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Pacific Northwest District

Winter Board Meeting

Academic West Hall, Bellingham
Western Washington University
January 13th, 2018


Attendance 2
Opening/Welcome 3
Board Member Updates 3-5
Finance Updates 5-6
MRF Updates 6-8
PNWLA Review 8-9
District Goals 9
Club Review 8-9
DCON Updates 9-11
Parliament Procedure Review 11-12
Miscellaneous Reminders 12-13
Closing Remarks 14
Stay “K”onnected 14

Page 1

Pacific Northwest District
Winter Board Meeting
Academic West Hall, Bellingham
Western Washington University
January 13th, 2018

** Vacant position
Position Name In Attendance
Governor Cody Li X
Secretary Ekanki Chawla X
Treasurer Rabia Kamboj X
Editor Angel Le X
Cascade Lt. Governor Noah Cayson X
Peace Arch Lt. Governor Esmeralda Hernandez X
Rain Cap Lt. Governor Mohammed Alharbi
Snoqualmie Lt. Governor Lauren Ho X
Columbia Lt. Governor **
Inland Empire Lt. Governor **
Lt. Governor at Large **
PNWLA Chair Serena Ranney X
Sharon Lee X
DCON Chair Valerie Ebbay X
Technology & Marketing Chair Michelle Chang X
Chief Growth Officer Lam Duc X
Parliamentarian Jasmair Bains X
Subregion A Trustee Josh Kim X
District Administrator Greg Wegrich
Assistant District Administrator Tyson Diep X
Area Admin. Cascade Nicholas Hafez
Area Admin. Peace Arch Lisa McCoy X
Area Admin. Rain Cap Dick Rust
CKI Alumni Kathy Le X

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Pacific Northwest District
Winter Board Meeting
Academic West Hall, Bellingham
Western Washington University
January 13th, 2018

Meeting called to Order by District Governor Cody Li at 9:42 am

- Opening remarks
o Cody
§ Welcome and Happy New Year to everyone! Attendance for today’s meeting is
amazing so thanks for being here.
o Approval of PNWLA (Fall Board) Meeting Minutes – Cody entertains motion
§ Motion: Cody Li entertains, Lam Duc so moves, Sharon Lee seconds. Passes.

Board Member Updates

- Cody
o Been working and meeting with Greg over the past few months quite regularly
o Working towards relaying information from CKI International Board to LTGs
o Communicating with LTGs to make sure clubs are on good terms with policies, dues, etc.
- Ekanki
o Have been connecting with club secretaries every month to submit MRFs.
o Membership Update Center has been down lately so unable to access December MRFs
o Provided MUC and MRF training to Seattle University, Linfield and GRC. Still working
towards getting a few clubs off of the old form.
- Lam
o Been quiet these past few months
o Thompson Rivers University (TRU) requesting a charter and Lewis & Clark College (Oregon)
is also in the talks
- Rabia
o Reminding clubs about dues payment dates (10 out of 18 have paid so far)
o Dealing with reimbursement forms
o Answering questions that some clubs have to resolve hiccups.
- Jasmair
o Sent out an email to all club presidents about bylaws that we’ll be discussing at DCON
o Some policy codes that have been put up for review will be discussed later in our meeting
§ Tyson comments on the mock HOD educating session they’re working on in the
next few weeks for DCON preparation

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Pacific Northwest District
Winter Board Meeting
Academic West Hall, Bellingham
Western Washington University
January 13th, 2018

- Angel
o Working on the third bulletin and gathering information from clubs
§ Will be posted very soon!
- Serena
o Compiled a word document containing all the feedback from the post-PNWLA
o Made a binder, as well, with all PNWLA-related information for next chairs
o Have been helping Valerie with DCON
- Esmeralda
o Emailed all clubs in division in early November
o Have been most in contact with UBC and WWU; in touch with UAF about inactivity
- Michelle:
o Updating the website regularly
o Currently working with Valerie to put up DCON information
o Have been working with Jasmair to post more about information about
Parliamentary procedures and policy code/bylaw updates.
- Lauren
- Helping UW Bothell a lot lately with getting started
- Been supporting Seattle University, as well, since they’ve had a late start
- Sharon
o Worked with Serena on PNWLA feedback
o Met with Greg to discuss and review the feedback
- Tyson
o Have been meeting with Greg regularly
o Created a LTG training curriculum in response to the point that was brought up last
meeting about the little knowledge that is given at the beginning of pursuing these
roles (since there’s a lot to handle!)
§ 6-8 week program with about an hour-long sessions on how to be successful
in terms of communication and developing club repertoire.
§ Don’t know if it’s a good idea or bad idea?
• Great idea! One hour a week is manageable
§ Feel that it’s a difficult role especially if we’re not providing enough training
to help them be successful in this role; feedback from this would be super
o Also helping out with DCON committees

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Pacific Northwest District
Winter Board Meeting
Academic West Hall, Bellingham
Western Washington University
January 13th, 2018

- Valerie
o Working a lot on DCON preparation. Other updates will be saved for later/the tour!
- Josh
o This district is especially strong in Subregion A
o Have been working on governing committee to fix policies concerning hazing
o If you have any comments or concerns about this, would love to hear!
o SPARK! Is a 4 day leadership program that will take place May 31st – June 3rd, 2018
in Chicago, Illinois (CKIx location)
§ $200 registration fee
§ Anyone can apply anyone and anyone may nominate a CKI member.
§ Ideally it’s targeted for underclassmen who are interested in developing
their leadership skills and those who have not yet had major leadership roles
within CKI at the district or international levels
§ Online application – ending is January 15th
§ Tyson comments that its very impactful and helpful in terms of leadership
building! A great opportunity so if you’re nominating people, let them be
freshman or sophomores who would still be in CKI next year

Finance Updates
- Current updated budget is available for access through Google Drive
- Governor has $946.91 remaining of $1100 budget, while Secretary, Treasurer, Editor have full
$200 budget remaining
- LTGs have full budget remaining aside from Peace Arch ($234 remains of $250).
- DCON Chairs have $120 remaining of $150, Chief Growth Officer has $33.44 remaining of $125,
and PNWLA chairs have spent $186.50 of $130 budget. Tech and parliamentarian chairs have full
budgets remaining
o Lots of untouched budgets, so this must mean that we’re not spending OR not
turning in receipts
o Reminder that this can go towards travel costs for meetings or clubs and any duties
you carry out (ex. LTGs buy pizza or printing out materials for divisional clubs)
§ If any one has vouchers, please send them over ASAP. Sooner the better!

MRF Updates
- Most clubs have switched over to the MRF Reporting system via Membership Update Center
o Only a few clubs remain (three)

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Pacific Northwest District
Winter Board Meeting
Academic West Hall, Bellingham
Western Washington University
January 13th, 2018

- These numbers don’t include December stats since the system is currently down
o Kiwanis International is getting flood emails about the broken site so they’re trying to fix
the system, but we’ll continue emailing and calling them about the problem!
- Service Hours
o Goal: 14,000 // Stretch: 15,000
o Currently at: 9,823.25 hours
§ Reminder that service hours on report form includes time spent on service projects
for ALL members
• Does not include time spent driving to events, and tabling/recruiting
- Interclubs
o Goal: 40 // Stretch: 50
o Currently at: 28
§ Remember, if a LTG brings someone from their club to visit another one, then that
counts as an interclub!
- K-Family Relations (KFR)
o Goal: 225 // Stretch: 240
o Currently at: 111
§ Almost at the halfway point! KFRs include Key Club or Kiwanis visits.
- Club Charters
o Goal: 5 // Stretch: 6
o Currently at: 0
§ Not quite there, but Lewis & Clark College is getting close!
- Paid Clubs
o Goal: 21
o Currently at: 10 (out of 17)
§ More than half so pretty good thus far; some dues are still coming in!
§ Pay when you get 15 members, and add on later if necessary
§ Sometimes people wait until they have every last member that they think might pay,
but then they end up not paying because it’s so late in the year.
- Total Members
o Goal: 560
o Currently at: 264 members
§ More than half way! Let’s keep working on this
- Governor’s Project
o We don’t have an exact total, but will get the total from Greg who has been keeping track.

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Pacific Northwest District
Winter Board Meeting
Academic West Hall, Bellingham
Western Washington University
January 13th, 2018

PNWLA Review
- We’ll be reviewing PNWLA based on the feedback and ratings received via the post-PNWLA
survey. Most suggestions for next year are things that are out of control like weather or the cabins
o Some disappointment with the service project, as it ended very early!
§ Important to always have a backup plan for service project
o Food got a mid level rating despite the additional accommodations this year for everyone’s
needs (vegetarian, veganism, allergies)
§ Difficult to please everyone, but we did a pretty good job this year!
o Overall 4.8/5 for the entire weekend!
o Lots of love for the option to opt out of the ropes course and the hands on activities that
Synergo offered instead.
o Camper’s cup got a 4.9/5
o Group leaders all did great and workshops worked well!
o Potential location change – there are a couple areas we could look but lots of different
factors such as timing (since all our schools have different start times, midterms, breaks,
etc.) and it’s hard when we’re in a very geographically diverse district
§ Location should be central but its been a long drive or most of our attendees
§ Should we switch over?
• Hope, BC or Washington
§ After holding it in the same location two years in a row, it’s nice to have a change in
o Generally really great feedback and past PNWLA attendees also enjoyed themselves! We
recommend no alumni track, but keeping everyone together while just changing the
workshops every year.
o District board activity was good and should be kept for future since it generates interest.
o Recommendation for next time to write in on the application that if they don’t pay by a
certain date then they have to pay us!
§ Serena and Sharon received complete reimbursements but they finances show a
negative balance, which means Greg may have temporarily taken out of theirs
• Good point and Valerie has taken note of this for DCON.

District Goals
- Service hours are good but some aren’t being reported accurately and there may be
underreporting somewhere
o SMU gets close to 1000 hours in every month – primarily because it’s curriculum-based

Page 7

Pacific Northwest District
Winter Board Meeting
Academic West Hall, Bellingham
Western Washington University
January 13th, 2018

- Pretty satisfied with where we’re sitting at with our service hours
- Interclubs involve two or members of a club collaborating with another club. Of the two CKI clubs
meeting up, only the visiting one can report it.
o It’s great to see clubs interacting with other clubs!
- K-Family relations involves interacting with Key Club or Kiwanis – there needs to be at least 2
o WSU CKI goes to Kiwanis meetings every week.
o LTGs should get in touch with clubs and make sure they are doing KFRs
§ Please ensure you are also reminding clubs of submitting MRFs
- Stats for number of paid clubs is a lot better this year in comparison to last year – we should still
strive to get clubs to pay. Clubs are actually encouraged to pay for 15 first and then add on
members afterwards
o Tyson recommends to maintain communication about this
- Lauren reports that UW Bothell have been tabling for the first week since January 3rd before their
meeting. Seattle University has been trying to showcase their club at an upcoming Club Fair.
o UWB and SeattleU, both, had about 20 people at the meeting that was attended. Very
enthusiastic executives!
- We want to make sure we push for membership numbers
o We want at least 15-20% increased every year for rolling
- We should still be pushing for the Governor’s project. Even if we don’t meet our goal, any number
of trees planted will be amazing!

Club Review
- Seattle University has just over 20 members regularly attending; their last meeting was during
DEAD week so they only have 9 paid members right now. Pretty strong!
- Green River College had to undergo a re-ratification and they just got approved! Were not
allowed to host Kiwanis meetings and no dues payment.
- UBC CKI hasn’t been struggling from when Esmeralda talked with them. However, they weren’t
really informed on the Governor’s project so that was explained and they loved the slogan! J
- UFV CKI is just working on paying dues and getting back in touch with the LTG
- UVic has been out of touch with Esmeralda
- Noah has been in touch with clubs primarily via electronic communication.
o Trying to set up video calls with some. Unable to do club visits.
o Emphasizes to clubs that he is available for contact.

Motion entertained by Cody Li to table Club Review for after DCON Hotel Tour
Valerie Ebbay moves, Angel Le seconds, passes

Page 8

Pacific Northwest District
Winter Board Meeting
Academic West Hall, Bellingham
Western Washington University
January 13th, 2018

RECESS 11:15 am – 1:34 pm

- Noah has been in touch with University of Oregon CKI, but haven’t heard from Linfield much.
- Western is sitting at 15 club members so they’ve been working on tabling. First meeting coming
o They also have lots of members are graduating so there will be some trouble/work to be
done by officers
- Why was it important for us to bring in the club review?
o We get to hear how clubs (old and new) are doing.
o As our role as the district board, it’s our responsibility to support them.
o Clubs do depend on us!
o Remember that we’ve upped their membership fees by $3 so they’re really counting on us.
- We need to start thinking of the clubs that are losing their members/officers to graduation
o A way to counter this is link up/become friends with a freshman CKIer every term
- Lauren adds in that UW Bothell is really struggling with filling the leadership positions. VP is never
really there and the president is gone.
o They’re looking for suggestions or connections of others at UWB who might be interested
in joining CKI
o Also struggling with retention since it’s a commuter campus
§ UFV handles this by looking for meeting times that work with everyone (Doodle Poll)
§ Suggestion to assign individuals to smaller tasks (ex. one person to run meetings)
§ Sometimes duties change. Overstepping the roles is important sometimes.
Everyone has different leadership styles but it’s always nice when the officers
connect with each other out of CKI – it leads to running smoothly.
§ Clubs are important to us. They make up our district so do what’s best for our clubs.
These are elected positions so keep that in mind please (Tyson).

DCON Updates
- Board members need to arrange to arrive for Thursday night (even Friday morning by 9:00 am
would be okay).
o We don’t want board members to miss work or class but please think of arrangements so
you can arrive early! If a letter may be needed to provide to a professor, then let
Cody/Lisa/Greg know, so we can arrange that! J
o Jasmair unable to attend DCON weekend. But, Lauren, Sharon, Michelle, Ekanki and Rabia
all plan to make it Friday morning.
- Since Gary’s resignation, Valerie established a district convention committee that has since then
worked towards reviewing awards packets, scholarship packets and decorations.

Page 9

Pacific Northwest District
Winter Board Meeting
Academic West Hall, Bellingham
Western Washington University
January 13th, 2018

o Committee is comprised of Kathy, Tyson, Diana, Serena, and Esmeralda

o Kathy has nearly completed the scripts
- Working with Michelle to update the website
- Greg has approved the request to have both Kiwanians and convention committee review the
o More efforts this year of requiring supplemental material so there’s more evidence to
support the application
§ Trying to eliminate that bias that someone didn’t “deserve” an award
- Workshops finalized
- Recruiting for elections – please find one person to take over your position
o We’ll do videos later similar to last year.
- Recruiting for talent shows! Communications to LTGs and clubs, but please continue promoting
o Kiwanis advisors are also more than welcome to perform
o Prizes for CKI Talent Show:
§ $100 donation from Kiwanians so we can also try to get donations from chain stores
like for gift cards.
o As backup, the District Board should also participate in talent show
§ Skit idea – Kathy willing to coordinate this
o We have to fill up about 30 minutes with talent show acts.
§ Josh to do a magic show act with his fellow International board member.
o Clubs can also get together for like a dance in the Talent Show
o Suggestion to ensure marketing is not very strict, and that funny acts are also encouraged
§ Anything is a talent! ex. juggling while singing
o Our goal is to have fun and make it a memorable talent show! So, let’s ensure that we bring
on a mix of fun and serious!
- Goal: 110 registrants
o Please reach out to your local Kiwanis clubs because maybe they’ll do Saturday
registrations or they’ll want to help sponsor your club
- DCON video has been posted and we’ll be working on a video of Why Should You Go to DCON?
(~ 2 minutes) in length and it can be shown to clubs for promotion.
- Serena has made a PowerPoint for advertising DCON since some clubs might prefer over video
o Also useful for advertising to Kiwanians
o A few changes may need to be made before it is released.
- There were difficulties with downloading/using the app last time, so this year there will be a
booklet on the lanyard to serve doubly as a nametag and the programming.

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Pacific Northwest District
Winter Board Meeting
Academic West Hall, Bellingham
Western Washington University
January 13th, 2018

- Dares will be continued for fundraising but there should be a maximum $$ amount for fundraising
o If nominee doesn’t do the dare, then pay up; if completes dare, nominator pays
o Important to have 2-3 people who know how to present it right
- Possibility of decorating room doors as a part of the spirit award?
o There’s lots of painter’s tape left over from PNWLA.
o We could provide the poster board on Friday night and make that a Friday night activity.
Serena has lots of art supplies that can be used for this (markers, tape, etc.)
- Esmeralda has been working on the service projects
o Transportation can be an issue, but there was positive feedback last year for the variety of
service projects offered
o Serena and Esmeralda anticipate to solidify the service projects within next few weeks
o Possibly look into Ferndale since it’s almost closer to the hotel than Bellingham.
- Another possible fundraiser is to have everyone bring a few books they’re willing to donate, and
the money goes towards us. In collaboration with BetterWorldBooks
- Decorations are to be completed and put up on Friday
- Awards committee will be judging based on a criteria/scoring scale that is set up similar to the
SATs. No applications received yet.
o Please continue pushing clubs to apply!
- Scholarships have been increased this year compared to past.
o Valerie will have an email sent out as a reminder
- Need to fill position of credentials chair (can’t be a delegate or anyone running in HOD)
o Position filled by: Josh Kim
- Carthage Pullman award the board votes – individual votes per board member
o You acknowledge someone that has been very outstanding on the board
o Suggestion to post list of past recipients on the website
o Deadline to email Greg nomination is 1/14/17

Parliament Procedure Review

- Amendments to be made to reflect current procedures and align with Bylaws
o Motion: entertained by Cody to add “in person” to Policy Code 2, Section 3A, Subsection i
§ Moved: Ekanki
§ Second: Lauren
§ Discussion: These are the most important meetings of the board term and
attendance is vital for these ones.
• What if someone attends all in person meetings, but not the online ones?
• This wording will need to be changed to reflect this.

Page 11

Pacific Northwest District
Winter Board Meeting
Academic West Hall, Bellingham
Western Washington University
January 13th, 2018

§ Jasmair makes a friendly amendment to add “unless deemed an online meeting so

the subsection reads as “Attend the District Officer Training Conference (DotC),
Pacific Northwest Leadership Academy (PNWLA), district convention and all duly
called meetings of the board in person, unless deemed an online meeting.”
§ Ekanki accepts.
§ No further discussion. Passes unanimously.
o Motion: Jasmair moves to change Policy Code 6, Subsection 2 to say “Committee chairs
are required to attend the District Officer Training Conference (DotC), Pacific Northwest
Leadership Academy (PNWLA), District Convention (DCON) and all duly called meetings of
the board, in person, unless deemed an online meeting. If a committee chair is unable to
attend, s/he must notify the district governor with a valid reason at least one week in
advance. Non-valid reasons may lead to suspension. Cost incurred due to late notification
may be the responsibility of the board member. Officers are also strongly encouraged to
attend the Circle K international convention and other K-family and district events.
§ Second: Valerie
§ No further discussion. Passes unanimously.
o Motion: entertained by Cody to change “Seven meetings of the district board during the
administrative year are required” to “are recommended” in the District Policy Code 3,
Subsection 1
§ Moved: Angel
§ Second: Lauren
§ Discussion: Jasmair proposes a friendly amendment to strike out “The
recommended times for these meetings” and add “as follows:” so it reads as
“Seven meetings of the district board during the administrative year are
recommended as follows:”
§ Angel accepts.
§ No further discussion. Passes unanimously.

Miscellaneous Reminders
- Please compile documents of what you did during your term, along with suggestions and what
could have been improved. Submit this to Ekanki by April 1st 2018 for uploading to the Google
- District Convention (DCON): March 2nd – 4th in Bellingham, Washington
- District Officer Training Conference (DOTC): expect anywhere from mid-April to May
- CKIx: July 4th-8th in Chicago, Illinois
- Tyson will continue to update us with LtG Training Curriculum

Page 12

Pacific Northwest District
Winter Board Meeting
Academic West Hall, Bellingham
Western Washington University
January 13th, 2018

- Reflection on position, what was most enjoyable?

o Cody: Loved seeing and working with you all in general!
o Ekanki: I loved connecting and working with club secretaries across the district – it was very
inspiring seeing how much other clubs were doing every month. Y’all were amazing to work
with too! J
o Josh: I really appreciate you allowing me to come to these meetings. It’s nice to have a
place to call home.
o Rabia: It’s been great coming to these meetings and seeing you all! PNW CKI has been
great within this year and a half.
o Angel: Learning about the different perspectives of individuals. I’ve grown as an individual.
o Lam: I enjoy reaching out to new people and bringing service and opportunities back to
o Serena: As a senior, I enjoy seeing underclassmen get hooked to CKI so that’s a lot of fun
and something I saw more at the club level!
o Esmeralda: I greatly enjoyed connecting with clubs in my division and attending the district
board meetings – you are all amazing, fun and entertaining! C
o Michelle: I really enjoyed just coming out to board meetings since it’s nice to take a break
from school and meeting you all. Very exciting to work with other individuals across the
board on the website!
o Lauren: I enjoyed working with the three clubs in my division and seeing them grow as
clubs. Loved seeing you all at board meetings!
o Jasmair: I like how everyone is engaged with district board meetings and everything we’ve
all accomplished.
o Sharon: I enjoyed meeting district members at PNWLA and connecting with everyone at
board meetings
o Tyson: I enjoyed helping you all grow as individuals.
o Valerie: I enjoyed meeting all the great individuals I met on board. It’s nice to see how
everyone works together!
o Kathy: Loved the fellowship because although we get caught up with other things
throughout school, CKI provides opportunities that wouldn’t otherwise arise such as
growth, travelling, etc.
o Lisa: You can really finish strong and make a huge difference to our CKI’ers!

Page 13

Pacific Northwest District
Winter Board Meeting
Academic West Hall, Bellingham
Western Washington University
January 13th, 2018

Closing Remarks
- Tyson:
o Only about three more months are left, so let’s finish off strong!
o DCON is coming up so please be ambassadors for the convention, since you are the main
spokespersons for this event. Marketing and advertising is really important!
o Please find someone to fill your role; multiple candidates are a good idea!
- Cody:
o It’s always a pleasure to see you again!
o We’re here from all over the place so it’s nice to connect again – thank you for attending!
o Enjoyed seeing you all and hearing about your hard-work and progress.
o Let’s please work together to end off the term on a strong note!

Meeting is adjourned by District Governor, Cody Li, at 4:56 pm.

Stay “K”onnected
- Add us on Snapchat: @pnwcki
- Join our Facebook page:
- Check out our website for club resources:

Submitted by Circle K International Pacific Northwest District Secretary Ekanki Chawla

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