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Lesson Plan

Lesson Title: C Block Life Skills Physical Education, 11:10am-12:20pm

Braden Schrader, 110988
Date and Class: October 27, 2017, Life Skills Physical Education Class, East Gym

Outcomes Addressed:
Essential Questions
1. Why is Warm-up important?
2. What Happens if you get hit with a ball?
3. How do you win the games we are playing in class?
4. How do you do the exercises for warm-up properly?

Essential Understandings
1. Rules of the games being played
2. Importance of teamwork
3. Importance of fair play and honesty
4. Emphasis on fitness warm-up (fitness focus)

Curricular Outcomes
The Student will be able to:
1. K.2.2.C.3- Recognize the importance of warm-up (light aerobic activity).
2. K.1.K.C.1- Follow the fundamental rules used in simple games and activity.
3. S.1.3.A2- Demonstrate competency in basic manipulation skills, such as throwing and catching,
in a variety of activities to challenge different levels of ability.
4. S.2.2.A.1a- Participate in cooperative and/or low competitive-type physical activities (e.g., with
partners, in small groups that contribute to skill/fitness development and enjoyment).
5. S.2.S2.A.1a- Participate in different types of training and conditioning activities that contribute
to personal fitness development.

Materials Required:
 Ball Cart
 Gator Balls (at least one for each student and education assistants that are participating)
 Pylons (used as a boundary for warmup and for certain games, placed on the 4 corners of the
volleyball court)
 Colored pinny’s for students
 4 Floor Scooters
 Frisbees

Teaching and Learning Activities: (Time allotments noted)

1. At the start of class while teacher is writing warm up down on white board with the help of one
student, students can shoot around basketballs for 2-3 minutes.
2. Once teacher says “balls away”, students are expected to put the balls away on the ball cart and
sit down around the white board to discuss the daily warm-up. 2-3 minutes
3. Warm Up will be broken up into 3 minute rounds. 10 minutes
4. Teacher will actively participate in the warm up with the students to ensure it is completed

1. Frisbee Waiter- Students will each be given one Frisbee; they have to hold the Frisbee with one
hand while balancing the bottom of the Frisbee on the hand. The object of the game is to
knock the other students Frisbee out of their hands. If the students Frisbee gets knocked to the
ground, they must do 5 jumping jacks to get back in the game. (6 minutes)
2. Barricade ball- Students will be split up into 2 teams, one team will be shirts, the other team
will be a colored pinny. The teacher will use pylons to mark the boundary that the students
cannot cross at half court. The teacher will also place 2 mats on each side of the boundary to
be used by the students as a means of cover from getting hit with a ball from the opposing
team. If the student gets hit with the ball, they must do 2 jumping squats to get back into the
game. (15 minutes)
3. Scooter Relay- Students will be broken up into 4 teams, each team will be wearing a different
colored pinny. Each team will be given one floor scooter each, and a pylon will mark the start
and turn around point for each team. The first objective is for the students to sit on the scooter
and push themselves around the other pylon and back to their teammates. The next student
will go and so on. Each team must complete this twice. The second relay will be that the
students must sit on the scooter and a teammate must push or pull them around the pylon and
back to the start position. Each team must complete this twice. (15-20 minutes)
4. Fastest Tag in the West- Using the pylons as a visual for the boundaries, students will all be
considered “it”, once a student gets tagged they can go get changed.

Differentiation of Instruction:
1. Push Ups can be done as Kneeling Push Ups
2. Jumping Jacks can be done as Seal Jacks
3. Flutter Kicks can be done as Bicycle Crunches
4. Pylons can be used as a visual for the boundary lines

Opportunity for Assessment:

1. The teacher will need to make anecdotal comments of how each student performed.
2. During the assessment if the student is making errors the teacher will take this time to re teach
the concept.
3. The teacher will check for understanding throughout the lesson.

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