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James Carter

1023 Nondescript Road, Zzyzx, CA 10234 | (808)-182-8384 |

Dear Mr Johnson,

I'm writing to express my interest in the recently advertised lead role of ‘Chris’ in your play,
‘The Breakup’. I believe I could bring valuable skills and experience to ‘The Breakup’ that would
make me an ideal fit for this position.

I have 4 years of experience as a Professor of Drama at Emerson College and in this time I have led
many people, myself included, in addition to discovering two new subatomic partacles, an asteroid.
and several new species of parakeets.

Your audition advertisement says that you require a caucasian who can resemble a high
schooler. I feel I am ideal for this role because I am a caucasian who looks several years younger
than I really am, having recently graduated college. I also have all of the lines memorized for all of
the characters, because I stole the scripts.

Breaking into your apartment because during my tenure at Emerson, I perfected several new
styles of lockpicking, none of which I had to use, because I just hacked into my computer. I am also
very good at adapting myself for different roles, because I give myself a new identity biannually.
You’ll find that I can be a very good person to have on your payroll, because if I’m not on your
payroll, a certain amount of money will start to disappear from your checking account..

Thank you for taking the time to consider my application, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,.....

James Carter

James Carter

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