a
before an insurance industry association meeting in Or- booked, I feel very, very blessed that I’ve been able to crime scene, a good archaeologist will see traces of an-
lando, Florida. work with so many people in different walks of life.” cient activities that the average person walks right over
Typically, Merrin said he made a 30 percent commis- Learn more about Bruce Merrin at without a glance.
sion, which was undoable with Shatner’s minimum. Small chips of obsidian or other flaked stone fragments,
So with Shatner’s permission, Merrin charged the orga- fire-affected rock from an ancient hearth, smooth areas on
nization wanting to hear Shatner an additional $10,000, boulders where natives ground seeds and nuts, a piece of
raising the fee to $110,000. Lakeside Weddings and Events pottery that looks like a thin piece of rock.
This arrangement allowed Shatner to earn his full cut In the next installment, we’ll talk about what the archae-
and left Merrin ten grand. 702.240.5290 ologists do when they find these items. Stay tuned.
“Shatner gave a nice talk about his career, and he was

Farmers Insurance ~ George Rasmussen Toyota of Lancaster

661.942.7240 661.948.0731
MARCH 2018 7
Meet Marie Pizano
Continued From Page 4
Lancaster School District :We Have Preschool! Fore Play
fluential people in finance, and was a per- Fun, Foundational & Free! Who WE Are! PAUL MATTSON
son she relied upon when working in the
financial sector long ago in Chicago. Contributing Writer
He provided guidance – informal train- Contributed When in Palm Springs, see Angel: one
ing – along with advice, though sparingly, of the great golf instructors there
on how to be a CEO, and within a relative- The Lancaster School District Early Childhood Education program is a large Cali- We worked together in producing a
ly short time, armed with newly-gained fornia State Preschool Program that offers a quality early childhood education oppor- swing for a lady who not only misun-
knowledge and skills, a few more doors tunity to children ages 3 and 4, our district’s littlest learners. derstood the concept of advancing the
opened for Pizano. We have 14 classrooms throughout the district that offer developmentally appro- ball toward the target, but had knee in-
Pizano said without the help of some priate experiences in a child centered project based approach. Our classrooms are juries and shoulder issues.
honest and good men it would have been staffed with highly qualified and dedicated educators who hold a teaching permit What she had was a perfect love for
doubtful she’d have gained access to the issued by the state of California. nature and people, so we spent plen-
right audience. We provide ongoing and relevant professional development to ensure that our ed- ty of time drinking water in the shade
“I wasn’t getting doors opened because ucation teams are prepared to provide an engaging play based opportunity in the in- and talking to her, and then working on
I’m a woman and because I had this rumor door and outdoor classroom that builds on the essential foundational skills necessary finding the mechanics that work best
thing hanging over me – all lies – about for school success. for her.
all I do is ‘sleep around’,” explained Piza- Children in our program experience play based activities in a center oriented envi- The spiritual sense begins nearby in
no. “I wasn’t being taken seriously. I have ronment such as science, dramatic play, technology, blocks, art, outdoor classroom, Joshua Tree, a location of ancient or-
about a 100 ‘#METOO’ stories and have literacy, math, gross motor play and music and movement. igin, and we’re surrounded by rocky
been wrongly treated by women who don’t Quality Start Los Angeles Participant mountains.
support other women. But I kept going.” We participate in the Quality Rating Improvement System Block Grant, part of the The open desert sits above a vast stor-
Pizano continued, “Fred Smith, the Governor’s initiative to offer High Quality preschool to children in California. Our age of underground water that will
founder of Fed Ex, I got in front of his involvement in this grant allows us to partner with community resources like Child supply the region well beyond the 21st
investment team thanks to one of my ad- Care Resource Center, Child Care Alliance, and UCLA, to provide an exceptional Century - the Santa Rosa Mountains to
visers who thought, ‘Wow, Marie’s got preschool experience to our families. the West reach 8,200 feet and overlook
something here.’ I needed a man to help The partnership provides us opportunities for family engagement, professional de- our quiet conclave near the club.
open the door to another man. I got great velopment for staff, and developmentally appropriate play based indoor and outdoor So many of the rich and famous have
advice from Mr. Smith.” classrooms. played golf here. From Bing Crosby to
As MVP3 progressed, Pizano decided Free High Quality Preschool Bob Hope.
the time had come to reflect inward, for Lancaster School District Early Childhood Education program is an income eligi- February is the time to be here with
catharsis, so she wrote her first book to be- ble preschool program free of charge to those who qualify. Open enrollment begins temperatures ranging from 85 to 87 de-
gin the healing process. April 24 for the 2018-2019 school year. grees during daylight hours.
When she asked Morgan Freeman for his Enrollment for the current year is ongoing. We enroll income eligible 4 and 3 year President Eisenhower – “Ike” – loved
endorsement, he agreed, and then went old children until space is full. Any child not placed in a class will remain on the to play golf here while President of the
one step further by providing a quote for waitlist until a spot is available. United States.
the cover – “The inspiring first person Please see our website for information and enrollment requirements. www.lancast- The Desert Classic was played at In-
story of a woman driven to prove to the or call our office at 661.723.0351 #201 dian Wells for many years.
world that she can.” Family Engagement Opportunities Since our friend was many lessons
“My message to people is, when they tell We believe that preschool is a family experience. Parents can volunteer in the class- away from consistent play and the oc-
you that you can’t, when they tell you that room. We offer a six week Parent University workshop series focusing on nutrition casional moment of glory, we simply
you are not, when they tell you that it’s and parenting. shared some interesting tales and a
impossible, that it’s never been done this Our Partners in Print series invites parents and their children to engage in litera- few jokes.
way, you can’t be this, you can’t be that, cy based activities. Throughout the year we offer parent events like Literacy Night, What better place for bonding than
I didn’t let that define me,” said Pizano. STEAM Night and our annual Kindergarten Transition event which features many out on a golf course?
“If I can do it, so can everybody else. Put community partners with the goal of helping you prepare your little learner for Kin- Enjoy the people you’re with when
your dreams into action and don’t ever dergarten. playing golf, and also the beauty of
give up.” Ready for Kindergarten Nature!
From Barefoot to Stilettos: Finding My Our students leave us with strong phonemic awareness and pre reading skills that Keep Swing Easy!
Yes is being released later this year in support reading. They master social emotional skills that support collaborative learn-
audio-book format. It was produced by ing, critical thinking, and creativity.
Grammy Award winning music produc- In math our children learn fundamental skills such as one-to-one correspondence,
er (Record of the Year “Uptown Funk”) estimation, along with the basics for adding and subtracting. We believe that our
Lawrence “Boo” Mitchell at the legend- program exposes children to the essential skills needed for future academic success
ary Royal Studios in Memphis. in our District.
The audio-book format has already made Together the ECE program and the Lancaster School district support college and
history by being the first audio book ever career readiness that begins with our Littlest Learners and supports them through
to be recorded at the legendary Royal Stu- 8th grade.
dios. Several movies that Pizano produced
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have now been released and available on
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The documentary she produced, Shan-
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Remembering Service Stations


CALL 661.618.3301
Remember the trips to the service station with Dad when the ice-cold pop sat in front
of the station and the pop was always floating in big chunks of ice? And no worry about
the ice melting and the pop warming because the iceman would come around and fill
all the ice boxes with ice. patch. The room fills with smoke and the rubber patch melts into the tube, and, presto,
In Bartlesville Oklahoma, our pop came from Love’s pop company and my favorite the patch is made and you are just about on your way.
pop was strawberry. Then came the nickel Coca Cola machines dispensing the small, The days when air and water were free and the air was right there at the pump and
little bottles. Personally, I liked the ice machines much better because the pop was much not over in the corner of the lot where you now pay for it. I used to hear the old saying,
colder. “The only thing in life that is free is the air you breathe,” which is not true for air for
Back then, they even checked your oil, your tires, your water, while you enjoyed that tires any more.
bottle of cold pop. “Fill-‘er up,” was the word of the day back then; the days when you Remember the steel water tank that set outside the station in some and in the garage in
knew the guy’s name who pumped the gas. And he knew your name. And probably others for checking that tube for the leak? Over against the wall in the garage was that
even where you worked. big steel tank with those different compartments that held the oil for your car. The steel
No credit cards back then. All you said was, “Put it on my account, Max.” The days pouring can pumped the oil into, and then lowered the pouring spout into, the hole in
when trust meant something, and weren’t just words on the one dollar bill. your engine where the oil goes.
The service station had a garage, and it was for fixing cars, not for selling bread and I remember some of those very old stations still having those old gas pumps. The ones
milk. That was left to the milkman. And he came to your door. with the glass tops where you pumped the amount of gas up into the glass top and then
Do you remember the old, “hot patches” for those inner tubes? Just rough up the spot let it free fall down into your gas tank.
around the hole, take the rubber patch out the can, remove the paper from the back of The days when the man in the gas station wore white pants and shirt and the white hat.
it and stick it over the hole. Then, take the clamp and put it on the rubber patch. Now Some of the service stations even vacuumed your car while they pumped the gas.
you’re ready for the match. Light the match and then light the stuff on the back of the Those were the days my friend. Too bad they had to end.

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