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Engineering Congress Meeting Minutes 02/08/2018

In Attendance: Melanie Meighan, Nick Reitz, Shannon Rogers, Liam Saccucci-Bryan, Dustin
Travis, Jackson Norwood, Tim Mahany, Daniel Sanabria, Cameron Martineau
John F. McMahon Ceramic Teaching Excellence Award (the club/organization will need
to provide a plaque for this award)
Nominees: Carty, Tidrow, Keenan
Advancement of Women in Engineering Award
Nominees: Shannon Rogers, Melanie Meighan, Emily Steiner, Ashlee Wilmier
The Dr. Richard C. Martin Outstanding Senior Scholarship
Nominees: Dan Delia
The Dr. Richard C. Martin Outstanding Teaching Assistant (Graduate Student)
Nominees: Max Modungo, Wanrui He
National Engineering Week
Club Meetings
Women in Engineering Day
Hot Dog Day
Pine Hill Derby
Club Involvement
Pi your President
Under Engineering Congress or ASME?
Fundraiser for
Cancer Society in Memory of Cathy Johnson
Other Ideas?

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