The Salisbury Museum: Interactive Magnetic Display Board: A B C D

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The Salisbury

Museum: Interactive
Display Board
This project allowed visitors to
design their own exhibtion layout by
positioning artefacts
onto a magnetic floorplan.
The display encouraged them
to consider details such as visitor a b
movement, lighting and time d

I produced 16 different ‘exhibit’

paintings and the floorplan of the
exhibition space.

Shown as part of the “Watch This

Space!” 2014 exhibition at Salisbury
and South Wiltshire Museum.

a. Roman Pottery
b. Saxon Pottery
c. Saxon skeleton and burial site
d. Top down depiction of miniature model
of Old Sarum Castle ruins
e. Final design of magnetic board
including space on the left for magnets
to be stored when not in use

All 16 exhibit depictions painted in Acrylic

and printed onto magnetic paper.

the Salisbury
Museum: Natural
History Paintings

This is a selection of paintings from

the collection of work I produced
for Salisbury and South Wiltshire
Museum from 2013-2014.

All paintings were produced using a

acrylic paints. I worked in an
approachable and colourful style in b
order to engage younger visitors to
the museum and for the Learning
Project Officers outreach work with

a. Magpie painting to illustrate the a

natural history of birds
b. Amesbury Archer gold hair
decorations, 2300 BC. Thought to be
the earliest gold objects found in Britain
c. Amesbury Archer flint arrowhead,
2300 BC
d. Neolithic end scraper used for
working leather or bone

The Salisbury
Museum: Norman
carved stone

Norman carved stone faces,

including a “cat face” (bottom
Painted on cartridge paper with
acrylics, then edited in Adobe
Photoshop for presentation.
The Salisbury
Museum: Dead
Saxon Warrior

Exhibit paintings for The Wessex

Gallery at The Salisbury Museum.
The exhibit is currently installed
alongside the original skelleton and
is used to aid understanding of how
the Saxon’s buried their dead. The
objects depicted aroud the figure a
were found with the body in what is c
thought to be a ceremonial fashion.

a. Concept painting depicting what the

warrior may have looked like at the time
of burial with various objects.
b. Painting of the skelleton in the burial
position. The skul actually lies on it’s b
side but I’ve painted it facing up.
c. Photographs of the exhibit in situ with
magnetic pieces. The top right image
shows the original burial composition of
the body and objects.
Various Wall Murals

These are some photographs of two

of the murals I have created since
leaving University. I have also
included some concept art to show
my planning and progression.

a. A feedback tree I painted for the

“Watch This Space!” Exhibition at
Salisbury and South Wiltshire Museum.
The paper leafs have been added by
visitors and have feedback written on
them. Painted in thick gloss shiney paint
provided by the museum and using a a
projected image.
b. Woodland scene mural painted inside
Cambrica Interiors for decorative
purposes. Painted using wall paints sold
by Cambrica. Painted freehand.

NHS Salisbury
District Hospital:
ArtCare Exhibtion
Signs and Map

A map to help relatives of patients

to navigate around Salisbury
District Hospital. The map was part
of a leaflet with information about
exhibtions held at the hospital.

Exhibition signs which were put

up during an exhibition of artwork
created by patients.

Map includes locations for visitor

parking and smoking areas.

a. Map of Salisbury District Hospital

b. ArtCare exhibition signs

Techinical Drawing:

One of my favourtie mediums

to use when creating artwork is
graphite and pencil.
This piece was for an open art
comepetion Hampshire, 2013.

a. ‘Natural Forms’ 2013,

graphite on paper. Objects drawn from

Various Artworks:
Private commission
I have worked as an artist creat-
ing various pieces for sale. These
were made using graphite, acrylic
and inks. I have edited them dig-
itally to make them suitable for
screen veiwing.

a. ‘A portrait of Lady Margaret Beaufort’.

Ink and graphite on paper. 2013
b. ‘Tawney Owl’. Acrylics on Canvas. a b c
c. ‘Duke’. Acrylic on paper. 2012.
Ageas Salisbury
International Arts
Marketing content

A selection of designs I produced

while I worked for the Festival
as the Marketing and Box Office
Coordinator from 2013 - 2014.

For these designs I worked using a

the Fesitival’s fonts, colours and
style guidelines.

b c

a. Promotional ticket insert

b. Website banner for a local newspaper
c. Promotional layout for posters and
d. Gift voucher for use in the box office
e. Promotional ticket insert

d e
Ageas Salisbury
International Arts
Festival: Web a

content production

I made these designs for a radio

station’s website and mobile site.
The lyouts had to incorporate the
Festival’s design theme, dates
and the logo for 2014.

a. Leaderboard
b. Website background
c. Bellyband for mobile devices. b

All created on Adobe Photoshop

Ageas Salisbury
International Arts
Festival: Final
Layout for Web with

This was the final layout I made and

used. The reason the main
gradient was omitted was to lower
the file size. Space left in the
centre for where the scrollable
content was later added by the web
Ageas Salisbury
International Arts
Festival: Print and
web content

Two posters produced for Salisbury

International Arts Festival
distributed publicly and posted
on social media and 3rd party
websites. Each poster is targed
towards a different demographic.

a. Poster to advertise a specific group

of events, mainly classical music.
Created using Adobe Photoshop.
b. Poster to advertise an interactive
theatre event which was also
considered a piece of conceptual
performance art. Created using Adobe
a b
Ageas Salisbury
International Arts
Festival: Festival
“What’s On” Posters

I one designed these posters for

every day of the festival
detailing what was on with times,
dates and venue information. They
were displayed across the city and
had to adhere to policies regarding
puiblic display of priced tickets and
events and the marketing team’s
wishes. I coordinated the print and
distribution of these daily to various
Vivarium Species
and Conservation

Two posters displaying information

about the vivarium at Manchester

I produced this work as a personal

project after visitng he vivarium.
This was for practice drawing in
Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator.
Vivarium Poster
Design Process

Some examples of my process and

The image was originally a line
drawing I created on paper. Using
Photoshop and Illustrator I coloured
the image and then used InDesign
to play with layouts and
backgrounds adding simple shapes
for visual interest.
a b

STORM London:
E-card layout and
Two e-card designs created to
showcase products for the fashion
brand STORM.
Both are designed for coding and
image mapping in mind and are
sent via email to previous buyers.

a. A design using STORM’s current

branding and logo
b. A redesign of STORM’s image and
Both created using Adobe Photoshop.
Photo Editing and

An example of using various

functions of Adobe Photoshop to
edit a photograph for commercial
The O2: Content
planning, design and

For The O2’s website a new page

was requested by the Partnership
and Sales teams which would serve
the purpose of hosting content
that promotes a hotel partner. I
designed the page with a variety
of factors in mind such as the user
journey, image hosting and sales
worthy spaces.

Displayed are some images

showing my design processes
using Photoshop. I designed
more than one version, and
once a design was chosen by
the Partnerships team I used
these wireframes to direct and
communicate with web developers
what was needed.

As well as using wireframes, I

also like to create mock-ups as
examples of what the page would
look like live with full images and
The O2: Final
and content

Here I have displayed the

final design in photoshop and
a screenshot of the final live
webpage. From a content point
of view I decided to pull in an
interactive google map API and a a
Tripadvisor scrolling reviews panel.
This added value to the user and
the hotel Partner.

For reporting purposes I also added

link tracking to the page in order to
monitor the pages traffic and the c
referrals sent to the hotel Partner’s

a. Final live webpage featuring selected

b. Google API screenshot with HTML
code used placed behind.
c. Tripadvisor screenshot with HTML
placed behind.
d. Screenshot of clickable links placed on d
webpage. I’ve placed screenshots from
the website CMS with the embedded links
to display the different tracking codes.
Sky and Disney:
Experiential and
event base email

Writing, bulding and sending emails

to subscribers requires a balance of
copy, image and personalisation.

For their copy, Sky and Disney

have a strict tone of voice and
all correct brand terminology
and trademarking rules must be

For images I am afforded freedom

of being more selective over the
choice based on personal sylistic

All emails are targeted to

subscribers in The O2’s database
that might have an interest in
receiving such content in an email.

a. An email promoting the Game of

Thrones exhibition at Sky Backstage, The
O2 in 2015. I targeted this to people who
have shown in interest in rock events,
exhibtions and fantasyl
b. An email promoting free exhibits a c
and activities at Sky Studios, The O2. I
targeted this to people who had already
bought a ticket for an event on site and
were planning a visit.
c. An exmple of an event based email
promoting last minute ticket sales.
Targeted to poeple who had viewed the
event page but not yet purchased.
The O2, SubHub and
Delta/Virgin Atlantic:
Content with

Personalisation is key to producing

successful email content. These
emails were designed for relatively
small datalists based on location
and interests.

Using code I have been able

to place the recipients name
automatically within the body of the
email which adds to the personal

a. An email proof with the personalisation

HTML still raw and visible. This email was
comissioned by the Corporate events
team at The O2. When it is sent the
reader’s name appears above the copy..
b. An email for StubHub based on the
website visitors browsing history and
previous ticket purchases.
c. An email promoting the opening of a a b c
new lounge at The O2. The datalist was
built based on people who live near to
The O2. This copy of the email features
the raw code at the top of the body text.
Sky and Disney:
Website content

The images used for Sky and

Disney are largely supplied by
the brands themselves. I edit the
images for use across the site.
The image supplied for Game
of Thrones: The Exhibition was
actually not wide enough for the
page. I have digitally altered this
image for use here by increasing
the width of the image by about a
third of the original size. However
the logo and text has not been
altered in shape or size.

The copy of the page, including

the title and tag lines, are a
compromise between myself on
behaf of The O2 and the brands. I
processed supplied information into
engaging copy using the brands
tone of voice and receive feedback
and alteraton requests from the

I am also responsible for pulling

in all dates and destination based
information displayed.

While at The O2, I have worked

with Nissan on a number of
campaigns by managing the
content hosted on their dedicated

The page on the left was the

original layout of the page when I
began working with them, and the
page on the right is how it looks

Working with developers I have

increased the amount of space
available for content hosting.
I also worked with Nissan to
develop more engaging content.
The majority of photographs
used here were taken by me
and the copy was also written
and edited by me. I have also
placed tracking across all of the
links and provide Nissan with
regular reporting on the page
Priority offers
Content Production:
All events page
O2 Priority page:

• 220 (width) x 220 (height) pixels
• 728 (width) x 90 (height) pixels
• File types: .jpg / .gif

• File types: .jpg / .gif
• Title copy
Content • Offer copy

• Image must be static (no animation) Content

• Image must make use of accessible colour
combinations. • Image must be static (no animation)
• Image must make use of accessible colour

Over my time at The O2 I


Please provide a URL link as a click through for the Requirements

have developed a number of
Please provide a URL link as a click through for the

specifcation sheets which aim to

Leaderboard information
The leaderboard is located on the ‘all events’ Please provide a start and ending date for the offer.

help and guide content creators page of This page displays all
events upcoming at The O2, including events at
Offer information

and improve workflow.

indigo at The O2, Brooklyn Bowl and The O2 These offers are available to O2 Priority
customers only.

The digital channels at The

O2 are quite varied with many
requirements and different ways
to host content. I decided to
unify the design and look of the
specification sheets to keep
the brand presence strong
wherever these got sent to. I used
Powerpoint and Photoshop to
produce these as well as taking
and sourcing photography to give

The Broadcast Network

specifications were the most
challenging to put together but
also the most needed. I had to
continually verify the technical
information for the screens and
consider the various video editing
programs currently available to
video producers and animators

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