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Applied Mathematics E-Notes, 17(2017), 307-318 c ISSN 1607-2510

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A Krasnoselskii Existence Result For Nonlinear

Delay Caputo q–Fractional Di¤erence Equations
With Applications to Lotka–Volterra Competition
Thabet Abdeljawady, Jehad Alzabutz, Hui Zhoux
Received 28 February 2017

In this paper, we investigate the existence of solutions for nonlinear delay
Caputo q–fractional di¤erence equations. The main result is proved by means of
Krasnoselskii’s …xed point theorem. As an application, we link the conclusion of
the main theorem to an existence result for Lotka–Volterra model.

1 Introduction
The theory of q-calculus, on one hand, which is dated back to the late of nineties
deals with continuous functions which do not need to be smooth. Despite the early
exploration, its investigation was lagged to the beginning of the twentieth century
when discussed in Jackson’s paper [1]. Following the discovery of its demonstrated
applications in the …elds of combinatorics and ‡uid mechanics, Al Salam re-introduced
this theory in his paper [2] and then it has continued to develop until these days [3-12].
The theory of fractional calculus, on the other hand, generalizes integer-order analysis
by considering derivatives of non-integer order [13, 14]. Notable contributions have
been made to both theory and application of fractional calculus during the last years
when some rather special properties of derivatives of arbitrary order were examined
for arbitrary functions. Applications including problems in rheology, electrochemistry,
physics and engineering are amongst those which can be described using equations of
fractional order; the reader is invited to see the paper [15] for more topics considered
as an applications of fractional calculus.
The natural extension, which we investigate here, is to consider a q-fractional calcu-
lus which uni…es these two theories by considering q-derivatives of non-integer order. In
Mathematics Subject Classi…cations: 34A08, 34A12, 39A13.
y Department of Mathematics and General Sciences, Prince Sultan University, P. O. Box 66833,
Riyadh 11586, Saudi Arabia
z Department of Mathematics and General Sciences, Prince Sultan University, P. O. Box 66833,

Riyadh 11586, Saudi Arabia

x School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, P.

R. China

308 A Krasnoselskii Existence Result

the recent years, there have appeared many results dealing with the qualitative prop-
erties of solutions of q-fractional equations; for instance one can consult [16-23]. In the
analysis of di¤erential equations, particularly, the determination of whether there is a
solution or not is one of the main concepts that must be taken into consideration before
proceeding to the investigations of other properties of solutions. The existence of so-
lutions for q-fractional equations involving boundary conditions has been the object of
many researchers who carried out the investigations under di¤erent conditions and by
using various methods [24-29]. Less contributions, never the less, have been conducted
for q-fractional equations with initial conditions [30]. The Lotka-Volterra model has
been extensively investigated through di¤erent approaches [33, 34, 35]. However, all
the above mentioned papers studied the integer order Lotka-Volterra model. Despite
its signi…cance, there are few papers studied the fractional order Lotka-Volterra model
[36, 37]. As far as we know, however, there is no literature achieved in the direction of
q-fractional Lotka-Volterra model.
For 0 < q < 1, we de…ne the time scale Tq = fq n : n 2 Zg[f0g; where Z is the set of
integers. For a = q n0 and n0 2 Z, we denote Ta = [a; 1)q = fq i a : i = 0; 1; 2; : : :g. Let
Rm be the m-dimensional Euclidean space and de…ne I = f a; q 1 a; q 2 a; : : : ; ag,
N0 = f0; 1; 2; 3; : : :g and T a = [ a; 1)q = f a; q 1 a; q 2 a; : : :g where = q d 2
Tq ; d 2 N0 and I = fag with d = 0 is the non-delay case .
The objective of this paper is to study the existence of solutions for equations of
the form
q Ca x(t) = f (t; x(t); x( t)) t 2 Ta ;
x(t) = (t) t2I ;
where f : Ta R R ! R, : I ! R and q Ca denotes the Caputo’s q-fractional di¤er-
ence operator of order 2 (0; 1). To prove our main results, we employ Krasnoselskii
…xed point theorem and Arzela-Ascoli’s theorem. As an application, we link the con-
clusion of the main result to an existence result for q-fractional Lotka-Volterra model.
To the best of authors’realization, no published paper exists regarding the existence
of solutions of initial value q-fractional problem and its applications to q-fractional
Lotka-Volterra model.

2 Preliminaries
In this section, we set forth some basic nabla notations, de…nitions and lemmas that
will be used in the sequel. However, before proceeding we state the following two
theorems that play an important role in the proof of the main theorem.

THEOREM 1 ([31] Arzela-Ascoli’s Theorem). A bounded, uniformly Cauchy subset

D of l1 (Ta ) (all bounded real-valued sequences with domain Ta ) is relatively compact.

THEOREM 2 ([32] Krasnoselskii’s Fixed Point Theorem). Let D be a nonempty,

closed, convex and bounded subset of a Banach space (X; kxk). Suppose that A : X !
X and B : D ! X are two operators such that

(i) A is a contraction.
T. Abdeljawad, J. Alzabut and H. Zhou 309

(ii) B is continuous and B(D) resides in a compact subset of X,

(iii) for any x; y 2 D, Ax + By 2 D.

Then the operator equation Ax + Bx = x has a solution x 2 D.

For a function f : Tq ! R, its nabla q-derivative of f is written as

f (t) f (qt)
rq f (t) = ; t 2 Tq f0g: (2)
(1 q)t

The nabla q-integral of f has the following form

Z t 1
f (s)rq s = (1 q)t q i f (tq i ): (3)
0 i=0

For a 2 Tq , however, (3) becomes

Z t Z t Z a
f (s)rq s = f (s)rq s f (s)rq s:
a 0 0

The de…nition of the q-factorial function for n 2 N is given below

(t s)nq = (t q i s): (4)

In case is a non positive integer, the q-factorial function is de…ned by

Y1 s i
1 tq
(t s)q = t s i+ : (5)
1 tq

In Lemma 1, we present some properties of q-factorial functions.

LEMMA 1 ([16]). For ; ; 2 R, we have

(i) (t s)q + = (t s)q (t q s)q .

(ii) (at as)q = a (t s)q .

(iii) The nabla q-derivative of the q-factorial function with respect to t is

1 q 1
rq (t s)q = (t s)q :
1 q

(iv) The nabla q-derivative of the q-factorial function with respect to s is

1 q 1
rq (t s)q = (t qs)q :
1 q
310 A Krasnoselskii Existence Result

DEFINITION 1. For a function f : Tq ! R, the left q-fractional integral q ra of

order 6= 0; 1; 2; : : : and starting at a = q n0 2 Tq ; n0 2 Z, is de…ned by
Z t
1 1
q ra f (t) = (t qs)q f (s)rq s
q( ) a
n0 1
1 q X
= q i (q n q i+1 )q 1
f (q i ); (6)
q ( ) i=n

1 q
q( + 1) = q( ); q (1) = 1; > 0: (7)
1 q

REMARK 1. The left q-fractional integral q ra maps functions de…ned on Tq to

functions de…ned on Tq .

DEFINITION 2 ([30]). Let 0 < 2 = N . Then the Caputo left q-fractional derivative
of order of a function f de…ned on Tq is de…ned by
Z t
q Ca f (t) , q ra
(n )
rnq f (t) = (t qs)nq 1
rnq f (s)rq s; (8)
q (n ) a

where n = [ ] + 1. In case 2 N, then we may write q Ca f (t) , rnq f (t). The (left)
Riemann q-fractional derivative is de…ned by ( q ra f )(t) = (rq q ra (n ) f )(t). In
virtue of [30], the Riemann and Caputo q-fractional derivatives are related by

(t a)q
( q Ca f )(t) = ( q ra f )(t) f (a): (9)
q (1 )

LEMMA 2 ([30]). Let > 0 and f be de…ned in a suitable domain. Thus

X1 (t a)kq k
q ra q Ca f (t) = f (t) rq f (a) (10)
q (k + 1)

and if 0 < 1 we have

q ra q Ca f (t) = f (t) f (a): (11)

The following identity is crucial in solving the linear q-fractional equations

+ 1)
q ra (x a)q = (x a)q + ; (0 < a < x < b); (12)
q ( + + 1)

where 2 R+ and 2 ( 1; 1). The q-analogue of Mittag-Le- er function with double

index ( ; ) is introduced in [30]. It was de…ned as follows.
T. Abdeljawad, J. Alzabut and H. Zhou 311

DEFINITION 3 ([30]). For z; z0 2 C and R( ) > 0, the q-Mittag-Le- er function

is de…ned by
k (z z0 )q k
q E ; ( ; z z0 ) = : (13)
q( k + )

In case = 1, we use qE ( ;z z0 ) := q E ;1 ( ;z z0 ).

EXAMPLE 1 ([30]). Let 0 < 1 and consider the left Caputo q-fractional
di¤erence equation

q Ca y(t) = y(t) + f (t); y(a) = a0 ; t 2 Tq : (14)

The solution of (14) is given by

Z t
y(t) = a0 q E ( ; t a) + (t qs)q qE ; ( ;t q s)f (s)rq s: (15)

If instead we use the modi…ed q-Mittag-Le- er function

X k+( 1)
k (z z0 )q
qe ; ( ;z z0 ) = ;
q( k + )

then the solution representation (15) becomes

Z t
y(t) = a0 q e ( ; t a) + qe ; ( ;t qs)f (s)rq s:

REMARK 2 ([30]). If we set = 1, = 1, a = 0 and f (t) = 0 in (14), we

P1 tk
reach at a q-exponential formula eq (t) = k=0 q (k+1) on the time scale Tq , where
= [k]q ! = [1]q [2]q : : : [k]q with [r]q = 11 qq . We recall that eq (t) = Eq ((1 q)t),
q (k + 1)
where Eq (t) denotes a special case of the basic hypergeormetric series, namely,
Y X1
n 1 tn
Eq (t) = 1 0 (0; q; t) = (1 q t) = ;
n=0 n=0

where (q)n = (1 q)(1 q 2 ) : : : (1 q n ) is the q-Pochhammer symbol.

3 The Main Result

We prove our main result under the following assumptions:

(I) f (t; x(t); y(t)) = f1 (t; x(t))+f2 (t; x(t); y(t)); where fi are Lipschitz functions with
Lipschitz constants Lfi ; i = 1; 2.
(II) f1 (t; x(t)) M1 jx(t)j and jf2 (t; x(t); y(t))j M2 jx(t)j jy(t)j for some positive
numbers M1 and M2 .
312 A Krasnoselskii Existence Result

Let B(T a ; R) = l1 (T a ) and T a = [ a; 1)q denote the set of all bounded func-
tions (sequences) on T a . De…ne the set

D = x : x 2 B(T a ; R); jx(t)j r; for all t 2 T a ;

where r satis…es
M1 r + M2 r 2
j (a)j + r:
q( )

De…ne the operators F1 and F2 by

Z t
1 1
F1 x(t) = (a) + (t qs)q f1 (s; x(s))rq s;
q( ) a

and Z t
1 1
F2 x(t) = (t qs) f2 (s; x(s); x(s ))rq s:
q( ) a

It is clear that x(t) is a solution of (1) if it is a …xed point of the operator F x =

F1 x + F2 x.

THEOREM 3. Let conditions (I)–(II) hold. Then, equation (1) has a solution in
the set D provided that

Lf1 C( ) M1 r + M2 r2 C( )
< 1 and j (a)j + r:
q( ) q( )

PROOF. First it is clear that the set D is a nonempty, closed, convex and bounded
set. In light of Theorem 2, we present the proof in three steps.
Step 1: We prove that F1 is contractive. We can easily see that
Z t
F1 x(t) F1 y(t) = (t qs)q 1 f1 (s; x(s)) f1 (s; y(s)) rq s
q( ) a
Z t
(t qs)q 1 jx(s) y(s)jrq s
q( ) a
Z t
kx yk (t qs)q 1 rq s: (16)
q( ) a

By virtue of (12) and since (t a)0q = 1, one can see that

Z t
1 1 q (1)(ta)q
(t qs)q (t a)0q rq s = q ra (t a)0q = :
q( ) a ( + 1)

Therefore, (16) becomes

Lf1 C( )
F1 x(t) F1 y(t) kx yk; t < T1 ;
q( )
T. Abdeljawad, J. Alzabut and H. Zhou 313

(1 q)(T1 a)q
where C( ) = 1 q is a positive constant depending on the order . By the
L C( )
assumption that f1q ( ) < 1, we conclude that F1 is contractive. Furthermore, we
obtain for x 2 D:

F1 x(t) + F2 x(t)
Z t
1 1
j (a)j + (t qs)q f1 (s; x(s)) + f2 (s; x(s); x( s)) rq s
q( ) a
Z t
M1 kxk + M2 kxk2 1
j (a)j + (t qs)q rq s
q( ) a
M1 r + M2 r2 C( )
j (a)j + r;
q( )

which implies that F1 x + F2 x 2 D. For x 2 D, we also get

Z t
1 1 M2 r2 C( )
jF2 x(t)j (t qs)q f2 (s; x(s); x( s)) rq s r;
q( ) a ( )

which implies that F2 (D) D.

Step 2: We prove that F2 is continuous. Let a sequence xn converge to x. Taking
the norm of F2 xn (t) F2 x(t), we have

F2 xn (t) F2 x(t)
Z t
(t qs)q 1 f2 (s; xn (s); xn ( s)) f2 (s; x(s); x( s)) rq s
( ) a
Z t
(t qs)q 1 jxn (s) x(s)j + xn ( s)) x( s) rq s
q ( ) a
Z t
2Lf2 2Lf2 C( )
kxn xk (t qs)q 1 rq s = kxn xk:
q( ) a q( )

From the above inequalities, we conclude that whenever xn ! x, then F2 xn ! F2 x.

This proves the continuity of F2 . To prove that F2 (D) resides in a relatively compact
subset of l1 (T a ), we let t1 t2 H to get
Z t2
1 1
F2 x(t2 ) F2 x(t1 ) (t2 qs)q f2 (s; x(s); x( s))
q( ) a
Z t1
(t1 qs)q f2 (s; x(s); x( s)) rq s
1 X 1
1 1
(t2 qs)q (t1 qs) jf2 (s; x(s); x( s))jrq s
q( ) a
Z t2
1 1
+ (t2 qs)q jf2 (s; x(s); x( s))jrq s:
q ( ) t1
314 A Krasnoselskii Existence Result

Upon employing condition (II), we obtain

F2 x(t2 ) F2 x(t1 )
h 1 Z t1 1
Z t1
M2 r 2 (t2 qs)q 1
rq s + (t1 qs)q 1
rq s
q( ) a q( ) a
Z t2 i
1 1
+ (t2 qs)q rq s :
q ( ) t1

Hence, we reach to
h i
F2 x(t2 ) F2 x(t1 ) M2 r 2 q ra (t2 a)0q +q ra (t1 a)0q + q rt1 (t2 t1 )0q :

From (12), it follows that

M2 r 2 h i
F2 x(t2 ) F2 x(t1 ) (t2 a)q + (t1 a)q + (t2 t1 )q :
q ( + 1)

This implies that F2 is bounded and uniformly Cauchy subset of l1 (T a ). Thus, by

virtue of the Arzela Ascoli’s Theorem, we conclude that F2 is relatively compact.
Step 3: It remains to show that for any x; y 2 D, we have F1 x(t) + F2 y(t) 2 D. If
z( ) = F1 x( ) + F2 y( ), then we have
Z t
jz(t)j j (a)j + (t qs)q 1 f1 (s; x(s)) + f2 (s; y(s); y( s)) rq s
q( ) a
M1 kxk + M2 kyk2 t
j (a)j + (t s)q 1 rq s
q( ) a
M1 r + M2 r2 C( )
j (a)j + ;
q( )

which implies that z(t) 2 D.

By employing the Krasnoselskii Fixed Point Theorem, we conclude that there exists
x 2 D such that x = F x = F1 x + F2 x which is a …xed point of F . Hence, equation (1)
has at least one solution in D.

4 Applications
In this section, we employ Theorem 3 to prove an existence result for the solutions of
Lotka-Volterra model
q Ca x(t) = x(t)( (t) (t)x( t)) t 2 Ta ;
x(t) = (t) t2I ; 0< < 1;

where f (t; x(t); x( t)) = x(t) (t) (t)x( t) in equation (1) and the coe¢ cients
and satisfy the boundedness relations
+ +
inf (t) = (t) = sup (t) and inf (t) = (t) = sup (t);
t2Ta t2Ta t2Ta t2Ta
T. Abdeljawad, J. Alzabut and H. Zhou 315

which are medically and biologically feasible. Model (17) represents the interspeci…c
competition in single species with denotes the maturity time period.
f 1 (t; x(t)) = x(t) (t) and f 2 (t; x(t); x( t)) = (t)x(t)x( t):
It follows that the functions f 1 and f 2 satisfy the conditions
+ +
(III) jf 1 (t; x(t))j jx(t)j; jf 2 (t; x(t); x( t))j jx(t)j jx( t)j.
(IV) f i are Lipschitz functions with Lipschitz constants Lfi ; i = 1; 2.
The solution of model (17) has the form
Z t
x(t) = (a) + (t qs)q 1 x(s) (s) (s)x( s) rq s; t 2 Ta ; (18)
( ) a
and x(t) = (t), t 2 I . De…ne a function G by
Gx(t) = G1 x(t) + G2 x(t);
where Z t
1 1
G1 x(t) = (a) + (t qs)q x(s) (s)rq s;
q( ) a
and Z t
G2 x(t) = (t qs)q 1 x(s) (s)x(s )rq s:
q ( ) a
One can easily employ the same arguments used in the proof of Theorem 3 to complete
the proof of the following theorem for equation (17).

THEOREM 4. Let conditions (III)–(IV) hold. Then, the model (17) has a solution
+ + 2
Lf1 C( ) r+ r C( )
in the set D provided that q( )
< 1 and j (a)j + q( ) r.

REMARK 3. The above result can be extended to n species competitive Caputo

q-fractional Lotka-Volterra system of the form
( Pn
q Ca xi (t) = xi (t)( i (t) j=1 ij (t)xj ( ij t)) t 2 Ta ; i = 1; 2; :::; n;
xi (t) = i (t) t 2 I ; 0 < < 1; i = max ij :
1 j n

REMARK 4. The results can be also carried out for the following system which
allows a classical constant delay
q Ca x(t) = f (t; x(t); x(t )) t 2 [a; b]; b 1;
xi (t) = i (t) t 2 [a ; a]:

REMARK 5. The analysis carried out in this paper is based on the use of nabla
rather than delta operators. Indeed, unlike the delta operator the range of nabla
fractional sum and di¤erence operators depends only of the starting point and inde-
pendent of the order . This provides exceptional ability to treat skillfully di¤erent
circumstances throughout the proofs. The delta approach can be obtained from nabla
operator through the implementation of the dual identities discussed in [38].
316 A Krasnoselskii Existence Result

5 Conclusion
The q-fractional di¤erence equations are regarded as fractional analogue of q-di¤erence
equations. Motivated by their widespread applications in many disciplines, the topic of
q-fractional equations has attracted the attention of many researchers during the last
three decades. In parallel with the recent interests in this topic, an existence result
for a type of nonlinear delayed q-fractional di¤erence equations is investigated in this
paper. The main equation is constructed in the sense of Caputo such that it …ts many
real life applications. The proof of the main result is based on the employment of
Krasnoselskii …xed point and Arzela-Ascoli’s theorems. Prior to the main results, pre-
liminary assertions are addressed on the properties of q-fractional di¤erence equations.
The applicability of the proposed results is discussed by linking the main theorem to
an existence result for Lotka-Volterra model.

Acknowledgement. T. Abdeljawad and J. Alzabut would like to thank Prince

Sultan University for funding this work through research group Nonlinear Analysis
Methods in Applied Mathematics (NAMAM) group number RG–DES–2017–01–17.

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