Energy Advisor: Should The Region Use Natural Gas As A Bridge Fuel'?

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Nigel Blackaby

Should the Region

Global Head, OIL & GAS
International Arbitration Group,
Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer Oilfield Suppliers
Write Down
Use Natural Gas as
Mary Rose Brusewitz
Strasburger & Price Millions in
Jeffrey Davidow Venezuela IOUs
Senior Counselor,
The Cohen Group
Ramón Espinasa
a ‘Bridge Fuel’? Venezuela was unable to make
cash payments to its biggest
Consultant, oilfield suppliers in the second
Inter-American Development Bank quarter, and service companies
Luis Giusti accepted promissory notes for
Senior Advisor, hundreds of millions of dollars
Center for Strategic & that the companies immediately
International Studies wrote down.
Jonathan C. Hamilton Page 2
White & Case
Raul Herrera
Corporate & Securities Practice,
Talks to Sell Belo
Arnold & Porter
Natural gas has become an increasingly popular fuel in the Americas as more countries in
Monte Hydro Dam
James R. Jones
the region look to energy independence. The Vaca Muerta shale gas formation in Argentina is Stall Over Price
among the largest shale plays in the world. // File Photo: Neuquén Province.
ManattJones Global Strategies Talks to sell the country’s Belo

Jorge Kamine As Latin America works to meet its Paris climate agreement Monte hydropower dam have
Counsel, stalled over price issues.
commitments, it must also contend with a rising demand for
Skadden Arps Page 3
electricity, which is expected to nearly double by 2040. In
Craig A. Kelly
Director, order to fill the gaps left by the at times inconsistent nature
Americas Int’l Gov’t Relations,
Exxon Mobil
of wind power and solar power, the region has looked to natural gas as
one solution. However, although it is abundant and does not emit as Former Petrobras
Jeremy Martin
Vice President, Energy & Sustainability, much carbon as oil or coal, it is not a zero-carbon energy source. Should CEO Arrested in
Institute of the Americas Corruption Probe
natural gas be used as a “bridge fuel” as the region works to reach a ze-
Larry Pascal
Chairman, ro-carbon power sector, or should efforts be focused solely on develop- Brazilian federal police on Thurs-
Americas Practice Group, day arrested former Petrobras
ing and improving upon renewable energy sources, energy storage and
Haynes & Boone CEO Aldemir Bendine over suspi-
energy efficiency? What are the main barriers to more widespread use of cions that he may have received
Charles Shapiro
President, renewable energy in the region? What is the future of natural gas in Latin large bribes from construction
World Affairs Council of Atlanta
America and the Caribbean’s sources of electricity? conglomerate Odebrecht.
R. Kirk Sherr Page 2

Clearview Strategy Group Samantha Gross, fellow at the Energy Security and Climate
Mark Thurber Initiative at Brookings Institution: “The first question that
Andrews Kurth comes to mind when I’m asked whether natural gas is appro-
Alexandra Valderrama priate for power generation is ‘compared to what?’ Natural
International Government Affairs,
gas can be much better than coal in terms of greenhouse gas emissions
Chevron and local air pollution. But methane, the primary component of natural
Lisa Viscidi gas, is a much more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide if it is
Program Director,
Inter-American Dialogue released into the atmosphere. The production, distribution and use of
Max Yzaguirre natural gas must prevent methane releases if gas is to realize its promise
President and CEO, as a lower-carbon fuel. Areas of new development, like Argentina’s Vaca
The Yzaguirre Group
Muerta field, provide an opportunity for Latin America to get gas right.
Latin America is blessed with abundant hydroelectric resources, which Bendine // File Photo: Brazilian
Continued on page 3



OIL & GAS SECTOR NEWS and Halliburton accepted promissory notes NEWS BRIEFS
for hundreds of millions of dollars that the
companies immediately wrote down, according Schlumberger Sees
Former Petrobras to the companies’ second-quarter reports,
9 Percent Growth in
CEO Arrested in Reuters reported Tuesday. France-based
Schlumberger, headed by Paal Kibsgaard, took Latin America Revenue
Corruption Probe a $510 million impairment charge on promis- Paris-based Schlumberger said July 21 that
sory notes received from Venezuelan state oil stronger results from Latin America helped
Brazilian federal police on Thursday arrested company PDVSA in place of $700 million in boost its second quarter earnings. The oil and
former Petrobras CEO Aldemir Bendine over outstanding fees, while U.S.-based Halliburton gas industry services firm said Latin America
suspicions that he may have received large recorded a pre-tax charge of $262 million on revenue increased 9 percent sequentially due
bribes from construction conglomerate Ode- to higher reservoir characterization and drilling
brecht, Reuters reported. The prosecutor-gen- activities in Mexico and Central America, as
eral’s office in a statement Thursday said it had well as increased unconventional land activity
served three arrest warrants and had executed in Argentina. Business in Brazil and Venezuela
11 search and seizure orders as part of the remained weak, however. Ecuador revenue
“Operation Car Wash” corruption probe. Legal declined, which was offset by more activity in
representatives for Bendine were not immedi- Colombia.
ately available for comment. According to the
statement, Bendine allegedly sought 17 million
reais, or approximately $5 million, in bribes
when he headed Banco do Brasil in exchange
Kibsgaard // File Photo: Schlumberger. Kenon Receives Offers
for authorizing the rollover of a loan to a unit promissory notes in exchange for $375 million for IC Power Business in
of Odebrecht. Odebrecht refused his request, in fees. While neither company identified Latin America, Caribbean
however. After he took over as head of Petro- PDVSA by name in their financial filings, both
Singapore-based Kenon Holdings said on
described the oil company as their “primary
Sunday it had received nonbinding offers to
Bendine allegedly received customer” in Venezuela, and a source at
buy some or all of its IC Power businesses in
PDVSA confirmed that the company had issued
some 6 million reais in the notes. Representatives of the companies
Latin America and the Caribbean. The company
bribes from Odebrecht. did not immediately respond to requests for
noted “there is no assurance that such discus-
sions will result in a sale,” however. IC Power’s
comment by Reuters. Venezuela’s ongoing
portfolio currently includes participation in
bras in 2015, Bendine is accused of demanding political and economic crisis has caused the
approximately 4,100 MW of producing assets
3 million reais in payments from Odebrecht so country to delay payments or issue govern-
in Latin America, the Caribbean and Israel. The
that the company “would not be damaged by ment-backed promissory notes to pay suppliers
company has invested $3.1 billion in projects
Petrobras” following the breaking of the Oper- for its beleaguered oil sector. Last month,
since its founding in 2007, with significant in-
ation Car Wash corruption scandal. Odebrecht Switzerland-based Weatherford International
vestments made in Peru’s generation capacity.
allegedly paid Bendine 3 million reais in 2015, said it would reclassify $31 million that it had
according to the prosecutor general’s office. previously listed as revenue instead as interest
Bendine also received another 3 million reais in payment and a reduction in accounts receiv-
2017 from Odebrecht for an unspecified reason able, due to the delay in PDVSA’s payment. Enel Green Power
after he left Petrobras, the statement alleged. Begins Operations
Brazil Doubles Some at Brazil Wind Farm
Oilfield Suppliers Fuels Taxes Amid The Brazil unit of Italy’s Enel, Enel Green Power

Write Down Millions Budget Deficit

Brasil Participações, has begun commercial
operations at its 90-megawatt wind farm in Bra-
in Venezuela IOUs zil, ReNews reported Tuesday. The Cristalândia
As of July 21, Brazil’s government is doubling wind farm is located in the Brumado, Rio de
Venezuela was unable to make cash payments some fuel taxes in an effort to close the coun- Contas and Dom Basílio municipalities in Bahia
to its biggest oilfield suppliers in the second try’s budget deficit, The Wall Street Journal State. The project is expected to generate
quarter, and service companies Schlumberger reported July 20, citing the country’s finance approximately 350 gigawatt hours of electricity
per year.



and planning ministries. The move affects the citing three sources familiar with the matter. panies reportedly involved in the negotiations,
“PIS/Cofins” levy and will raise an additional The dam is fully functioning and is expected did not request for a request for comment by
10.4 billion reais ($3.3 billion) this year, the to reach its full capacity by 2019. At that point, Reuters. The talks began in April. The Norte
ministries said. Other taxes imposed on fuels approximately 35 billion reais ($11 billion) Energia consortium, which owns the dam that
will not be affected. The government also said will have been invested in the project. The is located on the Xingu River, includes Eletro-
it will freeze 5.9 billion reais ($1.9 billion) in dam is expected to have 11,230 megawatts of bras, Neoenergia, Cemig and Light S.A. as well
federal spending this year, Reuters reported. power, which would make it the second-larg- as mining company Vale and the Petros and
Brazil in 2015 lost its investment-grade rating est hydroelectric dam in the South American Funcef pension funds.
after years of missing budget targets. country after the Itaipu Dam. A consortium
runs Belo Monte, and partners in the project
have decided to get past some judicial and Siemens Gamesa
Halliburton Latin regulatory issues before restarting the talks,
to Provide 36 Wind
America Results Reuters reported, citing two of the sources. A
more certain outlook on those issues could Turbines to Mexico
Rise 10 Percent boost the dam’s potential price. “The idea is to
solve some of the problems and then start a Siemens Gamesa has agreed to a deal with
Oil industry services firm Halliburton saw its stronger sale process,” one of the sources, who independent developer Fuerza y Energía Limpia
revenues jump nearly 30 percent from a year requested anonymity because of the private de Tizimín to supply 36 wind turbines for a
ago as it reported Monday a small overall profit nature of the talks, told the wire service. wind farm under development in Mexico’s
for the second quarter, the Houston Chronicle Shareholders of the consortium that runs Belo Yucatán State, Power Engineering reported
reported. International revenue in the second Monte and China’s Zhejiang Electric Power Tuesday. The G114-2.1-MW turbines, planned
quarter of 2017 was $2.2 billion, a 7 percent Construction Co. Ltd., which is among the com- for the Tizimín wind farm, have a total capacity
increase sequentially, resulting primarily from
higher drilling activity in Latin America, in- F E A T U R E D Q & A / Continued from page 1

creased well completion and drilling services in

Europe, Africa and the Commonwealth of Inde- can be an ideal partner to intermittent Natural gas generation can be efficient, built
pendent States, and increased fluid activity in renewables like wind and solar. The water relatively quickly, and is also very flexible in
the Eastern Hemisphere. Latin America revenue stored behind a dam is a form of energy adjusting to changes in demand. New nat-
in the second quarter of 2017 was $508 mil- storage that can be accessed when other ural gas generation could be designed and
lion, a 10 percent increase sequentially, driven located in a way that makes the addition of
by increased drilling activity in Mexico, Venezu- carbon capture and storage possible, when
ela and Colombia, as well as higher stimulation Areas of new develop- technology improves and costs come down.”
activity in Argentina. Adjusted income from ment, like Argentina’s

continuing operations for the second quarter of Vaca Muerta field, Walter Vergara, senior fellow at
2017, excluding a fair market value adjustment provide an opportunity the World Resources Institute:
associated with an expected promissory note for Latin America “Latin America is fortunate to
in Venezuela, was $201 million. have a very significant endow-
to get gas right.”
ment of renewable energy resources, sized
— Samantha Gross
at around 100 petawatt-hours (PWh) and
RENEWABLES NEWS consisting of significant potential for solar,
sources of power aren’t available. A more wind, marine, geothermal and hydro. In fact,
integrated electric grid across Latin America the region is host to world-class solar, wind
Talks to Sell Belo could allow greater access to the balancing and marine energy fields. In addition, the

Monte Hydro Dam benefits of hydro while also smoothing out

the variance in wind and solar, since wind
technologies linked to these resources as
well as to energy storage continue to evolve
Stall Over Price and sun conditions will differ across geogra- at a quick pace with major gains in efficiency
phy. Natural gas might be a good choice to and cost effectiveness. In parallel, already
Talks by Brazil’s Norte Energia to sell the meet growing power demand in areas where developed hydro-power resources provide
country’s Belo Monte hydropower dam have hydroelectric resources are insufficient to about 90 GW of storage capacity in multi an-
stalled over disagreements about price and balance wind and solar in meeting demand. nual reservoirs that, if linked, could serve as
regulatory issues, Reuters reported Tuesday, Continued on page 6



of 76 megawatts. The contract also includes

maintenance and operation of the turbines
for five years. Siemens Gamesa plans to use
concrete braces, a new type of foundation, at
the site. That type of foundation can increase
the output of turbines by raising the height Will the G20 Shift Its Focus to
of their hubs by as much as five meters. The
two companies previously worked together on
Latin America’s Interests?
a wind project in Uruguay, but the project in

The Group of 20 leaders, includ- of a well-articulated and coherent position
Mexico is their first deal in that country. Sie-
ing the presidents of Mexico, that it usually drags onto the G20 stage. The
mens has said Mexico holds significant growth
Argentina and Brazil, met ‘Trump threat’ may spark an opportunity for
potential. Reforms in Mexico’s electricity sector
earlier this month in Hamburg, making such an outcome possible, insofar
in 2015 include a goal of providing 35 percent
Germany. The Latin American G20 member as it might allow Mexico to recalibrate
of Mexico’s electricity from renewable sources
countries have historically struggled to its stance on trade, financial and political
by 2024.
put forward a common platform, analysts issues. Argentina and Brazil in turn must
have noted, which has led to difficulties prepare to expand and enrich their regional
in incorporating Latin American priorities strategy within the G20. There is a clear
into the larger agenda of the summit. How opportunity in front of us: after Germany, the
well were the interests of Mexico, Argen- G20—under Argentina’s presidency—will be
U.S. Sanctions 13 Top tina and Brazil represented in Hamburg? hosted in Latin America. That event should
What opportunities exist for advancing find our countries ready to clearly represent
Venezuelan Officials Latin American interests at next year’s G20 our regional needs and expectations as a
summit, which is to be held in Argentina? whole within the G20 agenda. The care of
The U.S. Treasury on Wednesday slapped What goals should Latin American leaders natural resources and the fair commercial-
sanctions against 13 top Venezuelan officials, seek to prioritize through the G20, and what ization of raw materials; the promotion of
ahead of Sunday’s vote in the South American obstacles are most likely to stand in the human resources and quality employment;
country to elect a “constituent assembly” to way of achieving those goals? investment in housing, education and health;
rewrite the Constitution, The Wall Street Jour- and unrestricted respect for the right to

nal reported. Among the Venezuelan officials Jorge Argüello, president of migrate. These policy goals and others can
Fundación Embajada Abierta in be the base elements of a shared agenda.
Argentina and former Argen- However, to attain such an outcome, Latin
tine ambassador to the United American G20 leaders must first be able to
States and to the United Nations: “By not recognize each other, sit at a table and seri-
being able to define a common regional ously agree on how, when and where to push
agenda, the Latin American bloc (Mexico, in the G20. Otherwise, the global engine and
Brazil and Argentina) has struggled to its steering committee will remain in other,
incorporate Latin American priorities into non-Latin-American, hands, and we will con-
the global agenda and has thus faced an tinue to take our place at the tail end of the
additional historical disadvantage in G20 train of contemporary global history.”
Maduro // File Photo: Venezuelan Government. debates. This year’s G20 process, and the
upcoming Argentine G20 presidency in 2018,
targeted are Tibisay Lucena, the head of the make for great opportunities in overcoming EDITOR’S NOTE: More commentary on
country’s elections agency, and the heads of Latin America’s legacy of being overlooked this topic appeared in the Q&A in Monday’s
Venezuela’s army, national guard and nation- in setting the global governance agenda. issue of the daily Latin America Advisor.
al police. Elías Jaua, a top politician close Latin America must finally overcome the lack
to President Nicolás Maduro; Erick Malpica
Flores, a nephew of Venezuela’s first lady; and
democracy, freedom and the rule of law,” said are also now barred from conducting busi-
Simon Zerpa, the finance chief of state oil
U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, the ness with them. Maduro on Wednesday night
company PDVSA, are also named in the sanc-
newspaper reported. The sanctions freeze the responded defiantly, awarding ceremonial
tions. “The United States will not ignore the
officials’ assets in the United States and revoke swords to officials targeted by the sanctions.
Maduro regime’s ongoing efforts to undermine
their U.S. visas. U.S. citizens and businesses “We will never kneel, and our vengeance will be



NEWS BRIEFS our victory on Sunday, July 30,” Maduro said in ECONOMIC NEWS
a nationally televised broadcast. “Congratula-
Peru Eyes Larger Role tions for these imperialist sanctions,” he said,
Reuters reported. U.S. President Donald Trump
Brazil’s Central
for Private Sector in
Water Management
has called Maduro a “bad leader who dreams
of becoming a dictator.” Trump also threatened
Bank Cuts Key Rate
The Peruvian government wants the private to take “strong and swift economic action” if Brazil’s central bank lowered its key borrowing
sector to play a larger role in water manage- Maduro proceeds with Sunday’s vote. Maduro rate by one percentage point to 9.25 percent,
ment as the government enacts reforms that has said Venezuela needs a new Constitution The Wall Street Journal reported. The central
are aimed at giving more people across Peru in order to resolve the country’s political and bank has now cut the benchmark Selic rate by
access to running water by 2021, Housing economic crises, while the opposition sees his one percentage point for three consecutive
Minister Edmer Trujillo said Tuesday, Reuters effort to rewrite the Constitution as an effort months. The bank said further cuts to the
reported. Trujillo said reaching the goal of to increase his own power. The newly elected rate would be likely. “The pace of easing will
providing basic water services to millions of body would become Venezuela’s top political continue to depend on the evolution of eco-
Peruvians who lack them will require some 50 institution and would have the power not only
billion soles, or approximately $15 billion, in to rewrite the Constitution but also dissolve
investment in water infrastructure projects. the opposition-controlled National Assembly. The pace of easing
In May, the United States sanctioned eight
He stressed that the water utilities would will continue to depend
remain state-owned even if the private sector Venezuelan Supreme Court justices under sim-
on the evolution of
increased its involvement in water infrastruc- ilar sanctions after the court issued a ruling,
which it later reversed, to effectively dissolve
economic activity...”
ture projects.
— Brazilian Central Bank
the country’s National Assembly. More than 80
percent of Venezuelans oppose Maduro’s plan
to elect the constituent assembly, according nomic activity, the balance of risks, possible
Panama Opens Embassy to polls, the newspaper reported. Additionally, reassessments of the extension of the cycle,
in Beijing Following more than 7.5 million Venezuelans voted in and on inflation forecasts and expectations,”
Break With Taiwan an unofficial referendum asking whether they the bank said in a post-meeting statement.
support the plan to rewrite the Constitution. Some analysts believe the statement indicates
Panama on Tuesday announced it opened its
The overwhelming majority of those who cast that the bank will reduce the Selic rate by an-
embassy in China after breaking diplomatic
ballots voted against the plan. Venezuela’s other full percentage point next month. Brazil’s
ties with long-time ally Taiwan, Reuters report-
opposition on Wednesday morning began a annual inflation dropped to 2.78 percent last
ed. The Central American country established
two-day strike as part of a last-ditch effort to month, down from 8.93 percent year over year.
diplomatic ties with the world’s second-largest
stop Maduro from holding the election for the The bank’s target inflation rate is 4.5 percent,
economy in June, delivering a blow to Taiwan,
constituent assembly. Government opponents plus or minus 1.5 percentage points.
which now only has 20 formal diplomatic
estimated that some 92 percent of businesses
partners. The embassy is already function-
and workers observed the strike, though it did
ing, though an ambassador has not yet been
not present evidence for the figure, Reuters Brazil to Boost
reported. Protests tuned violent in some areas,
including Caracas, where youths clashed with Mining Royalties
soldiers firing tear gas. In Mérida State, a
U.S. Warns About man was fatally shot when troops and armed Brazil’s government plans to boost mining
civilians clashed with protesters, according royalties and also establish a new regulator
Possibly Tainted Alcohol for the industry in an effort to revitalize the
to a local opposition lawmaker. More than
at Mexican Resorts 100 people have been killed in the nearly four sector, Reuters reported Monday, citing three
The U.S. State Department on Wednesday months of violent protests in Venezuela. Also sources familiar with the matter. The changes
warned Americans about possibly tainted or on Wednesday, Colombia’s Avianca became will increase the stake that foreign companies
substandard alcohol at resorts in Mexico, the the latest airline to announce a suspension of can have in mining projects in Brazil, according
Associated Press reported. The warning fol- service to Venezuela. The carrier said it would to one of the sources. That limit is currently
lowed a report in the Milwaukee Journal-Senti- suspend its twice-daily flights to Caracas, 40 percent. The royalty increases would go
nel about dozens of Americans becoming sick citing Venezuela’s need to improve infrastruc- into effect through a temporary decree that
after drinking moderate amounts alcohol at ture at airports and also adhere to international would later need lawmakers’ approval, the wire
all-inclusive resorts in the country. security standards, Bloomberg News reported. service reported.



F E A T U R E D Q & A / Continued from page 3 LATIN AMERICA ENERGY ADVISOR

is published weekly by the Inter-American Dialogue
Copyright © 2017
a sizable regional energy storage facility. In ple in Panama because of its geostrategic
a recent analysis, the levelized cost of elec- location) as well as the current process of Erik Brand
tricity of solar PV and on-shore wind sources constructing power plants for biogas in El Publisher
in the region were compared with combined Salvador and Panama that have more than
cycle natural gas systems and found to be 100 megawatts in capacity. In addition, the Gene Kuleta
the best options for power generation. Given free market is like a large country, and Mex-
the sizable resources and the momentum on ico can find an important ally in the United
Nicole Wasson
technology and economics, solar and wind States and Canada in buying this fuel.” Reporter, Assistant Editor
are clearly the immediate options of choice;

there is no need for a transition source. On Alvaro Rios, partner-director
the other hand, natural gas, while indeed at Gas Energy Latin America:
plentiful, will not generate as many jobs as “Latin America and the Caribbe-
renewables will. Also, just a small fraction an have vast access to hydro, Michael Shifter, President
of fugitive emissions (estimated at around 3 solar and wind resources. These sources Genaro Arriagada, Nonresident Senior Fellow
percent by volume) throughout the extraction of energy, even though they are becoming Sergio Bitar, Nonresident Senior Fellow
and distribution system would render natural more competitive with fossil fuels, are still Joan Caivano, Director, Special Projects
gas more carbon-intensive than coal. To intermittent and of relatively small scale Michael Camilleri, Director, Peter D. Bell Rule of
Law Program
move forward with renewables, a number of for increased demand. Thus Latin America
Kevin Casas-Zamora, Nonresident Senior Fellow
barriers need to be addressed, including the and the Caribbean will rely on natural gas
Ariel Fiszbein, Director, Education Program
lack of regulations for distributive power, a to support their power growth. Natural gas
Alejandro Ganimian, Nonresident Fellow
poorly linked regional transmission grid, the combined cycle power plants are quite
Peter Hakim, President Emeritus
level of subsidies still being allotted to fossil efficient and thus are preferred economically
Claudio Loser, Senior Fellow
fuel resources in the region and the lack of a and environmentally over more inefficient
Nora Lustig, Nonresident Senior Fellow
carbon market.” and dirtier coal or oil products that are being
Margaret Myers, Director, China and
replaced. Central America and the Caribbean Latin America Program

Carlos Boj, professional energy are seeing multiple consolidated and study Manuel Orozco, Director, Migration
markets analyst at the National projects for large and small LNG for power Remittances & Development
Jeffrey Puryear, Senior Fellow
Commission of Electric Power generation and industrial uses. Mexico
Tamar Solnik, Director, Finance & Administration
in Guatemala: “Renewable will have abundant supplies of natural gas
Lisa Viscidi, Director, Energy Program
energy sources like wind and solar cannot from the United States, and increased local
Denisse Yanovich, Director, Development and
currently offer a steady supply of energy production and ‘combustoleo’ will disappear External Relations
that would provide energy security and meet in the years to come, as growth is met with
the demands of the region, while natural natural gas and renewable solar and wind. Latin America Energy Advisor is published
gas-generating plants are indeed able to of- In South America, natural gas production is weekly, with the exception of some major
U.S. holidays, by the Inter-American Dialogue
fer that today. Among the primary obstacles expected to grow (mainly in Argentina and 1155 15th Street NW, Suite 800
is a lack of regulatory frameworks in most Brazil), and gas imports in competition with Washington, DC 20005 Phone: 202-822-9002
countries for the use of this fuel for the these indigenous natural gas resources will
generation of electricity, which must comply serve as a backup for hydropower and yearly ISSN 2163-7962
with the creation and adaptation process, advances with more solar and wind. In sum-
Subscription Inquiries are welcomed at
which implies a transition period. Likewise mary, natural gas growth in Latin America
and in parallel, Latin America will have to and the Caribbean for power generation will The opinions expressed by the members of the Board of
incentivize, first, energy efficiency from the be strong for base and back-up supply, and Advisors and by guest commentators do not necessarily
represent those of the publisher. The analysis is the sole
demand side and second, it will have to grad- it is a crucial long-term bridge for renewable view of each commentator and does not necessarily
ually implement the technologies that will and disruptive (i.e. storage and power grids) represent the views of their respective employers or
firms. The information in this report has been obtained
allow for the storage of energies from clean sources.”
from reliable sources, but neither its accuracy and
sources. The future of natural gas is viewed completeness, nor the opinions based thereon, are
as very prosperous, and for this reason, we The Advisor welcomes comments on its Q&A guaranteed. If you have any questions relating to the
contents of this publication, contact the editorial offices
already see plans for the construction of section. Readers can contact editor Gene of the Inter-American Dialogue. Contents of this report
storage terminals for natural gas (for exam- Kuleta at may not be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,
or transmitted without prior written permission
from the publisher.


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