Connections B1-Burlington. UNIT 1: 1. Match

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Connections b1- Burlington.


1. Match

I came to the realisation it is logical

Get ahead nothing went right
Hastily pick on
Gradually become calm again
Bullying I found out (averiguar)
To pull myself together make progress
Benefit of the doubt do something without thinking
Form an impression get an idea of something
It makes sense see something positive
Everything went wrong Little by little

2. Translate

Stick up for your Friends-

Share your feelings-

I feel uptight and nervous-

I keep my distance-

I was held up in traffic-

Convey a message to someone-

You look forward to a new experience-

She was impressed by first impression-

People judge me-

I learned something from a relative-

I looked scruffy-

It makes all the difference-

Keep your word-

Give your word-

3. Write sentences with the same meaning. Use 2 to 5 words.

a) Tom learnt English gradually.
(Little) Tom______________________________
b) It is not logical at all!
(sense) It doesn’t__________________________
c) I found out that Kate was a policewoman.
(realisation) I _____________________________that Kate was a policewoman.
d) Please, go on with the exercises!
(ahead) Please, _______________________
e) I was really uptight, but I managed to calm again after the accident.
(Pull) I was really uptight, but I _________________________ after the accident.
f) When my Friends are in trouble, I always support them and help them.
(stick) When my Friends are in trouble, I always _______________ them.

4. Choose the right option

a) Please, tell John to leave me. He’s always sticking up for/ picking on me.
b) Kate wasn’t on time, she turned on/ up late for the meeting.
c) I often don’t go / don’t often go/not often go to the cinema.
d) The film always starts/ is starting at 8 pm.
e) Kate won’t believe you if you don’t save/ keep/ leave your word.
f) You should turn off/ up/ on the ligths when you go to bed.
g) She didn’t want to work for him, so she turned down/ to/ up the job.
h) I didn’t form/pass/keep an impression of Jack in one single day.
i) She took/ made/ formed a decision to move to Australia.
j) I kept/ took/made advantage to learn English when I visited my brother in
k) My father will keep/take/ make an attempt to fix the car.

5. Translate:
Aprovechar para _______________________ pasar tiempo:____________________
Hacer un comentario___________________ aparecer:_______________________
Apagar______________________________ dar la palabra_____________________
Apoyar a tus amigos____________________ formarse una impresión____________
Aprobar un examen____________________ hacer un intento__________________
Hacer un comentario___________________ mantener la distancia______________
Tomarse tiempo para___________________ mantener una promesa_____________

6. Complete with the missing words

a) When Kate turned the tv ________, she got asleep and went to sleep.
b) I will not _____________ down the job because I love working for that Company.
c) She didn’t turn _____ for the meeting, so they didn`t count on her for the job.
d) I thought she was stupid, but it turned ______ that she was lovely!
e) If you have problems, turn _____ the teacher and he will help you.
f) I don’t know how to ______ my time when it is raining!
g) Will it make a ____________ if I tell you the truth?
h) If you want your mother to believe you, you should _______ your promise.
i) She ________ a good impression of the city when she arrived there.
j) I took the _______________ to study when I was at university.
k) I don’t trust Karen, so you should _______ your distance from her.
l) My father _________ an attempt to repair the Windows after the storm.

7. Translate.
A) Ellos tienen mucho en común-
B) Tú debes mantener las distancias de Tom.
C) Kate no apareció en la fiesta
D) Apaga las luces cuando vayas a dormir
E) Nosotros nos tomamos tiempo para planear el viaje.
F) Es una oportunidad ideal para ver la ciudad.
G) Ella me ignoró.
H) ¿a quién pertenece ese coche? (BELONG)
I) Me dí cuenta que tenía que trabajar duro. (REALISATION)
J) Tienes que hacer el intento de estudiar. (ATTEMPT)
K) Yo estaba atascado en un atasco. (HELD)
L) Mi perro normalmente no persigue gatos. (USUALLY)
8. Transform the sentences
a) They didn’t give John the job.
(TURNED) John was __________________ for the job.
b) She will soon realice that she has to study hard at English.
(REALISATION) she will soon __________________________has to study hard at
c) Let’s try to get to know Tom better.
(MAKE) Let’s ________________________ get to know Tom better.
d) This is my car.
(BELONGS) this car ___________________ me.
e) She was stuck in a traffic jam yesterday.
(HELD) She ________________________ in a traffic jam yesterday.
f) It’s unusual for me to go shopping.
(USUALLY) I dont’ ________________________ shopping.
g) It’s unusual for my dog to run after cats.
(USUALLY) My dog ____________________________run after cats.
h) I seldom go shopping.
(OFTEN) I don’t ______________________________shopping.
i) Susan seldom goes away on holiday.
(OFTEN) Susan _______________________ away on holiday.
j) Tina tried to open the Windows, but she couldn’t.
(ATTEMPT) Tina ____________________________open the Windows, but she
k) In the end, we realised that my sister was a good person.
(TURNED) In the end, my sister ______________________be a good person.
9. Pres simple/continuous

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