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Memory Problems? Perhaps you are Multi-tasking

Today's kids are into multi-tasking. This is the generation hooked on iPods,
IM'ing, video games - not to mention TV! Many people in my generation think
it is wonderful that kids can do all these things simultaneously and are
impressed with their competence.

Well, as a teacher of such kids when they reach college, I am not impressed.
College students these days have short attention spans and have trouble
concentrating. They got this way in secondary school. I see this in the middle-
school outreach program I help run. At this age kids are really wrapped up in
multi-tasking―at the expense of focus.

According to a Kaiser Family Foundation study last year, school kids in all
grades beyond the second grade committed, on average, more than six hours
per day to TV or videos, music, video games, and computers. Almost one-
third reported that "most of the time" they did their homework while chatting
on the phone, surfing the Web, sending instant messages, watching TV, or
listening to music.

Kids think that this entertainment while studying helps their learning. It
probably does make learning less tedious, but it clearly makes learning
less efficient and less effective. Multi-tasking violates everything we
know about how memory works. Now we have objective scientific evidence
that multi-tasking impairs learning. A recent National Academy of Sciences
study with college-age students (Reference #1 below) did an experiment
where the subjects were to learn a task under two conditions, one with no
distractions and the other while listening to high- and low-tone beeps,
attending to the high ones. The total amount of learning was the superficially
the same in both conditions, but with distractions, the learning was
stereotyped and learners had difficulty in applying what they learned to other
contexts and situations. The study also used functional MRI (fMRI) to assess
brain activity under test conditions. The imaging data indicated that the
memory task and the distraction stimuli engage different parts of the
brain and that these regions probably compete with each other.

The study did not address the issue of passive distraction, such as listening to
music while studying. I think that music can also be a major distraction,
except for certain kinds of music played under muted conditions (see my
book Thank You, Brain, For All You Remember. What You Forgot Was My
Fault, pages 47, 165, and 197, Reference #2 below) .

One reason that multi-tasking interferes with memory is that the brain
really does not multi-task. It just fools you into thinking so, and the way
the brain does handle multiple tasks makes it hard to remember anything.

Brains Can’t Really Multi-task

Our brain works hard to fool us into thinking it can do more than one thing at
a time. It can't. Recent MRI studies at Vanderbilt (#3) prove that the brain is
not built for good multi-tasking. When trying to do two things at once, the
brain temporarily shuts down one task while trying to do the other.
In the study, even doing something as simple as pressing a button when an
image is flashed caused a delay in brain operation. MRI images showed that a
central bottleneck occurred when subjects were trying to do two things at
once, such as pressing the appropriate computer key in response to hearing
one of eight possible sounds and uttering an appropriate verbal response
when seeing images. Activity in the brain that was associated with each task
was prioritized, showing up first in one brain area and then in the other ― not
in both areas simultaneously. In other words, the brain only worked on
one task at a time, postponing the second task and deceiving the
subjects into thinking they were working on both tasks
simultaneously. The delay between switching functions was as long as a
second. It is highly likely, though not yet studied, that the delays and
confusion magnify with increases in the number of different things one tries
to do simultaneously.

So what has this got to do with memory?

Well, if you try to memorize the first task and the brain immediately
switches to the second task, performance of the second task interferes
with consolidation of the memory of the first task.

In my earlier article on memory consolidation, I explained how early memory

is vulnerable to interference and must be protected from distractions and
new information in order for the memory to be made permanent.
Likewise, there are proactive effects wherein what you learn on the first task
can interfere with learning on the second. All these problems are
compounded if there are three or more tasks in a “multi-tasking” experience.

Multi-tasking and School Performance

A study of 517 California high-school students found that grades were lower
in those who socially interacted via MySpace, instant messaging (IM)
accounts, or who used cell phones. In the study (4), students answered a
questionnaire on what social networking devices they used and when they
used them. The answers were paired with the grades (from the previous year
and the most recent report card).

In this study, 72% of the students had a My Space account, 76% had a cell
phone, and 68% had an IM address. Those who had a MySpace account had
significantly lower grades than those without an account. The same was true
for those that used IM, compared with those who did not. Cell phone use was
also associated with lower grades and the effect was magnified if text
messaging was used on cell phones. Not surprisingly,

if these devices were used during homework, the grades were even
lower than for students who used these technologies outside of
homework. Almost half reported text messaging during class time, and
their grades were lower than the students who only used IM outside of

These are correlational data and do not prove that using these devices
causes lower grades. But it is a good bet. Multi-tasking, as when using the
communication devices while trying to do homework or learn in class, can be
expected to interfere with memory. Poor memory yields lower grades.

Bill Klemm--- W. R. (Bill) Klemm, D.V.M., Ph.D. Scientist, professor, author,
speaker As a professor of Neuroscience at Texas A&M University, Bill has
taught about the brain and behavior at all levels, from freshmen, to seniors,
to graduate students to post-docs. His recent books include Thank You, Brain,
For All You Remember. What You Forgot Was My Fault and Core Ideas in


- #1 Foerde, K., Knowlton, Barbara J., and Poldrack, Russell A. 2006. Modula-
tion of competing memory systems by distraction. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 103:
– #2 Klemm, W. R. 2004. Thank You Brain for All You Remember. What You
Forgot Was My Fault. Benecton Press. 312 pages.
– #3 Dux, P. E., Ivanoff, J., Asplund, C. LO., and Marois, R. 2007. Isolation of a
Central Bottleneck of Information Processing with Time-Resolved fMRI. Neu-
ron. 52 (6): 1109–1120
– #4 Pierce, Tamyra, and Vaca, Roberto. 2007. Distracted: academic perfor-
mance differences between teen users of MySpace and other communication
technologies. Proceedings EISTA. Orlando, FL. July. http://www.cyber-

Problems with losing focus due to persistent distractions

An average worker who is in front of a computer all day will, on average,
check e-mail 50 times and use instant messaging 77 times, according to
RescueTime, a firm specializing in the way people use their computers. On
average, people visit 40 Web sites during the workday. These interruptions,
say researchers, cost more than $650 billion in lost productivity each year.
Intel alone said it was losing $1 billion a year to electronic distractions — and
it’s no wonder: A study at Microsoft showed that it took workers 24
minutes to get back to work after checking e-mail.

This kind of information is not exactly a state secret. Anyone who has earned
a college degree knows that in order to pass an exam, you have to sit
down in a quiet place and study over a prolonged period of time
without interruptions. Designing the latest computer chip must be at least
as daunting a task. In fact, Hewlett-Packard conducted a study that
showed that electronically distracted workers scored 10 points lower
on IQ tests, which is twice the degradation caused by smoking
marijuana, according to the Harvard Business Review.

Does Multitasking Make You More Productive?

November 2nd, 2009

A whole generation of web workers has been raised on the idea that the more
activities you can do at one time, the more of a productivity superstar you
are. But is the ability to juggle Facebooking a friend; scanning an
email; texting on your cell phone and tweeting about your latest
technology tip — all at the same time — really such a good idea?

According to a recent study published in the August 24 edition of

“Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences” by Stanford researchers
Clifford Nass, Eyal Ophir and Anthony Wagner, the answer is an unqualified

Nass said the idea for the study came about because he would see students
who seemed to be amazingly skillful at multitasking and wanted to learn what
their secret was.

Nass and his colleagues began their research by locating a group of 100
students composed of both “high multitaskers” and “low multitaskers.” The
high mutitaskers were those who routinely used four, five or more media
at one time (texting, reading email, chatting on the phone etc.). The
low multitaskers used, on average, no more than two media at one
time. The goal of the study was to see which elements of multitasking the
high multitasking group performed better at, when compared with the low
multitasking group.

“We were shocked to find out that the high multitaskers did worse than
the low multitaskers in all three basic aspects of successful
multitasking,” says Nass. The three aspects the study examined were:

• The ability to focus on the relevant and ignore the irrelevant. In

order to multitask well, you need to be able to very quickly decide
between what’s important and what you are going to pay attention to,
and what’s irrelevant. “High multitaskers are suckers for
irrelevancy,” says Nass. “Everything distracts them.”

• The ability to keep information well organized in the brain. If

you think of the brain as a bunch of filing cabinets, the high
multitaskers had messier cabinets than their lower
multitasking counterparts, and had a harder time finding what
they needed.
• Being able to switch from one task to another. Good multitaskers
need to be able to mentally go from one activity to the next,
without significant cognitive downtime. The more the high
multitaskers were required to do this, the worse they were at

The results of the study have lead Nass and his colleagues to conclude that
one of two things is true. Either multitasking is harmful to high multitaskers’
brains and is worsening their ability to focus, or people who are high
multitaksers are naturally bad at these things. “Either way,” says Nass,
“multitasking is a problem, and people should not be deluded into thinking
that it works. It hurts productivity, and it may be hurting your thinking
process,” he says.

If all of this is not enough to make you stop and do one thing at a time,
consider the fact that the Stanford study is not the first of its kind to point out
that multitasking makes us stupid.

One report from the Institute of Psychiatry at the University of London

found that when workers are constantly juggling emails, phone
calls and text messages, their IQ falls ten points.

Another recent report by Rubinstein, Meyer and Evans found that when
people switched back and forth between tasks, there was a
substantial loss of efficiency and accuracy — in some cases, up to
50 percent.

Now are you convinced to put down the iPhone while you peruse the
Internet? If so, to fight distraction and find your focus, here are a few hints
excerpted from “Time Management In An Instant: 60 Ways to Make the Most
of Your Day“:

• Create designated task times. By setting aside a selected time

period to do all your phone calls, emails or errands at once, you will
reduce the amount of time you spend going back and forth between

• Put a system in place that lets you capture all incoming to-dos
in writing. Instead of feeling pressure to do the item “now” (lest you
forget), your brain can relax, secure in the knowledge that you have
the item identified and stored.

• Maintain a desktop inbox. Don’t just rely on your electronic mail

box or filing system. By putting a physical inbox on your desk, you will
be able to temporarily place items that need your attention in a
location where you can easily find them.
• Turn off technology. The ding of an email coming in, the buzz of the
BlackBerry etc. — all these seemingly harmless inputs can tempt you
to stray from the job at hand and multitask.

Are you a high multitasker or a low multitasker? How do you think it affects
your productivity?

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