Prerequisite 1 Examination - Join The Illuminati Members Portal

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Is there a membership fee to join the


Yes, the fee is $100,000 annually.

Yes, the fee is $1,000,000 monthly.

No, there is no fee to join the Illuminati.

Does the Illuminati worship Satan or God?

The Illuminati worships Satan.

The Illuminati worships God.

The Illuminati has no religious belief.

Does the Illuminati require human or animal

Yes, the Illuminati requires human sacrifices.

Yes, the Illuminati requires animal sacrifices.

No, the Illuminati does not require human or animal sacrifices.

What is the Illuminati’s primary purpose?

To establish a society that is ruled by the wealthy.

To secure the ongoing survival of the human species.

To end all wars and create a peaceful society.

Who is allowed to apply for membership in the

Only men are allowed to apply for Illuminati membership.

All people, in all places, are allowed to apply for Illuminati


Only those of European heritage are allowed to apply for Illuminati



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