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The pivot point of all history

Dr. Chuck Missler

APRIL 2017

I Know the Plans

Chris Corlett
Personal UPDATE | APRIL 2017

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2 | VOLUME 27 | ISSUE 4

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APRIL 2017 | Personal UPDATE

CONTENTS Disclaimer: The views and opinions

expressed in the articles and materials
presented in this News Journal are
those of the authors and/or reference
sources, and do not necessarily reflect
COVER STORY the views held by Koinonia House.
While we may not agree with all the
details in each article, our intention
The Fulcrum is to stimulate discussion among the
Koinonia Institute membership as well
of the as our Personal UPDATE subscribers.
We encourage you to use discernment:

Entire Universe Acts 17:11

6 The Dead Sea Scrolls were

first discovered in late 1946
in caves along the Dead
"These were more
noble than those in
Thessalonica, in that
they received the word
Sea. The ancient settlement with all readiness of
of Khirbet Qumran held mind, and searched
millennial old sealed clay the scriptures daily,
whether those things
jars which contained about were so."
1200 manuscripts...
Dr. Chuck Missler

6 The Fulcrum of the Entire Universe EDITOR/PUBLICATIONS

by Dr. Chuck Missler
The Dead Sea Scrolls were first discovered in late 1946 RESEARCH ASSISTANT/EDITOR
in caves along the Dead Sea. The ancient settlement of AMY JOY
Khirbet Qumran held millennial old sealed clay jars which Personal UPDATE is a registered
contained about 1200 manuscripts, including more than 300 trademark of Koinonia House, Inc..
Biblical texts. Arguably the greatest discovery at Qumran Copyright 2016. All rights reserved.
is the Great Isaiah Scroll, a nearly complete scroll that Printed in the U.S.A. Personal UPDATE
is published monthly for the supporters
was copied around 125 BC. It contains all 66 chapters of the ministries of Koinonia Institute.
of Isaiah...
Editor E-mail Address
KOINONOS Physical Address
4055 East 3rd Avenue,
17 I Know the Plans by Chris Corlett Post Falls, Idaho 83854
During my career spanning three decades as a High School
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(Secondary) Mathematics teacher in the public school system in P.O. Box D,
New York State, I initiated and implemented countless changes to Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 83816-0347
the program delivered to my students. During the 2014 Strategic
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Perspectives Conference in Idaho, I introduced what I described 1-800-KHOUSE1
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The Koinonia Institute is dedicated to training and equipping the serious
Christian to sojourn in today’s world.

Personal UPDATE | APRIL 2017

Now Available
in DVD Format

Audio CD

Approx. 8 HOURS

on our online store:

The author of this epistle, we believe, was the brother of our Lord.
This James, along with the Lord’s other brothers, was an unbeliever
before the resurrection.
Some feel that this epistle appears contradictory to Paul’s
teaching, but the ostensible differences are easy to understand.
Paul focused on our justification before God. James focuses on
the believer’s justification before men. His robust epistle focuses
on the practical Christian walk rather than on doctrine; it is
directed toward a living faith. Faith is not believing in spite of the
evidence; Faith is obeying in spite of the consequences.
Join Dr. Chuck Missler in his in-depth commentary on the book
of James.

4 | VOLUME 27 | ISSUE 4
APRIL 2017 | Personal UPDATE


Dean Packwood
Art Director, Publications and Web,
Koinonia House

s we approach Easter, most of us will probably welcome a break from a
turbulent start to 2017. With all the fake news, media bias, politics
and conflicts, we as Christians can all too often find ourselves
caught up in flesh and blood battles. We should take time to reflect
and remember the most pivotal point of all history.
But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for
our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and
with his stripes we are healed. All we like sheep have gone astray;
We have turned, every one, to his own way; And the Lord has
laid on Him the iniquity of us all. He was oppressed and He was
afflicted, Yet He opened not His mouth; He was led as a lamb to the
slaughter, And as a sheep before its shearers is silent, So He opened
not His mouth. He was taken from prison and from judgment,
And who will declare His generation? For He was cut off from
the land of the living; For the transgressions of My people He was
Isaiah 53:5-6
He is not here, but is risen! Remember how He spoke to you when
He was still in Galilee, saying, ‘The Son of Man must be delivered
into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and the third day
rise again.’
Luke 24:6-7
Please remember Koinonia House in your prayers.
In HIS service,
Dean Packwood
Art Director, Publications and Web,
Koinonia House

Personal UPDATE | APRIL 2017


Dr. Chuck Missler
Founder, Koinonia House

he Dead Sea Scrolls were first discovered in late 1946 in caves along
the Dead Sea. The ancient settlement of Khirbet Qumran held
millennial old sealed clay jars which contained about 1200
manuscripts, including more than 300 Biblical texts. Arguably the
greatest discovery at Qumran is the Great Isaiah Scroll, a nearly complete
scroll that was copied around 125 BC. It contains all 66 chapters
of Isaiah.
In this book, we will focus on a particularly interesting passage in the
second half of Isaiah: chapter 53. It has been called the Holy of Holies
of the Old Testament. These twelve verses offer a summary of the entire

6 | VOLUME 27 | ISSUE 4
APRIL 2017 | Personal UPDATE

Portion of the Great Isaiah Scroll (1QIsaa), one of the original seven Dead Sea Scrolls discovered in
Qumran in 1947. It is the largest (H: 22-25, L: 734 cm) and best preserved of all the biblical scrolls.

New Testament, written more than 700 years before Jesus Christ was born.
A number of passages in the Hebrew Scriptures describe the victory of
the Messiah as the ruler of the world, and the Jews have focused on those.
This chapter provides another unexpected purpose for the great King;
it’s an incredible prophecy that describes the Messiah
as a servant who suffers and dies for His people. BIO
Dr. Chuck Missler
Isaiah's Writing Koinonia Institute
After a distinguished
The Book of Isaiah opens with a declaration of its military career and more
authorship. In verse 1:1, the prophet Isaiah, son than 30 very successful
years in the corporate
of Amoz, states that he wrote his prophecy during business environment,
the reigns of “Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, Chuck was led to pursue
a life-long endeavor
kings of Judah.” Chapter 6 of Isaiah describes a of teaching the Bible
vision that took place “in the year that King Uzziah on a full-time basis.
He founded Koinonia
died,” – about 740/739 BC.[1] Isaiah volunteers to be House, an organization
a prophet in this passage, and the LORD gives him devoted to encouraging
people to study the Bible.
a dismal task: He also founded Koinonia
Institute to enable people
to have a Kingdom effect
1 Thiele, E. (1983). The Mysterious Numbers of the Hebrew Kings, 3rd Ed. Grand
on the world today.
Rapids: Zondervan/Kregel, 217.

Personal UPDATE | APRIL 2017

And he said, Go, and tell this people, Hear ye indeed, but understand
not; and see ye indeed, but perceive not. Make the heart of this
people fat, and make their ears heavy, and shut their eyes; lest they
see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with
their heart, and convert, and be healed. Then said I, Lord, how long?
And he answered, Until the cities be wasted without inhabitant, and
the houses without man, and the land be utterly desolate, And the
LORD have removed men far away, and there be a great forsaking
in the midst of the land.
Isaiah 6:9-12

Throughout Isaiah, the heart of God cries out to the hard-hearted people
of Judah. He alternates back and forth between rebuke and comfort,
rebuke and comfort. Meanwhile, Isaiah offers some of the most profound
prophetic passages in all of Scripture, describing the future sometimes
years, centuries, and even millennia in advance.
The majority of Isaiah gives us a rich variety of poetry. Wisdom poetry
and hymns of rebuke, prediction and prophecy pour at us from chapters
1-35. We then find a change in pace at chapters 36-39, where Isaiah
turns to prose. During this “bridge,” the prophet gives an interesting
historical narrative describing important events during the reign of King
Hezekiah. Then, at chapter 40, the poetry of comfort, prediction, and
rebuke picks up again until the end of the 66 chapters.
Right in the center of this second part, we find the focus of our present
study: Chapter 53. It is located 13 chapters from chapter 40 and 13
chapters from chapter 66. The Bible’s chapter divisions were not in the
original; they were placed in the New Testament in the 13th century AD
and in the Hebrew Old Testament in the 15th century, but the chapter
breaks often follow thematic breaks in the text.
I like to follow the Holman Bible Commentary and further divide
chapters 40-66 into three parts:[2]
• The Purpose of Peace: 40-48

2 Clendenen, E. & Howard, J. (2015). The Holman Illustrated Bible Commentary. Nashville: Holman Reference,

8 | VOLUME 27 | ISSUE 4
APRIL 2017 | Personal UPDATE

• The Prince of Peace: 49-57

• The Program of Peace: 58-66
The second subsection on The Prince of Peace is bookended by essentially
the same verse. Isaiah 48:22 states, “There is no peace, saith the LORD,
unto the wicked.” Isaiah 57:21 repeats this sentiment, saying, “There is
no peace, saith my God, to the wicked.” This gives us natural section
• The Purpose of Peace: 40-48 “...we find chapter
• “No peace for the wicked” 48:22 53. I’m calling it
• The Prince of Peace: 49-57 the Fulcrum of the
• “No peace for the wicked” 57:21 Entire Universe.
• The Program of Peace: 58-66 That might sound a
In the middle of this second section, bit heady, but this
we find chapter 53. I’m calling it the passage truly is the
Fulcrum of the Entire Universe. That pivot point of
might sound a bit heady, but this passage all history.”
truly is the pivot point of all history.
While Isaiah 9:1-7 or 11:1-10 describe the glorious future reign of the
Messiah, this powerful chapter toward the end of the book gives a much
different picture. Here we find the Messiah as a sacrifice who suffers to
pay for the sins of the people.
The two ethnic roots of Judaism are actually divided over Isaiah 53.
The Ashkenazi Jews were so disturbed by this chapter that they removed
it from their Bible altogether. The Sephardic Jews thankfully left it in.
When the Dead Sea Scrolls were found, the Great Isaiah Scroll included
Isaiah 53 with all its unhampered power. What's more, it dates to the
second century before Christ was born, demonstrating the existence
of these verses in the book of Isaiah long before Jesus entered history
and died.
The Israeli Museum has a special building dedicated to the Great Isaiah
Scroll, and Isaiah 53 cries out from it. The original book of Isaiah was
written over the course of Isaiah’s adulthood between 740 and 686
BC, long before many of the events it describes in advance occurred.
This passage is so important that it is cited in all four Gospels as well as
Personal UPDATE | APRIL 2017

Acts, Romans and 1 Peter.[3] What makes it so important? The crucifixion

of Jesus Christ.

We know that crucifixion was not invented until the Persian Empire,
after which it was widely adopted by the Romans.[4] The official form
of execution in Israel was stoning. It’s particularly startling, therefore,
to find the crucifixion of the Messiah detailed in Isaiah centuries before
this form of execution was invented.
Psalm 22 is another important passage that describes Jesus’ death from
the viewpoint of Christ hanging on the cross. His unbroken bones,
His thirst, His pierced hands and feet, His humiliation and ridicule,
and even the gambling done for His
clothes are all described by David in
His unbroken bones,
Psalm 22, nearly 1000 years before His thirst, His pierced
the crucifixion took place. Zechariah hands and feet, His
12:10 adds to the picture, declaring, humiliation and
“They shall look upon me whom they ridicule, and even the
have pierced,” offering a description gambling done for His
by the LORD of those who will see clothes are all described
Him at His return. by David in Psalm 22
Here in Isaiah 53, we find the purpose of Christ’s death written centuries
in advance. Isaiah is a supernatural book, and this is a supernatural

Who hath believed our report? And to whom is the arm of the
LORD revealed?
Isaiah 53:1

It is popular these days to split Isaiah into two parts, crediting the
authorship of the first 39 chapters to Isaiah, son of Amoz, and chapters
3 Matthew 8:14-17; Mark 15:28; Luke 22:35-37; John 12:37-41; Acts 8:26-35; Romans 10:16-21; 1 Peter 2:21-
25. These are just the direct quotes of Isaiah 53 and do not include the many passages that describe Jesus
fulfilling its prophecies. We will cover those in detail later in this book.
4 Retief, F.P. and Cilliers, L. (December, 2003). The History and Pathology of Crucifixion. South African Medical
Journal: 93(12): 938–941.

10 | VOLUME 27 | ISSUE 4
APRIL 2017 | Personal UPDATE

40 to 66 to an entirely different person (Deutero-Isaiah), who lived

hundreds of years later. The first part of the book is seen as a series of
warnings and rebukes made by the original Isaiah, while the last part
is seen as a series of comforting passages made by Deutero-Isaiah after
the Babylonian captivity.
It is a fact that the Book of Isaiah describes events that took place long
after the death of Isaiah, son of Amoz. Secular historians and Bible critics
have dismissed these prophetic passages as written after the fact. They do
not recognize Isaiah’s divine inspiration; they presume that somebody
else wrote those prophetic verses after they took place.
Hastings Bible Dictionary quotes biblical critic A.B. Davidson’s summary
of secular thought about prophecy:
The prophet is always a man of his own time and it is always to the
people of his own time that he speaks, not to a generation long after,
not to us. And the things of which he speaks will always be things
of importance to the people of his own day, whether they be things
belonging to their internal life and conduct, or things affecting their
external fortunes as a people among other peoples.[5]
Isaiah doesn’t obey A.B. Davidson’s ideas about the purposes of prophecy.
He doesn’t just prophesy to the families of Judah, and he doesn’t just
speak to the people of his day. He cries out the words of God to the many
lands surrounding Judah – and unto the whole world.[6] He declares that
he speaks to future generations:
Now go, write it before them in a table, and note it in a book, that
it may be for the time to come for ever and ever:
Isaiah 30:8

Isaiah prophesied from about 740-686 BC. The Kingdom of Israel in

the north was conquered by the Assyrians in 722 BC, and we find in
Isaiah 36-37 that the Kingdom of Judah nearly suffered the same fate.
God protected Judah from its enemies because faithful King Hezekiah
of Judah trusted in the LORD. It would take several more generations

5 As quoted in Allis, O. (1951). The Unity of Isaiah. (A study in prophecy.) (p. 2). Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock.
6 Cf. Isaiah 13-24

Personal UPDATE | APRIL 2017

for Judah and its capital at Jerusalem to fall to Nebuchadnezzar of

Babylon in 586 BC.
Yet, Isaiah does not focus much on Assyria, the enemy of his day. He
repeatedly speaks of the future, about the rise and fall of Babylon.[7]
He describes long in advance the ascent of the Persian Cyrus the Great,
whom the LORD calls by name in Isaiah 44:28-45:6. “That saith of
Cyrus, He is my shepherd,… That they may know from the rising of the
sun, and from the west, that there is none beside me. I am the LORD,
and there is none else.”[8]
Through His prophet Isaiah, the LORD constantly speaks of the distant
future. He does this as a sign of His eternal power, because He knows
the stubbornness of His hearers:
I have declared the former things from the beginning; and they went
forth out of my mouth, and I shewed them; I did them suddenly,
and they came to pass. Because I knew that thou art obstinate, and
thy neck is an iron sinew, and thy brow brass; I have even from the
beginning declared it to thee; before it came to pass I shewed it thee:
lest thou shouldest say, Mine idol hath done them, and my graven
image, and my molten image, hath commanded them.
Isaiah 48:3-5
There are a variety of
external and internal There are a variety of external and
internal facts about Isaiah that point
facts about Isaiah that
to a single author.[9] Jewish tradition
point to a single author. has always attributed the book to
Isaiah alone, and in the Dead Sea Scrolls we find the Great Isaiah
Scroll has no division at all after chapter 39. It is a single large
scroll, completely credited to Isaiah, son of Amoz. In his book
The Unity of Isaiah, Oswald Allis jokes, “Obviously the scribe was not
conscious of the alleged fact that an important change of situation,
involving an entire change of authorship, begins with chapter 40.”10
7 Isaiah 13-14; 21:9; 39:1-8; 43:14; 47:1; 48:14, 20
8 Isaiah 45:6
9 See Allis, O. (1951). The Unity of Isaiah. (A study in prophecy.) (p. 40). Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock. Allis does a
thorough job of answering critics who deny a single authorship of Isaiah.
10 Allis, O. (1951). The Unity of Isaiah. (A study in prophecy.) (p. 40). Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock. Allis does much
better job of covering all these matters than I do in my little appendix jottings.

12 | VOLUME 27 | ISSUE 4
APRIL 2017 | Personal UPDATE

The writing of Isaiah is among the best, most beautiful and skilled poetry
in all the ancient world. This excellent writing skill continues from
chapter 1 to chapter 66. What’s more, we see no Babylonian influence
in his vocabulary. In the post-exilic books of Esther, Ezra or Nehemiah,
we find a range of Babylonian vocabulary and idioms, but Isaiah contains
only pure pre-exilic Hebrew.
The subject matter in both halves of Isaiah is rebellion and idolatry,
problems that had passed away after the Babylonian exile. The land of
Israel described in Isaiah is the rocky, mountainous land of Israel and
not the wide, flat land of the Fertile Crescent.
And they shall go into the holes of the rocks, and into the caves of
the earth, for fear of the LORD, and for the glory of his majesty,
when he ariseth to shake terribly the earth.
Isaiah 2:19

Enflaming yourselves with idols under every green tree, slaying the
children in the valleys under the clifts of the rocks?
Isaiah 57:5

Isaiah constantly calls God, “The Holy One of Israel” throughout his
entire book. It’s a name used in only six verses by other Bible writers.
Isaiah uses it repeatedly, 12 times in chapters 1-39 and 14 times in
chapters 40-66.
There are only a couple of reasons to split up Isaiah between two or more
writers. The first is a distinct bias against predictive prophecy. Those
who doubt God’s existence and deny His power will not accept the
reality that God is the First and the Last, “Declaring the end from the
beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done.”[11]
They refuse to believe that God spoke to Isaiah and told him things in
advance. They therefore attribute the prophetic passages to other writers.
A misunderstanding of the purposes of prophecy might be a second
reason to split up Isaiah. There are those like A.B. Davidson who force
the prophet into a narrow box, relegating his words to the small groups
of people around him. These critics will not accept that Isaiah wrote
11 Isaiah 46:10

Personal UPDATE | APRIL 2017

to distant peoples and future times, and they will feel obliged to credit
other writers with Isaiah’s words to broader audiences.
Taken at face value, however, the internal and external evidence point
to a single Isaiah who saw the throne room of the LORD and spoke
to all of us from the heart of the eternal Godhead. We should not be
surprised that Isaiah sometimes offers stern rebuke and then turns and
speaks with comfort. His words are communicating to us from God,
who hates the sins of His wayward people, but who loves them and
longs to heal them just the same.
Bible critics invented "Deutero-Isaiah" for their own purposes, without
solid evidence. It’s frankly irrational to suggest that one of the greatest,
most skilled writers of all time just vanished from history. There was
never even a hint of any other writer until modern scholars declared they
knew better. Well before the time of the New Testament, all understood
that Isaiah had written the entire book.
Who hath believed our report? And to whom is the arm of the
LORD revealed?
Isaiah 53:1

This is the first verse of Isaiah 53, and John quotes it in Chapter 12,
verse 38 of his Gospel. He notes that the people didn’t believe Jesus
even though He performed many miracles before them. He then quotes
Isaiah 6:10, reminding us that the LORD told Isaiah their eyes would
be blinded and their hearts hardened:
Therefore they could not believe, because that Esaias said again, He
hath blinded their eyes, and hardened their heart; that they should
not see with their eyes, nor understand with their heart, and be
converted, and I should heal them. These things said Esaias, when
he saw his glory, and spake of him.
John 12:39-41

In one breath, John quotes from Isaiah 53, and in the next breath he
quotes from Isaiah 6, crediting both to Isaiah.

14 | VOLUME 27 | ISSUE 4
APRIL 2017 | Personal UPDATE

It’s interesting that John quotes from the first and last parts of Isaiah
in two breaths, attributing them both to Isaiah without any question.
As a teenager, I ran into this, and I now regard John 12:39 as a treasure.
That verse saved me hours of tedious library research. Here John cuts
through it all. The Isaiah who wrote Isaiah 53 and the Isaiah who
wrote Isaiah 6 are the same Isaiah, and those who do not believe are
simply hardened. John is telling us – and the entire Bible is telling us –
that there is only one Isaiah. Knowing this will save us all a lot of money
buying nonsense commentaries that deny the power of God.

This excerpt is from Dr. Chuck Missler’s briefing pack The Fulcrum of the Entire Universe.
Available in video, audio and now Paperback and eBook formats from

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Personal UPDATE | APRIL 2017

The Fulcrum
of the Entire
Isaiah 53: The Pivot
Point of All history


on our online store:

Isaiah 53 is one of the most astonishing passages in the

entire Bible:

It is often called, “The Holy of Holies” of the Old Testament.

However, it is even more broadly impacting than most people
realize; that’s why we call it, “The Fulcrum of the Entire Universe.”
Its reach includes the entire creation.

Clearly, its most devotional significance details our personal

salvation: indeed, the entire New Testament is summarized in
its remarkable 12 verses. Yet it also includes some of the most
astonishing apologetic insights in the entire Bible. Rich rewards for
the diligent.

Join Dr. Chuck Missler as he examines Isaiah 53.

16 | VOLUME 27 | ISSUE 4
APRIL 2017 | Personal UPDATE


Chris Corlett
Deputy Provost and member of the
Koinonia Institute Advisory Board.

uring my career of over three decades as a High
School (Secondary) Mathematics teacher in BIO
the public school system in New York State, Chris Corlett,
I initiated and implemented countless changes Deputy Provost,
Koinonia Institute
to the programs delivered to my students. Also, Chris Corlett is a long-
when I spoke at the KI 2014 Strategic Perspectives time KI member who
serves in several volunteer
Conference in Idaho, I introduced what I described capacities. Among his
as the “irreducible complexity” 2 of education – activities, Chris is the
Academic Advisor to
curriculum, pedagogy, and assessment. Briefly: the Koinonia Institute
A d v i s o r y B o a rd . He
• Curriculum refers to the CONTENT that relies on his journey and
perspective as both a
the student learns KI member and as an
• Pedagogy refers to the METHODS through experienced educator
to advise the KIAB on
which the student learns reliable teaching strategies
• Assessment refers to the ACTIVITIES used and techniques as well
as emerging technologies
to determine what the student learned and research. Throughout
his professional career,
When I was a teacher, I taught four curricula he has balanced the
programs and; adjusted my teaching methods based advice found in Jeremiah
6 : 1 6 ( “c o n s i d e r t h e
on my growing experience and numerous professional old paths”) with that
development and continuing education programs. found in Matthew 9:17
(“don’t put new wine in
Also, I broadened the testing program to include old wineskins.”) Chris
a wide variety of opportunities for students to tempers his advise and
actions by balancing
demonstrate their knowledge, and it was consistently his respect for tradition
being upgraded to meet the differing needs of the with the opportunities
to proclaim the Truth
students. It is a known fact in education that no using new technologies
educational program stagnates and still succeeds. and opportunities. He is
eager to hear from you at
1 Think Jeremiah 29:11
2 Adapted from Michael Behe’s 1996 book Darwin’s Black Box

Personal UPDATE | APRIL 2017

This professional perspective served as a major foundation for the
committee, which is now called the Koinonia Institute Advisory Board
(“KIAB”). It first began as a conversation during the summer of 2015.
Our formal mandate was to perfect and propose recommendations
addressing the Koinonia Institute (“KI”) program as its first decade came
to an end. Beginning in the mid-2000’s, KI staff brought into reality
an ambitious vision for an on-line member education, built primarily
on Dr. Missler’s teachings, and the now familiar three-track structure
– Berean,3 Issachar,4 and Koinonos.5 I relied on the familiar use of an
“apple” representing education and described our mandate as “shining up
the KI apple.” With so much right about KI, it was a matter of adopting
and adapting KI for its second decade, using the latest technology and
the lessons learned from 10 years of courses, questions, and input from
individuals who had earned medallions.

One of the early decisions the KIAB made relied on the research of
American educator Malcolm Knowles. He posited that andragogy6
is a necessary distinction from pedagogy7 when educating adults.
Since most KI members are adults, Knowles’ research and position
became important.
Knowles’ theory can be stated with six assumptions related to motivation
of adult learning:
• Need to know: Adults need to know the reason for learning
• Foundation: Experience (including error) provides the basis
for learning activities.
• Self-direction: Adults need to be responsible for their decisions
on education.
3 Acts 17:11
4 1 Chronicles 12:32
5 Exodus 20:7
6 Andragogy definition: The method and practice of teaching adult learners; adult education.
7 Pedagogy definition: The method and practice of teaching, especially as an academic subject
or theoretical concept.

18 | VOLUME 27 | ISSUE 4
APRIL 2017 | Personal UPDATE

• Readiness: Adults are most interested Adults are most

in learning subjects having immediate interested in
relevance to their work and/or learning subjects
personal lives. having immediate
• Orientation: Adult learning is problem- relevance to their
centered rather than content-oriented. work and/or
• Motivation: Adults respond better to personal lives.
internal versus external motivators.8
The KIAB though with progressing along the three tracks of Bronze,
Silver and Gold, KI needed an outcome statement. A college student
declares a major that focuses the trajectory and density of course
selections while still taking coursework from a variety of disciplines.
In the same way, KI students needed to discover the “major” to which
God was calling. You already realize that the college major is analogous
to the “calling” in ministry. KI (re-)embraced its opportunity to
“equip the saints for the work of THEIR ministries.”9 Dr. Missler, on
countless occasions, has said words to the effect, “We at KI would never
presume to know what your calling
may be. We want to help you prepare “We at KI would never
for whatever God is calling you to.” presume to know what
your calling may be. We
CHANGES want to help you prepare
After months of conversations and for whatever God is
meetings during which our new calling you to.”
understanding of “andragogy” and
our fresh commitment to “equipping,” the KIAB hashed out
recommendations and started implementing them to turn the “agreed
upon” commitments into concrete changes in the KI program. What
follows is an abridged summary of some key changes over the past year.
They have been divided into the three domains of any educational

8 Adapted from

9 Ephesians 4:12

Personal UPDATE | APRIL 2017

1) Relying on existing Koinonia House (“KH”) products as well as
producing some new ones, KI introduced new course content
and design. The Issachar track expanded from its previous
emphasis on prophecy and moved toward realization of one’s
ministry through critical thinking and discernment, among
other aspects.
2) K-credits took on a new value as they became, to some extent, a
measure of the progress made by the member toward identifying
and embracing the ministry to which God was calling
3) Some criteria have been “tweaked” to fit the needs of the
students. For example, KI is piloting with one member who
is seeking a Gold Medallion based on non-Koinonia House
products. For this individual, the ministry to which God is
calling him is one in which there is no specific KH material or
KI coursework available.
4) Work is being done to introduce a "Journal” requirement that
will serve as an opportunity to complete KI requirements while
creating a record of God’s work in the member’s life, regarding
the ministry calling and opportunity.
1) KI members enjoy greater flexibility in course selection, and
ultimately, options.
2) The KWL10 course design has been introduced and it relies on
the KWL11 assessment as its primary student activity. KWL is
consistent with the six assumptions of andragogy.
3) We plan to introduce an SQ3R12 course design that relies on
the SQ3R13 method for reading a document. This creates an
opportunity to develop courses based on books and other
10 The letters KWL are an acronym, for what students, in the course of a lesson, already know, want to know, and
ultimately learn.
11 For more information on KWL assessment, go to:
12 The letters SQ3R are an acronym: Survey, Question, Read Recite & Review
13 For more information on SQ3R, go to:

20 | VOLUME 27 | ISSUE 4
APRIL 2017 | Personal UPDATE

documents. As students propose programs based on non-

Koinonia House products, we will have the capacity to adapt
this course, and include current books in the Koinonia House
“KI is not only in your
ASSESSMENT computer but also in
Along with the aforementioned your community.”
assessments – KWL and SQ3R – the
KIAB decided to eliminate the Final Exam from future courses.14 Final
exams serve an academic purpose and, with a change in trajectory to the
goal of equipping the saints for the work of the ministry, this purpose
became less of a priority. The Ministry Journal and the KWL activities
provide ample opportunities for the adult learner to reflect on learning.
Also, there is an ongoing discussion as to how to make the forums into
more robust discussion opportunities for members.

In mid-2016, KI introduced its Learn the Bible in 24 Hours – Small
Group Initiative. This continues to introduce prospective members
to the KI opportunity while creating person-to-person fellowship.
It has long been an ambition of this author that “KI is not only in your
computer but also in your community.” And I am available to attend
any virtual Small Group to which I am invited. I would like to extend
a “Thank You” to Dave and his small group for recently including me
in their get -together!
This is a summary and a sampling of the plans we have for 2017. I look
forward to hearing from you at

14 For more information, read the article available in your member CAP titled, “Say Goodbye to Final Exams”

Become a “Learn The Bible In 24 Hours”
Small Group Leader!

• Host a small group in your home.

• Encourage the shared experience of learning together.
• Equip others to take what they have learned about
leading a KI Small Group so they can host a small
group of their own.
KI is all about “equipping the saints
for the work of the ministry.”
Go to for more information.
APRIL 2017 | Personal UPDATE

The Fulcrum
of the Entire
Isaiah 53: The Pivot
Point of All history
Isaiah 53 is one of the most
astonishing passages in the
entire Bible:

It is often called, “The Holy

of Holies” of the Old
Te sta m e nt . H o weve r,
it is even more broadly
i m p a c t i n g t h a n m o st
people realize; that’s why
we call it, “The Fulcrum
of the Entire Universe.”
Its reach includes the
entire creation.

Join Dr. Chuck Missler as he

examines Isaiah 53.

$4.95 ea
on our online store:


Personal UPDATE | APRIL 2017

America’s God
and Country
William J. Federer
of Quotations
Highlighting America's Noble
Heritage. Profound Quotes
from Founding Fathers,
Presidents, Statesmen,
Scientists, Constitutions,
Court Decisions.
For use in speeches, papers,
debates, essays...

on our online store:


1. "I believe that the next half century will determine if we will advance the cause of
Christian civilization or revert to the horrors of brutal paganism."
2. "Education is useless without the Bible."
3. "Let every Student be plainly instructed, and earnestly pressed to consider well, the
maine end of his life and studies is, to know God and Jesus Christ which is eternal life."
4. "To suppose that the eye with all its inimitable contrivances ... could have been
formed by natural selections, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest degree."
5. "Nonviolence is the answer to the crucial political and moral questions of our
time; the need for man to overcome oppression and violence without resorting to
oppression and violence."
6. "Whoever shall introduce into public affairs the principles of primitive Christianity will
change the face of the world."
7. "If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a Nation
gone under."

24 | VOLUME 27 | ISSUE 4
APRIL 2017 | Personal UPDATE

The Easter
What Really

on our online store:

What Really Happened?

Most reasonably informed Christians
are well aware that many of the
traditions that surround the Christmas
holidays have pagan origins and
very little correlation with the actual
events as recorded in the Bible.
However, most of us are surprised
when we discover that some of what we have been taught
about Easter is not only in error, but deliberately so!

Leadership for the End Times Return of the Nephilim
Ron Matsen Dr. Chuck Missler
Leadership for the End Times” serves as the This subject has not gone away. On the
NEXT STEP in equipping ourselves with the contrary, much new evidence has surfaced
tools and insights we need to be a guiding with global implications. Chuck explores the
light to a world coping in the Last Days Biblical relevance and disturbing agenda
darkness of chaos and deceit. This follows of the apparent extraterrestrial life forms
the wonderful success of the “Weathering that have been forcing themselves into our
the Coming Storm” global consciousness and reveals their most
disturbing agenda.

Church in the End Times Angels, Volume I: The Angelic Realm

Dr. Chuck Missler Dr. Chuck Missler
What are Christians called to do during For thousands of years most of us have
these turbulent times? How can you either had or still hold to misconceptions,
make a difference in your family, among myths, legends, or traditions about angels
your friends, and within your community? and our own reality. In this study we will deal
This follows the wonderful success of the with these fascinating entities.
“Weathering the Coming Storm”

Weathering the Coming Storm Angels, Volume II: The Invisible War
Dr. Chuck Missler & Ron Matsen Dr. Chuck Missler
Soul Survival – Keeping your “lamp full” Volume two of a two part series, this DVD
during the hard times ahead. Join Dr. Chuck deals with these and many of the questions
Missler and Ron Matsen in the Executive you may have such as:
Briefing Room of What is Hell, Hades and Gehenna?
The River Lodge, New Zealand, in an How do Demons differ from Angels and
intensive summary outlining what lies what's their limitations and agenda?
ahead and how we can prepare for the What is Satan's origin, agenda and destiny?
coming storm. What is the Age of Hybrids?

The Next Holocaust Angels, Volume III: The Denizens

Dr. Chuck Missler
of the Metacosm
Jesus warns the dwellers in Judea that Dr. Chuck Missler
when they see the "Abomination of
Volume 3 explores the contradictory
Desolation" - a desecrating idol installed in
behavior of UFOs and other demonic
the Holy of Holies of the Temple - to flee to
deceptions characteristic of the End Times.
the mountains. In this study, Chuck explores
Explore these topics in more detail in this
some of the less familiar prophecies of the
two-hour briefing, Angels Vol 3:
End Times, the Tribulation, and the Second
The Denizens of the Metacosm.
Coming of Jesus Christ.

The Spiritual Gifts Golgotha

Dr. Chuck Missler Bob Cornuke
The apostle Paul told the Corinthian Maybe it’s time you learned the truth about
Christians, “Now concerning spiritual gifts, the true location of where Christ was
brethren, I would not have you ignorant.” crucified. Golgotha makes a captivating
Sadly, today many people are confused case that Jesus didn’t die where tradition
about the person and work of the tells us he did.
Holy Spirit.

Death of Discernment The Feasts of Israel

Ron Matsen Dr. Chuck Missler
Of all the end-time themes discussed in We live in a skeptical environment,
the Bible—such as global disasters where even the very existence of truth is
(Mat 24), the rise of the global super-state, questioned. Lately, the Bible - and even the
the identity of the Antichrist, the mark of Lord Jesus himself - has been under attack.
the beast, and the Magog invasion (Ezek
38-39)—“deception and apostasy in the
church” is listed more times than any other
end-time “sign of the times.”

Entire Bible on MP3 Critical Thinking

Dr. Chuck Missler Chris Corlett
‘The Old Testament is in the New Testament How do we separate reliable information
revealed and the New Testament is the Old from unreliable information?
Testament concealed.’ Now available in a How does the quantum of proof differ in
single package—the entire Bible on MP3 the court of public opinion from the court
PC DVD-ROM. This comprehensive verse- of competent jurisdiction?
by-verse collection will provide hours of How does the Bible sharpen our
uplifting and transforming discoveries and discernment?
Mark Titles Below And Add Total To The Summary At The Bottom Of This Page.
APRIL 2017 | Personal UPDATE
Topical Studies by Chuck Missler on CD or DVD - For Download Pricing visit
Each study is US$19.95 and contains approximately two hours of audio or video
Angels Vol. 1: The Angelic Realm CDA114 DVD108 A Walk Thru the Bible CDA56
Angels Vol. 2: The Invisible War CDA115 DVD109 How to Study the Bible CDA60 DVD28
Angels Vol. 3: Denizens/Metacosm CDA135 DVD135 How We Got Our Bible CDA55 DVD27
Behold a Black Horse CDA151 DVD160 The Grand Adventure CDA47
Behold a Livid Horse CDA152 DVD161 PERSONAL CD Qty DVD Qty
Behold a Red Horse CDA150 DVD159 Armor For the Age of Deceit CDA30
Behold a White Horse CDA149 DVD158 Being Faithful in Faithless World CDA46
Church in the End Times CDA123 DVD122 Halloween: Invitation to Occult? CDA17
Eternal Security CDA82 DVD56 Kabbalah CDA26 DVD23
Footprints of the Messiah CDA37 DVD105 Spiritual Gifts - 3 Hours CDA42 DVD155
Fulcrum of the Entire Universe CDA134 DVD134 Storm Warning--Missler/McDonald CDA110 DVD100
Heaven and Hell CDA18 DVD07 Thanksgiving CDA84
Hidden Treasures CDA128 DVD127 The Architecture of Man CDA45
Inheritance & Rewards CDA101 DVD71 The Da Vinci Deception CDA23 DVD18
Israel and The Church CDA116 DVD110 The Once & Future Church CDA16 DVD05
Jesus: Who & Why? CDA125 DVD124 The Vortex Strategy CDA77 DVD45
Jonah - The Reluctant Prophet CDA103 Twilight’s Last Gleaming? CDA49 DVD61
Letters To Seven Churches CDA39 What Is Truth? CDA63 DVD34
Return of the Nephilim CDA14 DVD06 Beyond Coincidence CDA34 DVD82
The 7th Day CDA093 Beyond Newton CDA108 DVD85
The Agony of Love CDA51 Beyond Perception CDA36 DVD84
The Beginning of Wisdom CDA136 DVD136 Beyond Time & Space CDA31 DVD80
The Christmas Story CDA58 DVD49 Biotech: Update CDA02 DVD30
The Easter Story CDA68 DVD40 Digging Up the Truth CDA03
The Feasts of Israel CDA76 DVD44 DNA by Design - Meyer/Missler DVD79
The Flood of Noah CDA43 Genesis and the Big Bang CDA40
The Origin of Evil CDA85 DVD58 In the Beginning…was Information CDA32
The Physics of Immortality CDA148 DVD157 Monuments: Sacred or Profane? CDA48
The Prodigal Heirs CDA104 Seat of Mercy CDA07
The Rapture CDA13 DVD75 Signs in the Heavens CDA35
The Sovereignty of Man CDA41 Stretching the Heavens CDA57
The Trinity CDA33 The Holographic Universe CDA119 DVD116
The Whole Counsel of God CDA102 DVD72 The Hybrid Age - Missler/Horn CDA113 DVD107
This Generation CDA27 DVD24 Technology & the Bible CDA80 DVD52
Thy Kingdom Come CDA08 DVD63 The Mysteries of Mars CDA38
A Legacy of Hate (Chuck & Avi) CDA05 Critical Thinking - Corlett * NEW * CDA158 DVD177
Babylon: Alternate View CDA21 DVD14 Death of Discernment - Matsen CDA117 DVD112
Betrayal of the Chosen CDA50 Defending the Bible - Matsen CDA137 DVD137
Daniel’s 70 Weeks CDA25 DVD19 Discovering God - Matsen CDA131 DVD130
Europa Rising CDA15 DVD04 Doctrines of Demons - Matsen CDA142 DVD144
Hosea, Can You See? CDA44 Human Nature - Matsen CDA132 DVD132
Jihad: America’s New War CDA06 Leadership/End Times - Matsen CDA124 DVD123
Myths of Eschatology CDA156 DVD167 The Gospel - Matsen CDA127 DVD126
Roots of War: Profiling MidEast CDA11 DVD02 The Great Commission - Matsen CDA130 DVD129
The Kingdom of Blood CDA092 The Love of God - Matsen CDA129 DVD128
The Kings of the East CDA61 DVD32 Mary - Dr. William Welty DVD170
The Magog Invasion: Alt. View CDA107 DVD77
The New World Order CDA52
The Next Holocaust CDA65 DVD36
The Sword of Allah CDA105
** Individual Topical Studies ** ** Individual Topical Studies **

All prices in U.S. dollars, correct at time of printing and may be subject to change.
Personal UPDATE | APRIL 2017

Other Topical Studies CD Price Qty DVD Price Qty Total

Alien Encounters Conference DVD131 39.95
Ancient Texts - Peter Flint/ Scott Carroll * NEW * DVD178 44.95
Angels Series - Chuck Missler: 6 hrs CDA155 49.95 DVD165 49.95
An Agape Weekend - Chuck & Nancy Missler: 6 hrs CDA121 49.95 DVD118 49.95
Cosmic Codes - Chuck Missler: 8+ hrs CDA24 49.95
Expectations of the Antichrist - Chuck Missler & Ron Matsen: 6 hrs CDA141 49.95 DVD141 49.95
Family Matters Vols. 1-3 - DVD - Matsen ** DVD149 39.90
Getting Started Series - Chuck Missler: 8+ hrs CDA097 49.95
Islamic Uprising - Lipkin DVD97 19.95
Kingdom, Power & Glory Weekend - Chuck & Nancy Missler: 6 hrs CDA126 49.95 DVD125 49.95
On the Trail of Discovery - Cornuke: 2 hrs CDA154 19.95 DVD163 19.95
Prophecy 101 - Chuck Missler: 4 hrs CDA66 29.95 DVD08 29.95
Redesigning the Church - Stolebarger: 2 hrs CDA122 19.95 DVD121 19.95
Shiite/Sunni - Lipkin CDA79 19.95 DVD47 19.95
Sleeping in America - Lipkin CDA19 19.95 DVD11 19.95
Strategic Trends 2012 - Chuck Missler & Ron Matsen: 4 hrs CDA118 29.95 DVD114 29.95
The Beyond Collection - Chuck Missler: 8 hrs CDA109 49.95 DVD86 49.95
The Case for Mecca - Lipkin CDA099 19.95 DVD69 19.95
The Coming Conflict - Lipkin CDA72 19.95 DVD38 19.95
The "Creator" Series - Chuck Missler & Mark Eastman: 8+ hrs CDA096 49.95
The Dead Sea Scrolls - Flint: 2 hrs DVD89 19.95
The End Times Scenario - Chuck Missler: 6 hrs CDA090 49.95 DVD113 49.95
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: 8 hrs CDA153 49.95 DVD162 49.95
The Holy Spirit - Ron Matsen: 4 hrs CDA138 29.95 DVD138 29.95
The Mystery of Melchizedek - Chuck Missler: DVD - 1 hr DVD152 14.95
The NOW Prophecies - Bill Salus DVD176 14.95
The Reemergence of Assyria - Ron Matsen: 1 hr DVD154 14.95
The Romance of Redemption - Chuck Missler: 4 hrs CDA091 29.95 DVD143 29.95
Turkey: Turn Thee Back - Lipkin CDA81 19.95 DVD53 19.95
Weathering the Coming Storm - Chuck Missler & Ron Matsen: 5 hrs CDA120 39.95 DVD117 39.95

Commentaries (plus notes) MP3 Price Qty CD Price Qty DVD Price Qty
Genesis (24 sessions) CD116 44.95 CDC01 89.95 DVD15 89.95
Exodus (16 sessions) CD011 39.95
Leviticus (16 sessions) CD037 39.95
Numbers (8 sessions) CD046 29.95 CDC04 44.95 DVD94 44.95
Deuteronomy (16 sessions) CD043 39.95
Joshua/12 Tribes (16 sessions) CD018 39.95
Judges (16 sessions) CD038 39.95
Ruth & Esther (8 sessions) CD019 29.95 CDC20 44.95 DVD66 44.95
I & II Samuel (16 sessions) CD040 39.95
I & II Kings (16 sessions) CD041 39.95
I & II Chronicles (16 sessions) CD048 39.95 CDC09 69.95 DVD76 69.95
Ezra & Nehemiah (8 sessions) CD042 29.95
Job (8 sessions) CD033 29.95
Psalms (24 sessions) CD049 44.95 CDC12 89.95 DVD43 89.95
Proverbs (8 sessions) CD047 29.95 CDC05 44.95 DVD29 44.95
Ecclesiastes (8 sessions) CD039 29.95
Song of Songs (5 sessions) CD017 29.95 CDC30 44.95 DVD98 44.95
Isaiah (24 sessions) CD022 44.95 CDC33 89.95 DVD139 89.95
Jeremiah/Lamentations (24 sessions) CD015 44.95
Ezekiel (24 sessions) CD008 44.95 CDC16 89.95 DVD60 89.95
Daniel (16 sessions) CD004 39.95 CDC02 69.95 DVD20 69.95
Prophets to the N. Kingdom (13 sessions) CD051 34.95 CDC26 59.95 DVD91 59.95
Prophets to the Gentiles (8 sessions) CD052 29.95 CDC27 44.95 DVD92 44.95
Prophets to the S. Kingdom (13 sessions) CD050 34.95 CDC25 59.95 DVD87 59.95
Prophets to the Post-Exile (22 sessions) CD053 44.95
Matthew (24 sessions) CD006 44.95 CDC06 89.95 DVD33 89.95
Mark (16 sessions) CD028 39.95 CDC23 69.95 DVD81 69.95
Luke (24 sessions) CD021 44.95 CDC29 89.95 DVD96 89.95
John (20 sessions) CD027 39.95 CDC32 74.95 DVD120 74.95
Acts (16 sessions) CD023 39.95 CDC31 69.95 DVD104 69.95
Romans (24 sessions) CD009 44.95 CDC10 89.95 DVD46 89.95
I & II Corinthians (22 sessions) CD055 44.95 CDC34 89.95 DVD164 89.95
Galatians (8 sessions) CD012 29.95 CDC15 44.95 DVD55 44.95

28 | VOLUME 27 | ISSUE 4 All prices in U.S. dollars. See also our online store:
APRIL 2017 | Personal UPDATE

Commentaries (plus notes) Continued. MP3 Price Qty CD Price Qty DVD Price Qty
Ephesians (8 sessions) CD020 29.95 CDC17 44.95 DVD59 44.95
Philippians (6 sessions) CD030 29.95 CDC28 44.95 DVD93 44.95
Colossians (8 sessions) CD034 29.95 CDC21 44.95 DVD74 44.95
I & II Thessalonians (8 sessions) CD032 29.95 CDC24 44.95 DVD83 44.95
I & II Timothy/Titus/Philemon (8 sessions) CD014 29.95 CDC13 44.95 DVD51 44.95
Hebrews (16 sessions) CD016 39.95 CDC11 69.95 DVD54 69.95
James (8 sessions) * Now as DVD * CD013 29.95 CDC07 44.95 DVD168 44.95
I & II Peter (8 sessions) CD024 29.95 CDC18 44.95 DVD64 44.95
I, II, & III John (8 sessions) CD029 29.95 CDC22 44.95 DVD78 44.95
Jude (8 sessions) * Now as DVD * CD010 29.95 CDC08 44.95 DVD169 44.95
Revelation (24 sessions) CD005 44.95 CDC03 89.95 DVD26 89.95
Minor Prophets Set on MP3 CD-ROM CD054 99.95
Entire Old Testament on MP3 CD-ROM CDOTEST 499.00
Entire New Testament on MP3 CD-ROM CDNTEST 399.00
Entire Bible on MP3 PC DVD-ROM DVDMP3BIBLE 550.00
Comprehensive Study Workbooks # Price Qty Total
Cosmic Codes Comprehensive Workbook BK124 14.95
Hermeneutics 101 Workbook (How we Got/How to Study Bible) BK136 14.95
Learn the Bible in 24 Hours Comprehensive Workbook BK123 14.95
Prophecy 101 Comprehensive Workbook BK122 14.95
Genesis Commentary Comprehensive Workbook BK120 14.95
Numbers Commentary Comprehensive Workbook BK144 14.95
Proverbs Commentary Comprehensive Workbook BK137 14.95
Daniel Commentary Comprehensive Workbook BK127 14.95
Prophets to the N. Kingdom Comprehensive Workbook BK167 14.95
Prophets to the S. Kingdom Comprehensive Workbook BK168 14.95
Prophets to the Gentiles Comprehensive Workbook BK169 14.95
Matthew Commentary Comprehensive Workbook BK143 14.95
Mark Commentary Comprehensive Workbook BK183 14.95
Luke Commentary Comprehensive Workbook BK177 14.95
John Commentary Comprehensive Workbook BK182 14.95
Acts Commentary Comprehensive Workbook BK178 14.95
Revelation Commentary Comprehensive Workbook BK131 14.95
Bundles # Price Qty Total
Ancient Texts Bundle: (DVDs) Ancient Texts, How We Got Our Bible * NEW * BUNDLE015 44.95
Finding Truth Bundle: (DVDs) Jude Commentary, What is Truth? Critical Thinking * NEW * BUNDLE014 69.65
The Four Horsemen Paperback Bundle (White, Red, Black and Livid books) BUNDLE003 19.95
Genesis Study Set (DVD, Notes, Workbook) BUNDLE011 100.00
Mary Bundle: (DVD, Paperback book) BUNDLE013 29.95
Revelation Study Set (DVD, Notes, Workbook) BUNDLE012 100.00
Learn the Bible in 24 Hours # Price Qty Total
Learn the Bible in 24 Hours DVD set (24 hrs.) - Chuck Missler (Incl. Free Video Download) DVD25 89.95
Learn the Bible in 24 Hours Book BK107 19.99
Learn the Bible in 24 Hours on Audio CD - 24 CDs + CD-ROM CDA10 89.95
Learn the Bible in 24 Hours CD-ROM CD105 44.95
Learn the Bible in 24 Hours Study set (DVD, Handbook, Workbook, Free Video Download) BUNDLE004 100.00
Books # Price Qty Total
America’s God and Country - William J. Federer * NEW * BK216 20.00
Alien Encounters - Chuck Missler & Mark Eastman BK056 16.95
Behold a White Horse - Chuck Missler BK195 5.95
Behold a Red Horse - Chuck Missler BK196 5.95
Behold a Black Horse - Chuck Missler BK197 5.95
Behold a Livid Horse - Chuck Missler BK198 5.95
Beyond Coincidence - Chuck Missler BK205 5.95
Beyond Newton - Chuck Missler BK207 5.95
Beyond Perception - Chuck Missler BK206 5.95
Beyond Time and Space - Chuck Missler BK204 5.95
Cosmic Codes - Chuck Missler: Revised & Expanded! BK119 19.95
The Christmas Story - Chuck Missler BK199 5.95
Daniel's 70 Weeks - Chuck Missler BK194 5.95
The Feasts of Israel - Chuck Missler * NEW * BK209 5.95
Footprints of the Messiah - Chuck Missler * NEW * BK210 5.95
Fulcrum of the Entire Universe * NEW * BK218 5.95
Hidden Treasures - Chuck Missler BK100 5.95
All prices in U.S. dollars, correct at time of printing and may be subject to change.
See also our online store:
Personal UPDATE | APRIL 2017

Books Continued. # Price Qty Total

How We Got Our Bible - Chuck Missler * NEW * BK203 5.95
I, Jesus: an Autobiography (Hardcover) - Chuck Missler & William Welty, Ph.D. BK188 19.95
Israel and the Church - Chuck Missler * NEW * BK214 5.95
The Kingdom, Power & Glory - Chuck & Nancy Missler BK150 18.95
Mary: Ten Test Questions for the World's Finest Woman - Dr. William Welty BK208 14.95
Prophecy 20/20 - Chuck Missler BK139 13.99
The NOW Prophecies - Bill Salus BK213 15.95
The Rapture - Chuck Missler BK193 5.95
The Romance of Redemption - Chuck Missler * NEW * BK202 5.95
Spiritual Gifts - Chuck Missler * NEW * BK215 5.95
The Trinity - Chuck Missler BK200 5.95

Robert Cornuke Book Price Qty DVD Price Qty

Golgotha - Searching for the True Location of Christ’s Crucifixion * NEW *
BK212 14.95 DVD175 19.95
(DVD approx. 2 hrs)
In Search of the Lost Shipwreck of Paul (Hardcover) BK211 22.00
Mountain of Fire - The Search for the True Mount Sinai - (Approx. 1 hr) DVD171 14.95
On the Trail of Discovery - (Approx. 2 hrs) DVD163 19.95
Search for the Ark of the Covenant - (Approx. 1 hr) DVD172 14.95
Search for the Lost Shipwreck of Paul - (Approx. 1 hr) DVD173 14.95
Search for Noah's Ark - (Approx. 1 hr) DVD174 14.95
Temple BK191 12.00
The King’s High Way Series - by Nancy Missler Book Price Qty DVD Price Qty
Against the Tide: Getting Beyond Ourselves -- Book BK105 5.95
Be Ye Transformed BK020 14.95 DVD16 49.95
Be Ye Transformed Leader's Guide -- Notebook BK023 19.95
Faith in the Night Seasons BK087 13.95 DVD17 49.95
Faith in the Night Seasons Leaders Guide -- Notebook BK095 19.95
Hope Against Hope -- Book BK189 18.95
Never Give Up! -- Book BK129 6.95
Private Worship: The Key to Joy -- Book BK114 10.95
Re-Igniting the Passion - DVD (4 hours) DVD39 34.95
Reflections of His Image: God's Purpose for Your Life -- Book BK140 12.95
The Choice: Hypocrisy or Real Christianity? -- Book BK102 6.95
The Key: How to Let Go and Let God -- Book BK098 6.95
The Kingdom, Power & Glory BK150 18.95 DVD57 59.95
The Kingdom, Power & Glory Leader's Guide -- Notebook BK155 19.95
The Kingdom, Power & Glory Workbook BK154 12.95
The Way of Agape BK016 17.95 DVD10 49.95
The Way of Agape Leader's Guide -- Notebook BK019 19.95
Tomorrow May Be Too Late -- Book BK118 6.95
Why Should I Be The First to Change -- Book (Introductory) BK015 6.95

Conferences # Price Qty Total

Strategic Perspectives 2016 DVD Set * NEW * KIDVD30 60.00
Strategic Perspectives 2016 Audio CD Set * NEW * KICDA12 60.00
Strategic Perspectives 2015 DVD Set KIDVD29 60.00
Strategic Perspectives 2015 Audio CD Set KICDA11 60.00

Shipping Table
If Subtotal is: USA CANADA INTL-Surface INTL-Air
$10.00 and less $2.75 C$4.50 $5.00 $16.00
$10.01 - $15.00 $3.75 C$5.50 $6.00 $20.00
$15.01 - $30.00 $4.75 C$7.00 $8.00 $25.00
$30.01 - $50.00 $5.75 C$8.00 $9.00 $27.50
$50.01 - $100.00 $7.25 C$9.50 $10.00 $30.00
$100.01 - $150.00 $8.75 C$12.00 $12.50 $35.00
$150.01 - $200.00 $10.25 C$13.50 $15.00 $40.00
Over $200.00 $11.75 C$15.00 10% 20%

30 | VOLUME 27 | ISSUE 4 All prices in U.S. dollars. See also our online store:
APRIL 2017 | Personal UPDATE

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Jesus of Nazareth Speaks in His Own Words
about Himself, His Purpose, His Nature,
and His Mission

HANCES ARE, Jesus isn’t who you think He is.

No matter what you may have read before about
this first-century rabbi from Nazareth, there’s
a good possibility that you’ve been misinformed. In fact,
maybe you’ve been wrong from the start about the most
amazing man who ever walked the surface of the earth.
Many people who knew Jesus understood Him
well enough to admire Him, to respect Him,
and to love Him. Others were terrified of Him.
Some of His own relatives said He was out of His
mind. But the politically and religiously intolerant
leaders of first-century Israel hated Him. So they
murdered Him. But that wasn’t the end of the story. Dr. Chuck
Not by a long shot. Missler

Today, more than twenty centuries later, respected

Bible scholars Dr. Chuck Missler and Dr. William
Welty bring Jesus of Nazareth to you in the most
unconventional way possible… by bringing Jesus
of Nazareth to talk in His very own words about
Himself, His purpose, His nature, and His mission.
Dr. William Welty

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