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50 Philosophical questions

1: Is it worse to fail at something or never attempt it in the first place?

2: If you could choose just one thing to change about the world, what would it be?

3: To what extent do you shape your own destiny, and how much is down to fate?

4: Does nature shape our personalities more than nurture?

5: Should people care more about doing the right thing, or doing things right?

6: How can people believe in truths without evidence?

7: Where is the line between insanity and creativity?

8: What is true happiness?

9: What things hold you back from doing the things that you really want to?

10: What makes you, you?

11: What is time?

12: Is mind or matter more real?

13: Do you make your own decisions, or let others make them for you?

14: What makes a good friend?

15: Why do people fear losing things that they do not even have yet?

16: Who defines good and evil?

17: What is the difference between living and being alive?

18: Is a “wrong” act okay if nobody ever knows about it?

19: Who decides what morality is?

20: How do you know that your experience of consciousness is the same as other people’s
experience of consciousness?

21: What is true strength?

22: What is true love?

23: Is a family still relevant in the modern world?

24: Where do thoughts come from?

25: What is beauty?

26: How do you know your perceptions are real?

27: How much control do you have over your life?

28: What is freedom?

29: What is infinity?

30: What happens after we die?

31: What defines you?

32: Is it more important to be liked or respected?

33: Do we have a soul?

34: Where does the soul live?

35: How should people live their lives?

36: If lying is wrong, are white lies okay?

37: Is trust more important than love?

38: Is it easier to love or be loved?

39: Is it better to love and lose or never to love?

40: Do aliens exist?

41: The structure of DNA appears to be intelligently designed, what are the implications?

42: Is there a reason to life?

43: Is life all a dream?

44: When does consciousness begin?

45: Do dreams mean anything?

46: Can we have happiness without sadness?

47: How did the universe begin?

48: Is there a supreme power?

49: Do soulmates exist?

50: What is a normal person like?

1. Abibliophobia (n.) - The fear of running out of reading material. Ingles

2. Abditory-Escondite (n.) - A place into which you can disappear; a hiding place.
3. Abendrot (n.) - The color of the sky while the sun is setting. Aleman
4. Accismus (n.) - Feigning disinterest in something while actually desiring it. Latin
5. Adoxography (n.) - Beautiful writing on a subject of little or no importance. Ingles
6. Agelast (n.) - Someone who never laughs. Ingles
7. Ailurofilia (n.) – Cat-love. Ingles-Frances
8. Aleatorio (adj.) - Relying on chance or an uncontrolled element in the details of life or in
the creation of art. Español-Latin
9. Alethiology (n.) - The study of truth. Ingles-Aleman
10. Alexithymia (n.) - Inability to describe emotions verbally. Aleman
11. Ambulante (adj.) - Moving from place to place. Español-Latin
12. Ademán (n.) - Acto o gesto que demuestra alguna afección en el ánimo. Español- Árabe
13. Anacampserote (n.) - Something that can bring back a lost love. Griego
14. Anagnorisis (n.) - The critical moment of recognition or discovery. Ingles- Griego
15. Anecdoche (n.) - A conversation in which everyone is talking, but nobody is listening.
16. Anhimmeln (v.) - To be enraptured by someone (literally, as if looking at the sky).Aleman
17. Anoesis (n.) - A state of mind consisting of pure sensation of emotion without cognitive
content. Ingles-Griego antiguo
18. Apanthropinization (n.) - The resignation of human concerns; withdrawal from the world
and its problems. Ingles- Antiguo griego
19. Apodyopsis (n.) - The act of mental undressing someone. Ingles-griego
20. Apetencia (n.) - An eager desire, an indistinct inclination; an attraction or a natural bond.
Español- latin.
21. Apricity (n.) - The warmth of the sun in winter. Ingles- Latin
22. Assemblage (n.) - A gathering. Ingles- Frances
23. Asterismos (n.) - “Marking with stars”; a word that gives weight or draws attention to the
words that follow; related to asterism, a constellation or a starlike figure of light. Español-
Antiguo Griego
24. Astrophile (n.) - A person who loves stars, astronomy. Ingles
25. Ataraxia
26. Acendrado
27. Arrebol
28. Atelofobia (n.) - The fear of imperfection; the fear of never being good enough. Español
29. Athazagorafobia (n.) - The fear of being forgotten or ignored. Español
30. Aubade (n.) - A poem or song greeting the dawn. Ingles- Frances
31. Aurora (n.) - Dawn. Español- latin
32. Autophile (n.) - A person who loves solitude, being alone.
33. Autofobia (n.) - The fear of oneself or being alone. Español
34. Axiomatico (adj.) - Self-evident; obvious. Español
35. Backpfeifengesicht (n.) - A person who needs to be slapped; lit. “a face that needs a fist in
it”. Aleman
36. Balter (v.) - To dance gracelessly, without particular art or skill, but perhaps with some
enjoyment. Ingles
37. Bedash (v.) - To dash or spatter something all over.Ingles
38. Beleaguer (v.) - To exhaust with attacks. Ingles- Danes
39. Bel-espirt/beaux-esprits (n.) - A person of great wit or intellect. Frances
40. Bilita mpash
41. Billet-doux (n.) - A love letter. frances
42. Blatherskite (n.) - A person given to voluble, empty talk. Ingles
43. Bletting (n.) - The ripening of fruit until the desired degree of softness is attained. Ingles
44. Bohemio (n.) - Gypsy, wanderer; a person, musician, artist or writer who lives a free
spirited life and believes in truth, freedom, and love. Español
45. Boketto (v.) - The act of gazing vacantly into the distance without thinking. Japones
46. Bolido (n.) - A large, brilliant meteor, especially one that explodes. español
47. Bombinate (v.) - To make a humming or buzzing noise. ingles
48. Borborygmi (n.) - The rumbling sounds your stomach makes.
49. Brontide (n.) - The low rumble of distant thunder.
50. Brood (v.) - To think alone.
51. Brumoso (adj.) - Of grey skies and winter days; filled with heavy clouds or fog; relating to
winter or cold, sunless weather.
52. Bucolico (adj.) - In a lovely rural setting.
53. Bungalow (n.) - A small, cozy cottage.
54. Caim (n.) - “Sanctuary”; an invisible circle of protection, drawn around the body with the
hand, to remind one of being safe and loved, even in the darkest of times.
55. Camarilla (n.) - Small group of people with a shared purpose.
56. Carriwitchet (n.) - A pun or a paradox; a riddling question.
57. Catharsis (n.) - The purging or release of emotional tensions, especially through kinds of
art or music.
58. Cavil (v.) - To raise irritating and trivial objections; find fault with unnecessarily.
59. Cavil riscaldati (v.) - lit. “reheated cabbage”; the attempt to revive a long-finished love
60. Ceraunophile (n.) - A person who loves lightning and thunder.
61. Charientism (n.) - An artfully veiled insult.
62. Chatoyant (adj.) - Like a cat’s eye.
63. Quimericol} (adj.) - merely imaginary; fanciful.
64. Chrysalism (n.) - The amniotic tranquility of being indoors during a thunderstorm.
65. Claptrap (n.) - Pretentious but insincere or empty.
66. Clinomania (n.) - Excessive desire to stay in bed.
67. Clinophile (n.) - The lover of reclining, lying in bed.
68. Clinquant (adj.) - glittering; tinsel-like.
69. Cogitation (n.) Concerted thought or reflection.
70. Comely (adj.) - Attractive.
71. Commuovere (v.) - To stir, to touch, to move to tears.
72. Conflate (v.) - To blend together.
73. Consanguinidad (n.) - Close relationship or connection.
74. Contiguous (adj.) - Touching; in contact.
75. Corrachag-cagail (n.) - Dancing and flickering ember flames.
76. Crapehanger (n.) - A person who sees the gloomy side of things.
77. Cynophile (n.) - A person who loves canines; a dog lover.
78. Cynosure (n.) - A focal point of admiration.
79. Dactilograma (n.) - A fingerprint.
80. Dalliance (n.) - A brief love affair.
81. Dappy (adj.) - Silly, disorganized or lacking concentration.
82. Deipnosophist (n.) - A person who is an adept conversationalist at the table.
83. Demesne (n.) - Dominion, territory.
84. Demure (adj.) - Shy and reserved.
85. Denouement (n.) - The resolution of a mystery.
86. Desideratum (n.) - An ardent longing, as for something lost.
87. Desuetude (n.) - Disuse.
88. Desultory (adj.) - Slow, sluggish; lacking a plan, purpose or enthusiasm.
89. Diaphanous (adj.) - Filmy; light, delicate, and translucent.
90. Dirl (v.) - To thrill, to vibrate, to penetrate; to tremble or quiver.
91. Dissemble (v.) - Deceive; concealing a feeling, motive or intention.
92. Dormiveglia (n.) - The space that stretches between sleeping and waking.
93. Drapetomania (n.) - An overwhelming urge to run away.
94. Duende (n.) - The mysterious power of art to deeply move a person.
95. Dulcet (adj.) - Sweet, sugary.
96. Dulcify (v.) - To make more agreeable; mollify; also, to sweeten.
97. Ebullience (n.) - Bubbling enthusiasm.
98. Eccedentesiast (n.) - Someone who only pretends to smile.
99. Ectopic (adj.) - Occurring in an abnormal position or place; displaced.
100. Eesome (adj.) - Pleasing to the eye.
101. Effervesente(adj.) - Bubbly.
102. Effloresce (v.) - To burst into bloom; blossom.
103. Efflorescence (v.) - Flowering, blooming.
104. Eigengrau (n.) - “dark light” or “brain grey”; the color seen by the eye in perfect
105. Elision (n.) - Dropping a sound or syllable in a word.
106. Elixir (n.) - A good potion.
107. Eloquencia (n.) - Beauty and persuasion in speech; the art of using language in an
apt, fluent way.
108. Elysian (adj.) - Beautiful or creative; divinely inspired, peaceful and perfect.
109. Embrocation (n.) - Rubbing on a lotion.
110. Emollient (adj.) - A softener.
111. Énouement (n.) - The bittersweetness of having arrived in the future, seeing how
things turn out, but not being able to tell your past self.
112. Entelechy (n.) - The realization of potential.
113. Environs (n.) - The surrounding parts or districts, as of a city.
114. Efimero(adj.) - Short-lived.
115. Epifania (n.) - A moment of sudden revelation.
116. Equanimidad (n.) - Mental calmness, composure, and evenness of temper,
especially in a difficult situation.
117. Eremophobia (n.) - The deep free of stillness, solitude or deserted places.
118. Erstwhile (adj.) - At one time, for a time.
119. Esoterico (adj.) - Intended for or likely to be understood by only a selected few
who have special knowledge or interest; private, secret, confidential, belonging to the
select few.
120. Etereo (adj.) - Gaseous, invisible but detectable; extremely delicate and light in a
way that seems too perfect for this world.
121. Ethos (n.) - The fundamental character or spirit of a culture.
122. Eudaemonia (n.) - lit. “Human flourishing”; a contented state of being happy and
healthy and prosperous.
123. Euneirophrenia (n.) - The peace of mind that comes from having pleasant dreams.
124. Euphonious (adj.) - pleasing; sweet in sound.
125. Eunoia (n.) - Beautiful thinking; a well mind.
126. Eutony (n.) - The pleasantness of a word’s sound.
127. Evanescente (adj.) - Vanishing quickly, lasting a very short time.
128. Evocativo (adj.) - Suggestive; bringing strong images, memories or feelings to
129. Exulansis (n.) - The tendency to give up trying to talk about an experience because
people are unable to relate to it.
130. Falacia (n.) - A deceptive, misleading or false notion, belief, etc.
131. Felicity (n.) - Pleasantness.
132. Fernweh (n.) - A crave for travel; being homesick for a place you’ve never been.
133. Fetching (adj.) - Pretty.
134. Filipendulous (adj.) - Hanging by a thread.
135. Feuillemort (n.) - The color of a dying or fading leaf.
136. Flâneur (n.) - One who strolls around aimlessly but enjoyably, observing life and its
137. Floccinaucinihilipilification (n.) - The act of deciding that something is useless.
138. Forbearance (n.) - Withholding response to provocation.
139. Foofaraw (n.) - A great fuss or disturbance about something very insignificant.
140. Frisson (n.) - A shiver of pleasure.
141. Fugacious (adj.) - Fleeting.
142. Furtive (adj.) - Shifty, sneaky.
143. Fusty (adj.) - Old-fashioned or out-of-date.
144. Gallivant (v.) - Go around from one place to another in the pursuit of pleasure or
145. Gambol (v.) - To skip or leap about joyfully.
146. Garboil (n.) - Confusion.
147. Gerful (adj.) - Wild and wayward.
148. Gezellig (adj.) - cozy, nice, inviting, pleasant, comfortable; connoting time spent
with loved ones or togetherness after a long separation.
149. Glamour (n.) - Beauty.
150. Gleed (n.) - A glowing coal.
151. Gloaming (n.) - Twilight; dusk.
152. Gossamer (n.) - The finest piece of thread, a spider’s silk.
153. Growlery (n) - A place of refuge or sanctuary for use while one is out of sorts or in
an ill humor.
154. Gumesservi (n.) - Moonlight shining on water.
155. Habseligkeiten (n.) - Things that an adult might find worthless, but that a child
regards as treasures.
156. Halcyon (adj./n.) - Happy, sunny, care-free; denoting a period of time in the past
that was idyllically happy and peaceful.
157. Haimish (adj.) - Homey; cozy and unpretentious.
158. Hamartia (n.) - A tragic or fatal flaw.
159. Harbinger (n.) - Messenger with news of the future.
160. Hidebound (adj.) - Narrow and rigid in opinion; inflexible.
161. Higgledy-piggledy (adv.) - In a jumbled, confused or disorderly manner; helter-
162. Hikikomori (n.) - An adolescent or a young adult who has withdrawn from social
life, often obsess with television, internet and video games, and rarely ever leave’s one’s
163. Hiraeth (n.) - A homesickness for a home to which you cannot return, a home
which maybe never was; the nostalgia, the yearning, the grief for the lost places of your
164. Hornswoggle (v.) - To swindle, cheat, hoodwink or hoax.
165. Ikigai (n.) - A reason for being; the thing that gets you up in the morning.
166. Imbrication (n.) - Overlapping and forming a regular pattern.
167. Imbroglio (n.) - An altercation or complicated situation.
168. Imbue (v.) - To infuse, instill.
169. Immolate (v.) - To sacrifice; kill as a sacrificial victim, especially by burning; to
destroy by fire.
170. Incipiente (adj.) - Beginning, in an early stage.
171. Indwell (v.) - Be permanently present in (someone’s soul or mind)
172. Inefable (adj.) - Unutterable, inexpressible.
173. Ingénue (n.) - A naïve young woman.
174. Inglenook (n.) - A cozy nook by the hearth.
175. Insouciance (n.) - Blithe nonchalance.
176. Inure (v.) - To become jaded.
177. Irenic (adj.) - Promoting peace.
178. Jayus (n.) - A joke so poorly told and so unfunny that one cannot help but laugh.
179. Jouska (n.) - A hypothetical conversation that you compulsively play out in your
180. Kakorrhaphiophobia (n.) - The fear of failure.
181. Kalopsia (n.) - The delusion of things being more beautiful than they really are.
182. Kintsukuroi (n)(v. phr.) - “To repair with gold”; the art of repairing pottery with fold
or silver lacquer and understanding that the piece is more beautiful for having been
183. Kittle (adj.) - Difficult to deal with; prone to erratic behavior.
184. Komorebi (n.) - Sunlight that filters through the leaves of trees.
185. L’esprit de l’escalier (n.) - lit. “the spirit of the staircase”; the feeling you get after
leaving a conversation, when you think of all the things you should have said.
186. Labyrinthine (adj.) - Twisting and turning.
187. Lachesism (n.) - The desire to be struck by disaster; to survive a plane crash or to
lose everything in a fire.
188. Lagniappe (n.) - A special kind of gift.
189. Languor (n.) - Listlessness, inactivity.
190. Lagom (adj.) - Not too little, not too much; just right.
191. Lalochezia (n.) - The emotional relief gained from using abusive or profane
192. Lassitude (n.) - Weariness, listlessness.
193. Lethologica (n.) - When you think of something but the word for it escapes you.
194. Liberosis (n.) - The desire to care less about things.
195. Lilt (v.) - To move musically or lively.
196. Limerence (n.) - The state of being infatuated with another person.
197. Lissome (adj.) - Slender and graceful.
198. Lisztomania (n.) - A need to listen to music all the time.
199. Lithe (adj.) - Slender and flexible.
200. Logastellus (n.) - A person whose love of words is greater than their knowledge for
201. Logofilo (n.) - a person who loves words.
202. Lorn (adj.) - Lost, ruined or undone.
203. Louring (adj./v.) - darkened by clouds; looking angry or sullen.
204. Amoe (n/v.) - Deep affection.
205. Lucent (adj.) - Softly bright or radiant.
206. Malinger (v.) - To pretend illness, especially in order to shrink one’s duty, avoid
work, etc.
207. Mamihlapinatapei (n.) - the wordless, yet meaningful look shared by two people
who both desire to initiate something but are both reluctant to start.
208. Maudlin (adj.) - Foolishly sentimental.
209. Maw (n.) - The symbolic or theoretical center of a voracious hunger or appetite of
any kind.
210. Meara (n.) - The Irish word for “sea”.
211. Mellifluous (adj.) - Sweet sounding.
212. Melomaniac (n.) - One who is passionate about music.
213. Meraki (v.) - To do something with soul, creativity or love; when you leave a piece
of yourself in your work.
214. Metanoia (n)- The journey of changing ones mind, heart, self or way of life.
215. Micawber (n.) - An eternal optimist.
216. Minacious (adj.) - Menacing; threatening.
217. Mirifica (adj.) - Amazing, wondrous; working wonders.
218. Misologia (n.) - Distrust or hatred of reason or reasoning.
219. Misonesim (n.) - Hatred or dislike of what is new or represents change.
220. Mizpan (n.) - The deep emotional bond between people, especially those
separated by distance or death.
221. Moiety (n.) - One of two equal parts; a half; a small part.
222. Monachopsis (n.) - The subtle but persistent feeling of being out of place.
223. Mondegreen (n.) - A slip of the ear.
224. Moonstruck (adj.) - unable to think or act normally, especially because of being in
225. Morosis (n.) - The stupidest of stupidities.
226. Murmurous (adj.) - Murmuring.
227. Myötähäpeä (n.) - The feeling of shame you experience on the behalf of another
person or a character when they do something stupid or embarrassing.
228. Natsukashii (adj.) - Of some small thing that brings you suddenly, joyously back to
fond memories, not with a wistful longing for what’s past, but with an appreciation of the
good times.
229. Nelipot (n.) - One who walks barefoot
230. Nemesis (n.) - An unconquerable archenemy.
231. Nemophilist (n.) - A haunter of the woods; one who love the forest and its beauty
and solitude.
232. Neologizar (v.) - To make or use new words or create new meanings for existing
233. Nepenthe (n.) - Something that can make you forget grief or suffering.
234. Nephelolater (n.) - Somebody who admires the passing clouds.
235. Niveous (adj.) - Resembling snow.
236. Nodus Tollens (n.) - The realization that the plot of your life doesn’t make sense to
you anymore.
237. Nostalgia (n.) - A bittersweet longing for things, persons or situations of the past.
238. Novaturient (adj.) - Desiring or seeking powerful change in one’s life, behavior or
239. Numinous (adj.) - Describing an experience that makes you fearful yet fascinated,
awed yet attracted — the powerful, personal feeling of being overwhelmed and inspired.
240. Nyctophile (n.) - A person who loves night, darkness.
241. Nyctophilia (n.) - Love of darkness or night, finding relaxation or comfort in the
242. Obfuscate (v.) - To confuse or bewilder; to render obscure, unclear or intelligible;
to darken.
243. Oeillade (n.) - an amorous glance; ogle.
244. Offing (n.) - The sea between the horizon and the offshore.
245. Oneirataxia (n.) - The inability to distinguish between fantasy and reality.
246. Onism (n.) - The frustration of being stuck in just one body, that inhabits only one
place at a time.
247. Onomatopeia (n.) - A word that sounds like its meaning.
248. Opia (n.) - The ambiguous intensity of looking someone in the eye, which can feel
simultaneously invasive and vulnerable.
249. Opulento (adj.) - Lush, luxuriant.
250. Oriflamme (n.) - A symbol or standard that inspires condense, devotion or courage.
251. Orphic (adj.) - Mysterious and entrancing; beyond ordinary understanding.
252. Otiose (adj.) - Being at leisure; idle; indolent.
253. Palimpsest (n.) - A manuscript written over earlier ones.
254. Panacea (n.) - A solution for all problems.
255. Pandiculation (n.) - An all-over stretching and yawning, as upon waking or going to
256. Panoply (n.) - A complete set.
257. Parageusia (n.) - An abnormal or hallucinatory sense of taste.
258. Pastiche (n/v.)- An art work combining materials from various sources.
259. Peart (adj.) - Lively; cheerful.
260. Penultimo (adj.) - Next to the last.
261. Penumbra (n.) - A half-shadow.
262. Peripeteia (n.) - A sudden or unexpected reversal of circumstances; the point of no
263. Persnickety (adj.) - Placing too much emphasis on trivial or minor details; fussy.
264. Perspicuous (n.) - Clearly expressed or presented; lucid.
265. Petrichor (n.) - The pleasant smell of earth after rain.
266. Pettifogging (adj.) - Insignificant; petty.
267. Phatic (adj.) - Denoting speech used to express or create an atmosphere of shared
feeling, goodwill or sociability rather than to convey information.
268. Philocalist (n.) - A lover of beauty; someone who finds and appreciates beauty in
all things.
269. Philonoist (n.) - One who seeks knowledge.
270. Philofobia (n.) - The fear of falling in love.
271. Phosphenes (n.) - The stars and colors you see when you rub your eyes.
272. Fotofilo (n.) - A person who loves light.
273. Pisanthrofobia (n.) - Fear of trusting people due to past experiences with
relationships gone bad.
274. Pistoriophile (n.) - A lover of baking, baked goods.
275. Pluvial (adj.) - Of or pertaining to rain; rainy.
276. Pluviofilo (n.) - A lover of rain; someone who finds joy and peace of mind during
rainy days.
277. Pontificate (n.) - To express one’s opinions in a way considered annoyingly
pompous or dogmatic; (in the Roman Catholic Church) to officiate as a bishop.
278. Prate (v.) - To talk excessively and pointlessly.
279. Propinquity (n.) - An inclination.
280. Pulchritudinous (adj.) - Physically beautiful; comely.
281. Pyrrhic (adj.) - Successful with heavy losses.
282. Quaintrelle (n.) - a woman who emphasizes a life of passion, expressed through
personal style, leisurely pastimes, charm, and cultivation of life’s pleasures.
283. Quaquaversal (adj.) - Moving or happening in every direction instantaneously.
284. Quatervois (n.) - A crossroads; a critical decision or turn point in one’s life.
285. Querencia (n.) - A place from which one’s strength is drawn, where one feels at
home; the place where you are your most authentic self.
286. Quiescent (adj.) - a quiet, soft-spoken soul.
287. Quintessential (adj.)- Most essential.
288. Quixotic (adj.) - Extravagantly chivalrous or romantic.
289. Raconteur (n.) - one who excels in story-telling.
290. Raison d'être (n.) - a reason for existing.
291. Ravel (v) - To knit or unknit; confuse or complicate.
292. Razz (v.) - To deride; make fun of; tease.
293. Redamancy (n.) - act of loving in return.
294. Redolent (adj.) - Fragrant.
295. Retrophile (n.) - A lover of past eras and objects.
296. Retrouvaille (n.) - The joy of meeting or finding someone again after a long
separation; rediscovery.
297. Rimjhim (n.) - A light, tapping sound produced by the series of raindrops rapidly
falling and hitting onto a surface.
298. Riparian (adj.) - By the bank of a stream.
299. Ripple (n.) - A very small wave.
300. Rubatosis (n.) - The unsettling awareness of your own heartbeat.
301. Rubricate (v.) - To mark or color with red.
302. Rückkehrunruhe (n.) - The feeling of returning home after an immersive trip only
to find it fading rapidly from your awareness.
303. Rusticate (v.) - To go to the country.
304. Sangfroid (n.) - Coolness of mind; calmness; composure.
305. Sapiosexual (n.) - A person who is sexually attracted to intelligence in others.
306. Sciamachy (n.) - An act or instance of fighting a shadow or an imaginary enemy.
307. Scintilla (n.) - A tiny, brilliant flash or spark; a small thing; a barely-visible trace.
308. Scintillate (v.) - To emit sparks; to twinkle, as the stars.
309. Scofflaw (n.) - A person who flouts the law, especially one who fails to pay fines
310. Sehnsucht (n.) - “the inconsolable longing in the human heart for we know not
what”; a yearning for a far, familiar, non-earthly land one can identify as one’s home.
311. Selcouth (adj.) - Unfamiliar, rare, strange, and yet marvelous
312. Selenophile (n.) - A person who loves the moon.
313. Sempiternal (adj.) - Everlasting; eternal.
314. Seraglio (n.) - Rich, luxurious oriental palace or harem.
315. Serendipity (n.) - Finding something nice while looking for something else; finding
something good without looking for it.
316. Shtick (n.) - One’s special interest, talent, etc.
317. Sillage (n.) - The scent that lingers in air, the trail left in water, the impression
made in space after something or someone has been and gone; the trace of someone’s
318. Sirimiri (n.) - A light rain, a fine drizzle.
319. Slake (v.) - To allay (thirst, desire, wrath, etc.) by satisfying.
320. Smultronställe (n.) - lit. “place of wild strawberries”; a special place discovered,
treasured, returned to for solace and relaxation; a personal idyll free from stress or
321. Sobremesa (n.) - The time spent around the table after lunch or dinner, talking to
the people you shared the meal with; time to digest and savor both food and friendship.
322. Soigné (adj.) - Possessing an aura of sophistication in dress, manner or design;
presented or prepared with an elegance attained through care for the finer details.
323. Solivagant (adj.) - Wandering alone.
324. Sophrosyne (n.) - A healthy state of mind, characterized by self-control,
moderation, and a deep awareness of one’s true self, and resulting in true happiness.
325. Sortable (adj.) - A person you can take anywhere without fear of being
326. Sough (n./v.) - The gentle, soothing murmur of wind or water; to moan, to rustle,
to sigh.
327. Squib (n.) - A short and witty or sarcastic saying or writing.
328. Stigmatophile (n.) - a person who loves tattoos and/or piercings.
329. Summery (adj.) - Light, delicate or warm and sunny.
330. Sumptuous (adj.) - Lush, luxurious.
331. Superfluous (adj.) - More than enough; unnecessary.
332. Surreptitious (adj.) - Secretive, sneaky.
333. Susquehanna (n.) - A river in Pennsylvania.
334. Susurrar (adj.) - Softly murmuring; whispering.
335. Susurrous (adj.) - Whispering, hissing or rustling sound.
336. Syzygy (n.) - An alignment of three celestial objects, as the sun, the earth, and the
337. Talisman (n.) - A good luck charm.
338. Tarantism (n.) - Overcoming melancholy by dancing; the uncontrollable urge to
339. Thalassophile (n.) - A person who loves the sea and/or ocean.
340. Pensar (n.) - The talking of the soul with itself.
341. Tintinnabulation (n.) - Tinkling; the sound “that so musically wells from the bells,
bells, bells, bells”; the sound that lingers after a bell has been struck.
342. Thorpe (n.) - A man who is desperately in love with a woman, but cannot admit his
feelings or approach her.
343. Toothsome (adj.) - Pleasing to the taste; palatable.
344. Trenchant (adj.) - Vigorous or incisive in expression or style.
345. Transpontine (adj.) - Across or beyond a bridge.
346. Trouvaille (n.) - Something lovely discovered by chance; a windfall.
347. Tsundoku (n.) - The act of buying a book and leaving it unread, often piled together
with other unread books.
348. Tumultuary (adj.) - Confused; disorderly; haphazard.
349. Ugsome (adj.) - Horrid; loathsome.
350. Umbreiferious (adj.) - Casting or making shade.
351. Untoward (adj.) - Unseemly, inappropriate.
352. Vellichor (n.) - The strange wistfulness of used bookshops.
353. Vestigial (adj.) - In trace amounts.
354. Viridescente (adj.) - Slightly green; greenish.
355. Vorfreude (n.) - The joyful, intense anticipation that comes from imagining future
356. Wafture (n.) - Waving.
357. Wallflower (n.) - A person who because of shyness, unpopularity or lack of a
partner, remains at the side at a part or dance; any person that remains on or has been
forced to the sidelines of any activity.
358. Wherewithal (n.) - The means.
359. Williwaw (n.) - A violent squall that blows in near-polar latitudes.
360. Wisenheimer (n.) - A wisecrack or smart aleck.
361. Withershins (adv.) - Counterclockwise; in a direction contrary to the natural one.
362. Woebegone (adj.) - Sorrowful, downcast.
363. Ya’aburnee (n.) - lit “you bury me”; a declaration of one’s hope that they’ll die
before another person because of how difficult it would be to live without them.
364. Yūgen (n.) - An awareness of the universe that triggers emotional responses too
deep and mysterious for words.

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