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Manav Rachna carries forward the mantle of excellence and
professionalism with the philosophy of Manav Rachna “Vidyan-
tariksha”. This is a conjugation of the words vidya and antariksha.
Vidya means knowledge, information, the basis of creativity and
innovation. It is the foundation of technology and envisages the future.
Antariksha means ‘the sky’, the space to which we belong or exist. It
can be broken into antar and ikshan which means inner vision. Hence
the combination, the core promise of Manav Rachna becomes

“The reality of inner vision or root of all knowledge”.

2 3

Manav Rachna Educational Institutions 07

Message from the Visionaries 08
Vision and Objective 10
Our Team 12
Our Services 14
TecnoBody at Manav Rachna 18
Testing, Treatment & Training 23
Sports Facilities at Manav Rachna 25
Athletes Working with Manav Rachna 31
International Tie-Ups 32
Events 34

Star Athletes of Manav Rachna 40
Contact Us 42

is not a skill,
it’s an ATTITUDE.
4 5
Manav Rachna Educational Institutions (MREI) founded in 1997, has
grown to become one of the best educational entities in the country
and is recognized for excellence in professional education and research.
A brainchild of the Founder Visionary Dr O.P. Bhalla, a renowned
educationist and philanthropist, MREI now encompasses a group of the
many vibrant, world class institutions.

The Institutions and programs offered by MREI are:

• Manav Rachna International University
• Manav Rachna University
• Manav Rachna Dental College
• Manav Rachna College of Education
• Manav Rachna International Schools
• Manav Rachna Innovation and Incubation Centre
• Manav Rachna Academic Staff College
• Career Development Centre
• Corporate Resource Centre
• Manav Rachna Sports Academy
• Manav Rachna Centre of Foreign Languages

6 7
Dr. Prashant Bhalla
President, Manav Rachna Vidyanatariksha
At Manav Rachna we believe in the highest level of competence, integrity and ethical standards.
Our motto is to provide you with the best sports training coupled with infra structure that meets
world standards and the best technological support to enhance that sport. We want each one of
you not only to be totally involved in your game, but participate to your best ability. While we take
care of your health regime. At the Manav Rachna Sports Science Centre we provide you with a
mix of the best technology and the best experts which help you live a healthier lifestyle and also
Dr. O.P. Bhalla help you get closer to your sports dream.

(1947 - 2013)
Founder Visionar y,
Manav Rachna Vidyanatariksha Dr. Amit Bhalla
Vice-President, Manav Rachna Vidyanatariksha
He sowed the seed of Vidyantariksha which was meant to spread its
branches and grow into a huge tree spreading education and knowledge. The Manav Rachna Sports Academy is a threshold for those who believe in surrendering them-
But for him knowledge also enveloped fitness through sports. selves to one word: SPORTS. With the help of professionalized coaches who are chosen from
He believed that the mind and the body both had to remain fit. A sportsman the best across the world, we give you an opportunity not only to groom yourself but to indulge
himself, he made sports a part of his daily regime and desired that sports in what you like best. Sports is an arena where only the best can win. We constantly keep
went hand- in -hand with knowledge at the school and university level of upgrading your skills making use of a world class infra structure available to you at the Acad-
education. Today all the Institutions at Manav Rachna Educational Institu- emy. We also believe in the “next play” motto which reminds players to leave their mistakes be-
tions have sports as an integral part of learning. hind, train them to focus on their short comings and thus do their best in the coming moments.
While Dr. O P Bhalla is no more with us, his love for sports and fitness still
continues to inspire us...

8 9
VISION Manav Rachna Sports Science Centre has a variety of
Our vision is to create a flagship centre of excellence in India that will provide all the sports expert health professionals and academics with three decades
science and rehabilitation facilities to support elite level athletes, in professional sport, at of industry experience. Our team consists of academics and
the international level, and grass root youth level with the primary goal of enhancing India’s applied sports rehabilitators, physiotherapists, sports physiologists,
sporting performance and yield of medals at Olympic level. sports nutritionists and allied health professionals who have
worked at the top level in a variety of professional and Olympic

sports including shooting, badminton, athletics, wrestling, boxing,
rugby, football and a variety of other sports. Without exception
a wealth of knowledge in the areas of high performance, sports
Our primary objective is to analyse all the needs of the athletes to support and to science, sports medicine, sports injuries and sports coaching has
improve all aspects of their performance with the vertical outcome measure of developing been established. We also provide lifestyle management, fitness
our younger athletes, support our elite athletes and winning more medals at the training and health and well-being support for all types of individuals
international level. We have established a highly skilled multi-disciplinary team consisting of The Centre is associated with a number of Olympians including,
sports doctors, physiotherapists, rehabilitation practitioners, nutritionists, strength and Ronjan Sodhi, Gagan Narang, Jaspal Rana to mention but a few.
conditioning coaches, sport psychologists, sports physiologists and technical coaches to These Olympians work directly with our team at Manav Rachna
support all the needs of elite, junior and international Olympic athletes. Sports Science Centre to ensure that our strategic plan is perfect
for supporting both Olympic standard athletes and junior
athletes as they develop from the grassroots level.

10 11
Dr. Alka Beotra Douglas S Kalman Radhika Kawlra Singh
Anti-Doping Sports Nutritionist Mind Coach
• Scientific Director, National Director-Nutrition &
Dope Testing Laboratory (Retd.) Applied clinical trail Her expertize include:
•Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports, India Florida International University
• Positive Light & Healing Energies
Prof.Dr. G L Khanna (Dean) Her expertise includes:
His expertise include: • Mind Training
•Anti Doping
• President of Asian Council of Exercise & Sports Science. •Sports Nutrition
•Nutritional Supplements
• Vice President of BRICS Council of Exercise and Sports Sciences.
• Vice President (International) of National Association of Physical Education
& Sports Science India.
• Executive Board Member of Asian Council of Kinesiology. Dr. Jim Stoppani Gunnar Peterson
• Member of International Institute of Health promotion (USA). Exercise Physiology CPT, CSCS , Personal Trainer
His expertise include: His expertise include:
• Member of Fitness Committee of International Institute of Health Promotion USA.
•Exercise, Nutrition & Health •Functional training
• Member of Task Force Committee •Fitness technique
•Exercise Science Expert
•Strength and Conditioning

Dr. Shhalini Grover Dr. Ashok Ahuja Dr. Jolly Roy

Head, Manual Therapist & Sports Medicine Psychology
Rehabilitation Expert
His expertise include: Her expertise include:
Her expertise includes:
•Surgical Specialist •Sports Psychology
•Manual therapy
•Training control and counselling •Consultations to elite athletes
•Strengthening and Conditioning
•Traumatology and Rehabilitation Nutrition
•Fitness & Weight loss Program
•Recovery, Regeneration and Restoration
•Wheelchair skill rehabilitation

Dr. Hideyuki Takahashi Rajeev (Raj) Makhija Abhinav Bindra Ronjan Sodhi
Grant James Waters Marlene Naicker Habib Noorbhai
Sports Rehabilitation Expert Sports Physiotherapist Biokineticist Deputy Director, Founder & CEO Smart Brands, Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Awardee Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Awardee
His expertise includes: Marlene Naicker Physiotherapy and His expertise include: Department of Sports Science Smart Nutrition & MMB fitness & Arjuna Awardee & Arjuna Awardee
•Strength & Conditioning Rehabilitation, •Humanitarian and Motivational Japan Insitute of Sports Science, Japan
Specialist Durban, South Africa CEO and President Olmpic Gold Medallist in
Speaker Former World No.1 in
•Gymnastics expert Her expertise include: •Researcher in Sports Rehabilitation Expert in Exercise Physiology Health is Wealth Media P Ltd 10 mtr Air Rifle at the Double Trap Shooting
•Injury prevention & Rehabilitation •Sports Rehabilitation •Voted in South Africa’s top Bejijing Olympics 2008
•Biokinetics expert 12 100 brightest young minds 13
Targeted Activities at the Manav Rachna Sports Science Centre
• To Provide Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation which is directed towards injury
prevention strategies.
• To devise individual, periodised programmes to maximize performance for
major competitions.
• Maintenance of fitness of the sportspersons
• Biomechanical analysis and training of movements specific during sporting
• To provide a vast resource pool of highly skilled sports persons at the
National & International level.
• To deliver psycho-educational support tackling general lifestyle & wellbeing,
including improving sports activity levels. It will also address mental health
and stress management, as well as, building confidence, assertiveness &
motivational strategies.
• To provide nutritional support, food supplementation.

14 15
Sports Medicine,Sports Physiotherapy, Rehabilitation and Injury Sports Exercise Physiology
Management The expert will deal with the function of the human body during various conditions. We
The sports rehabilitation centre is very well equipped with sophisticated instruments. It provide services for the assessment and enhancement of both aerobic and anaerobic
provide sports injury prevention, management and rehabilitation of athlete. Our main fitness.
role is to regain the functionality of the athlete as quickly as possible, accelerating
recovery process from injury, limiting his/her training as little as possible, regaining of
muscle strength and mobility. By providing a specific set of technique, we can prevent, Sports Psychology & Mental Training
recover and readjust athlete with sport or exercise injuries at different levels. The sports Sport and Exercise Psychology will assist the athletes to enhance their performance
medicine specialist will provide strategies for performance enhancement and recovery via ongoing development of their mental skills and abilities. Sport psychologists will use
management. psychological skills training (e.g., goal setting, imagery, energy management, self-talk)
with players by educating and instructing them on how to use these skills effectively
Biomechanical & Sports Performance Analysis during performance situations.
Biomechanical screening and identification of static/dynamic posture and gait analysis
and planning for functional rehabilitation. It include 3-Dimensional filming and feedback
to trainers and athletes. Sports Nutrition
Sports nutritionist deals with weight management, medical nutritional therapy assessment,
sport specific nutritional support and advice regarding recovery diet, hydration and
Sports and Remedial Therapy supplementataion . Our nutritionist will guide about the right diet that will optimize energy
Clinical Sports and Remedial therapy improves a range of muscle disorders. The expert level through nutrition analysis in training and competition.
uses Advanced Soft Tissue Techniques and problem-specific treatment techniques that
are aimed at facilitating positive change to the soft tissue layers for an overall effect of

16 17
Tecnobody designs machinery, electronics, software and clinical
protocols. Everything is 100% Made in Italy with that true Italian ethos
whereby technology and aesthetic sense come together to create
M A N AV R ACH NA S PORTS S CI ENCE CENTER unique, perfect products that are recognised and appreciated all
SENSORY CARDIO around the world. Located in front of each system of Tecnobody is
Our is committed to help talented athletes optimising their performance MOTOR the 3D camera which is able to “scan” the patient. The electronic
through utilization of science, performance testing and monitoring, applied processing allows the real-time reconstruction of every single move-
research and education. By integrating the demand of high performance ment of the patient. Each client is unique and each client has their
sports. own program, so Tecnobody provides each client a unique Tec-
Our sport sciencecentre prepares the athlete for a successful sports ca- It almost seems that over the past thirty years, the fitness industry completely forgot about a noBody Key. Upon insertion into any TecnoBody device, the system
reer. Using highly sophisticated technology for analysing posture, balance, key area, Sensory motor exercise. The Eighties and Nineties saw the explosion of cardio and recognizes the client and automatically programs the guided training.
proprioception, coordination activities with biofeedback that constantly isotonic exercise in the gym, the Noughties confirmed the presence of postural and Sen- TecnoBody Key contains not only client’s training programs, but also
measuring their performance and also helps in reducing the risk of injuries. sory motor training in the fields of rehabilitation and science. Now the three activities have their assessment statistics: force, balance, stability, flexibility, etc. for the
been integrated for a more complete and holistic exercise by TecnoBody in their equipments. patient to follow professionally in all its rehabilitation phases.

18 19
TecnoBody Equipments at Manav Rachna Sports Science Centre
Iso Move: Perfect Control is necessary to guarantee a perfect movement. Iso Move is equipped with both the elements.
The Pro-Kin line Systems represent the excellence of bipedal proprioceptive stabilometric assessment. It has the ability A couple motor able to provide 450 N/m and an electronic control with sampling frequency to 1250 Hz. The balance of
to perform both static and dynamic assessments and training with up to 20 different levels of instability. It is an ideal for a these two elements allows a fluid, linear and precise movement. An isokinetic device born principally for two motivations:
very gradual bipodalic proprioceptive training. Based on the assessment of static and dynamic balance, training can be accelerate and refine the rehabilitative intervention and, during the evaluative phase, quantify the developed force.
planned and can be executed with biofeedback on the screen to improve both static and dynamic balance depending
on the need of the athlete. After an evaluation phase, the software proposes automatically a series of rehabilitative paths
designed to improve the perceptual conditions of each individual movement.
The Base of support of Iso Lift System is a sensorized platform with four load cells which can detect in real time the
distribution of loads to the ground of the patient. The top of the stand with screen printing allows to separate the Right-Left
and Anterior-Posterior in a clear and intuitive way for a correct evaluation of the position of the centre of the patient’s
The platform of the Balance Trunk System is a very sensitive multi-axial platform able to detect the movements of the pressure both static and dynamic phase. The systems of Functional Line are equipped with specific modules for the
pelvis in anterior-posterior direction and Right-Left. The stability of the system is adjustable by the operator in relation to the functional evaluation. The aim is to verify the patient reaction to “over -load” conditions in common activities like push ups leg,
proprioceptive ability of the patient. There are two main assessment modules: the Circular proprioceptive Rating (clockwise abductions shoulders, squats etc. In addition, the 3D camera allows to read all body segments in real time and to measure
and anti-clockwise) and the evaluation of the Range of Motion. Both assessments are critical to fully understand the motor skills up the dynamic range of motion. Equipped with an extremely powerful postural module that offers a range of certified testing
of the subject, especially in the pelvic area. Pelvic tilts and mobity without moving trunk or maintain trunk balance is assessed. for both static and dynamic orthostatic control.

The Postural Bench System is equipped with two tilting flat surfaces (head and trunk surface A and lower limbs Walker-View is the only treadmill with an embedded PC platform that monitors and records step length, step speed, step
surface B) which pivot on the dock. The bench helps to assess the symmetry of the posterior chain in three fundamental points: symmetry, range of motion of hips, knees and ankles. All these function create a unique system for a complete and usable Gait
scapular-thoracic area, lower back, hamstring area and different parameters like different weight bearing areas are detected. Analysis and Running Analysis. With Walker View one can immerse the patients in virtual environments and give them real-time
The assessment Module of the Postural Bench system allows to monitor, in real time, the symmetry of the posterior chain in three feedback of control both of postural type and in symmetry of the footing on the soil. Virtual environments allow one to emotion-
fundamental points: scapular-thoracic area, lower back, hamstring area. At the end of the test, the report presents the symmetry ally involve the patient and make her/him an active part in the rehabilitation process. The stimuli can be modified in relation
between right and left sides, in which shows in the percentage terms and the force that developed from the posterior chain. to the patient’s perceptive ability in terms of speed and/or combinations of movements (jump an obstacle, taking objects by
the upper limbs, etc.)

IsoShift Versatility
Iso-Shift is an open and flexible system. Equipped with back anchors for the resistive and functional arm exercises. The
Personal Trainer or Physiotherapist will have a powerful communication tool available to them, where tricky concepts such
Iso Free Versatility is an open and flexible system. Exercises that are weight-free, require small equipment or with
barbell can be performed on this machine. Concepts such as posture and load control can be easily explained and
as posture and load control can be easily explained and practically demonstrated. Today operators have a new ally
practically demonstrated. It has a new ally that will enhance athlete professional performance.
that will only enhance their Professional Performance.

20 21
Biochemical Analysis & Evaluation
Analysis of gait and movement
Analysis for proprioception & balance (static & dynamic)-standing whole body
Analysis for trunk proprioception & balance (static & dynamic) - sitting
Assessment & evaluation of strength of lower limbs
Assessment & evaluation of strength of upper limbs
Training and evaluation of active exercises
Isomove analysis of knee joint & rehabilitation (isokinetic) - Muscle function, power and strength testing
Biomechanical analysis & evaluation of spine
Muscle function, power and strength testing

Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation

Physiotherapy &rehabilitation services including manual therapy & electromodalities
Management of acute injuries using electromodalities

Physiological Assessment &Testing

VO2 max test
Lactate profile test
Joint VO 2 max and lactate profile tests
Anaerobic power Assessment
Sprint performance power testing

Nutritional Assessment
Nutrition consultation and dietary analysis

Weight Management Programme

Psychological Assessment
Psychological counselling
Sports Psychology consultation
22 23
Sports Facilities at Manav Rachna

Manav Rachna Sports Academy is an unparallel sports experience which offers sports to enthusiast who
believe in taking their sporting experience to a brand new level. Whether you are a new comer to the world of sports
or you want to enhance your sporting skills, Manav Rachna Sports Academy has all options open for you. With world
class infra structure, best training coaches and sports clinics organized at frequent intervals by world acclaimed
trainers, this is a one-stop sports media for all sports lovers.

MRSA firmly believes to optimize growth in the area of sports as Sports is indispensable for the holistic growth of
students and is an essential contribution towards society. The Institution provides world class infrastructure and total
sports management services to help elevate sports to the next level, fulfilling goals, inculcating healthy lifestyles
and inspiring sporting talent. Training programs are conducted for varied outdoor andindoor sports with highly
qualified coaches grooming student’s right from scratch.

Sarkar Talwar
Director Sports (Manav Rachna Vidyanatariksha)
The Manav Rachna Sports Academy is a doorsill for those who believe
in surrendering themselves to one word: SPORTS. With the help of profession-
alized coaches who are chosen from the best across the world, we give you
an opportunity to groom yourself. We constantly keep upgrading your skills
making use of a world class infrastructure available to you at the Academy.
We also believe in the “next play” motto which reminds players to leave their
mistakes behind, train them to focus on their short comings and thus do their
best in the coming moments.

24 25
Manav Rachna Sports Academy Facilities and Coaching Programs

• Badminton, Shooting (Pistol, Rifle & Shotgun), Table Tennis, Chess, Basketball, Lawn Tennis,
Cricket, Squash, Swimming, Skating, Volleyball & Soccer.
• Six synthetic indoor badminton courts, which is one of the best Badminton facility in India.
MRSA is running three programs ranging from Beginners to the excellence level with training
from International Coaches & a tie up with Yonex, a world leading brand in Badminton.
• Six Table Tennis tables with robotic machine & certified professional coaches to provide
• Suis Ascor equipped shooting Ranges for evolving shooters have been exclusively estab-
lished under the guidance of ace shooters including Gagan Narang, Ronjan Sondhi and
Jaspal Rana.
• Soccer Academy with an International tie up with Arsenal Football Club.
• Semi Olympic size Swimming Pool with Japanese filters to maintain exceptional standards of
• Shotgun shooting program under Rustam Yambulatov, an internationally acclaimed coach.
• Panel of National & International experts for all the sports, which includes names like Ralf
Schumann, Anke Schumann, Peter Carlson, Russel Mark, Kapil Dev, Jaspal Rana, Anuja Jung to
name a few.
• Manav Rachna also has Asia’s only ISSF academy accredited training centre.

26 27
World Class
Sports Infrastructure Fitness Training

Physiotherapy &
Coaching with experts from Rehabilitation
around the globe Biochemical

Chase your
Best Equipments
and Sports Gear

Olympic Dream Training Models and

Schedules designed to suit
every player

A combination of best Sports facilities, Sports Science support Sports Psychology
and Education, Manav Rachna is the one stop for every
Athlete. We believe in becoming a part of your Olympic Dream
and leave no stone unturned to help you become a Champion. Manav Rachna
We help you nurture your sport in world class infrastructure with Educational Institutions
the best of experts, take your skills a notch higher with the help
of latest technology from the world of sports science and also
give you the opportunity to excel in your educational career. NAAC Accredited Sports
‘A’ GradeUniversity Nutrition
and Professional Institutions
Anti- Doping


28 29
working with
Manav Rachna Sports Science Centre
SHOOTERS who worked with our experts FOR OLYMPIC 2016 PREPARATION
P N Prakash
Kynan Chennai
Gagan Narang
Manavjit Singh Sandhu
Soumyajit Ghosh


Vijay Kumar (Shooting)
Shweta Chaudhary (Shooting)
Anisa Saiyed (Shooting)
Shagun Chowdhary (Shooting)
Ankita Das (Table Tennnis)
Kuldeep Kumar (Kick Boxing)
Anil Dhayal (Karate)
Abhishek Yadav (Table Tennis)
Achal Pratap Singh Grewal (Shooting)
Snehlata Singh Rajawat (Shooting)
Varsha Tomar (Shooting)
Sharan G S (Shooting)
Manavaditya Singh Rathore (Shooting)

Our experts are also working with the JUNIOR INDIAN SHOOTING TEAM for
fitness and pre shooting preparation in various national level camps.

30 31
Our International Tie-Ups
Manav Rachna Sports Science Centrehas been connected with Asian Council of Excersice & Sports Science, BRICS Council of Exercise and Sports Sciences.
The team consists of the best international applied health care professionals who can support athlete, trainer, any individual, team or organization in achieving
their absolute best potential.


Exchanging sports rehabilitation related reviews Collaborated Programme on movement

Attending summer program, workshop on testing of elite LEEDS BECKETT UNIVERSITY
athletes for high performance sport, planning Rehabilitation, nutrition and health aspect
research on sports exercise physiology


Dr. Amit Bhalla (Vice President - Manav Rachna) and Dr. G L Khanna (Dean - Manav Rachna Sports Science Centre) recently AND SPORTS ACADEMY, DENMARK Jointly research project in the field of sports
visited the Japan Institute of Sports Science, University of Tskuba and Nippon Sports Science University to join hands as Organize and design study program in rehabilitation, exchange program
knowledge partners with these reputable insititutions in the world of Sports Science. Japan as a nation has been working sports and health science promoting sports
on the relationship between sport performance and sports science from a long period of time. Dr. Amit Bhalla and
Dr. G L Khanna visited both of these esteemed insitutions to understand the working of a Sports science Centre and join
hands with these Japanese insititutions to help Indian atheletes improve their performance to live their Olympic dream.

32 33
at Manav Rachna Sports Science Centre 7 th Asia Pacific Conference on Exercise and Sports Science 2015

14th Commonwealth Sports Science Congress 2010 (APCESS 2015) was organized at the Sports Authority of
India & Manav Rachna International University, NCR Delhi
(India) from October 14th -16th, 2015 in association with
The conference with the theme “Play Triumph scientifically ”was a
Asian Council of Exercise and Sports Science (ACESS).
multidisciplinary congress that offered a splendid opportunity to the
world’s leading sports academicians and practitioners to network
The theme of this conference was “Interdisciplinary Applied
with professionals who observe sport through a multiplicity of per-
Approach to Health and Performance Enhancement through
spectives and disciplines and to showcase their work to worldwide
Sports Science”. Discussion was focused on important issues
audience. During the conference people from different disciplines
of fitness, Mental Preparation, Doping, Talent Selection,
came together on a common platform sharing their views with eminent
Thereupetic Management, Nutritional requirement & sup-
speakers from all over the world.
plement, Yoga & performance, Latest technology in Sports,
Strategy Planning& Health for all.
The 14th Commonwealth International Sports Science Congress
2010 was an assembly of key note speakers to focus on crucial
World renowned professionals of sports medicine, sports
topics through plenary sessions, paper presentations, colloquia,
sciences, physical education, health sciences, coaches,
seminars, workshops and symposia and poster presentations. Manav
trainers and supporting personnel exchanged, views, ideas,
Rachna also organized Pre-Commonwealth Courses and workshops.
thoughts, and concepts of enhanced performance.
These workshops covered areas of different fields concerning sports
In this conference, more than 70 speakers from 30 countries,
performance including physiotherapy, Kinanthropometry, fitness, exer-
150 foreign and 300 Indian delegates participated. They
cise prescription & psychology, etc.
presented their latest scientific findings in the field of Health,
Exercise and sports science. In addition to this young sports
The event included:
scientists from more than 17 countries like China, Croatia,
Czech Republic, Germany, Malaysia, Serbia, Singapore,
• Workshop jointly organized by Regional Labour institute-
South Korea, Thailand, Turkey, Zimbabwe had been nomi-
Faridabad and MRIU - Mr. Robert Karch, U.S.A. and Mr. Wolf
nated to be associated with APCESS as Future Leaders/
Kirsten,Berlin, Germany from International Institute for Health
Volunteers (FLV).
promotion, USA
• Workshop by Dr. Hemant Juneja on taping technique
• Workshop by Dr. Kamlesh on relaxation techniques

34 35

13th -14 thFebruary 2017
The theme of Indo Japanese Conclave-III is “Olympism for Humanity Restoration Enterprise: Academic
Legacy Goals, Scope and Foundations - Towards Tokyo 2020” is indeed an opposite one as sports
competitions in the modern era are increasingly scientific, as compared to the conventional ones in
the past.

This Conclave is Third in the series after the successful conduct of two Indo-Japanese Conclaves
in 2012 and 2014 witnessing numerous National & International delegates stormed by intellectual
sessions.It is a matter of great pride and honour for our country to host such a prestigious International
Conclave at our land when the world is looking at India which is going to be the future super economic
power with all round name and fame and progress achieved including winners of many international
games in the world fora. Prof. Dr. G.L Khanna, Dean (Manav Rachna Sports Science Centre) attended the Coaches Excellence Program
Roadmap from (31st Jan – 1st Feb 2017) on Coaches Excellence Program; to define/execute the way forward in setting up
At this International Conclave, eminent professionals of Olympic education, physical education and coaches excellence program in the Indian ecosystem at Flames University, Pune.
sports sciences from India and Japan will come together on one platform to exchange thoughts, share Dr. GL Khanna highlighted the importance of sports science. Two important areas that he focused on while going through case
new ideas and concepts. This Endeavour promises to understand and promote health and sports studies on hockey are about Physiological practice and analytics – reading data to convert the insights into training
at global level with the highlights being Keynote lecture, Expert talk, Panel Discussion, Symposium on methodologies.
varied topics, scientific paper and Poster presentation.It is not the sound and the fury that counts but Dr. G.L Khanna attended the workshop along with Mr. Vaibhav Tandon Head of Strategy and Communications at Olympic Gold
effort in the right direction to make a mark. Keeping this in view, this conclave seeks to understand and Quest, Mr. Vimal Kumar: Olympian, Co-Founder and Chief Coach at PPBA, Asian Games bronze medallist and Mr. Gagan
promote Olympic education at global level. Narang, Bronze Medalist at London Olympics

36 37
Shooting Events Supported
by Manav Rachna Sports Science Centre

Corporate Collaborations with Manav Rachna Sports Science Centre


(SHOOTING) 25 SEP - 1 OCT 2015,

38 39
Star Atheletes of Manav Rachna

Vijay Kumar Gagan Narang Shweta Singh Shagun Chaudhary Shreyasi Singh Soumyajit Ghosh Ankita Das Abhishek Yadav Anil Dhayal Ankur Mittal Ria Kumari Kuldeep Kumar
(Olympic Silver Medallist) (Olympic Bronze Medallist) (Commonwealth Games Olympic Participant CWG- Silver medallist Olympic Participant Olympic Participant Bronze Medallist at Gold Medallist at Bronze Medallist at Gold Medallist (team) Bronze Medallist at Wako
Rajeev Gandhi Khel Ratan Rajeev Gandhi Khel Ratan Medallist) 2012 2014 2012, 2016 2012 Asian Youth Games 4th Asian Goju Ryu Karate Asian Shotgun at Asian Kick boxing Cham-
Awardee Awardee
2013 Do Championship 2012 Championship Asian Shotgun pionship 2015
2016 Championship 2016

40 41
Contact Us
Manav Rachna Educational Institutions
Sector 43, Delhi-Surajkund Road, Faridabad
Phone no: (0129) 4198641

42 43

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